Who would win in a fight to the death?

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no weapons allowed: violet
weapons allowed: saber
the hard part is trying to keep track of who is who in a chick fight

Can Violet use magic?
Because otherwise its a complete nonstarter, whatever else she can do she can't hurt a Heroic Spirit


What kind of fight? Is it a sex fight?

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Speaking of 1000 hours in paint.
New and improved.

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Violet would start crying and stand in the corner

It's rude to point

Is there a doujin of both having sex while war PTSD randomly interrupts every page?

They should battle it out in a debate about the emotions of others. Whoever is less autistic wins.

Violet a cute. Especially when she is fighting in the trenches.

>Sabah raises her voice and then Violet gets all pouty

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Nah, Saber knows a good deal of hand-to-hand as well. The real question is whether Saber can use her magical strength. She's relatively weak without it.

With magic Violet doesn't stand a chance.
Without magic Saber would probably lose.
Weapons have nothing to do with it, because Saber couldn't summon her Excalibur without magic I'm pretty sure.

Saber should win easily but she would find a way to job somehow.

Knights are trained in hand to hand combat.
Also, swinging around a long sword all day long is a good workout. Saber's core and arm muscles will be greater, thus allowing her to throw stronger punches.

Seiba has been dead for a while.

King of jobbers would lose like a bitch.

You dishonor my King.
Not even Saber would job hard enough for a walking type-writer to take her down.

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she would

>to the death

Bro did you read the vn she's literally the only one who isn't

Violet can never win because Servants can't be killed without magic. She'll either get cut down within moments or within seconds if she runs away really fast
> but Kuzuki
Enhanced by Caster, secondary-kun.

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I'd say saber, she has dragon blood flowing in her veins, she literally fought armies of powerful barbarians, while Bioretto only fought some weak ass solders using guns

She worked very hard to fight those soldiers.

Altria. Easy

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Get out.

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> Altria
Fuck off

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>arturia is lawful NEUTRAL
>artOria is lawful GOOD
it's actually reverse you can't convince me otherwise

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Artoria sounds better when pronounced in a Japanese accent. Arturia is closer to the English pronunciation. I'm partial to Arturia, but I usually just call her My King.

Altria is just stupid.

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>I usually just call her My King
Well met, my fellow knight!

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For me, it's Seiba. "Altria" is for F/GO tertiaries.

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Altria is the official spelling. Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

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Nasu can suck on Saber's massive futacock.

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Blue Nero

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