Shingeki no Kyojin

What's her master plan?

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Fuck manlet and fuck all manletwhales.

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To check these dubs

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LM soon.

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LM never.

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Huh looks like Benji is a LMfag now.

Realistically this is what a bomb at point blank range ought to do to you.

Sex with Hanji

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Hey guys, I just finished the chapter
>Eren is on board with Zecuck's plan
Please tell me it's not true, that he's playing 4d chess

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ZE were made for each other

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She just gave cart to the chad, just like that, it hilarious

>Please tell me it's not true
It's not true. Eren literally said word for word the exact opposite of what he always believed in, it's very clear he's lying to Zeke

>eren eats pieck
>attack titan now has a retarded face

I rabu Piku.

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It's obvious he will live until he kill Sieg.
Only brainlets think otherwise.

Okay but can we seriously talk avout what she intends to do here? She can't kidnap Eren and she isn't going to kill him so what's the point? Is she making a deal? Is she a double agent? What's her endgame?

I think she has a trap setup for him. But right now she's going to try to negotiate with him, which she knows he won't bite so it's more like stalling. I bet Magath is somewhere within the vicinity.

sex with Lebi

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Real talk, was this supposed to be gruesome? In a way it is because this is the most injuries we've seen a non-shifter endure, but he's an Ackerman which is basically a shifter-lite.
Losing some fingers and an eye is hardly that disfiguring.

He won't kill Zeke. He will give up on his promise to Erwin and move forward I think. I want Connie to kill Zeke but it most likely won't happen.

Best and purest Shingeki

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Mikasa was worse, it just wasn't visual. She had a broken rib cage and jumbled up insides.

So how does Pieck escape from this alive? I ask this because Eren and Gabi have insane plot armor, but since Eren will likely win, why does he not kill Pieck?


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>Please tell me it's not true
Reread the manga and then reread this chapter.

Why do you think he is hiding his hands?

He won't kill Zeke (or anyone else for that matter but that's beside the point). Conflict is between the Jeagerbros and Manlet has no role to play in it anymore, whether alive or dead.

Is he gonna warhammer shank her?

So all of the manlet shit we got so far was a waste of page space? Why couldn't he just die in the forest? I would honestly prefer if he came back just to job to Eren at this point.

>Conflict is between the Jeagerbros
There's not going to be a conflict. If Eren will betray Zeke he will do just that. Zeke can do absolutely nothing to Eren. If anything, it will be all the characters against Eren.

If he wanted it to be gruesome, Isayama would've come up with something better

Like I said, how does Pieck escape this situation alive if possible? A fight starts and she somehow gets injured but shifts away instead of being impaled and eaten? Seems strange but sure.

He can try.

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It's not that kind of manga, more likely a clusterfuck free for all of everyone trying to achieve their own goal.

LM soon.

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>So all of the manlet shit we got so far was a waste of page space?
Yes, as usual with Manlet stuff post Uprising. He's run out of purpose.

I hate to say it but... Incorrect

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If Eren is betraying Zeke, what he wants is probably at least good for everyone. He wants rid of titans and freedom for future generations. The methods are just highly questionable.

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Porco captured Historia offscreen.

That's fair. Floch doubting his death makes sense this way at least.

>m-muh shitlet
Just fap with your LE fanfics would ya? You are worse than the Piifag

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There clearly is going to be a conflict. Warriors are there, 104th are there (including an Ackerdog and the CT), CTs could be unleashed any time, all the jizzed up military is gathered in Shiganshina etc. It's gonna be a fucking mess.

>I would honestly prefer if he came back just to job to Eren at this point
What happened to "Eren will gut the Manlet"? You guys lied to me!

>Eren kills Ymir or Krista and destroys paths, freeing Eldians of titanization for good
>the world powers nuke the island and purge their respective Eldian camps
>whoever survives the manga to the end flee to the underground district where they're sheltered from the bombs

This is the endgame, right?

No you fool I'm saying if he's never going to kill Zeke what is the point of him in the story. He's useless character.

Is anyone here not going to be disappointed if Pieck was on Zeke's side from the beginning?

So they are pretty much considered traitors now right?

Move aside, shitlet. It's based Connie's time to shine.

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It's still gonna happen

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All of SL are traitors, just like all of MP were traitors in uprising.


>Pixis surrendered
>manlet dying
>Zackley dead
>AMJC imprisoned
If Pieck is also on Zeke's side there is no one to even fight.

Don't lie to me!

All of them are but right now they are the main objective, let's see if these two can escape, but manlet looks too bad to be honest, she is going to have to use a serum on him


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If he didn't have the ultra detailed scar then I'd be inclined to agree, but I think he's going to have to tap into his Ackerhack healing.

The real twist is that she'll be on Eren's side.

>tch, you expect me to just let Zeke walk away after all the people he killed?
>We need him alive.
>You want me to trust you blindly?
>No, no one knows how this will end. Maybe you're right to oppose me and my brother. It's your turn to make a choice captain. Just make a choice with no regrets.

Forgetting the true hero of the story user

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Does it even matter who or what kills him? He's dying in less than a year. To really hurt Zeke is to show him without a doubt his plans will fail. Only Eren can achieve that.

>Connie to kill Zeke
That's literally never happening, I hope you know that. Manlet won't kill Zeke either, if anything Xeke might get a redemption going by these last few chapters

The guy needed time just for an ankle. Hange's going to need to build something for his fingers and that doesn't mean he will be fine in two days, and I doubt Pieck won't do something nor ZE won't meet in two days

Reiner can't beat EZ on his own. Yes even Reiner Blanco

>no conflict between mc and main antagonist
Read more

What user means is that Zeke trusts Eren completely, so if Eren betrays him it will be swift and decisive. They won't have a final showdown.

So, how many years of life does Zeke and Eren have left?

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I have a hard time remembering everything when the chapters only come put once a month

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>They won't have a final showdown
Yeah and there's zero chance of that happening, since it's mc vs main antagonist, of course they will be the major source of conflict

Like heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight

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>That's literally never happening, I hope you know that
Obviously I know that if I wrote almost the same
>it most likely won't happen
But I don't believe in redemption for Zeke. He killed hundreds of Eldians. Redemption? Bullshit

There is n9 major antagonist you're thinking in too much black and white. If anything the final showdown would be Eren vs either Mikasa, Armin or Reiner.

>loose hair, probably no glasses
>needs to do mouth-to-mouth
>need to get warm
>this may happen off-screen
Can't have nice things

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1 and 4 for titan aids although Zeke will die soon and sooner or later Eren will become GOD

Reiner will job for the 4th time and won't even die, screencap this.

No, it would do much more than that. You'd literally be in pieces.

>Eren spent most of the early series jobbing and needing to be bailed out
>has finally achieved a point where he's strong on his own
>implying Reiner, the secondary protagonist, won't do the same as he also constantly jobbed and needed to be bailed out

Like Zeke amirite?

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Even the shifter was clinically dead from that explosion if not for the mindless titan asspull

Eren got an INT boost and the most OP titan in the game aside from the CT after the timeskip, while Reiner gained permanent PTSD and longing for suicide. At this point any rematch against Eren would just be completely unfair for Reiner.

Based and Pii Pilled.

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>Hange was trending topic in Japan

Manlet could jump away from explosion using 3DMG. He's unbelievably fast thanks to ackerhax after all.

But he didn't.

So Pieck is spy but whose secrets she's keeping?

She is very loved in Japan

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He did. That's why he's so far way while Zeke is still close to the cart.

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LMAO, where are you at now "endgame right here brothers" guy? fucker I wish I could've seen the look on his annoying face.

I need answers people, is Eren gonna kill Pieck? Is Pieck gonna kidnap Eren? Are they going to make a deal? How does this end?


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Not a single fuck given either way as long as Gabi dies. If Gabi dies all is forgiven Isayama

Eren's ordered food and it just arrived

Don't bully endgamefag

He's probably celebrating and drunk from happiness.

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You can even see.he's flying backwards because he only had time to step back and not jump, follow his trajectory, it returns to the cart. This discussion is redundant anyway since we can never know what exactly happened. Bottom line is he should be in way worse shape and like Hange says his organs would be shredded.

Huh? The LHfags seem happier than ever since Hange was protective of manlet

He's far away from explosion while Zeke is close to it. That's why he isn't dead.

You could say his ship

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she will suck his dick and save him

You know what would be hilarious? If Manlet ends up dying and all this badass Scarface fanart never comes true.

This chapter made me want LH


LMAO. Also trips confirm

I just explained to you why he could only be a few feet away maximum, Hange even comments that he took a thunderspear at point blank range. He isnt dead because the author decided he isn't dead, the horses who were even further away than manlet are fucking dead. It's an asspull, accept it.

>manletfag getting nervous

Too bad the LMfag got really triggered and hanpetos will spam the new repetitive meme of these threads: they can't be out of the story too much

Jeans mouth looks a bit bigger here for some reason

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Not him but wasn't that comment to convince them that he couldn't have survived that? But it's weird all he lost was two fingers and half face

I don't understand why he couldn't jump. His position doesn't tell anything because he could jump backwards. Anyway he just needed to release gas to get away from explosion.

Just the narrative seems to point in that direction

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there were like 5 hints in the span of 2 pages that manlet wasn't going to die

>Eren vs either Mikasa, Armin or Reiner.
Nah, I doubt it. And antagonist doesn't mean villain, so it's not about black and white it's just about where the conflict is


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Try jumping backwards and see how far you go. Now you're saying gas canisters, it's not a jetpack it doesn't work like that. If he jumped a few feet through the air he would STILL be in pieces because bombs are fucking dangerous.

She was probably lying about him being dead but I don't see why the rest of it has to be a lie. Maybe it is I dunno

why they look so good together?

ErwL is cute and canon.

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fuck off heroxia


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Best manlet ship, save us from the rest.

Fuck off virgin.

>it's not a jetpack it doesn't work like that
In snk it works like that. Haven't you seen things they're doing with 3DMG during manga?

Aside from the pulse and the river, what were they?

This doesn't even feel like the same manga I started reading back in 2012, it feels so different. I vastly 0refer the new stuff over the old stuff though.

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You can see it's always used in tandem with the grappling hooks, I don't think there's been an example of someone just levitating without hooking into something.

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What's that guy's name? Eren should promote him.

Might be Wim or Holger?


>ErwLmod talking to herself now

Is she crazy or what?

>*kills him*

They're obviously hooked into the wall to climb it. Did you read the Tost arc?

>Virgin talking to himself again

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They're literally levitating above wall. Even if they're hooked they're above wall.

So have we talked about how when Ymir was awake we saw 8 seperate PATHS and with Zeke we see 3 PATHS converging into one. They could be representing the Titan Shifters maybe since Eren has 3 Titans now?

Someone do a better job please of this pic plz.

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Reminder that Floch prefers the guy who nearly killed him and wiped out the survey corps to manlet. Because market is just that shit.

The ErwLmod is an EMfag too so imagine how mad she is with the EH thing, but this chapter will make things even worse with manlet rescued by the Hans.
She is a roastie spamming "virgin", "incel", etc, like a good SJW

Dumb mobileposter

>the most OP titan in the game aside from the CT after the timeskip
>CT stronger than the WHT
Reiner's armor endured the CT Nuke is RtS. Eren can just summon a crossbow and shoot the CT through the neck while being armored in a crystal. WHT is the strongest titan.


It's called slingshotting, they hook into the wall, retract and shoot upwards. It's how 3DMG works

>tfw no Yelena gf
Why even live?

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Comfiest ship

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Seething marketfag

>virgin self-inserter

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Am I insane or did something other than thicc lines change between the production of Season 2 and Season 3? I'm going back to the Season 2 PV and even though there's nothing technically wrong with the Season 3 Part 2 one, it's undeniably different. Something about the shading/lighting techniques must have changed.

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Colours look more dull and muted but might just be the time of day

Shifters just have regeneration. Ackerman are durable. That's the only reason he survived.

There's not really enough evidence on how durable they are to make that claim.

Mikasa healed broken ribs in a week. In real time they take 6-8 weeks.

Reiner never knew just how right he was...

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Kenny had half his body burned, but still lived long enough to give Levi a serum. Levi managed to push down on Annie's hand with his foot and merely sprained it. Levi surviving this explosion missing some fingers and possibly his eye is consistent with every other feat we've seen from the Ackerman clan. Don't forget they have some titan power themselves.

Manlet is a virgin by choice just like Zeke

Were all Tybers killed by Eren? Is Magath the sole ruler of Marley now? Anoying how we never got a clear indication of what the (puppet) government structure of Marley looked like. I read ‘the party’ somewhere so i always assumed some kind of Millitary Junta.

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>by choice

Crashing this plane
With no survivors!

You keep saying this name in every thread and I have no idea why. What’s the meta on this?

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>from under the awning, prompting Moblit without even turning around.
>“I’m in the same barracks anyway. Then Hanji will owe me a favor in the future”
>“…. Are you sure she’ll notice you?”
>I’ll make sure she notices even if I have to kick her ass, Levi said.
>With his back turned to hide his (according to a moonfag) embarrassment, Moblit smiled.
Cutest 34 (?) years old guy

Forgot pic

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Post old Erwins.

Why Pieck loves Zeke so much?

Obviously it is by choice, both are adults ErwLmod

Reminder that Hans looks cute now just to die in front of him like all those cute whos

>missing some fingers and possibly his eye is consistent with every other feat we've seen from the Ackerman clan
Not at all. None of them got blown up before, Kenny died from lesser wounds. Manlet surviving isn't a shocker but anyone who got caught by an IED would tell you he should be missing a leg or two.

Anons with lack of social life need to create this type of low-celebrities. Name dropping should be a bannable offense.

Is Zeke shit because he's a gamer?

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Kenny’s death was unclear as well as the reasons to kill Alma.


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CHADVI fucked:
Hans(F), Nifa, Petra and Isabel

Stay on Facebook, idiot.

Maybe cause it's night time?
They better release that version of 'attack ON titan' soon

Technically Reiner was "begging" for Eren to kill him here.

>Fingers not even touching

Delusional, the only one he has a vague chance of fucking is Hange during the timeskip because they actually had some time to themselves.

Fair, but now we know for certain Ackerman are just put together like plastic. Can't tear them apart easily. You'll only pry that sword out of their cold, detached fingers.

If by fucked you been fucked them over and got them killed, then yes

Kys phonefag

CHADVI fucked:
Hans(F), Nifa, Petra, Isabel and Connie's mom
CHADWIN fucked:


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Please user, stop trying to justify it as if there's some kind of rhyme or rhythm to it. An Ackerman is as easy or hard to kill as the plot requires. Isayama decided manlet shouldn't be left a cripple from this explosion so he kept him intact, he could have taken away manlet arm or leg and no one would have been surprised. It really is whatever the author feels like.

Chadvi also fucked the starving mom.

Those were accidents, with Erwin the killing was intentional ErwLmod

Just like a predicted this chapter would make the fujos and the LMsoonfag mad. /snk/ is too fucking predictable

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>40 posters
You are just false flagging.

Yea Forums is full of fags these days, huh.

Can Detective Hans solve The Mystery of the Missed Fake Preview?

I agree. I’ve been here since 2016. I’m used to the Yea Forums (shipping) cancer in these threads and come to expect it. But I can never get over this eceleb name meta shit. Did this start in 2016 for you guys because I’ve noticed an increase of eceleb faggotry on all of Yea Forums since the election.

No, just one triggered because of chapter 115.

It's not out until 4/9. Getting the scans a month early only happened a few times and was just a fluke.

Triggered incel.

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>here since 2016

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I didnt hate Levi until Yea Forums posters made me hate him by association with the FAGGOTS on this board.

and Maria


Is that bad or am I gonna be called a newfag? Sorry dude I dropped the manga during Uprising and never really visited this board before that.

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>heroxia the mentally ill ErwLfujo is here
Shit thread.

How is Hans fault manlet killed Erwin

We just saw this chapter that not even Shifters die that easily. Even when they should die, literal powers beyond their understanding revive them.
You mean to tell me that makes sense, but Ackerman being part titan doesn't explain them surviving everything? I think it does personally.


No that’s Commander Reiner Braun.

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Eren became such a pathetic cuck. Its amazing how Isayama managed to turn a likable character into a an empty husk with just a few chapters.
Manga basically lost its lead character and support characters struggle among themselves while Eren is busy sucking dick and being useless. Pretty cool actually, that's why I like SNK.

You're a newfag and a dumb phoneposter

>Bruce Willis


She looks like she would be voiced by Carla's voice actor

choose one

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You're a newfag compared to us who were here 2013-2014

What’s your opinion on the chapter? I like the PATHS but I’m undecided if Zeke died/resurrected and whether that was an asspull. Same for Levi still being alive. I predicted both would still be alive in 115. But for me it was a 9/10 chapter, almost as good as 100.


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>smartest of the warriors
>traps herself inside a room with one of her companions and the Attacking-Warhammer-Founder Titan, with a gun as defense

The manletfags scared a lot of people away. We'll be active again next month.

what is this meme?

Seething Zecucks.

>Eren became such a pathetic cuck.
How does killing children and defending your race classify as a pathethic cuck? Eren was always great but became one of my favorite manga characters after the Ocean and timeskip.
Zeke might be a ‘cuck’ for wanting his own race to die out but at least he is in no way pathetic.

It's just the mexican LHfag.

I remember the old times, I am still sad I never saved Richard’s alphabet.

>Pathetic self-inserter.

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>tfw I started to like LH and posted some comfy fanarts
>tfw that caused the pedos and the fujos to spam more

>Hange is not a normal woman

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DBZ meme, a disease spreading in many threads.


>To shit with moving forward and solving problems, Im gonna act edgy pretending Im smart while dwelling on pitiful insignificant crap ignoring the big picture cause apparently its easier to do
I see SNK readers has the same number of half dead brain cells as Eren to consider him a good character at that point and not a pathetic weakling he is.

fuck off newfag

You always did. There's literally no point trying to bait people.

Hector Zoe has been around since 2017.

Cute and Canon.

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How wounded do you want Levi to be? I can accept a Shifter surviving that shit and MAYBE an Ackerman with secs of reaction time but he has to be fucked up beyond repair. At the very least lose a hand, hearing and eye.

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It's the spic that self inserts as the tranny. She's insane and spouts the same memes every thread. It's been like that for like 2 years now.



Holy shit ErwLmod take your pills, are you really going against Erenfags, Zekefags and LHfags all by yourself?

>How does exterminating your whole race because at that point in time they have troubles and shitty life instead of helping them classify as cuck
Well duh.

He is pathetic. He can’t be mature enough to explain himself, he can only hurt people’s feelings and excuse himself with a freedom speech that already caused thousands of fatalities. But that’s why I like his character, it makes people use their brains and try to figure out morals and ethics questioning the free card a MC should have.

Imagine reading chapter 115 as the first chapter.

I don't want to take any part in this brainlet fags war, at least learn to tell 2 people apart.

Imagine having that low understanding of what you read.

Erwin wanted to fuck Marie and manlet wanted to fuck Petra. The Ackerbond destroyed ErwL and EM. Eren fucked Historia doggy style and holding hands
This is the canon.

>Isayama gets married
>doesn't update his blog for 3 months


Retard eren was lying to zeke, looks like you never read attack on titan besides 115

Needs to shit in a bag and can’t even eat properly. It would be a nightmare to him.

ErwLspammer is not even an oldfag. I am disappointed.

Nice headcanon, ugly virgin.

>eren was lying to zeke
What makes you think so?

Maybe he is blind, but with that scar perhaps he just lost one eye and the two fingers. He should be deaf too at least for some time.
I guess his legs are fine but he shouldn't be able to move for some time.
What I wonder is how much Hange can carry him without being found

Literally everything eren has said and build up till this moment? Honestly if you are not baiting I feel bad for you

>they tried to throw in realism with the explosion
>in reality Levi's organs would have been liquified, brain would be mush, and most of his bones obliterated
>Hanji took him into the river before his pulse was taken
>Isayama is going to make the manlet live
I wouldn't be so angry if he didn't throw in the line about "must have been a close range explosion, his organs are in worse shape than he looks".

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>at least for some time.
No way staying that close to explosion won't damage his hearing permanently. His lungs are probably fucked too.

Based Chadren played you like a fiddle

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The ErwLfujo is retarded.

Since he's an Ackerman I think it's fine. Now Armin surviving 50 meter fall + extreme surface burns is another thing.

>Isayama gets married
>story decreases in quality

but bro u forget, Ackerman regen abilities..

Which is why I guess Hange will try to get a serum and we will see what happens to him being half eldian and all that

A Choice with No Regrets.

don't remind me

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>Eren in the last page of the manga
>hugs a baby and says "now you are free", keeping his way of thinking since the start of the manga he inherited from his mother (you are free and special and deserve good things because you were born)

>Eren in the middle of the last arc
>"yeah, I'm totally making our people unable to give birth... Not being born in this world? Totally sounds like true freedom..."
Yeah I wonder why would he ever think Eren isn't being honest with Zeke


He got a chance to eat Zeke before, if he was lying and wanted to do it he won't be stalling for so long, Zeke don't have much time to spare, he is almost dead. Beyond eating him Zeke is useless and there is no point in trying to use him for something else.

Him losing the two fingers and a crippled leg so he needs a cane is fine for me. Maybe deaf in one ear

I miss when he displayed his autism to the public. Now he's becoming a boring adult.

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This is the canon.

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Pieck is the hero now.
Fuck Eren and fuck Paradisian people

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Would even work on him? Kenny ended giving up about turning into titan king.


Are you retarded?, Why would Eren want to eat Zeke?

>phone poster


>Saves Mikasa
>Kills Erwin
So you are saying he loves Mikasa more?


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To get his titan. Since he already have so many of them why not try to collect them all, I bet it would happen eventually.

>things women don't understand
Manlet was remembering all those comrades who died protecting Eren. He only made a move when it was proved Zeke was a traitor and then it could fulfill the promise, there is nothing romantic.

t. Eren

Given how you believe Eren is not lying I guess ErwL was canon in your head

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I cant tell where the shitpost starts and where it ends

What did he meant by this?

>to eat zeke
Why would he want to eat him? He wouldnt be able to control the coordinate if he ate zeke

Great, now explain to the rest of retarded fags that there is zero romantic stuff in this manga at all and characters don't give a shit about fucking dick in the pussy with all that crazy stuff going on.

>samefag thinks everyone is a samefag like him

>fucked by the panzer unit every day

>why not try to collect them all
And kill the only member of the royal blood left besides historia ruining his objective of protecting her right?
Jesus dude, seeing how much you get of the manga you should reread the entire manga at least 5 times or drop it and watch a fujoshitshow like boku no 7 quirks

To get his titan and also because Zeke would die soon anyway? Its not stated that you should hold a royal blood person in your hand to be able to use coordinates, he could have done that with Historia. Pretty sure if he absorb him he would be able to use his ability.

Kenny Ackerman Zoe

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Cute and canon.

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t. Zeke

This is the level of a fujo, people. They don't understand what they are reading. Fascinating


He need to eat a royal blood to unlock his ability and he didn't want to hurt Historia, wasn't it the whole deal about protecting her?

Kenny's alive?!

>tfw pieck will never peg you

>Its not stated that you should hold a royal blood person in your hand to be able to use coordinates, he could have done that with Historia
Its stated that you as the founder (eren) have to touch a royal blood TITAN (Zeke, that is why historia would have to be sacrificed if zeke dies and turn her into a shifter cursing her with the 13 years life spawn) to use the coordinate
How did you even finish highschool?

Cringe and Incelpilled.

>he needs to eat a royal blood
He needs to Touch a titan with royal blood. What kind of manga have you been reading in your pararel dimension?

Well, maybe I am wrong, I am not sure anymore. That's why I hate reading ongoing manga with half a year gap between major plot points. I think I should re-read it.

Virgin samefag.

I'm afraid the PATHS will create more asspulls. The Hanji part was cool but manlet vs Zeke AGAIN? Sweet lord.
Pieck a Goddess as always. I want my noses to be okay

>believing lies

Soon, Eren.

t. Levi Ackerman

no papa..

Pieck was Zeke's original choice for the Founding. It will be revealed she knew he was a royal.

EP is based, cute and canon
steamy hot sex on the cell floor in front of Gabi

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i don't think isayama thought that much about it. the tyburs are supposed to be the power behind the throne, so to say, and not posses official power but willy is able to promote magath to commander of the entire military at his own discretion. a junta makes sense considering magath takes unilateral action at several points and doesn't seem to answer to any civil authority but we really don't see enough of any official institutions to say one way or the other

Cute and CANON.

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How long until their emotional reunion?

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The farmer fucked Historia.

all eren does is job

How tall is Yelena?

t. Incel


eren needs to die

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Historia is currently being raped by Marley soldiers.

Idiot. The Coordinate is working through a touch, it was reaffirmed by Xavier even during this chapter.

>Hange has been the most popular girl for years
>her popularity will increase even more after this
Hopefully this means he's accepted that Mikasa, despite being his poster girl and heroine, just can't catch up. Too bad that won't stop him from shoving her into our face.

You're supposed to protect him Mikasa

Eren raped Historia.

He omitted 3 pieces of truth:
1) Eren got this memories BEFORE his first meeting with Zeke in Shiganshina
2) He omitted the fact that Grisha came in the Reisses' cave to beg and plead for saving of his family
3) He didn't mention he finally got over his suicidal thoughts and misplaced guilt in the Chapter 70

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Gabi will deliver.

>Triggered this hard

Patrician taste

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More to it, some Yea Forumsnons applaud Eren for how good his lie was. He probably told Zeke the truth about how he felt while receiving Grisha's memories, but then...
Well, re-read the pages with their dialogue. And take notice how the panels are directed. It's really neat.

... fucking Revo.

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>Sasha, despite being a deceased comic relief, has been more prominent and is brought up more than Historia.

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>imagine your penis being this small

Who exactly are ErwLfags mad at, they seem to be screeching at everyone

It was consensual.

Pieck is going to give a radio to Eren next chapter detailing all of her moans.


>still no preview

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Carla and Historia really helped him accept what his father did. Why didn't Zeke ever meet someone that supportive?

I can't comprehend how anybody can look at the left part and then believe that Eren agreed with Zeke's plan.

Grisha stole her from him.

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He met Xavier and they've created a cute little surdochamber of self-hatred and not wanting to be born into this world.

Nobody, this is just a low tier bait, amazing how much time people spend on something this dumb and how persistent they are.


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Frieda was a cuck.

sounds about right, probably nerve damage in what's left of the hand too

Dont tell me.. Dina is going to eat her too..

It would have been kinda kino if Zeke had emerged without genitals

Dina is dead

This reminded me of when some anons were saying how Historia looked like a combination of Carla and Dina

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Oh that's right, Zeke's beliefs were supported. They're just stupid and self-defeating.

You saying she doesn't?

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Poor Nicolo is being used as target practice by the Jeagerists.

I never said that I do not think that she is a combination of some things of Carla and Dina, in fact I really believe that it is to a certain extent

>Insecure neckbeard

Dead mom haircut

fuck.. i feel bad for the bro..

>Shipping two people who never met
>One of whom is a volcel
>The other whom believes in passing powers on to their kid
That's wrong though.

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Why is LH so hot?

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Based trips

based satan

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>remove traitor
traitor removed

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I’m enjoying this arc now.

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floch is going to lose more than one eye when his time comes.

>oedipus complex
Eren a chad

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Actually she is just like Zeke as much as Historia is like Eren. She just didn't have a Ymir

His virginity?

She is a Dina with some Karura personality.

This, but change Erwin to manlet and manlet to Hanji then you'll have a canon. You're just posting a delusion as it is.

Yes I know he will probably die a horrible death just like Gross but I still like his character just like Yelena. Isayama really gambled hard by introducing all these new characters in the Marley arc, especially after a timeskip. But it paid off and it was the best arc yet. Current arc has mixed reactions but I think slowly people are starting to like it.

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Along with his life

Gabi has become so likeable since she got beat up. I hope she gets punched several more times before the story ends.

She will be punch on the womb one Eren is done with Pieck

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non responsive keyboard, fuck

Remember when Zeke was the keikaku master but now he's the cuckaku master.

If he’s telling the truth it would go against 114 chapters of the manga and his character. So my guess is that he’s lying.

Zeke will protect Gabi and Pieck.

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I like the idea that all shifters walk around naked when human

is this peak autism?

Little Zeke and Manlet cleaning go perfectly together

Before the First King's Will took over her, she was actually against titans and supporting Eldia rights. Only after attaining the power and the will did she become complacent and depressed.
That's unlike Zeke who just came to that conclusion before taking the titan from his mentor.

Grisha needs to be at the table

>Gabi over Falco's naked, soaking body

What is this trying to convey

if you count being sodomized with a branch, maybe?

Needs angry Grisha and the turkey titan at the table and based janny with the clean-up crew, maybe a tiny annie on the shelf with the bottles. Then it's perfect

LH mouth to mouth in the cave when?

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>Five Erens
This is what the series truly needs.

Seeing Monkey Trouble's big weird meatball of a body doing shotput throws made my month







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>No Hanz, not even "Welcome to Paradis" Hanz
It's shit

needs the black funeral ribbons on the shitmachine picture
never 4get

Manlet's neck is fucking broken in this drawing. Kek I know it's probably not intentional but this is funny.

But I only count fo-oh right, Kruger.

This. The more Erehs' the better!

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It's so dense.

I like how this shot caused the LMfag and ErwLfag to lose it.

Time of day is different too, keep that in mind. Looks like late afternoon/sunset in the S2 shot and RtS was during early morning.

>one fucking month left


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>Helos is mopping
The best!

Holy shit that coloring's great.

So this is canon according to Isayama. Based

Can't wait for Bert's death

I love Eren. He did nothing wrong.

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>no pedo
>no boring
>she is nice with him
I was disappointed with how Isayama treated manlet with Zeke's plot but now he has potential as a ptsd/mad personality with Hange's kind personality/stress of being the commander, manlet always gave her emotional support so let's see how they deal with this situation

We know

He killed millions.

I have more where that came from!

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To save thousands

6 million Marleyans weren't enough. Eldian master race.

Hitler convinced his followers that blonde and blue eyes were superior when he had neither. B-based?

>Euthanize all Eldians? is he insane? Whatever I need him so I'll play along.
>now, I wonder how long it will take to fully release the Wall CTs in my totally not insane plan to wipe out my enemies.

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when will Armin's wife wake up?

anyone knows?

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>Manga called Zeke a key and Zeke talked with Xaver about how to bypass the first king's will by using a non-royal with the founding titan that they could trust
>after so many brainlet anons in this thread said that king cuck's will didn't stop Zeke from carrying our his plan and that he would just eat Eren
>Zeke completely trust Eren and was never planning to harm him in any way

I bet those brainlets feel retarded as fuck right now.

theoretically the kings will still won't really stop Zeke from enacting his plan, but they were probably worried it would.

in the end, Eren will NOT go through with Zeke's plan, and thus Zeke will not have a choice. and then if/when the will comes into affect in him, we'll know for certain if it would stop him.
but again, theoretically it shouldn't, because that's not what the Will was about.

>Master race
>Are literally fenced in ghetto camps and treated like animals.

This scene simply proves that EH is canon.No argument.

Not even an insane plan, it could work. Just evil.


good good


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>Grisha at the table
>Zackly dead on the ground
>Turkey titan on the table
>Annie laughing in the back
Would be perfect

Will it come out one episode per week or will the whole season be dropped in one big dump?

Reminder that Eren's endgame is titanizing all Eldians, destroying humanity, turning them back into humans and then mindwiping them.


>back into humans
some of those wall CTs may have been there a very, very long time; pending if Karl the Cuck made them all at once, or they were made over a long period of time and sent to the island, as well as over a long period of time.

either way.. maybe turning some of them back would be cruel.

also why bother mindwiping them, just tell them what happened and then tell them to have fun, the world is theirs.
see if they just repeat their nonsense.

I thought end game was activating the rumbling and kill everyone outside of the walls. Afterwords Eren would rewrite the Eldian people's body makeup so that they can't turn into titans anymore.


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what if... eren's end game is to reconstruct Eldians to somehow combat ackerdog's attraction to them... truly freeing Mikasa....

seems like he would only need to do one of those things.
if he can promise, and demonstrate, that Eldians cannot turn into Titans anymore, maybe the rest of the world will back off.
yet they still might need to secure a physical victory on the Island still.

>maybe the rest of the world will back off
I don't think Eren's the nuclear disarmament type. You don't kill a few thousand people from around the world, then disarm yourself, and retreat to your resource-filled island waiting for the whole world to wipe you out using eons of propaganda and your own new atrocities to push for a massacre of your people so that world leaders can extract all the resources they want from your homeland.
You kill them all.

What if Eren wants to reconstruct Mikasa's womb with his penis?

It airs on TV in Japan so it's not something they can release in a bunch like you'd do for a series on Netflix or something. Also, those 10 weeks give them time to work on the post-production of those later episodes. I like this system better, if they dumped everything in one go everyone would just binge it and the anime-only hype would die after like a few weeks of talking about it/it'd be a longer wait between seasons.

Punished levi when??

then why bother changing their make up to prevent them from turning into Titans, who cares at that point. give the founding back to a Royal and let them control them.

I think this plan could kind of work actually. The outside world has it's own problems. They'll probably be too busy picking over Marley's open lands after their entire military is yet again devastated on Paradise. For some reason the world doesn't like Marley. Asian traders also have their own stake in the resources so won't let others take it so easily. Paradise just has to buy enough time to advance their tech.

>then why bother changing their make up to prevent them from turning into Titans
Well, That's not what they're trying to do...

that's the idea that one guy I responded to said. if that's not you then whatever.

The guy you were replying clearly said that removing their ability to turn into titans would be dumb and it's obviously not what they're doing, What's the point to replying with a "then why bother changing their make up to prevent them from turning into Titans"?

>give the founding back to a Royal and let them control them.
They can't because of the Cuck's will, speedreader.


if every non-eldian in the world is dead.. the cucks will has no meaning.

because I was refering to this guy. who said kill "Everyone" outside the walls.. which is everyone. THEN change Eldians.

when then again, if that was him.. said here >you kill them all

so again, why bother changing Eldian's make up if you've killed EVERYONE.

If you aren't the original person I'm talking to you are starting to piss me off by wasting my time. If you are going to kill EVERYONE in the world then you probably don't really need to bother changing Eldians afterwards...

>For some reason
because they've been the world's military hegemon for a century by using titans, and probably a de facto empire as well (i forget if they ever mention anything specific) it makes sense that all the other major players would be chafing and have old territorial & sphering disputes and desires. but during the marley arc we can see that these divides aren't so deep, they aren't blood feuds, the threat of a resurgent eldian empire more than takes precedence as willy demonstrated.
>Paradise just has to buy enough time to advance their tech.
and therein lies the problem, they simply don't have the manpower or industry to win or even stalemate a conventional conflict. they understood that the use of the rumbling as a deterrent was the deciding factor, that's why their plans all revolved around it.

i mean just think about the numbers, any one of these major world powers should be able to field more men than are even living on paradis.

They're clearly not the same guy, just read.


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>For some reason the world doesn't like Marley.
It's because Marley is literally Israel

>just read
maybe he should realize who I was talking/linking to in my discussion then, and read what THEY had to say so they understood my reply to them.
or in other words, maybe HE should "just read"
great input.

and/or the Nazis

it's the age old tale of NaziJews vs. JewNazis, with the JewAsians and NotMuslims and everyone else on standby to see how it ends.


Best girl!

Here's an image as well
Best girl!

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Imagine how much destruction she'll cause when she gets Eren's titans

>fighting wars with arabs who want to wipe them out
>desperately trying to use a foreign nation's resources and weaponry for their own military might
>leveraging widespread propaganda about alleged genocides to drive members of a race to hate their own kind and massacre them out of self-hatred and a need to virtue signal in shows of contrition
Yeah, I'll focus on those facts rather than Marley propaganda about plagues and genocides.

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ah, you mean the nottomans

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Pleasures old men for information

The "he just needs to make the eldians not being able to turn into titans" is a fucking terrible ending and plan.

All nations in the world had their reps massacred during the reminder 2.0, now think of yourself as a citizen or leader of one said nations, and these fucking motherfuckers, come, with the goddamn audacity, after yeas of getting titan attacked, that they "cured" titanism?

>b-b-but here!, they arent turning using the method we used to do!
Fuck off, this is a fucking bluff, you managed to hide or suppress this method and will FUCK US the moment we let our guard down.

Unless Eren COMPLETELY erases the memories of actual titans from everyone in the whole world, just saying
>yeah, it wont happen again
Doesnt fucking cut it.

that's a better name.

Marley's bullshit likely wasn't entirely bullshit.
sure they are the current assholes of the world, but clearly some fuckery had been going on for a long time before they gained power, and it likely had a lot to do with Titans.

much obliged

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>but clearly some fuckery had been going on for a long time
We literally don't know anything except for the fact that Marley's purported version of history is bullshit and conclusively has tons of holes in it, all of which are filled with more bullshit.

The for some reason was a joke. Everyone hates Marley for good reason. I also stand by the prediction that Eren will find a way to end the titan curse though since that's been his goal since the start. I don't know how he'll do it, but he still clearly hates the titans and Marley using them. As seen in these recent chapters, he won't give up until he achieves his goals. So we'll just have to wait and see what his goal is to win the war, get rid of titans, and ensure the safety of his people. He likely can't cure the shifter's or current titans either, or he'd just titanize Historia, use the coordinate, and turn her back afterwards.

So we'll just have to wait and see what Eren does.
This is a fair option and truly not such a terrible idea. Though it feels a bit, idk, anti-climactic? Too easy? Simple? Eh, it could happen.

Maybe, maybe not. The Loli Goddess-like figure raises some questions about the conclusion of the story. We'll learn the truth about everything by the end, I'm 99% sure of that now.

we know Kruger stated that Eldian Restorationist propaganda was also nonsense.

here's what I believe to be the truth:
Eldia was one empire under the Fritz, and to better control the empire the other 8 Titans were granted nobility and possibly sections of the Empire to govern.
Unfortunately because the Fritz's were weak, and the Founding Titan had a severe flaw in its ability to control, the 8 Noble Shifters constantly warred with one another to gain more power for themselves, and possibly declared war on behalf of Eldia/for themselves on neighboring countries.

Now for any common person living under this, Eldian or Non-Eldian alike, this probably sucked. The 8 Shifters probably weren't going out of their way to commit atrocities for no real reason, but their lust for power and how it effected their feudal subjects was probably terrible in itself.

then it all came to an end.

Going to add on to my earlier point about killing them all and to what this user said >Unless Eren COMPLETELY erases the memories of actual titans from everyone in the whole world, just saying
Eren's attack ensured that his only options are to wipe out the world somehow or condemn Eldians and Paradis to getting nuked somewhere down the line unless he can pull out some new ability from the Founder and that lolymir in Pathskistan. As much as I want global obliteration to actually happen, we will most likely get the latter possibility and Eren's access to the WHT memories along with the Attack Titan and the Founder will likely help him realize some newfound ability as well as an understanding of what actually happened in the very beginning. But whatever it is, it's highly unlikely they get the world to back down voluntarily. Hell, even if he manages to wipe the memories of non-Eldians somehow, there's enough literature and enough artifacts of propaganda about Eldians spread around the world that a mind wipe wouldn't work. He'd have to introduce some new will to all non-Eldians that genetically prevents them from attacking Eldians. Or he kills them all. Those are pretty much the only two options in a linear timeline without any time travel bullshit.

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if that Loli was Ymir Fritz herself, she'd probably be disgusted with what has potentially transpired over the past 2000 years. So go ahead Zeke, end it all.

>I don't know how he'll do it, but he still clearly hates the titans and Marley using them.
Paradis has no more Titans roaming around, though. I don't think he's hated titans since the end of RtS when they come across that aberrant on their way to the Sea and he calls it one of their "comrades".

You cannot possibly be this retarded.

He doesn't want Historia or her children becoming titans. It's obvious he still dislikes the idea of being a titan at least on some level and would rather end it than keep it up for 50 more years.

>we know Kruger stated that Eldian Restorationist propaganda was also nonsense.
No. Don't make conclusive statements that aren't backed by the text. Kruger casts doubt onto any and all historical stories. That's all. We don't know any concrete info that contradicts anything he's said. But Marley's propaganda is countered by a number of concrete, objective, non-propagandist rationales.

>there's enough literature and enough artifacts of propaganda about Eldians
Yeah but are most of those even legible? It could all become myth in the time after the mind wipe. Mere exaggeration of the great "Eldia" which cast a large shadow but no longer exists.

>This is a fair option and truly not such a terrible idea. Though it feels a bit, idk, anti-climactic? Too easy? Simple? Eh, it could happen.
Thats why the "just cure titanism" end is stupid, Armin pacifist tier of stupid.

Eithe the whole world has a global stroke and goes
making the most unrealistic in the whole story about giant balloon man that come from the devil, shitting on the story OR what i just said happens and we get a wet fart tier ending of
>our her makes an amazing feat and still gets fucked in the end
this is post-modernism tier writing, something out of TLJ or something, an awful payoff.

Just "curing" titanism aint solving shit.

>there's enough literature and enough artifacts of propaganda about Eldians spread around the world that a mind wipe wouldn't work
Those could be modified as absically "folklore" and the marley propaganda would refer to their ferocious paradisian soldiers as "titans". Mind wipe on the whole population could work, unless we have actual evidence like photos or videos of titans.

Oh man, I can't wait for *Koff*

Hisu is cute

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What? He doesn't want Historia to titanize because he doesn't want to lose his gf/friend/strategic royal blood insurance/whatever. He's not possessed by some grudge to stop titanization from ever happening again that's so strong it would push him to get rid of the only military and strategic advantage he has against a union of major countries that all want to evaporate Paradis with bombs and then mine it for resources till they can't dig any deeper into the ground. Rewiring Eldians to not be able to titanize isn't just low on Eren's priority list. It's something he explicitly would not want to do, given everything we know about him and the realities of the world right now. He may be inclined to try and change the 13-year curse if he can somehow do that, but that's about it. Hell, even if he rewired Eldians to lose the titan gene or whatever the hell it is that lets them titanize, he'd always have the ability to just let them retitanize since the Founder can't seem to affect the shifters. He isn't changing Eldians until he's sorted everything out.

Is that from new fake preview?

>Thats why the "just cure titanism" end is stupid, Armin pacifist tier of stupid.
Point taken. Man I forgot half these characters even exist. It's mostly ZE, Floch, Yelena, LH, and Historia that are interesting currently. The Warriors still exist too don't they.
I think if he cures titanism is all the future Eldians while altering the memories, that'd be a non-fairytale ending. He and the other shifters still die, all mindless titans die from his actions, and his sacrifice is rewarded with peace, but he still has to kill the marley soldiers currently there since they're all in his way at the present time.

I truly agree there is no easy way for this to happen. The ending just has to be satisfactory, and I feel like at this point global extermination is a bit too unsatisfying in a way.

>concrete, objective, non-propagandist rationales.
like what

It's from a dounjin

Where is the fake preview?

>Yeah but are most of those even legible?
Huh? What do you mean? There are entire nations that have capitalized on anti-Eldian sentiment and propaganda driven by Marley. The books, articles, newspapers, etc. that these people around the world have on hand won't disappear if their memories are wiped. Unless they're bound by a will that leads them to ignore what they've been taught about Eldians via Marley's drip feed, these people will go right back to wanting to nuke Paradis. Simple as.

You forgot he referenced all of Paradise's children being used as weapons in a never-ending standoff. He doesn't want anymore Eldia titan warfare as far as we know, but how he solves this is a mystery.

We still do not have it

>Mind wipe on the whole population could work, unless we have actual evidence like photos or videos of titans.
How are photos or videos any different from detailed books or information media that aren't photos or videos? Again, you need to hard wire an aversion to seeing Eldians as enemies as well as to attacking Eldians in order to get around this. It has to be like Westworld, where the bots straight up can't see, hear, or detect things that would make them glitch out.

I meant that Grisha and his restorationists found those ancient Eldian documents but he just made shit up cuz no one could read it. See
where it could all be blamed on Marley using slave soldiers or something rather than literal magic titans.

Just got caught up on the anime cause casual friends think it's "the best anime of all time", I thought it was good and a solid 8/10 as the plot is tightly written and features a rich plot and setting but lacks deeper themes and philosophy which I look for in a show primarily.

My question is, are they present and I'm just not seeing it? Am I retarded and not understanding the full depth of the series?

Global HUMAN extermination would be a realistic and somewhat satisfying ending, not a lot, but a "good enough" stuff. Its for us to get stories where the "good guys" are non human going against humans, and in a sea of endings where the hero saves everyone, this one HAS to compromise, he has to make a choice of saving something and ending other, add to it the classic "even if our enemies are now gone, we will probably end up 'creating' new ones". Its not perfect but its pretty unique and satisfying, remember how people wee hyped for GRIM REMINDER? Imagine that but a global scale.

>How are photos or videos any different from detailed books or information media that aren't photos or videos?
Considering photoshop wasnt a thing during the WW2 times, videos and photos are much more hard evidence than a bunch of written stuff that could be made up. If you found a military document talking about dragons but with no photo or video would you believe it? Though depending on how these are written people of the world would be left confused, so i can see your point.

Like the 13 centuries of ethnic clensing perpetrated against Marley, that claim is categorically untrue. The claims made in order to stew hatred against walldians in particular to cover up the fact that their primary motivator is a drive for resources and titan weaponry. And hell, man, the entire story of Karl being some war monger being turned on its head by Willy himself in one of the most major scenes of the past few volumes. The faggots can't get through three chapters without lying about serious shit and contradicting themselves. Nothing Kruger has said comes anywhere close to that level of propagandisation. This is all made explicit in the manga.

Attached: The Yeagers.jpg (640x593, 79K)

Everything after reaching the basement has extreme quantity of themes and social critic, which can be interpreted in many ways.

Read the manga nigger.

Yup, fair point. We need a pov chapter that expounds on his mindframe. He's gone through 3 or 4 personality transitions (timeskip, post-ceremony, WHT memories, jailbreak) without ANY clear, concrete, internal context being shown for any of them.

>I meant that Grisha and his restorationists found those ancient Eldian documents but he just made shit up cuz no one could read it.
What do those books have to do with whatever ethnographies that foreign countries have compiled on the Eldians? Do you have books in your room? If I just mind-wipe you to forget things that are discussed in those books, you would probably pick up one of those books in a few days and relearn all the things I made you forget. Unless I do something more to you that prevents you from doing this, or learning those facts again, or acting on them, the initialmind-wipe doesn't matter. This is all just logical strategizing, by the way. Chances are, he can't affect non-Eldians at all, in which case he needs to nuke the world with those CTs or make peace with his race getting wiped out in a short span of time.

>Like the 13 centuries of ethnic clensing perpetrated against Marley, that claim is categorically untrue.
but Kruger said that, and Kruger isn't exactly non partisan nor concrete.

the other things, sure maybe.
but what is also clear is the treatment of Eldians by OTHER nations, nations that have no reason to give a shit about Marley propaganda one way or another, especially if they despise them.
Udo stated that Eldians in other nations are ironically treated WORSE than they are in Marley. and again, these other nations have no reason to buy into Marley's specific propaganda concerning Eldians, why would they?
This suggest that other Nations are more than aware of a version of history themselves that also paints Eldians in a bad light.

Look I said it was Marley bullshit, but I said it wasn't entirely bullshit.
you seem think that I'm saying Marley's version is all true, I'm not saying that.
but you also seem to think, based off how you are coming off with your arguments, that Eldians did no bad. don't believe that at all.

My hypothesis of what I believed to be true, about the Eldian Empire and the Warring Nobles (which is fact, by the way, the centuries of squabbles DID happen) is just that.. a hypothesis, but there is a lot in the story that seems to support it.

>but lacks deeper themes and philosophy which I look for in a show primarily
what. also gtfo and read the manga unless this is bait.

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>My question is, are they present and I'm just not seeing it?
well, most people don't think asians, whites, higher-status subgroups around the world are being brainwashed into hating their own kind and accelerating the collapse of their countries by taking in lower-IQ refugees from countries that they're feeding with aid money extracted from their own citizens, so no it wouldn't be shocking if you don't pick up on themes of mind control and propaganda. But if you haven't picked up on themes of wanting freedom and killing anyone who denies it to you, you might just be bluepilled as hell. Doesn't really have anything to do with intellect, so I wouldn't call you retarded without more info. Faggoty maybe, but not retarded.

>Global HUMAN extermination would be a realistic and somewhat satisfying ending, not a lot, but a "good enough" stuff.
God, if this happens I swear to God they better not just montage/timeskip/VO their way through it. Have Eren set it off and then do an arc or at least a volume just showing it all playing out.

He said he finished the anime, which while still fun it was basically
>titans evil, people good

Best bread is baked

Hey, are we talking about the Eternal Champion?

JM sooner

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>If you found a military document talking about dragons but with no photo or video would you believe it? Though depending on how these are written people of the world would be left confused, so i can see your point.
The world also does have photography and if there's one thing of which Marley's done a great job, it's convince the world that Eldians are genocidal imperialist scum by spreading propaganda. There is guaranteed to much raw media, info, data, etc. in the world for memory wipes to be a viable answer. It'd also be a huge and anticlimactic, cheap escalation asspull imo. Global destruction is the way to go. You don't tease something like that and then cuck out by going with non-Eldian-control-powers or global-mind-wipes or time-loop or cut-to-black nonsense.

MA soonest

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>but Kruger said that, and Kruger isn't exactly non partisan nor concrete.
I picked that one specifically because 13 centuries of ethnic cleansing DOES NOT leave survivors. I've allowed for the fact that Kruger could be making shit up. That point, however, is one of the closest things in the series to an incontrovertible historical FACT. The other things are the same. These aren't gray area "maybe's". There's plenty of those, sure. But I pointed out things that are categoricals.

>OTHER nations, nations that have no reason to give a shit about Marley propaganda one way or another, especially if they despise them
Do you have any idea how badly Christians are persecuted in Arab nations? How badly they were once persecuted in Japan? How negatively almost every nation in the world views America and the West in general? Nations find all sorts of reasons to villainize foes, no matter how strong or weak, how guilty or innocent they might actually be.

>Look I said it was Marley bullshit, but I said it wasn't entirely bullshit.
you seem think that I'm saying Marley's version is all true, I'm not saying that.
but you also seem to think, based off how you are coming off with your arguments, that Eldians did no bad. don't believe that at all.
Not the right read, user. You said everything is wishy washy and Eldians might be kinda guilty and Marley might be kinda honest. I just clarified what we know to be true for a fact, which is that Marley propaganda has been weilded far and wide to great power and effect and is verifiably full of lies, whereas we can't say the same at all for what Kruger said.

Don't care much about your hypothesis, didn't really engage with it. Looking back at it I think it's too insular and isolated, unless your 8 factions are supposed to have been global in nature. But again, wasn't really concerned with theories or hypotheses, far more interested in facts being laid out clearly.

Yeah, you don't watch past half the first season without picking up on the fact that every 5th phrase of dialogue is either "freedom" or "cruel word"

Yeah, but that is barely a theme
>dude doesnt want to live fearing getting eaten
>dude wants to know what the fuck is on the other side of a big fucking wall
Shit lad that aint a theme, those are just facts any common person would think when introduced in that world.
>dude titans fucking suck man, fuck you god
>damn that is a big-ass wall, i wonder whats in the other side

You could have at least mentioned the wall faith and the oppressing government, but the former is barely relevant and the latter only becomes truly relevant by the 3rd season.

>Yeah, but that is barely a theme
are u ok retard

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