Did you enjoy the new episode, user?
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So, those subbers finally abandoned the whole "Yikes" thing?
I still want a Maro-chan plush
What's her fucking problem?
She's too cute and her brain can't handle it.
Kylie is a bad influence
Don't make me do it, man. Don't push me like that
Imagine how angry JULIA will be when she realizes that she will have to pay taxes from now on.
Is this 2D or 3D? I legit can't tell.
Not the user you all replied to and I don't know if any of you are even in this thread, but thanks for the explanations. It's tough for a brainlet.
I beg of you, though, last user, please spell it Kotobuki.
I want that cute little spinning girl to completely disparage me.
Cute creature knees
What does she wear under her skirt, panties or shorts?
Worst part is he might not even know about the shaddy parts which seems to be in butlers direction.
But that might be just trying to save him some face.
This went over my head. I figured there's no story so I wasn't even paying attention unless there was Kylie on the screen.
I want JULIA to angrily take all of my hard-earned money while she steps all over me (consensually of course)
Wonder what the final battle be like?
>you can't throw THOSE, inertia thingamajigs are dangerous you madman.
I hope they plan to bring Torihei back to subdue the betrayer.
Yeah, like the other user said with the redemption arc idea, I could see Isao having a moment of "Oh shit, this plan sounded all well and good when my butler was explaining it to me but suddenly this seems like a really shitty thing to do" and betraying the statist conspiracy and joining the Kotobukis to help fight against his former air armada. He seems like a fairly sympathetic character and the show has already demonstrated a desire to have multidimensional characters and faux villains, with Julia coming across as a huge bitch but actually having good ideals and the Elite Industries CEO reneging on his evil ways.
Kylie was surprisingly calm about the whole being attacked thing, especially in a plane that can't even fight back by default. Surely she thought it was just going to be a leisurely ride for some fresh air. And then she's suddenly attacked by 4 planes, and then another 10 show up.
I was expecting there to be a scene where she yelled at him or something, especially after they crashed.
No matter what, I'm sure I'll love it. I know that's setting myself up for disappointment, but the dogfights have consistently been the best part throughout, so I expect them to save the best for last.
I'm expecting Snake, Isao, and the Kotobukis to all be in one big battle of some sort.
Cute autist
I guess butler used this for his plan too.
Kotobukis gather some friends, including sneeki and fight butlers shitty notpirate forces. Later Isao changes sides because when he realizes he has become the pirate and he doesn't want to hurt cute girls.
Everyone is happy, except Julia because she doesn't get to see Isao die.
Where can I buy a copy of see the sea?
Would you join her crew? What (Japanese)plane are you gonna fly?
Snek already joined her it seems
Which one's got the biggest radial engine?
Emma and her friend were pretty cute, I kinda hoped we got more Emma.
Her desu was are beautiful.
>What (Japanese)plane are you gonna fly?
Realistically? Whatever I could afford.
Ideally? An F4U Corsair :^)
A ki-61. I like them. Or just whatever the fuck everyone else is flying, kinda hard to work with your wingmen and team if all the planes behave differently.
her friend's manner of talking and the way she dresses don't match
It's great, isn't it?
I'm actually really fond of the Ki-43 but since I'm a 109 fag I'd go with the Ki-61.
>TFW Isao puts a massive bounty on the Kotobuki Corps that turns all their friends against them.
I want him to die.
Ki-100 I-Otsu
Raiden, if you want a fighter.
It's probably going to have the Kotobuki's being outnumbered and then that girl + the other 2 who were with Reona will appear to help.
I like Ki-61 too.
kino cover
Nah, this is
How DARE you, you little shit.
J7W1, J7W2 or R2Y2, if they're not available I'll join the Ki-61 gang.
>radial tony
Come on, join our inline gang.
Hed need to present a very good reason though, presently press and the public opinion was in their favor. Question is how long that may hold any validity with Isao power sphere expanding by the minute.
Which Ki-61 variant and with what kind of paintwork?
Tei is my favorite. It has slightly longer nose than the earlier ones but not as long as in Ki-61 II Kai.
Hei. Nothing beat MG 151/20 with Minengeschoß.
J7W1 or Ki-84 Hei
Whichever one they mounted the imported german cannons on of course.
The bare metal with green spots camo is easily the best japanese camo. Was a good pick for Kotobuki as well.
>Rammed a Superfortress and returned to base
Otsu-hien with that 37th flight training company silver/bare metal.
The same shit I use in war blunder.
This was an interesting bit imo, with Emmas story we found her famility is still alive (and well, kinda) somewhere despite previous expectations.
Or in a darker twist, they really are all dead and she was just entertaning her old friend because she dont want to make her worry about her.
Razor back doesn't look good on most planes, but it suits Hien, though it's nice with full view canopy too.
Some guy managed to do it twice.
There's one nonverbal way of telling her she's cranky.
>Razor back doesn't look good on most planes
I bet you like Isao and want him to own you.
>Razor back doesn't look good on most planes
Is there a translation guide for the game somewhere, don't know what these buttons say.
Is the game out yet?
Google translate the wiki
It's been out for like 3.5 weeks now.
Oh. How is it?
Join Yea Forumsces. That's an alliance for anons here.
It's alright. You're starved for fuel most of the time and the battles pretty much play themselves becaus it largely makes no difference if you have auto skill on or not.
I'm having decent fun with it for the time I can play it each day at least.
The quick shot of the friend from last week’s preview had me thinking she was actually going to be a young Emma during a flashback. Also didn’t expect Emma’s family to still be alive somewhere.
>a hole
What is your take on those?
Asshole, we'll never surrender. Prepare for an invasion because we're not looking for an alliance.
This, but I’ll take an A7M3 as a fallback.
Burtler gave him daily report. Seemingly accurate including results of his shaddy business, but Isao is too loopheaded to understand whats going on.
I suppose its to illustrate that he doesnt really know whats going on outside the Ikesuka and its mostly public puppet for the butler.
I know that, I mean what are those words mean? Who's gonna invade who?
Karyu or Shisui
There is nothing more glorious than people defending their Ancap way of life.
Oh shit, I just thought that corrupted Yang Wenli might be trying to unify the towns of their world for an imminent Yufang invasion with superior Isekai armament like F-2 bombers and shit
Why are all the japanese the bad guys?
I would think 3D strictly because it looks like the animation is actually 24FPS. I very much doubt they would've done that with 2D.
>2nd thread
>page 9
I know it's a niche show, but...
Alright, so taking the list.
Hole. is easy, about the recent sighting of new possible portal
Surrender, is most likely that city just bombed and they gave up
Invasion, might be either that same city or the next target foreshadowing cause its probably Rahama
Alliance, is Gador formaly joining their club once they got rid of Julia
Cute Goblin.
Kylie is kind of a nutcase. In fact I think the setting is such that everyone take shit like this in stride. There's probably alot of people dying of starvation, banditism and whatnot offscreen, so getting shot by pirates out of nowhere is just another shitty thing to expect from this world.
She probably had a maid to dress her up before her family went broke. Ruined aristocracy/high bourgeoisie don't know how to properly take of themselves.
Yeah, you might be right.
I guess it's more that I was thinking about it like he was using her without telling her that they're likely to be attacked, which she would obviously want to know about beforehand. But since it's pirate land, you probably have a point.
Still, I'm surprised there was no scene afterwards where he explained why they were attacked. Perhaps that'll come up next episode, especially now that the plot really kicked into gear.
found the socialist
Friend told me this is basically Crimson Skies - The Anime.
How true is this?
i like you
i hope you fuck my sister
i was thinking i was Isaofag all this time, so...
sorry guys, unity is better than factionalism.
The super sexy Raiden.
>zeppelin aircraft carriers
>colorful/varied cast
>unique worldbuilding
>bretty gud music
>air pirates and corporations
It's pretty much the closest we'll get to more antics of Nathan Zachary.
VERY true
>posting with xbox "sequel"
Well, how applicable is THIS to that?
That cuts deep.
How come this show became popular but Akanesasu Shoujo never did?
This isn't popular either
i don't have the real deal, but i have this fragment
Advertisement basically
oh my god. you do good user
Very damn true
I'd like to lick every square inch of KYLIE's legs
I want to lick a lot more than just her legs.
You want to lick her cock as well?
She could have two cocks for all I care, as long as it's hers.
What sort of goblin chow is this? I’ve seen Chika eating it in the game.
>flat free
I don't understand.
>Faat free mystery meat
Everything a growing goblin needs.
No, it's saying it's free of radiation (half-lifes)
Its orally taken chocolate starfish artificial fat anal lube
come for the pancakes
stay for the politics
This show is so much fun
does she even wear pants?
Can anyone crop that Kylie? I feel like it could be a great reaction pic
what the fuck is stopping you from doing it?
Nakajima Ki-201
I'm a lazy bastard
She wears cute shorts.
Silly, but cute.
I'm out, go KOTOBUKI, mantain the Ancap way of life alive.
Kyrie is a natural dom.
9 episodes in and I still don't know the name of a single character in the show or what the story is about, so no, I'm still watching for my rule to not drop anything I chose to pick up in a season.
Is this knockoff in the anime yet?
Best girl.
I don't understand how no one else is mad at the cripple either. He knew the dangers of going near that hole but didn't tell KYLIE or LOULOU ahead of time. He could've gotten KYLIE killed or crippled like him.
What are you talking about? It's no secret how he became crippled and he even mentioned to Kylie in the conversation they were having how he hasn't flown since he was ambushed. He doesn't know any more than that so what exactly was he supposed to tell them?
What are you even watching then if you can't at least identify the pancake psycho?
you cheeky cunt
I think I just answered that. I kinda enjoy the SoL parts but when I'm starting to get into the story they suddenly jump to an ugly and LONG flight scene and then lost all interest I had prior that, and yes. the CGI really put me off all the time, even if I try my hardest to overlook it, not even Bermuda Triangle gets this annoying.
Viper Zero
Once Sab comes back, it will be.
I think it was pretty clear from the outset what you'd be getting into.
3D-CG anime about cute girls in planes getting in dogfights.
The SoL sections are to just break that up.
>That hair
Well it's official , snake is Ol' Sabu
He knew that they were flying around looking for a sky hole (the search for which got him shot down and crippled), Pancake Girl did not. He did not disclose his reasons for requesting the flight nor the potential danger.
)'d say she still has some maid, those drills (while not perfect) don't take care of themselves.
It is interesting how normal and modern her clothes are compared to the rest of the world, so I am going to say that there was some irony there and the joke is that in their world, for some reason, rich families dress like our slobs. Maybe one time a hole opened and modern clothes came though, and the nobles of the world took it as high end fashion.
It's a chestlet thing.
Anyone has the CG with the black business-suit girl with blue earrings?
Why does this looks so bad?
Why would the fact that they were looking for a sky hole automatically imply danger? Did either of them somehow know that this mysterious group was camping the location of the hole and murdering anyone who came close? It's pretty clear that Kate's brother has no idea why he was attacked the first time. He probably chalked it up to a random pirate attack, which is presumably not unheard of in their world. I'm not sure why you would assume that he magically knew the motivations of the people who attacked him and then for some reason decided to hide that information from everyone else.
Thanks user.
I want to know what her story is.
She wasn't that calm, the guy with her on the other hand.
Ithaca, one of Gekitetsu executives. So perfectionist, she rigs her own bed with a spear that will stab her if she doesn't wake up on time. But when anything's not according to her schedule, panics easily.
In the CG, she's breaking up a fight between the boss's daughter and a gang of sky pirates who tries to make a scene in Ithaca's territory. The sky pirates becomes somewhat like the Elite Industry for the Gekitetsu.
Does the music during the aerial dogfight sounds like the Indiana Jones theme to anyone else? Kinda reminded me of that part where papa Jones accidentally shot the tailflaps of their biplane off when trying to shoot down the Germans.
>So perfectionist, she rigs her own bed with a spear that will stab her if she doesn't wake up on time. But when anything's not according to her schedule, panics easily.
Not sure if I like her. Maybe if she learned to be more chill through character development.
>Why would the fact that they were looking for a sky hole automatically imply danger?
Because finding one is what got him criped in the first place? Their conversation makes it clear that he does understand that it's why he was attacked, and he'd be an idiot otherwise. Just like you.
>Crimson Skies
>Posting the downgraded (((sequel))) instead the OG one
>Their conversation makes it clear that he does understand that it's why he was attacked
Really? What exactly does he say that makes that clear? Because I'm not seeing it.
If you can't understand the screencap you posted, I can't help you.
So you're saying that because the planes that attacked him were unidentified, and because they attacked him before he found the portal, that OBVIOUSLY means that they were some secret force out there specifically to prevent anyone from finding the portal, and there's no way at all they could have just been regular pirates? What exactly is the logic there? If they were regular pirates, they would have politely identified themselves first, and then would have allowed him to finish what he was out there doing before attacking him? That's the logic you're using to insist that he clearly understands the motives of the unidentified planes that attacked him that day?
Wait, so are they all idiots or something? I mean if I got ambushed the last time I got near a hole, I'm taking something that can fight the next time I go near a hole, or something that has legs at least.
Gee, I wonder why there was a conveniently placed group of hostile planes right near this weird portal. Could it be that he was on to something, and there really is someone out there that would like to either keep it secret or under control for the purpose of leverage or power?
Nah, must have been pirates.
A biplane is a lot better for going slow.and observing shit, which was the whole point of the trip.
>Could it be that he was on to something, and there really is someone out there that would like to either keep it secret or under control for the purpose of leverage or power?
When did he ever suggest he knew that there was some group that wanted to keep the portal secret or under their control? As far as I can tell he thought he was the first person to discover the location of the portal since it was last used. It sounds like you're just making up nonexistent dots to make his failure to connect them sound more egregious.
stay naive. I'm not about to spoonfeed you :)
Point. But it still seems really risky. I mean, did they assume the hole is not important or something? Because if the hole is important, and I got jumped by fighters the last time I got near it, its not a stretch to assume I'm going to be jumped by fighters the next time I got near it. It might have been better if it was an escort mission. But then again, escort mission.
Thinking about it further, did they have cameras? Personally I would probably have brought a 2-seater fighter and just let him take photos, although I'm not sure if they had those back in WW2 Japan.
According to It's silly to think that it was nothing more than a random attack by pirates.
Nope, no reason to ever think that since you're close to this portal, that someone may have found it before you and is guarding the shit out of it.
>I COULD explain why I'm not wrong, but I just don't want to! Just ignore all those other posts where I eagerly tried to explain why I'm not wrong! I changed my mind just now is all!
Oh, so it's one of THESE arguments. Why do you seem so emotionally invested in proving that Kate's brother is an idiot, anyway? Do you feel sexually threatened by his smooth delicate skin and boyish good looks?
I mean its a portal, which by definition led somewhere else. I think you both are too hung up on the pirates angle, I mean in universe it could as well be hostile fighters from the other side, which is a good reason to go in something either combat capable, or escape capable, although afaict WW2 Japan doesn't exactly have anything that can just zoom in and out.
>Do you feel sexually threatened by his smooth delicate skin and boyish good looks?
stop, I might get aroused.
Personally I think they are ALL idiots, well either that or not enough speculative fiction in their world. I mean I've consumed enough fiction to know that portals are rarely good news, but otoh, people in universe might not have, thats why they think its safe to buzz around unknown portals in a fucking biplane.
Even if someone had found the portal before him I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that someone would be there with plans to mercilessly slaughter anyone else who comes across it. Like sure, the portal is valuable, but presumably so is anything that people are flying off into the desert to try to find. Even if Kylie didn't know he was looking for a portal, she must've known he was looking for something of value to someone, unless she thought he only wanted to go on the ride for a chance to flirt with her or he had some weird fetish for valueless rocks or something. If she thought it was safe to fly out that way in an unarmed biplane I doubt she would insist on taking a fighter instead of she knew it was a portal he was after instead of whatever else it could have been. I don't think that portal = automatic murder of everyone else who might be interested in it.
And the point that he was attacked last time would be more convincing if he had actually found the portal and then was attacked. But he just says that he was attacked before he could find it; we have no idea how close he really was. Maybe he assumed he was way off track and that was why he ran into pirates? It just seems like a big leap of logic to immediately connect the two in a lawless wilderness known to be inhabited by air pirates.
>But he just says that he was attacked before he could find it; we have no idea how close he really was.
Fair point, but like I said here portals are generally serious business, and serious business normally means serious planes. Although lets dial it back from fiction to reality, in reality there are no portals, but I assume strategic crossing points are a good equivalent? So like the canals? Maybe a canyon route with high cliffs on the side blocking transit? In an era with planes and presumably some concept of long range recon, would we expect strategic crossing points to be guarded? Either by assets on site or assets called in via radar or something? I guess I'm rambling at this point, and I do agree that there are reasons to bring an unarmed biplane when searching for a portal, its just that I either missed or they didn't show those reasons. Reasons like the area the portal might be in is too big and so a biplane with longer endurance or lower operating costs might be better. Otoh, what they actually showed seems to indicate he actually had a very good idea of where the portal might be, or maybe they just cut out all the boring flying around stuff.
It's fancy enough to be underwear.
Nah this is Red dead Redemption 2 with plane.
While I also see isao as the bad guy, I hope his plan on consolidating power is actually a twist and it was all to save their world from the incoming yufang side invasion (and not necessarily a nation state actor to give the ww2 plane riding mc gang a fighting chance ).
As their world is falling apart, Yufangs should be last of their worries. Honestly, at worst they would bring in more new technology that actually helps them survive in that wasteworld, just like the whole aviation they brought last time.
Never underestimate biplanes. The same planes that crippled bismarck and even her AA batteries were nothing against those plane's paper wings, the bullets just passes through it.
>inb4 yufang has superior american planes
>88mm with proximity fuze
>bullets just passes through it.
Classical anglo.
Wasn't the Bismarck WW1 though?
Denmark strait is WW2
the fuck dude
B-Bismarck was scuttled! Not sunk!!
Swordfish are amazing
I'm after getting very rusty with my history over the years. Shit's been blending into one big mush.
Have you seen a doctor yet?
She looks like alternate costume pads maid complete with clock obsession.
I feel behind a few weeks, I needed to finish off a few series from last season.
Pretty much. Just minus the indiana jones/james bond male main character and replace him with a cast of various anime girls. Also the plane designs are clearly more real world and the battles are pretty damned realistic.
Someone’s just jealous of the lucky bastard who gets to go on a Kotobuki binge.
Is that weed in her pocket?
I feel like kate’s brother would make for a good boyfriend. For other boys and their excessively large anime tier creampies. Every night.
But he's a fucking nerd.
Did any ww2 planes have an RWR?
Could you do rudimentary SEAD against stationary ground radars if you had one?
I'm glad I'm not the only one getting homo vibes from him
When pic related gonna show up?
The hole travels in both space and time, snek is a young Ol' Sabu. Pancake is confused, but interested.
Don't think so. Only world war 2 bird with radar I can recall is the P-61
Better be fucking never
shut up nerd
Nice fantasy planes
>Only world war 2 bird with radar I can recall is the P-61
There were more.
That’s all part of a clever ruse to make the Kotobukis let their guard down and discuss holes with him.
Prop in the butt levels of gay
I do hope someone shots this overly smug mofo.
>Thinking about it further, did they have cameras? Personally I would probably have brought a 2-seater fighter and just let him take photos, although I'm not sure if they had those back in WW2 Japan.
Taking photographs of enemy positions from aircrafts was the main feature why real world militaries got interested in airplanes in the first place. Hell fighter planes that could shoot down other planes where basically developed to stop enemy planes from doing just that.
He was asking for RWR, which doesn't need to be a radar and I don't know if P-61's radar was useful for that.
If you count all kinds of radars, then there are several British heavy fighters, most Germans, F6F-5N, load of different single engine carrier bombers and many multi engine bombers of course.
Even several Japanese planes had some kind of radars. Most common would be B6N2 and G4M2.
A couple did, though it wasn't typical fighter equipment. Most often just about detecting being noticed.
Though apparently they did have SEAD missions guided by those in a couple of specialist planes.
Definitely not just that, F6Fs and F4Us had radar pods and some mosquitos and german heavy fighters used external antenna assemblies.
I’ll take a Ki-87.
>well armed
>comfy pressurized cockpit
>exposed turbo-supercharger’s kino dieselpunk/Crimson Skies aesthetic
>Don't think so. Only world war 2 bird with radar I can recall is the P-61
Most nightfighter variants carried radar, Mosquito and Ju-88 for instance, also I think some seaplanes in the Atlantic used radars to detect surfaced submarines. And RWR was a thing,alot german U-Boats had them at the end of the war due to Allied ships and planes using them. There was missions where aircrafs would bomb identified radar sites. Germans actually where able to knock out a hole in the british Radar network during Battle of Britain by doing just that, but where not able to capitalise of it due to bad intelligence.
Get a load of these tastelets.
Is it a good show? Mal says it's 6.33/10
How about you watch it and form your own opinion?
And since when do we care about MAL's ratings?
*overheats while idling on the ground*
then that means you know it sucks. but if you were intrigued enough to ask if it was trash despite its bad score, then that means you probably want to watch it anyways
Guess i'll watch it then.
>Putting the heaviest, bone crunching object in the plane BEHIND the pilot
Yeah enjoy killing yourself during emergency landings
I wonder if Ol'Sab has a daughter there.
Never trust MAL ratings.
If a show has CGI, trust them even less.
It's a pretty great show. Good character interactions, amazing action sequences, perfect pacing on the exposition into an alternate-universe political intrigue mess. If CGI characters annoy you, you'll be occasionally annoyed, but they're expressive CGI characters, so it works.
Why not?
It had great banter. Lots of political drama. And even great dogfight.
1. show ist great
2. mals shithole
I know the Allies had I think camera pods for their recon craft, but did the japs have them? I mean all I hear about their intel was that it was piss poor after all. Anyway to clarify, I was actually thinking not of camera pods but smaller hand held stuff, something the guy could use from say the back seat of a Suisei.
The Japs had handheld cameras before WWII, plus we’ve seen photographs in Ijitsu newspapers. It should be safe to assume they’d have access to something like pic related.
> Only world war 2 night fighter I can recall is the P-61
Shut up.
F-Fatal Frame?
Go back there and stay.
Haha, wait, are you the same guy that shitposts in the Bermuda Triangle threads? You really are pathetic. Please, just drop the anime you don't like and only watch the stuff you enjoy instead of being a miserable person.
oh man
it's heating up
No, like they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.
>1 big jet engines on the back
>4 small ones on the front
for what purpose?
I'd join if I'd get to bang her. I'd fly anything.
Hell, I'd join just to be her swing / hug slave.
I love this plane so much, even if flying it matches me against the bullshit superprops.
just lol
really hope its joke or b8
Look at those DESUWAs.
More like dumbsuwa.
Julia is cute when angry.
Julia is always cute. And beautiful.
Anyone gonna buy the character songs?
infantilization doujins of JULIA when
i need LOULOU being a mommy and babying her
What bothers me is that the cannons are all going off simultaneously, rather than firing sequentially which would maximize the effective RoF while minimizing recoil.
WG probably thought it looked cool though.
Soon I hope.
I can’t decide whether to be scared or turned on by this face.
Be both.
fear for your cock
post more kirie
Gotta give credit to those guard guys here, that they were loyal to her first and the state second. And being old vets who probably seen various shit go down they accurately assessed threat and dangers.
Julia won't be able to pay Loulou enough to order such scenario for her own pleasure.
I wish I saved the rest of these.
Welp, I never noticed those.
Raiden Rahama skin
Cool, you can just make out the original meatball here too.
Luckily I did, might as well dump them.
Ah, I was thinking they were still using those stupid big ones with exploding lightbulbs.
That would be another 50 years earlier.
Last one.
Ki-61 Hei for those german 20mms
It's such a cutie
He's literally peak male as far as I am concerned.
user those shells were timer fused for estimated range not radar proximity, also the bismar didn't even have 88s, and contact fuses don't work too well against planes made of fabric and wire either, use your brain user. The US navy learned this pretty well when bi-planes were some of the most effective kamikaze aircraft used against them for these reasons.
> when bi-planes were some of the most effective kamikaze aircraft used against them
What the fuck are you even talking about. Did Japanese ever had any biplanes in naval aviation that weren't recons?
Japan towards the end of the war perticularly around Okinawa employed just about anything they could get their hands on for kamikaze attacks. Especially since it's worth noting that Kamikaze attacks were more successful than conventional attacks and resulted in the loss of less planes.
you can watch this for more information youtu.be
No RWR as we know them, but Germany did employ two radar detectors to my knowledge which were the Naxos radar detector and the Flensburg radar detector, the latter of which was used to home in on British bombers equipped with the Monica tail warning radar
Based and redpilled.
Oh, right, they were so effective that they managed to sink one destroyer, slightly damage the another, and just crash into the third without any damage at all.
Such a beautiful plane.
Bi-planes specifically did not make up the bulk of kamikaze attacks, but even with their limited use they still managed to sink one ship and damange and their ability to handle incoming fire can't be ignored.
I'll believe when I see it.
Inline or radial?
Radial a cute, except Corsair which has no cute nose
Corsair is sexy. It has no need to be cute.
inverted inline
Radial for power relative to weight and to frontal area. Inline for range.
I wish Griffon-powered Mustangs were actually a thing during the war.
I wish He-100 had been accepted into service and we could have seen what they evolved into
At that point it's not Mustang anymore.
Patrician taste, user.
>two layers of wings
They look familiar but I'm not sure from what.
>>two layers of wings
y-you mean a bi-plane?
More like fag plane.
What am I looking at? Different planes in every ED?
Bi-plane is a disingenuous term because monoplanes actually have two wings not one and bi-planes have three wings not two. If I had said the CR.42 had two wings it would have been wrong.
I mean if you want to count the stabilizers monoplanes have 5 wings and bi-planes have 6, but we don't call bi-planes sex-planes do we. Unfortunately.
They don't even have names.
Thanks. Why are they Julia's lackeys anyway?
No one calls stabilizers wings.
yeah but they technically are wings, and no one calls monoplanes bi-planes either. So this conversation is rather pointless, no?
Now I'm pretty sure he's the butler.
No, let's continue.
Is the distance to the target correct? HOLY....THAT THING IS HUGE!!
user, this is becoming absurd.
Classic vilain mistake, didnt switch the shoes.
I want to have a Ki-27 gf
ZARA's song is unexpectedly jazzy.
Zara > Reona > Emma > Kylie > Chika > Kate
out of interest what is the original? yabai?
It's 'huah!'
Who in their right mind wouldn’t jump at the chance to become Julia’s property?
Gay men.
Is Kylie supposed to be singing off-key again?
These green strips langing from the rafters look like they could be deployable emergency landing nets.
Hanging ffs
Maybe but it occurs to me that one of the nice things about landing on an airship would be that if you overshoot and go out the other side you have plenty of space to regain your speed and go around again before you go splat.
Unless you only have one chance of a landing and/or don't wish to risk a go-around such as with a failing engine or some such issue
I'm a brainlet for wrestlers, but who are these guys?
Jeremy Clarkson and James May
Yeah there are definitely plenty of circumstances where nets could still be useful. I wonder if they damage the plane at all.
Baldie isn't anywhere near fat enough.
Where's Hammond? Is he too short to become a pilot?
I think he's taller than Chika. Maybe.
Terry and Dory Funk
A6M5 Ko or Ki-61, I wouldn't mind flying a Hayabusa either, those things are insanely agile, lackluster armament though.
Depends, if I'm intercepting or covering bombers as a fighter I'll take an inline any day of the week over a radial. For most other roles I'd prefer a radial.
I'll take the 12.7mm variants, the 20mm variants trade off too much agility for the firepower they gain, ends up making it a much worse aircraft.
Literally who?
I guess I would be the fag to fly the Ki-45 since I like heavy fighters, even though its armament is really subpar for its role. Maybe I can get a cute girl to be my rear gunner.
I'll gun your rear.
Were the swing and play sets around in the earlier episodes. It makes Julia so cute.
Who even needs stability?
Seriously though, it is rather a shame. Much like the practically undeveloped R-4360 F4Us and P-47s. But at least the 51H had practically the same power as a griffon thanks to the fucking insane boost settings.
Probably depends on speed. You're not using them with an undamaged plane anyways though.
I don't know if it's so huge loss, but depends on what you are fighting. Tei doesn't have so heavy armament, but it's extra weight comes from longer maintenance friendlier nose and additional fuel tank.
Ki-100 is of course far better.
How about Ki-102?
Cooler but guns larger than 20mm in aircraft are a meme IMO. I'd prefer a pack of 4 20s over some weird 37 or 57 any day.
>Some say that she's afraid of birds, even when she's flying, and that she has enough strength to push a plane to take off speed. All we know is she's called the Stig!
So I went to check and yes, they actually were. But mostly kept off camera and/or -accidently on purpose- obsucred with just small parts visible.
Someone is really enjoyiing themselves with this series, with funny details around like this for backtracking, but it also proves good organization and preparation, like with recurring sets all ready from the beginning and not padded with stuff as it goes.
from the start up sequence or the sound direction in the dogfight in the first episode one knew they weren't half-assing this show
I'll raise you the Ki-83 on high octane fuel
I wish I could eat pancakes with someone that loves them as much as her
She looks so happy. I wish I could share in some of that.
I want to feed them to her.
KYLIE is actually dead inside.
you can fill the void with pancakes
I'll fill Kylie's insides with life.
I'm going to fuck hope into that retard.
She fills the void in her heart with pancakes and murder. Now ISAO is trying to take both away from her.
>practically undeveloped R-4360 F4Us and P-47s
Which KOTOBUKI would you fug
For me, it's Kylie > Chika > Leona > The rest > The slut
You an see obvious stretching and lineart shifting, so its 2D
Just did this
Kylie > Leona > Emma > Chika = Zara > Kate
See, I just can’t see him on top, ever. He’s too cute and quippy. Even with the girls I feel like it’d end in futa on male or pegging.
>top gear Wall of Cool
>but it’s all Japanese planes
He's wheelchair-bound. It's not like he's in good shape to be on top in the first place.
I wonder if you could build a rudimentary HOTAS and put rudder controls on the stick, so a cripple could fly.
Kate Brother > ABC > the women > the girls > the gremlin
>kate’s brother grows up into a grumpy AWACS operator
>constantly quarterbacking formations based on his past experience in the cockpit
>talking trash back and forth with the squadrons
R-4360 corncob was a 28-cylinder radial, more than half again the displacement of the R-2800 in the F4U and P-47. There were prototypes of each of those, but neither was put into full production (F2G was only a small improvement because shitty supercharger setup, and P-72 was canceled because it would interfere with more P-47s). Even at "just" 3500hp, both had absolutely amazing performance. By the end of the war the same engine with minor changes ran at 4300hp in bombers, could have done at least as much in either the superbolt or super corsair.
Power bottom
Depends on the plane desu. Imagine plane like P-47 Thunderbolt with an inline engine, actually picture is related, that is P-47with V16 inline engine.
Imagine wasting 95% of your 2d budget on one scene.
We spared no expense.
Worth every cent.
I can't wait to get home and have a can of delicious Nλmystery Fггd®
The term comes from how many planes of wings aircraft has. Monoplanes have two wings in in a same plane, biplanes have wings in two planes and so forth.
We've been over this.
>ZARA's song is unexpectedly jazzy.
Why are you suprised of that? She has that vibe of being barsinger/dancer/spy on her so jazz fits her quite well.
Got to keep those 2D animators on staff somehow.
Oh shit, the character songs are out today
I remembered the date wrong and thought it was next week
I noticed that you can make out some of the words in the contract that Loulou handed Kirie, and it turns out that it's actually the lyrics to 'Oh, My Darling Clementine' repeated over and over again.
The last two lines are the easiest to make out.
>In a Cavern in a canyon Excavating __________ for a mine Dwelt a miner forty-nine And his daughter
>1. In a cavern
>In a canyon Excavating for a mine Dwelt a miner forty-nine And his daughter Clementine
>Light she was and like a fairy And her shoes were number nine Herring boxes without topses Sa
>ndals were for Clementine Drove she ducklings to the water Every morning just at nine Stubbed her
>toe upon a splinter Fell into the foaming brine
>2. Ruby lips
>above the water blowing bubbles soft and fine But alas I was no swimmer So I lost my Clementine
>8. Ruby lips above the water Blowing bubbles soft and fine But alas I was no swimmer
>So I lost my Clementine ________________
What could it mean
Nice and minimal.
That's in my monitor's resolution as well. Nice.
I really want to see hatesex between JULIA and LOULOU
>Oh, My Darling Clementine'
It means you're a fucking nerd, good catch.
How can someone so angry be so cute and vulnerable?
I'm expecting someone to have already made an adit of Kyrie next to Ed, leaning on the bench
I wonder if Loulou is aware, its probably her always randomly hitting on her (zepplin).
And speaking of Julia, Id really like some bits of her backstory, I bet there is interesting part between kinder and councilor.
Speculah: Had a thought, that part of her Isao ragebar might be cause he was the only one who could shot her down in past. Now the circle is repeating again. (see under Kyrie-syndrome)
Make it 60fps
What the heck are you making me read, mou
Kylie is so cute when pretends that she can read
Kyrie isn't illiterate. She knows how to read CUML and CUML: Last Shitposting, so that's at least first grade level.
Kylie is a secret genius.
Deepest lore.
KYLIE's anus
Would your dick feel even better inside her during high g maneuvers?
Your snake would be strangled by high pressure.
Fucking Seiya. Dumb brat should just die.
I'd bounce her six in a high D manoeuvre if you know what I mean.
Good God. KYLIE when?
In case of CQC her twintails can be used as a weapon.
cconsidering that blood rushes downwards in high G maneuvers, if you've got your cock in her anus while she's in full nelson so it doesn't rish to her legs and feet, I think it's reasonable to believe that the increased bloodflow to that area would increase preassure and clenching potential resulting in a near godlike feeling in theory
>emma's song
>kate's song
>zara's song
>swimming goggles
>that expression
Laughter, but also an erection.
Today is IHOP National Pancake day
Said it above already, but must repeat it again. I cant help but feel joy emanating from the show.
This here is another example. This could've been filled with any random gibberish, latin impaired Japs would never tell a difference, but noo, instead they take Clementine, ran it through their Ijitsu text mutator and then style it like contract letter. For the sake of clever anons who might figure it out.
nice smile
reminder that 1 squadron of seasoned US navy hellcat pilots would effortlessly shitstomp the kotobukis and their knockoff zeros
Totally true if it's like 20 planes and if they are anywhere close to those four Hayate fags.
Even if Kotobukis are great at evading enemy fire, they can't do much if so many are constantly spraying towards them. Not really any interesting match up. I'd rather see them fight against some similar size group with somewhat comparable plane and led by some high scoring ace. Pic related for example.
>lol, it took you a whole squadron to shoot down us
It reminds me of THAT Styko scene.
Someone put Kyrië's cap on this pls.
i found it incredibly charming to find out she had a playground in there, holy shit the clash is so huge it just warms my heart
Why didn't we noticed the see-saw and swing set before?
I don't know. We should have.
>Why didn't we noticed
Why didn't we notice.
How did the bald brother regain his lost eye?
It was just injured a little.
Glass eye
it's a mgs5 reference
Thanks for correcting me.
Ki-100 is only better if you are trying to fight at a low altitude.
I want the chocolate and Zombie ones
See, thats the playful spirit. It was a tease at first, but only small bits. And they even used same guy in both angles as the decoy.
Are you comparing it to Ki-61 II Kai and do you only care about level flight speeds?
Ki-100 is a modified Ki-61 itself.
> A fcuking portal
Fcuking ISEKAI bullshit again!
It's not just level flight speeds Ki-61 II Kai performed better at higher altitudes.
Rei-sens > Hayabusas
waffles > pancakes
I bet in his day Ol'Sab was an anime protagonist and had all sorts of fun isekai adventures and built up a harem of pilot girls. I wouldn't mind watching that show.
Yes, but what is your point of telling something so simple to me.
That is correct.
I see. At what altitudes you'd consider Ki-100-I better than Ki-61-II Kai?
>Poison Dahlia
I know which one I'm picking.
Can I choose more than one?
I'd be to do Pearl bombing, Nanking(didn't happen) and Berlin burning on the same week.
Robbery lacks one 0.
well her emblem is a dahlia and a scythe
she's just insane
How to make anything sound like shit.
>pancake eater bullies little lolis and shotas
Why are pancake eaters always shittier compared to waffle eaters and acoloholics?
Me in the front row on the left
I can't wait for Julia to kill those cunts with her recreational nukes.
>start flying this thing because of Kotobuki
>it's actually really fun
pleasantly surprised
Get the user skin.
I have it, it's low quality though.
>not knowing that the best pancake flour is made of finely ground loli and shota bones
Handles really nicely, but I'm used to US planes. Can't get the guns to do shit though.
Altitudes over 5,000 meters.
Gay communist nigger.
I love EMMA's scythe and rose symbol.
You see a fine plane made ugly as hell and you call out the Razorback, what is wrong with ?
Iz dat sum B-239?
Do you have all of the high-res planes somewhere? I could need them.
Not just some, but the BW-364 who shot down more planes than any other fighter.
The fcuk is an acoloholic?
ow the edge
That your name or something?
I hoped for a convenient zip file but oh well, I got all the files I need.
Noticed some neat details like Reona's plane having a bunch of replacement panels.
Holy shit that's a BIG fork
You haven't seen shit,
For you
Helps that Soviets had little flight training.
That would be an interesting matchup since the Finnish Buffalos regularly defeated better aircraft than themselves but Hayabusas thoroughly beat the shit out of the British and ANZAC Buffalos in Malaya. It would probably come down to training but with skilled pilots in both I can't really imagine the Buffalo defeating a Hayabusa.
Look at those tits.
why does she dress like a boomer ?
Kill yourself.
Nothing surprising about that.
Pretty much all fighter to fighter stompings in history happened against worse pilots and/or worse planes.
2nd best*
Best girl's plane
True. After picrel
she must have gotten pretty used to anal in her formative years
what else are you supposed to do with her other than fly, eat pancakes and murder people?
procreate furiously
That goes without saying, user
Julia's anus!
Another cursed image.
Why are they wearing Reona's clothes. Are they her fanclub?