
So, the best manga gets an anime adaption? Fucking 'a.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't know

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Yiff in hell

Damn Beastars look like that?

what a hot wolfie :3

I'll stick with the manga. Losing the aesthetic charm of hand drawn characters for 3D animation, sound and color is not worth it.

sometimes it's better for a manga to not have an anime.

It's the same studio from the gembutts

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Can't wait for the not so subtle message of RACISM BAD

Yes it still needs to be a theme and message because retarded humans STILL haven't learned yet after all this time.


>Can't wait for the not so subtle message of RACISM BAD
You really think they will deviate that much from the source? Because the manga is constantly challenging the idea of everyone cooperating happily ever after. Like lmao, did you read the latest chapter?

Honestly it doesn't matter what they do this manga is so fucking weird it can't not turn into kino

furries need to kys themselves

>this manga is so fucking weird it can't not turn into kino
>implying weird is not the way into kino
Groundbreaking is the word you're looking for.

I don't mind because anime normalfags don't watch CGI anime and Beastars threads won't get Kaguya'd with ammo like anthromorphic characters and Haru being Haru

Oh no no no no

The threads are going to be so fucking shit.
Yea Forums will be shat up worse then during the start of Goblin Slayer.

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Everything until now shows how disfunctional this multiethnic society is

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I'm waiting for the whole implotion of Yea Forums when the Haru (slut) and Louis sex scene happens

It may actually not be. The thing with Beastars is that it meanders a lot in the beginning as it sets the stage; it may not gain much traction as an anime.

Then again, I might get a few laughs of how fucking much Yea Forums flips it shit about that

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My bet is that fags will spam it so hard during first airing that it might get banned entirely. Especialy since one can argue with furries begone

waiting for someone who knows moonrunes...

Remember the yellow stuff in Legosi's shirt a few chapters ago?
Well it was canon

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just like the lizards from overlord, I guess it'll last a few days

So how far will the anime go? Riz fight or only lion yakuza?

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Depends on if we're getting 26 or 13 episodes, if the former definitely riz fight + yafya tease but if it's the latter we'll probably only get to the yakuza and hotel scene.

Probably only up to the Lion yakuza if it's one cour, the best dropoff points are during Legosi's confession to Haru over the city and pic related.

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I can't believe Legosi masturbating is canon

>Remember the yellow stuff in Legosi's shirt a few chapters ago?
>Well it was canon
Wasn't that just Jack's hair? He does have yellow fur.

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It's basically Zootopia but good. And while the racism analogy is somewhat problematic I like what the author is doing.

God I hope Hiro makes a /fur/ containment board just to kill this site faster.

Kino by definition means turning into something so pathetic and washed out that it appeals to Yea Forums trannies. Noone should want that.

The manga was shitty. It had nothing aside from mildly interesting idea that was entertaining for a few chapters. The story is really generic, boring and predictable. What a fucking shitfest an anime would be with all of that topped with a crappy kemonoshit\berserk tier 3d.

>racism analogy is somewhat problematic
The saving grace for me is that the author doesn't seem to explicitly hardcode predators as oppressed peoples like Zootopia does, so theres a lot more freedom in interpreting. Carnivores have feral instincts, but the author (and maybe Legosi now) doesn't see this as a moral failure but rather just makes them incompatible with herbivores; and there's even the question of how inherit feral instincts are to carnivores and how herbivores reinforce that (see: hotel scene). Add in Legosi's herbivore fetish, Yafya, the ghetto, etc. and you got a lot more interesting ideas than a simple racism is justified/unjustifiied dilemma.

Yea, it delves way deeper into the relationships that really only relate to animals. I am glad she did that cause this way I don't have to make too much sense out of it and what those implications could mean in real life. Though most of that comes up a bit later. The early parts are very much so focussed on the racism aspect.

>The early parts are very much so focussed on the racism aspect.
Agreed, I'd say in retrospect that Beastar becomes it's own thing after the yakuza reveal, not to say the early sections are bad, but it becomes a lot more clear what she's doing after understanding that Legosi isn't exactly the most moral person, herbivores aren't entirely trustworthy, the city is pretty corrupt, etc.

See what he's doing with his hand there?
>if you are hungry for meat just masturbate

I wish Juno didn't become completely irrelevant since she is the only character with those arguably correct views.
She could make for some pretty interesting ideological conflict with the rest of the cast.

Collab time with a zoo

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Dude is a white tiger? Wtf.

it did get studio orange however, the one studio that may not fuck it up

but they'll fuck it up, because this earth is gay and sucks

why do i feel so gay when i look at him?

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His gay is so powerful that it effects you through the page.

Who else felt like all the hebrivores kinda exuded a really strong feminine energy? I don't know why but sometimes they really just looked and behaved like female characters even though they were obviously male. It's weird. Especially with louis.

they're already fucking it up, legosi looks so stiff in that roll and it doesn't have the same tension as the manga

>That cheap CGI

Oh God it's going to be awful.

You haven't seen anything yet
(Planning of cleaning and coloring it, from the comic zin store)

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what a shame, it would have been perfect if it were 2d and had rough line-work like mob psycho

We had a cgi fag like (you) in the houseki no kuni threads, get a life

i haven't even seen hnk, i'm just judging it for what it is, and so far it looks like shit

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>the best gay manga gets an anime adaption?
hype, user
I want to see the gay horse animated but that maybe is impossible

Only Gosha can calm his rage against carnivores

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Who knows?

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there is simply too much shitpost material
god only knows what's going to happen to beastars threads when shit like this happens

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so what are you guys hoping for the OP and ED? something melancholy? or with a bit more energy compared to the actual tone of the series, like Neverland's OP?

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Itagaki said something about how she wanted to collab with Man with a mission, so hopefully they'll do the OP

Luckily it’s CG so that’ll keep Yea Forums away

Paru mentioned that she draws Louis in an intentionally femenine way.

>Tfw none of the side characters from the school will never do anything again since all the major characters dropped out or graduated.
It hurts, i miss Bill.

If it gets an anime does that meant he manga will finally be coming over to America?

hey, houseki no kuni actually looks good, but beastars looks like shit in the trailer, dont get defensive for something obvious

Honestly, since Haru came back I feel like we'll get a check up with them in the next few chapters. Paru doesn't seem to mind doing that

I'm still giving Orange the benefit of a doubt. The teaser is CLANG as fuck, but you never know if they'll manage to pull off another miracle

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I wonder how much longer the manga will go... Has the author said something about it?

Tonight, Legosi joins the hunt

Please moonrune user I want to know

>ugly CGI

hopefully this leads to more porn though

Am I the only person who feels like Haru and Legosi's relationship has been over the whole time? The author keeps putting them together for these little moments where we see them failing to communicate anything meaningful aside from that they can't be together. Louis should have just been Legosi's "frenemy"(nohomo) since Haru is effectively a non character outside of her being an herbivore that Legosi has an unclear relationship with.

Parting words, pulling out the teeth was fucking stupid and I want more EGGS

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I just want to see the egg episode

Uh guys, i'm not sure if you got the memo, but racism IS bad.

me too user, me too.

ya got it wrong chump.
The series says racism is complicated.
being bad is part of its side effect.

This goat has no right to vote so handsome

The beastars! The beastars!

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That's not bill (the tiger in the manga)
Just some character based on one of the zoo animals

The scar coloration doesnt really make sense

variety ways of living are not racism, leftie

>Man with a mission
Oh shit, that would be amazing. I love their songs


White is skin
Grey is fur

White isn't skin, whitre is his fur that doesn't make sense. He has a domestic dog's fur.

Lefties call the Japanese race racist and are therefore racist themselves. Faced with such a conundrum I render the word meaningless.

But why do the grey stripes go so far down

I always find it funny how people complain about size scaling for different animals but nobody has ever remembers the ultra omega chicken right there.

I'm a scrub so take what I say with a pinch of salt
in a shellnut:
Within each species there isn't that much of a difference in condom size. It's about as much as Japanese condoms vs American condoms.
Family planning is especially important since interspecies sex can still result in children. Sex with your own species is seen as proper so interspecies marriages are not looked well upon.

I want to see the bear story. That was more fun than lion story

>The author keeps putting them together for these little moments where we see them failing to communicate anything meaningful aside from that they can't be together
Or that Legosi just keeps Haru in the dark. Seriously their relationship is doomed not because of the whole carnivore/herbivore thing but because of the lack of communication. Fucking autistic wolf.

>That will never be you
>You then won't ever initiate the kiss
Why even live?

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Oh cool, what are legosi and his friend saying then?

Lel lets just put all the blame on the man like always.

It's not like Legosi has no fault on this.
Remember that time when he told her they will have to keep distances right after he asked If she still had feelings for Louis and left without explaining anything? That was pretty shitty.

Stop linking this, I don't want to remember >Those horns
His dick must be huge

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This but unironically

>Bill and Jack will start Legoshi appreciation club

Why Bill tho? Didn't he hate him?

>Being hyped about Gamecube graphics tier CGI shit.

Holy shit, based.

god i was so (not) ready for panda to die early on. i'm glad he is okay.

Inb4 Horse kills Panda and turns him into fertilizer

As if, panda would wipe the floor with that asshole.

Hes going to sneak up on him and axe kick his skull open from behind

Panda would just pull a gun from his ass


is beastars a shonen battle manga?

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furry fujo bait

While I have my reservations regarding CG animation (because let's be honest, Houseki no Kuni was a pleasant surprise), I'm more concerned about the tone. And also if they are going to be able to express the characters inner thoughts and stuff... Not impossible, but it can go sooo wrong...

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>Eyes turn red when carnivores get violent
Dear fucking god how can anyone take this seriously now?

Remember that time Haru forced herself into his mouth then acted like a broken rape victim to a fragile autist?

My understanding is the White Tiger is one of mascots of the zoo itself.

Is Gleipnir airing in the same season?

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Gleipnir has no air date yet

he gets so much pussy you know it's better to just give up and go gay in his presence

>she is the only character with those arguably correct views.
Yafya is for the segregation too.

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yes most of the time, but this is by orange, the only good CGI studio, we have hope, their last anime, the facial expressions are top tier

still years until we see best mommy gf

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it's funny how different countries see the message of this manga
in my country people thik the message is
>men too strong and dangerous
>women too weak and not respsected

In an optimal scenario she would be the helpful odler lady that takes Legosis cherry.
Then he would be finally be an adult and maybe even stop fixating on his fantasies and expectations of Haru or his projections on herbivores at large.
They don't even have to become a couple. A casual encounter is alright and would be in tune of a comming of age story such as this.

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so how many arcs will the anime adapt?

up to the haru rescue

Can't wait for wastes of oxygen like you to lose interest

Lion yakuza

Paru will keep making Legosi miss his chance with females that are perfect for him to keep him perfect for Haru.

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tbqo Juno was perfect for him. He should finally grow up and let his fetish only be that. A fetish. Footfags can also have normal relationships can can have other sex then jsut footjobs. He could jsut marry Juno and from time to time let her wear Bunny Ears and roleplay.

>Juno in a playboy bunny suit
Hitting levels of IMAGINE that shouldn’t even be possible

Yeah, but Juno is literally the one chance Louis has of being straight.

In hindsight it was really naive and blue-eyed but before this manga I wasn't aware that Japan even had a furry scene in the furst place.

Is it something they adapted from US cartoons? Anthro characters were a lot more common there. Or can it be pinned entirely on zootopia?

Oh boy, Paru drew them
That's why we need the omakes and the other stuff from the volumes

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Haru is cute

Fuck, I did not know when I came up with this. Noice

This should be the message desu

I've got the Spanish version. I bought the manga since I wanted to support Paru

Quick! Paru died when trying to fuck a horse and now it's up to (you) to write an ending for Beastars!

can you post it? I want to know what they are talking about

Por favor súbelo, lo puedo traducir

Yafya is called the "Sublime" Beastar. Are all Beastars called that or do they all have unique titles?

My scaner works like shit so this is what i can give you.
Also i can post the extra pages from vol 1 to vol 5 if you want them.

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Since this thread is missing the usual gay shit Paru made us love, I present you the typed version of the short comic

Thank you, I'm working on it right now

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For non spanish speakers it basically sais that is hard to be a big mamnal since condoms are far more expensive than the ones for smaller animals.
Also there is a comment of how rare are interespecial marriage and relationships (this was on vol 4 so i think is a little of forshadowing)


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It just means that instead of the threads being 50% shitposting about furries, it'll be 80% shitposting about furries and CG

In each school there is a Beastar. Just by earning the title they live a succesful and wealthy life, but only one of them gets to be the sublime Beastar, the one that has great influence in politics and society at large.

But yeah, gay

Of course they never explained how a guy who just beats random criminals all day was allowed to have such great political power but whatever.

>*The following isn't advised for readers below 18 and...Hmmm. Meh, whatever*
>In this world, contraceptives are the thing that takes up the most space in pharmacies and drugstores. Evidently, the come in all sizes. Based on the species, there is not a lot difference in shape, but there is a bit. Just like the difference between Japanese and American ones, for example.
>The importance of these methods is huge as, without them, mixed babies would be born.
>It is considered correct to reproduce within the same species, so weddings between different species is looked down upon. I should leave it at that, because if i go on i'll hit the core of this story. Of course, this is important for animals as well as hominids!
The boxes say
>"For small hervibores- you are a beast too!"
>"Wild Original- for when you wanna unleash your instincts"
>The other day, at the pharmacy, i realized something. Condoms for big dogs are 500 yen more expensive than ones for small dogs! After all, being big is a problem, economically speaking.

I see Paru put a lot of thought into dicks in this series.

Well it's good to know that they don't have weird animal penises
>Legosi has a big dick confirmed

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look at the cherry boys

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Of course he does, he's the author's husbando. You know that's why she decided all animals have human dicks. She imagined getting in bed with her husbando and got grossed out by the idea that he would have a dog penis. No, he must have a beautiful, normal, perfect one.

True, she has drawn him with abs so it might true (also, his birthday is coming)

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>Of course, this is important for animals as well as hominids!
Am I interpreting this correct?

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Just imagine all the porn she must have drawn of him that's now hidden somewhere in her apartment.

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>not a single normal housecat yet
>no tsun housecat yet

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1 cour: up to Legosi's confession to Haru on the hill overlooking the city
2 cour: up to Legosi looking at the city from over the hill and deciding to drop out of school after catching the killer.

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Japanese furry tends to have its own aesthetic identity.

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Dogs were created as an experiment to make less violent/bloodthirsty wolves (Jack is literally a GMO).

No idea where the various breeds of sheep and rabbits came from, though, but considering that sheep are associated with cloning and rabbits with medicine, they were probably behind those vile genetic experiments and did it to themeselves for shits and giggles.


so since this is legosi's POV and obviously doesnt transform into 1000 moths, what does Riz see to make him that surprised/frightened?

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It's nobody's POV, it's an allegory.

>SSS Tier:
>Legosi (forma pollila)

Legosi's autism is so powerful it infects others.

So what's the meaning behind such allegory?

who is this cutie

It's a representation of the mental strength he gained from predating on that moth.

When did he eat a moth?

He ate a larva, speedreader.

The manga rides the line pretty well. It says diversity is fine and usually works best for weirdos with nothing else to identify with.
It also suggests that mutual respect and competence is better than tribalism.
On the other hand it ALSO suggests that two different groups will ever and always be different and pretending everyone is the same or that everyone can get along is retarded. In fact, the only people who DO think that are coal burners like legosi - specifically because they have a fetish they want to legitimise.

Honestly Beastars gets to the quick of the issue. Collectively we can never 'be equal' and trying to pretend otherwise will hurt both parties unjustly. Individually however you should act on the content of character because you've got more justification for judgements.

The analogy isn't 1:1 racism. Predation in Beastars is predation. HOWEVER the mechanism of predation is used to mirror many uncomfortable ideas and feelings around inherent differences in people and taboo desires.

Sometimes the manga uses predation as mal-adjusted romance, sometimes racism, sometimes sexism, sometimes rape, sometimes sadism.
The premise doesn't exist to mirror a subject so much as it is used as a tool to occasionally explore many subjects. The subtexts start and end as context requires. If you're reading this as predation=x you're a brainlet for real.

Isn't that illegal?

Bugs are the animals of Beastars. They're open season to eat.

Nah, insects aren't intelligent in Beastars world.

Same as Zootopia.

>bug burgers

>same as zootopia
Yes - we know.
Except Beastars is better than Zootopia. The only really glaringly dumb thing in Beastars is the actual role of "Beast Star". That feels really cartoony and out of place in what is otherwise a somewhat immersive setting.

It's very obviously based on japanese idol shit.

Except zootopia its so narrow its shit, just by defeating the surprise villain they think eevrything will be ok, but society was already fragmented before the start of the story

Tl:dr Beastars >>>>>>>> zootopia

Also the best part of everything is that furries don't like the designs of beastars (because it doesnt looks like the lion king), meaning that even if they knew about it they would just leave it untouched

>idolfags think their waifu are allowed to operate above the law
Yeah I don't know about that. 'inspired by' sure but that's besides the point. The thing is it still comes off as weird.

>japanese and american ones
She just called all asians dicklets
Top kek Itagaki-sensei

>You need to look up images of wolves. You'll love them.

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>bullying nip dicks
I think you're getting too international there Paru. Support your own.

yeah, haha. you tell em.

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Riz is using rationalizations to cope with a painful reality by denying the truth, the way the vast majority of people get by irl. Legosi however has accepted suffering. He is living continuously with the full awareness of his own guilt and hypocrisy in order to feel a continuous respect for life so that he can be honest with himself. This is because Legosi is incapable of feeling better by letting himself off for something.

So Riz probably looked at Legosi and made eye contact with a real living creature who was trying to be happy and trying to understand him and wanted to stop him from doing things that caused himself and others pain, and Riz found it momentarily mortifying because it made his own pain become real again.

I don't mind the names in Beastars since it's not supposed to be our world but I always find it funny how all over the place they can be


In more scientific terms Legosi ate a bug and felt genuine remorse for hurting and consuming another creature in order to trigger a mirror neuron empathy response in Riz that revealed his own concealed emotions.

>implying legosi doesn't have moth powers
You realise we're going full bleach with this right? We've only got two levels of hybrid powers so far. He's going to have other animals in his genealogy

>likes: weather forecasts
What an insanely specific thing to list

>'inspired by' sure
Totally. Remember that not all Beastars are law enforcers or politicians, some are athletes or simply celebrities. They were given the title because they are expected to be a positive influence in a fucked up society.

Gazelle and Judy from Zootopia would probably be considered Beastars in this world.


To be fair what do you expect from Legosi. Prior to the start of the series his main goal in life was to stay out of the spotlight (heh)

Yeah I get that but the thing is they have pretty overt legal protections and access to some sort of resources.
Just recently we've learned that they get a wish as well.

It's not a name for an influential person but more like giving every nobel prize winner diplomatic immunity, access to a trust fund and 1 free wish, which is weird.

Also it's odd that Yafs is what he is despite not many people actually knowing about him.

She's a woman. She'll easily betray her people for the good looking barbarian next door.

It is mentioned that Yafya is pretty weird for a Beastar.

>Birthday is Feb 9

What did this happen?

Holy shit.

Equal rights was a mistake.

Also pretty gay

>In before Louis NTR Haru and Juno

I don't know about that. Lousie was a large candidate and he's gay as fuck. It seems common enough to be honest.

>like giving every nobel prize winner diplomatic immunity, access to a trust fund and 1 free wish, which is weird.
See . The world of Beastars is similar to our world but definitely not the same in many ways.

It was probably a mistake.

I know but 'dogs are altered wolves' exists because that's how the real world is. Beaststars have no equivalent and just stick out in a weird way. I'm not bitching but like, it's odd.

Haru is going to come over to Legosi's apartment and see the door is open and see Legosi and Louis spit roasting that sheep lady

I'd be fine with that bruh. Sharing isn't gay and Haru is a shit. Legosi not keeping Sebun for himself is a little sad though

Beastars probably takes place in a far flung future after our own society collapses due to racism or religious conflict or environmental destruction or something. People are forced to have wildly disparate physical capabilities and instincts, while all having the same approximate level of intelligence and rationality. Society has to evolve beyond prejudice and impulsivity and learn to cope with diversity and the needs of individuals.

The point of the Beastars is to lead society on a better path by controlling memes as an opinion leader.

He might keep her to himself. There's another scenario where Bill, Louis, Juno and Haru come over and see Sebun riding Legosi and Bill just yells "That's my boy, get in that booty! " and Louis is just smiling. Haru collapses crying and Juno laughs at her.

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>Society has to evolve beyond prejudice and impulsivity and learn to cope with diversity and the needs of individuals.
But the series made it clear that complete harmony is impossible due to the biological differences between herbivores and carnivores. Are you just supposed to imagine those differences away?

>Sharing isn't gay
spotted the muslim

How tall is Legosi?

>Juno laughs at her
God I love Juno. We need more of her. When will she stand against Legosi trying to institute segregation.

You've never spit roasted a girl with your bro user?

183 cm.

Maybe sooner than we think.

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That's just it man, they're forced to confront it and be a part of it, nobody can say that racism is an idea, it's literally actually real there. They actually have to deal with the problem instead of claiming it doesn't exist.

There's also the fact that no one in the series has committed a crime without being motivated by social pressure like feelings of isolation, desire to conform or rebel, the sense of repression from burying one's true instincts. There's nobody who cognitively intellectually decides that eating others is okay and they want to do it, they do it like they're forced to because of their circumstances and what happened to them and that's just what they need to do to survive and cope with living now.

Just like real life if a person can't be more than their circumstances and emotions they end up consumed by them instead and become the source of suffering for someone else.

that's super disgusting and I would never speak to either of those people again

She made Legosi shorter?

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sebun is the angriest, most suicidal fucking sheep in the world and it's amazing

He's not going to stay fangless, huh

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>Sometimes the manga uses predation as mal-adjusted romance, sometimes racism, sometimes sexism, sometimes rape, sometimes sadism.
I agree, but I argue that all these things and how they're portrayed in the manga lead back to/are connected with the carnivore/herbivore difference, rather than being separate ideas.
>If you're reading this as predation=x you're a brainlet for real.
Any interpretation of art will utilmately boil down to one central idea so saying "predation=x" is honestly fine as long as we footnote it that this isnt the only interpretation.

he's so fucking autistic, I love him

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Dang user, don't kink shame people that's not cool.

>most suicidal fucking sheep in the world

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>The only good CGI studio
Don't let the Rooster Teeth fags hear you say that lol

that looks cool, do you know who's the artist?

I'm not saying it's something to be ashamed about man I'm saying I physically can't deal with it and I have to avoid those people. It's repulsive to me on a personal level; I don't actually think it's wrong I just think it's gross.


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No. You are wrong. Predation is its own thing within the internal logic. It is used contextual to mirror real world things but it exists as its own thing. THAT'S the point. Predation was designed to reflect animal predation not anything else. Predation = x x = Predation. There are no other better allegories.
The people who think predation is racism and the other stuff is incidental are not just 'interpreting it their way' but are objectively missing the point of the text.

Fair enough

>Predation was designed to reflect animal predation not anything else.
Why should I believe this? The author's own view is that she designed Beastar as an exploration of diversity. Using an author's word to interpret is pretty dumb, but you're tied to this idea of authorial intent in interpretation for no valid reason.

How do you feel if I say that the issues surrounding predation are intentionally similar to racism and rape and lets face it, the way muslims and other criminals act when they integrate into another society with a fundamentally different logic of morality?

Which do you think is more likely. That the premise about animals came to the idea of predation and likened it to many real world issues or the premise of real-world issues came to use animals as a light allegory?
If it were designed primarily as allegory then it would simply have ONE comparison like racism or something. That she uses the preexisting dynamics around predation to explore things other than racism like lust and sadism speaks more to the idea of she's exploring where she can go with predation as opposed to looking for social issues to force predation to represent.
Yes it's being used to explore things but no it isn't simply a stand in for one social concept like racism.

See above. I think it's an excellent mechanism to explore them. It's about the similarity that pre-exists between them rather than her forcing predation into the world to be similar to racism. It has its own internal logic despite being used to explore other ideas.

>lust and sadism
was there sadism though?

sadism is pretty irredeemable, I seem to recall it being about domination/liberation when it took that kind of turn in this story

he's almost as lonely as I am

If you prefer to see it that way, it's fine. That's the thing I'm talking about. Predation isn't one thing in particular. It's a vehicle for all manner of concepts but particularly those that
>are resultant from inherent differences
>act upon the subject making them feel incapable of controlling their actions
>force a feeling on shame upon the subject for what appears to them as normal or natural
There are a LOT of things that fit the above frame work and almost all of them are taboo, not spoken about often or hard to speak about in general.
Through keeping the vehicle of predation seperate and only concerned with its own internal consistency it allows either the story, through context of characters and their take on predation, or the reader through projection, to see comparisons to real world issues and start to interact with them.
It's the same thing as X-men's argument about whether it's niggers or fags. It's mutants and mutants are oppressed. 1:1 allegories are for shit writers. Good writers leave space for the story to explore or the reader to interject.

>Which do you think is more likely. That the premise about animals came to the idea of predation and likened it to many real world issues or the premise of real-world issues came to use animals as a light allegory?
I don't really see how either of these are unlikely, as writers have used both techniques before.
>If it were designed primarily as allegory then it would simply have ONE comparison like racism or something.
Not entirely true; Orwell's Animal Farm is intentionally designed as an allegory about the Soviet Union, but also has parallels to other totalitarian governments, has things to say about democracy and power, industrialization, animal labor, etc. That one viewer might focus on democracy in Animal Farm over that soviet parallels isn't a fault of the reader or make them objectively wrong.
The point I'm trying to make is I agree that preadation in Beastars is complex and multifacted, I'm just saying that a reading that focuses on preadation being x, and subsuming all the other complexities to being about x, isn't a wrong way to read the text.

Who's ready for the 23th?

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I will never be ready.

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>beetle book

we may never know and we never will cause he's never fucking showing up again

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You can view it in lots of different angles.
I mainly see different people with different needs and wants attempting to coexist next to eachother and stay civilized and not devolve into savagery.
If you know history before civilizations they are almost completely "savage" now people are "civilized" but just under the surface of emotions the savage is still there.
But I might be reading it the wrong way that the author intended but I do think the message of racism bad is definitely not what he intended.

I could see pina returning as a brilliant terrorist when some trauma turns his focus away from the ladies

And the Harlequin rabbit who bullied Haru in the beginning.
If someone has a plurk and knows sunrunes there's this
This is Yafya's endgame, its the gay horse doing what he wanted (I should've downloaded them when I had the chance)

Has Louis' fiance ever been brought up any other time than this?

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>Nearly 5 more dollars for big condoms
>Most big animals are carnivores
>Tiny animals don't have to spend a lot on them...
Let's say the base price for a condom is about 7 dollars, that would mean Legosi would have to spend like 12 dollars for one regular box of condoms (not including the fancy shit)
Small animals would have to spend less than that...
Damn it is really expensive being big, also how much does he spends on shampoo

It was there all along.

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No. Seems forgotten. I imagine Paru will bring it up for dramatic effect later though. Right now he's in the midst of Juno drama but the time will be right soon.

I have a real question, how did he get the shirt over his antlers?


In one of the extra notes, Paru said that deer clothing is made to be extra-stretchy so it can fit over antlers.

>Because the manga is constantly challenging the idea
Challenging what? The manga doesn't tip toe around anything but the message of coexistence is still there.

Pretty good post

Paru sure does like drawing Legosi with his shirt pulled up.

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literally who, aren't those the guys that used to make achivement hunter back in 2010?

And I'm fine with that. Is she married? because I'd eat that cake all night long

>rooster teeth
Are fucking nobodies, who cares. Their fans are autistic too
>say the series should have died just like Monty
>w0t you're not allowed to make fun of my ironic weeb shit and you're certainly not allowed to make fun of people dying you're a monster

She sure does.

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Sebun has ruined Christmas cakes for me because I can't get over the fact that Legosi won't beep the sheep.

Legosi is too pure to ever do something like that.

Camp Camp is good

Whats then?

CGI prolly... Can't have good things.

Hey guys, remember that time when Louis was gay to Legosi? haha

Fur Hire

>tfw he will never be your boyfriend

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Why live?

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Don't know, it's part of that Yugioh furry archetype called skyfang brigade in JP or Fur Hire (fucking puns) in english.

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Haru looks like a fukkin gremlin

Fuck Tewart

Im taller than Legosi haha

Im 5'11. Ill forever bear the shame of not being 6'0. I still say im 6 feet sometimes. And with shoes I actually am.

Snek was basically fondling his junk

Animetards and secondaries and furfags deserve nothing but shit.

He has a wolf fetish he is yet to acknowledge

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Who could even voice Legosi? Kenjiro Tsuda would be a good Louis and Aya Hirano would be a good Haru, but I don't even know what to think about for Legosi's voice.

I think so, but all I know is ever since the Pokemon Mewtwo CGI remake trailer dropped. People have been roasting it and RWBY fans patted themselves on the back with "Hehe, atleast RWBY looks better right guys?". So that led to people saying RWBY is ugly as sin like Berserk 3D which got the fags jimmies rustled. They also get super pissed when Detective Pikachu fags back them the fuck out.

I once say this French commenter say American's suck at cgi shows and the RWBY fag got so booty blasted. Here's their response "lol, and French animation is so much bette, news flash RWBY has great fight scenes, character's, animation, and storytelling than Wakfu and Miraculous Ladybug! So I'd appreciate if you didn't compare it to Berserk 3D and not show your bias!".

it has to be someone with a high range of tone but still a fairly deep voice

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I always imagined Louis' voice as Vergil's from DMC3.

RWBY is french? The baguettes have good animation, but I always thought that was completely american production.