
Misconceptions/false predictions when reading/watching?

For me I thought Echoes Act 3's ability was going to be rhyming to make special effects happen.

Thought Part 5 was gonna be the sons of Dio all being gang leaders in Italy with Giorno taking them over one by one.

Attached: 3 Freeze.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

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i thought doppio was the original

Attached: that look.jpg (629x190, 61K)

I thought s2 of SDC was going to be all about fighting DIO.

I thought part 5 would have a final boss fight and conclusion
I was horribly mistaken

he was

>that crushing feeling when you realize it's gonna be 20 more episodes of meme villains and poop jokes

I thought that part 6 was going to make sense and Jotaro would have a fitting death. I also thought Wekapipo shot Johnny but now im not sure.

Attached: GyroHolUp.png (457x728, 709K)

He was always 2 people. There was only ever "just" Doppio when when Doppio went into Bruno's body, and Diavolo into Trish's

Additionally, Boss' body stayed in the Diavolo form (later inhabited by Bruno's soul) after the soul swap because that's the form he fell asleep in

>For me I thought Echoes Act 3's ability was going to be rhyming to make special effects happen
I think it was supposed to be but Araraki never did anything with it but "Three Freeze".