Normal punch arc was the best part
Fire punch
The entire sequence where Agni turns himself on fire and kills Doma is fucking great.
Fuck no I wanna make movies with Togata irl
I like that part. Especially when his mind just goes blank and he walks into a clothes line then sets a bunch of people on fire. Absolute siscon madman
What a ride.
Its hard to choose a favorite page but this is definitely up there
I loved the part where we saw the slaves working endlessly to generate electricity, what a gut punch
Can you imagine her disappointment if she followed her plan all the way through and got the turd nuggets of the new movies?
Her taste was shit enough to enjoy movies outside of 5 so she'd probably enjoy them.
Best part of shit is still shit
Dont forget pray for agni sama
So why did Agni fell in love with Judah? He knew she wasn't Luna.
He couldn't think while burning and has been mentally stunted so when he met someone who looked like Luna, his one reason to keep Living, he latched onto her.
I want to start this, is it good?
its enjoyable at the very least
imagine how inferior i felt when this grown man showed up at the end of chapter 63
What a Chad
Agni X Judah OTP
total waste of time, another shit Yea Forums meme
Yes read it, its really great.
I am not sure even guts reached this level of mental dissonance. He is so torn about killing not his sister that for him reality just begins to break.
This manga was pure suffering. I still get depressed thinking about it.
This manga is unironically in my top 20 and maybe my top 10. Few other works can match the raw kino this manga delivers.
have you ever read ai-ren?
Try with Kasane...
Was the new girl his sister?
no she was not, but that did not stop him
You should, It's one of the wildest reads I've had.
Normal Punch? more like Kino Punch
what is some kino that would be similar to this, I think come and see covers some similar basis in terms of that slow degradation into a near insane place
You want more madness? read fourteen
Ultra Heaven
14 is a wild ride that never ends
lost like tears in the flame
time to die
a lot more bitter than the scene you are referencing
Did nothing wrong?
I finished fire puch recently, and I can't tell if I like it or not. The whole thing was just depressing. Even more so when Togata died.
it's an experience like no other, it's at the least memorable, and an unforgettable experience is certain proof you are making it somewhere new and bold
This panel brings back such a mix of emotions.
Fire Punch is so good.
I just finished rereading it once more.
So fucking great.
define "good"
Perfection has no "best", because it's monumental to begin with.
I liked how Normal Punch henshins into Fire Punch by setting himself on fire or cutting his face off.
Le random girl kind of killed it for me. Her [spoilker]end was quite nice, though. In the sense that it was well made and really sad.[/spoiler]
Yeah but I felt the characters where a bit too flat. It was pretty depressing but I found it harder to empathize with the characters then I did in Fire Punch.
>Beautiful people are loved and revered. They have everything they desire right at their fingertips... Even if that beauty is a complete illusion.
>Before Kasane's mother died, she was given a special tube of lipstick from her mother. She was told that if times ever got really really hard, she should wear the lipstick and kiss whatever she really desires.
>But is this keepsake a blessing? Or a curse?
Seems interesting I'll give it a read. Thanks.
It will teach you the meaning of manga kino.
Name a better love story.
Protip: you can't.
It's very good at the beginning. A 6/10 at total.
I really liked the reveal that Doma was aware that they were eating regen flesh, and didn't give a shit; cannibalism isn't the foundation of civilization, gotta get rid of that shit.
But my favorite scene has to be the bit with Togata driving the truck, when she keeps getting shot in the head and kills the shooters
First 20 chapters then drop.
Judah and Agni were fated to be together, so maybe he actually fell in love with Luna because she looked like Judah.
it's a spoiler, but Houseki no Kuni.
one of the very few stories in any medium where it is 100% true to say "it's about the journey, not the destination." immensely fun ride and worth the read. Shit just... ends because it had to end, but the ride is ridiculously enjoyable.
Jagaaaaaan is kinda going back and forth but I think the end game will ultimately be wtf carnage
Kino bump
Im liking all this delayed appreciation for Fire Punch around here. I hope this one day gets a Devilmanlike adaptation. Also hope the author's new manga can LIVE
It's Gantz tier, so yes.
Did he ask permission from Disney to namedrop Star Wars or something? Usually names like this are censored.
>lobotomize a woman to turn her into your retarded sisterwife
What a madman
He was gonna kill her.
Fire punch is alright
The tree lobotomized her, he just took advantage. Her original personality wanted to die anyways.
No, it is very, very bad but it is somewhat obscure so people around here praise it.
He wasn't even able to take advantage, his own brain was fried beyond recovery.
What did you find bad about it?
It's not incest if there's no blood relation.
fun ride, falls off near the end. characters can be annoying and their decisions are stupid a lot of times
>the Ice Witch is a myth
> *surprise* she may very well be real
> she may be an ancient, evolved human who decided to stay on Earth after a calamity happened
> *surprise* STAR WARS eksdee
Is you just accustomed to being spoonfeed by Hollywood awful plots.
It kinda goes on and off the rails a little, but when it's on track it's very good.
And so he did.
Both of them are mad, absolute mad
I'm pretty sure they actively chose to stop their regeneration finally and die. That's why the last page is them at a movie theater together. Judah stayed alive for millions of years to keep Agni warm, and Agni climbed the tree millions of years to see Judah.
Yeah, absolutely madly in love
The point is by the end they weren't even Judah and Agni, but Sun and Moon. Love transcended time and ego, and turned like this.
best panel in the manga
>No Judah
It's shit.
luna > all those other shitters
blood related is best
I thought they weren't blood related.
honestly its been so longer i cant even remember , im like 90% sure they were tho
Imagine the nice and toasty head pats.