When is that new extra ep coming out?

When is that new extra ep coming out?

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It's already out on nyaa

It's events has to take place before Ep.10.

It's already out.

I meant the one with Kirill in drag about to kiss some dude

It's out.

Kirill crossdresses and is taught (read: pratically brainwashed) into acting like a woman (and his brother suddently gains a masculine voice too), and he convinces everyone he meets that he's a women. But of of course Kirrill being Kirill, and the guy falls in love with him. Doug finds out about Kirill crossdressing and keeps a picture of it. Kirills brother has a copy of the picture and when asked who it is says that it's his little sister.

awesome! thanks

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Travis kissed Apple in Drama CD 2

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There are no links.

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I want to marry her and make babies!!

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Imagine kiss a husky girl.

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Next extra episode is ONSEN EPISODE.

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Finally she gets to soak in non-coffee


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Holy shit we get to see the goddess without makeup

I want to do inexplicable things to her.

I want her to pick me up and throw me

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The bonus episodes are great compared to the last stretch of the main series. Travis is finally getting the screen time he deserves.

I want to see more Olivia´s sexy legs.

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Sexy sisters.

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everyone is so hot in this show

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The girls are. The trapshit jokes on Kirill are annoying and flanderize his character in the long run. Am I supposed to find it funny?

Saw the ep; it was great as usual. Staff-san adding in some casual background homo again.
I knew Kirill wouldn't mind doing anything as long as you told him it was 'heroic' the baka is adorable.

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I didn't really see it as ntr either as it established that like Kotetsu's 'blond heroine that looks like Bunny' thing; Kirill has developed an eye for gents that look a lot like Doug.

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And Doug of course just teases him and dotes on him all the way.

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>the dudes are not hot
get out weirdo

Also a casual 'love is blind' tossed in there.
Really gives me the feeling that they will at least keep status quo in T&B season 2 (or give 100 canon or just kill everyone to troll us.)

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He has terrible taste, these men are hotter than Derick's food right out of the microwave.

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I find it funny and quite cute; Kirill is supposed to be dorky and look girly while being heroic and masculine at heart.
The men are very handsome, I don't get your taste.

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Doug is seriously a gem.
My bad, meant*100%

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>and his brother suddently gains a masculine voice too

Wasn't he just using a falsetto? Naturally he'd sound lower.

Really? Give context.

>Fanservice episode
>The vast majority of the audience are women
At least there will be shirtless guys

>Ilsa Faust

Big disappointment. When it started I thought it was AOTS, but it became so boring and trite very soon. It was literally nothing. Not even good fanservice.

Deana told them to while drunk.

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Not the user you quoted; but his voice sounded lower when he told Kirill that his name was Valery too, but he took it further today like Kirill did when he was dressed as a bride to show Gus' dad his son's future wedding. It was probably there to emphasize the contrast with how he speaks when alone with Kirill vs how he talks in front of a group.
They will probably add a lot of comedy too, it will be fun. Its light omnipandering.

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Poor Apple

degenerate show

Best kind

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Thanks for the dose,doc!

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I love our staff for playing around with this 'casual background couples' thing; they are clearly enjoying working on the show and adding all the references to stuff they like.
A miraculous 2nd cour/season 2 would be a treat if they keep up this level of passion (and pandering.)
It was time for your medicine. Gotta make sure you don't run out user.

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Olivia is hot as fuck, I'm gay now

So what are the chances that T&B's new season goes full degenerate and has Bunny adopting Tiger's daughter, Blue Rose and Dragon Kid becoming a couple, and Fire Emblem getting married?

Bunny adopts Kaede when Tiger dies.

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>Bunny adopting Tiger's daughter
He already puts in his opinion on how Kotetsu should spend more time with her in the manga.
>Blue Rose and Dragon Kid becoming a couple
Dragon kid insists that she is a girl in her duet with Ivan but they also joke teased the ship with Karina in a drama cd so it could go either way; Ivan does regularly visit Edward in prison so that is a pairing option for him too.
>Fire Emblem getting married
I can see this happening if he reconnects with his old crush from a drama cd or with his temp secretary from the Hero's day game or someone new entirely.
Even though I'd hate that, I can unfortunately see this happening; I am trying to keep my expectations low due to how popular this thing is and executives do tend to meddle.
The one thing certain to keep Kotetsu alive is the 'encouraging older men' theme so they can't really kill him off.
Barnaby is in way more danger of getting killed for a 'homo-nohomo' ending but I trust our staff to protect him as much as possible.

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Isn’t Apple jailbait? Which makes it funnier.

They might as well make it canon after they came out with that The Rising OP (or was it the ED) song was Barnaby’s “love song” to Kotetsu and that everyone (outside some delusional Tiger/Rose fans) shipped them. It should end with them living together or the whole sequel series is a fail.

>people still sleeping on the Sky/Rose pairing even when they did a duet and had the official guidebook saying that they would make a good pair.
Oh well.

Doug is not gay.

Sounds nice but realistically they won't go any further than the ground already tread.

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It is the Rising's OP.
I like Sky/Rose. They are called the King and Queen often enough and in their duet too, Keith needs someone to love and Karina acts a lot more mature now.
I don't mind her with Ryan either, he is chill enough to manage a tsundere girl just fine.
True; but they were pandering and pushing the ship very hard.
I expect it to stay status quo but they might go further if they feel secure enough with the response they are expecting since the fanbase there is now mostly women with a lot of them being fujos.

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What about Kieth and Ivan drinking lemonade together.

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I also found it interesting that Kirill loves heroes and Derick loves bars and the T&B 'Hero's bar' has chairs that look a like they are throwing up a v-for-victory like our DD! characters do.
I won't mind, they are cute together and Ivan is said to worry about him in canon. But, Keith was also into a robot that he thought was a real girl and Ivan got embarrassed seeing a girl's skirt fly up with a gust of wind and he also has ship-tease with Edward and on a smaller scale with Dragon kid; they can still be bi or something if the staff wants, that would make almost all the cast varying degrees of homo kinda like DD! is so it might or might not happen.
Keith and Ivan are a very aesthetically attractive pair.

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How can anyone think Doug is bad-looking?

I honestly have no idea. He looks great.

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By having shit taste. Doug is a handsome asshole with the heart of a maiden.

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Truly the best combo to seek out when you go looking for the perfect aibou.

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This is your date for tonight.

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my dick

Too pretty to say no to; doesn't matter if he is a guy or a girl, that design is just too aesthetically pleasing.

Please...Walk me home gently tonight...

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She sees your ___

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Left or right?

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stop making me gay

...fan-art collection?
Left looks beautiful, but I'm sure Pink also looks cute with her hair untied.

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Too late.
You are already gay.

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So soft looking, that art is way too pretty.

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no, i'm not

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Don't worry, seems like this stuff is pretty regular in this AU so far.

Why do you think these threads are so dead? Because only fujos and literal faggots liked this mess.
None. Double Decker was a huge flop and didn't capture any of the hardcore T&B fanbase despite all the pandering so Sunrise will have a much tighter grip on the content if they want those fujobucks but this also means its more or less confirmed to be a crashgrab like the recent Code Geass and City Hunter fims. Satou was the heart of this franchise and if DD is a sign of how souless a new T&B will be without him I won't even bother.

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Kirill is cute but I want Deana to take charge of me.

i'm 100% straight, but left

Yuri is pretty gay for a robot.

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>that while post
Sure it didn't sell well; but DD! is actually pandering to and is advertised as a fujo show and even though I love Satou's efforts, his views clashed with the writers a lot after the series was over and they worked fine with the new director instead; the fujos are the hardcore T&B fanbase in Japan, your ignoring it doesn't change that.

*whole post.

It is nice to see that Apple and Derick were both there too.

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Apple is there to DJ.

Also this was planned by Kirill and he seems to like Apple ok.

I grabbed a bigger screenshot incase you watched and deleted your ep user.
Apple is a nice kid even if he is thirsty for attention. That pic has almost everyone important in it so I like it a lot, too bad there is no land lady or Pochi there.

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I love how there's all of one straight pair dancing in that scene.

It is funny how the preview for the next episode says that Travis requested a fan-service episode so they made one.
And even that straight pair isn't really together as a couple.

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>and they worked fine with the new director instead;
No they didn't. Those movies were garbage and a rehash of the shit that was in the TV series already.

That is just you personal opinion; the first movie expanded on a lot of characterization and the second was a direct continuation that showed Kotetsu's faults and how he decided to fix them.

If DD! is the result of what the writers would have done with TB then it wpuld have never taken off.

>the first movie expanded on a lot of characterization
Not really. It just reiterated what we already knew from the TV seties, manga, and PSP game.
>the second was a direct continuation that showed Kotetsu's faults and how he decided to fix them
The TV series did this already and the conflict was incredibly forced as shit.

DD! isn't written by Nishida, it is done by the other writers that worked with him and did the canon manga and the game. It isn't a character drama like T&B, its a comedy.
>Not really. It just reiterated what we already knew from the TV seties, manga, and PSP game.
It is supposed to be an introduction for new fans, it does a way better job of letting us see what the 2 leads are like apart from a few scenes that were longer in the episodes instead. The companion novel's monologues add to it.
>The TV series did this already and the conflict was incredibly forced as shit.
Satou insisted that Kotetsu was fine the way he was and didn't have any big problems but the writers didn't agree with that; the Rising was also supposed to show Barnaby trying to stop a criminal from taking revenge because he was a changed person because of Kotetsu.

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>tfw you loved the TB movies and DD!

>the conflicts of the movie was the same as the show
Not true. The TV Show was on Kotetsu’s unwillingness to open to and depend on Barnaby on Kotetsu’s part. The Rising movie was them dealing with that as a team with the aftermath of Kotetsu losing most of his power.

That said, it’s unfair to compare T&B and DD! just because they are in the same universe. Both series suffer from being too short although DD! takes the bigger hit because it’s hard to pull off a really satisfying one-cour with good characterization and plot. Plus, I think why DD! didn’t do so hot on sales because people was thinking it would be a T&B sequel and it wasn’t so it pissed off a lot of fans. I didn’t watch it when it was airing because of that too but I ended up enjoying it and wish I was around for the threads.

No need to pit the two series together.

>just because they are in the same universe
Not confirmed.

I agree with all your points.
Also the Rising was to show that they still wanted to be together as a team despite Ryan being the more efficient partner for Barnaby.
Both shows are fun for entirely different reasons.
They share the same company logos and architecture but we don't have a 100% confirmation yet.

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I know all about these already, I'm not blind. Doesn't prove anything and just muddles things.

I was posting those for the user that missed the threads.
The Funi tweet called this a prequel but that wasn't confirmed either so it is up in the air.

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