It's a Polnareff episode

>it's a Polnareff episode

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>it's a Polnareff part

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>only reason to watch SC

But it's the second best part user

polnareff's hair looks like my toenail when i grow it out for months

hes coming

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literally best guy

I just love him

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So...Stardust Crusaders, then?

Nothing wrong with that. Polnareff is the man.

Polnareff and okuyasu are both sss tier bros and daddies. Simply lovable.

I dislike Polnareff

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Why did polnareff never use his illusion power again after his first fight

The same reason Kakyoin didn't use his paintbrush power

I wish kakyoin had more screen time.

He deserved better

>loses his friends
>loses his legs
>loses his stand
>loses his body
it's not fair bros

or his ability to possess people

>be good guy
>possess people just for kicks

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You're acting as if he couldn't use the ability to posses people from long range in order to protect people. The hot nurse was fine if I remember correctly.

You don't, she was hurting.

Hurting is better than loss of life.

>possess human
>he acts like the nurse(writhing, yelling)
>enemy stand users know what's up and target the now standless kakyoin

He used it against the evil baby in the dream

based trips^2

Part 3 is bad. Polnareff is the only main character who can actually carry himself as his own character. If Part 4 wasn't such a drastic improvement I would have dropped JoJo.

Why do you think 3 is bad?
4 is my favorite but I don't understand why people say 3 is bad.

that's not a problem

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Who was the better MC koichi or polnareff?

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I find most of the arcs that focus on him to be boring as fuck.

He's used it twice, at the beginning and for Death 13 then never again after.

you know your character is weak when your stand has the better personality
polnaref hands down

my nigga acto zree is based

not the guy you were replying to, but for me it was because most of the fights in the middle just felt unnecessary and it just fell into a monster of the week show that felt like it was progressing at an incredibly slow rate.

it's not bad compared to other shows but in the context of the other JoJo parts it came off to me as slow, boring, and uninteresting. I only kept watching because it came smack dab in the middle of other Toonami shows and I didn't wanna tune out and because I loved Polnareff and old man Joseph so much.

But the second half is objectively the best thing out of first 3 parts

>its a yandere wins arc
How do you think it ended for them?

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>implying Koichi wasn't a total badass
His fight with Kira was top fucking notch

stop responding to baits

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Im not saying I hate Koichi but hes the type of kid Id bully relentlessly if I was his age, hes too weak

Jotaro is the worst protagonist in all of Jojo's

Feels checked man

Hair fist up the ass


He was a good character but he feels a little less fleshed out than polnareff

Niether were protags.

Josuke is the best protagonist in all of Jojo's



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I think Jonathan hasnt been topped

Bruno was nothing but a leader. He isn’t very complex but I guess you could say it was due to circumstances

>hair fist up BOTH their asses at the same time

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He wasn't a protagonist.

>paintbrush power
This is a meme, right? People aren't this dumb, right?





Caesar did nothing but die.

>Caesar did nothing but die.
Speedreader-kun, please reread the mange you are embarrassing me >//

polnareff episode soon

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>ignoring Baron Zeppeli and Okuyasu in a brojo listing

i hope this fight gets expanded a bit in the anime

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Koichi was alright in the manga, but jesus christ, Yuki Kaji fucking ruined him. I'd still say Polnareff is better though for the manga. Koichi's a weird character who comes off like Araki's unintentionally writing a mary sue. Polnareff feels a bit more fleshed out, and his development is more simple but at least as well done. And that's not touching on part 5 either.

It's gonna be in like 3 months, man.

22. The 'G' in Guts
23. Clash and Talking Head
24. Flight Code: Null! Head to Sardegna/Notorious B.I.G Part 1
25. Notorious B.I.G Part 2/Spice Girl
26. My name is Doppio
27. Metallica
28. Feels like the Sky Could Come Down On Us at Any Minute
29. Our Destination Is Rome! The Colosseum
30. Green Day and Oasis Part 1
31. Green Day and Oasis Part 2
32. Green Day and Oasis Part 3
33. His name is
34. The Requeim Plays Quietly Part 1
35. The Requeim Plays Quietly Part 2
36. Emerges
37. King of Kings
38. Epilogue: Sleeping Slaves Part 1
39. Sleeping Slaves Part 2 (2 chapters so they can have filler anywhere)

I just never know how I feel about Zeppeli and I don't like Okuyasu so I didn't want to say something I didn't whole heartedly believe

Explain what?

Why am I supposedly dumb because I wonder where the paintbrush power went?

It wasn't a fucking separate power, retard. It was just him being a flamboyant villain and "cutting" painting Jotaro's leg while slicing real Jotaro's leg with his stand. It was a way of showing how dangerous and terrifying the prospect of invisible killing spirits who can attack at any time really are. I'll never understand how this manages to go over people's heads.

>it's a Polnareff episode

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>it's a Polnareff cameo

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Diamond Is Unbreakable > Battle Tendency > Golden Wind > Stardust Crusaders > Phantom Blood

I haven't read the manga yet

Rohan forcefully feminized him and cucked Yukako.

If Achilles could be the protag of the Illiad, then Josuke can be the protag of part 4.

Did you just compare Jojo to the Illiad

I mean turtles live for a long time so... win?