They say Gochiusa threads are magical, is tit true?

They say Gochiusa threads are magical, is tit true?

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Tit is false. Flat is true.

It is true. Chino is a magical girl after all.

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Both tit and flat are true in the Gochiusa universe.

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Magical girl Kafuu

They are forbidden for a reason.

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G*d bless this artist.

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Rampant faggotry? I hope science finds a cure for it one day.

You mean they are forbidden so mods don't show their faggotry? Yeah that checks out

Little do they know that by deleting and auto-saging them so often, they show their faggotry even more.

any fun ideas you' anons like to see Chino fanart of?

She's cute and I havent gotten around to watching her show drawing and marrying her yet

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Chino on top of Tippy.

I second this.

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That's a big rabbit.

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No Chino, don't eat the rabbit!

Who bought them these clothes?


sxarp lost house

Depends if it turn to a cursed thread or not.

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sexually or cute

just watched ep 1 I can see why Chino has so many husbands