Go through 5 years of grad school just to get trolled by AOTS

>Go through 5 years of grad school just to get trolled by AOTS
What memes are you tired of seeing in shows?

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There's nothing wrong with Sigmund Freud's work. In fact, we should all thank Freud for my contributions to Psychology and the understanding of the human mind.


>my contributions
>hahaha so funny, Freudian slip

Being salty about Freud is like being salty about Neils Bohr. They both laid a lot of ground work to their respective fields even if their ideas weren't perfect.

Besides Freud isn't 100% wrong at this time, he's just mostly wrong.

I'm not salty at him for the reason you stated, I'm salty that people learn about him and then feel content enough with their knowledge to spread it further. This episode was just an annoying reminder of how much it happens in real life.

Freudkike sucks. Jung is better.

Not really, you're just super autistic about it.

Bohr actually did experiments instead of making shit up that had no basis in reality.

Freud did experiments, they just weren't up to today's rigorous standards. The Stanford Prison Study was just as poorly designed as anything he did, and yet we still glean information about it.

If it leads one person to take an interest in the field I'm okay with it. To me it's no worse than everyone misapplying Dunning and Kruegers work.

you need to go back

She's a high school student reciting high school knowledge. You're allowed to go in depth if you're really interested, but don't expect a cute 17 y/o girl to have the same degree of expertise as someone who has spent years studying that shit.

Psychology is a meme field, sorry.


>go through 5 years of grad school and still can't figure out how to take a screenshot

shit thread

Sigmund Freud theories are outdated and dont fit in modern Psychology studies. Example: Freud idea of person’s childhood experiences determined future behavior, (you see this in movies and series)

The world would have been better without that pseudoscience piece of shit.

Repressed memories was a stupid idea, but the experiences you have in your childhood will definitely have an impact on how you turn out as an adult.

Well, his stuff did make watching Trapeze pretty interesting.

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>they just weren't up to today's rigorous standards
>still can't replicate 70% of experiments
Psychology will forever be a meme.

it's as soft science is willing to go.

>Grow up on internet thinking everyone will clown on me in university for being a psych major
>people with literally every other science major finds mine more interesting and wants to befriend me
Nice meme guys.
That's economics

>takes a screenshot of fucking vlc and not just using the inbuilt function
literally fuck off retard


Freud was a fraud.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

not even him retard, this troll is as old as turn 360 degrees and walk away

Please remember that D&G blew Sigmund Fraud the fuck out almost sixty years ago. Lacan can also becoming-trash.

>turn 360 degrees and walk away
That doesn't even make sense. You would just end up walking the same way since 360 degrees is a full circle.

what about Carl Jung ? is he totally irrelevant?

psychoanalysis in general is pseudoscientific garbage

>Go through 5 years of grad school just to get trolled by AOTS
What did Mob do?

Hayasaca a cute. A CUTE!!!

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Went to a psychologist when I was young, she really helped me. I don't know why people clown on this profession

Most people agree AOTS belongs to Kaguya.

What. No we don't. The SPS is mostly used to justify IRB. What did we learn from it? What was the control or treatment?

There kind of is. He was raised by a maid early on, so he never got the Westermarck effect activated for his mother. Anything he thought up related to mothers is almost entirely wrong simply because he didn't realize thinking he had a hot mom was not perfectly normal.

Officially and objectively incorrect.

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what is all this moeshit?

At least the entire premise of the show wasn't built around trolling your major.

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You must be new here. Haven't you noticed that Yea Forums's catalog always consists of over 50% images of "moe" stylized girls? "Moe" anime is as inexorable of a part of Yea Forums culture as it is an inexorable part of Japanese culture.

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I feel it's kinda unfair to base how much Yea Forums likes moe off catalog considering most of the CGDCT fans make a new thread every 5 minutes talking about how they wanna sniff Mei's ass or how they want Kotoha to step on them

>he doesn't want to sniff an anime girl's ass and doesn't wan't an anime girl to step on him

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Thanks garbage list

I never said there was anything wrong with it

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Schrodinger's cat

Why is this show so pretentious?

the jenga allegory was superb
get a sense of humour

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It's a metaphor not an allegory you dipshit

>using Haahsaka pic for shitpost

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who's the most popular anime philosopher? Freud or Schrodinger?


>Le Suspension bridge effect always being the reason X character falls in love
>Schrodinger's cat
>Dazai edginess
>Maslow's pyramid

>hello I like moeshit so every year I picks the most generic and shitty of them and praise as AOTS
How about no

Bait so old it's rotting.


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>discussing about psychology

The only one you should talk about is Vigotsky. Any other one is pseudo science.

Psychology was a complete pseudoscience with no good insights until the 1970s and still suffers from major methodological flaws as evidenced by the Replication Crisis.

Do Yea Forumsnons know about synchronicity?

>D and G
All psychoanalysis is trash, just because you trash freud doesnt make your pet psychoanalyst any less trash

>literally a screenshot of the player
Are you actually retarded?

Yeah and now it's starting to ripple across other disciplines especially medicine and pharmacology. The crisis isn't limited to psychology.
There's a reason Freud is only really taught to humanities students and not psych students nowadays: great for theorizing and works well postmodernist methods of interpretation but not really falsifiable so not good for science.

Guys, Hayasaca didn't say that SF was right at everything. She was just talking about ID and EGO which is quite plausible thing, since the conflict of mind and body is present in many cultures/stories.

It's not science

Muh. Source?

According to who? You? Mob is the clear winner.

Overall it's not that huge factor in adult life, until some traumatic shit didn't happened. However it is important in making good or bad habits.
Genes and the influence of the environment have much more impact in the long run.
Ofcourse you can't ignore childhood if you want to have a better picture of some complex problem.
In some cases just some behavioral work is enough, for example phobias and desensitization.
Psychoanalysis is not that bad as well. It all depends from a situation and what kind of method is going to work best. Personally I like Gestalt and systemic theory but it's not always a best solution.

Hello fellow physics user

You seem to have a weird obsession with this man, are you perhaps in love with him.

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>Freud is a fraud, but the Westermarck effect is real
Oh no.

>the psych grad doesn't understand how screencaps work
these fucking jokes write themselves

Are you fucking serious? Literally EVERYONE is shaped by their childhood experiences.
It's socialization 101.

Is it only one user who makes this? This is the worst fucking AOTS chart ever.

Lacan's full of shit, btw.
Like the shittiest shit. He's idolized by '68ers just because they need someone to idolize to retain relevance in the 21st century. For a movement predicated on opposition to established forms and the embracing of new, unrestricted ways of thinking, they're terrified of new ideas that may render their petty youth crusade irrelevant and retreat back to the safe 'revolution' on their glory days. Lacan and his cult of personality represent everything wrong with post-structuralist academia-- not that I would necessarily blame him for his followers.

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Eureka applied it far better, Franxx just wanted some shit to namedrop.

The only thing to thank Freud for is Jung. Jung was raw as fuck and followed a lot of tangents that people worried about reputation or legitimacy would not.
I think history will prove Jung's idea right just as atoms proved old philosophers who dreamed of tiny building blocks right.


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A fascinating but flawed idea. He cannot conceive of things occurring across time so he says that it must be a-causal. His statements on astrology betray him. [The fact that they accurately map radiation by some degree means any difference is likely caused by that radiation]. Then at the same time he refuses to consider that, rather than disobey the one unifying principle of existence that otherwise synchronicitic events may be better explained by a-temporal or non-spatial forces that we do not know of yet.
Basically he's super wrong. That he notes the statistical legitimacy of what science would prefer to ignore and posits ideas around it?
Invaluable and admirable.
Doubting the Prima Causa?
Nah get fucked.

What the fuck do you expect a 17 year old girl to say

Reminder that psychologists still unironically use Rorschach tests

I'd be more worried if they did things ironically

Because they're useful, just not for the bullshit reasons it was originally created. It's mostly just a trick to get people talking about things they'd buried or wouldn't have brought up without prompting - as far as I know that's the only reason they still use it.

You really want to get mad, look into how flawed most forensics is - especially stuff like blood splatter analysis. Yet they're still used to convict, and the average person on a jury doesn't realise it's not at all the smoking gun that it is on shows like CSI.

>It's mostly just a trick to get people talking about things they'd buried or wouldn't have brought up without prompting
Which is utterly worthless.
If you tried to pull the same shit in a controlled environment your results would be utterly unreproducible and completely worthless.
Inkblots are a children's game. Unless you're just playing the stereotype and using a game as an icebreaker, you're a legitimate lunatic. """"""Doctors""""""" who actually buy into that shit are no better than psychic mediums you can find in the yellowpages. It's exploitative nonsense meant to fool people desperate to believe in some easy fix to their difficult problems.

>look into how flawed most forensics is
Imagine being this mad at hard science because it doesn't fulfill your spiritual needs. Come back when your experimental outcomes can be reproduced.

>all these armchair psychologists itt
fuck the fuck off

There’s no such thing as a non-armchair psychologist

>id and ego are totally implausible and just a hoax, I swear!

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>fake charts

As with most things it's probably a whole discord. Before discord it was IRC but the changeover has only made it easier for autism to fester offsite and dribble back here.

>that desperate attempt to hide his shame

Huh this is still up
You really think I'm going to make a thread about my butthurt and not try to pass it on to as many anons as possible? Faggot.


Not to brag but I was treated very well when I was a kid and was very motivated. Currently a 42 year old neet.