I've been a Nino bro since the start. However lately whenever I see Yotsuba I get this tingly feeling...

I've been a Nino bro since the start. However lately whenever I see Yotsuba I get this tingly feeling. How do I stop this?

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Just accept that you love Yotsuba now. You can't cheat on a 2d drawing user

Imagine being a Ninofag

come join us Yotsubros user

>Imagine being a Ninofag
I can.

Then there is something wrong with you

It's shit, right?

Nah, it feels great.

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It feels wonderful

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Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Yotsuba a third best
Nino a shit

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>use to be a Ninofag
We all hit puberty eventually.

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What does 428 mean?

Yotsuba official brand

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just join the 4d chess conspiracy

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Remember when bokuben and yuuna were more popular than 5toubun? Those were the days. Bokuben was a good shitposting sponge.

That lasted until about June maybe earlier.

where might one find fan art of Takeda and Miku clutching a fat baby?

But what do the numbers mean D=
Been seeing it all over the place and even on merch

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You're right

Attached: yotsuba_despair.jpg (569x700, 199K)

wait the bokuben anime then, it will make the sales explode like with 5toubun

A pun
4 = 四 = yo
2 = つ = tsu
8 = 葉 = ha/ba