How do I get an Yea Forums bf?

How do I get an Yea Forums bf?

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why the FUCK do you want an Yea Forums bf

i like insecure nerdy boys

Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.

Depends. Are you a guy or a girl?


Post butt and your steam id, cutie :3


the FUCK

do you want an Yea Forums bf

You send me your Discord uwu

How do I fins a cute nip gf when nips hate my people? chinese

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i want a cute boy to watch anime with

Enter the 2D world and get Yea Forumsnons to watch your anime!

post boypussy.

just don't tell them you're chinese, nigga

Yo girl whatsup? blackboy here 21yr old fitness model and HxH chad, don't lose your time with white bbys i got the big packet


the F U C K

would you go to Yea Forums for a bf

If you find one, just make sure they can't cook

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Step 1- Become 2D
Step 2- Get into a popular series
Mission Complete

Yea Forums people are desperate, so just by talking to one will get an instant boyfriend in no time.

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how to become 2D?

Well well hello

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Some women apparently like japanese school girls filthy fat neckbeards like me and you.

Post feet and we'll see

I'll have you know I burn a fine butter chicken. Can't even taste the chicken.

Tell them you're from taiwan

Ma'am, that's pretty cringe and creepy, I suggest you to stop being a fag a get a decent boyfriend somewhere else.

my parents are actually from taiwan but they are on the side of Taiwan===china because they know that Taiwan would never win in a war against china

ha ha ha

It's the best, you can talk about your favourite doujin authors together. Along with other weird Yea Forums related stuff.

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>be 6/10 or above

all you have to do is not be fat

Some of them just assume that you're going to go meet up with them at some point. Even after just one conversation. I've never seen such desperation in my entire life.

mentally challenged contrarians are mentally challenged, nothing mysterious about it

You ask which one and hope he likes the same one as you

are you pic related? I'm not falling for your tricks

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Whatever you say, you ugly retard.

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