The dark side of moe
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Man up and take care of my boyfriend’s son, incel!
i dont make any connection between anime girls and real women though.
most of what he says is probably accurate concerning 2D.
yes i just want a cute fuckable puppy like thing in 2D
IRL i want to play a boardgame or something with them, and dont view them with that much sexuality.
i dont wanna say i respect women, because i dont want to say i respect man.
it varies per HUMAN BEING.
2D ≠ 3D
Too much projecting. Unrealistic characters created solely for pandering the audience, sexually or otherwise, aren't even exclusive to anime at all. Most massive media works that don't actually try to be works of art but only exist as a way to earn as much money as possible (so most media works) have them.
His core assertions are more or less correct for me, I had very early trauma from terrible upbringing and can't connect to human beings and find solace in these kinds of works. But if the writer admits that this world is an assembly line to build people such as me, I am not at fault, I just exist. Society has created me, and it must deal with the consequence of having created me.
Maybe if they'd had more romantic experiences with women, they wouldn't have such a problem!
If only we had a system that ensured everyone had healthy relationships with others.
Oh wait.
You gotten banned before, fuck off spammer.
> literally-who whitey blogging about anime
Why do you do this? What's the point of posting this crap? You might get the rise out of a few people but what good will that do? Don't you like this board? Why are you making it worse?
How does this guy explain beta cuck MCs?
How does this guy explain the fact it's often the female characters being assertive while the male character is completely oblivious?
How does that enable such fantasies?
I don't see what that thesaurus page has to do with anime OP
Off topic garbage
He's not wrong but is there anything wrong with wanting a submissive childlike waifu?
>waah i want a gf
>waaah i don't want to go outside and talk to girls
>waaaaah i don't want to improve myself so girls actually like me
>waaaaaahhhh i don't want to risk getting turned down because my fragile ego would shatter
>waaaaaaahhhhh i want a girl to just fall out of the sky onto my penis without my lifting a finger, who will relentlessly pursue me as i am too shy and avoidant, and unconditionally love me despite any quality to speak of and the fact my life is composed of masturbating, playing video games, and watching moeshit cartoons while breathing in my own body odor and digestive gases accumulated in my unventilated basement
>waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh that doesn't happen in irl, fuck it i'll spend my life watching cartoons about it happening instead of correcting my own personal deficiencies and gaining a satisfying healthy life
>wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh why don't girls date me just because i weigh 400 lbs and my dick is buried under enough cockcheese to last france a year of rations
It isn't healthy.
Stopped reading at the second paragraph. While there are endless lazy works in the scrap heap that overuse the cookie cutter in any genre of fiction writing, effective character writing requires some level of depth in order to be effective, and that holds true with moe. Internal and external problems to be overcome, integrated into their behavior so that the audience can relate to them. HUMANIZATION, in other words.
If you want to see dehumanization, see the left's approach to both genders. For men, they demonize their sexuality by boiling it down to only its most corrupt form. It's exactly the same as the people who boil female sexuality down to nothing more than a scheme to take a man's resources. For women, THEY'RE the ones who are inventing an archetype that doesn't exist in reality and integrating it in with a woman's more hedonistic urges. That's why their road map makes women so goddamn unhappy as they leave their 20s and go over the wall. The things observed over the millennia about people are not just a social construct that can be rewritten. It's darwinism. Your great great great grandpa was born as a healthy baby boy because your great great great great grandma was a healthy young woman when she got pregnant, so healthy young women are after as a species survival strategy. Likewise with young women and securing strong competitive men to keep them fed and housed during the most vulnerable years for themselves and the child. Women hate beta cucks, BTW.
>are after
*are what men are after
To add to that, they're also after a demeanor that's suitable for meeting a screaming two year old with a pacifier rather than a punch to the head. Again, survival strategies.
Why do these people hate the fact that socially akward men can at least find solace in fiction so much? Its not like they are ever going to fuck the average moe fan
Because you sound so mature and healthy, right?
>another "men are always at fault, all sexual and societal discord is their responsibility"
Yes, but is that really caused by the anime in any direct sense?
Of course there are some cases exactly like the OP describes, but it's really an exception.
Most of the CGDCT don't focus on romantic interaction, and most harem or echi shows have absolutely useless MCs that don't really get any.
How does this make socially inept otakus fantasize about dominating cute, submissive girls?
It does not. Their immaturity is a completely separate and independent issue.
I've read tons of japanese people complaining about how anime feels samey and stupid with its overabundance of moe, to the point that this, together with the fall in sales of this sort of material because it only caters to a small hardcore audience, will bring a both conscious and unconscious effort to slowly start to remove moe from anime and manga. Of course chans will complain about SJWs, but it's the smartest business decision in the end, and this is an industry after all.
Well they clearly think very highly of themselves.
But why should I care what someone too stupid to differentiate reality from entertainment and fiction has to say?
This thread belongs in the toilet
>women are people too!!!!
Anyone who says this inevitably put Women on a pedastal and demand all sorts of concessions and special benefits for them, either because they're self-absorbed women themselves or beta orbiters.
They never say "women can also be shitty and horrible" because the reminder of reality isn't part of their preachy rant.
This person sounds like some faggot on Yea Forums. Considering that this post looks like it comes from Neogaf, it may very well be.
It takes a few leaps, but it's ultimately about their commie equity doctrine horseshit. Their narrative is that women tend to make less and do less because men are just such evil bigots who oppress them out of utilizing their natural desires to be inventors and engineers. They claim that this is because male sexuality treats women as nothing more than subhuman objects. Therefor, male sexuality is evil and needs to be beaten out of humanity.
In reality, women just aren't as interested in things as they are in people, and you also find significantly less women at the upper (and lower) rungs of the IQ distribution.
I like how buttblasted these people get at male pandering wish fullfilement but conveniently left out all the shoujo were plain girls get a bunch of hot guys after them
This guy seems like a kissless virgin
So you can self insert duh.
>together with the fall in sales of this sort of material
Wataten is one of the best selling anime this season
look at what happened to /r9k/. used to be about funny greentexts. then became tfwnogf, then became the women hate board. now it's a board of transexuals and prisongays. it stemmed entirely from the moe anime culture.
>this much projection
top kek
>waah I care this much about people who don't leave the basement and the entertainment they consume
Maybe you should look at the top 10 in sales from last year
>it stemmed entirely from the moe anime culture.
Dumb user shut up
Some tranny bloggers opinions don't have anything to do with the realities of an entire industry.
>why the fuck are men withdrawing from a system that literally offers them no advantages whatsoever?? that's sick and creepy!
>why are so many young men retreating into a fantasy world instead of marrying an over-the-hill used up feminist and later getting legally robbed via soul-crushing divorce proceedings? so weird and creepy!
Pretty much sums up all the dumb isekai mangas out there. So much of them are just about revenge porn and one dimensional slave characters that act like fuck dolls.
Fuck off spammer
No, it stemmed from a complete and utter lack of moderation.
Also the amount of women that write ecchi stuff themselves so they don't care.
Some comments by Ume towards girls are about as pervy as any of us.
>press x to doubt
>stop pandering to people I don't like and pander to me instead!!!
Looks like OP posts in Dragon Ball Super threads
Pic related : everyone in this thread who disagrees with OP's picture
I mean, they're called pulp novels for a reason, I don't know wtf you expected.
That's a nice picture but it should direct to /r9k/
Stop samefagging your shit thread, OP.
How broken and hateful does one have to be to craft such elaborate delusions about entire groups (or countries) of complete strangers? I can only imagine that those ideas aren't actual delusions, but are (or were maybe) personally held beliefs that are now being projected in straw man 'arguments' against non-specific, imagined people.
>What is Yuru Camp?
>What is Sora Yori?
>What is Manaria Friends?
>What is Zombieland Saga?
>What is Kemono Friends?
>What is Gochuumon?
>What is New Game?
Sure, the K-On knockoffs with four high school girls in a club doing (insert hobby here) might dwindle a little bit since they tend not to sell well as of late, but CGDCT is far from dead.
Suck my fucking cock.
It's from a Dragon Ball forum I think, so it's just a retarded boomer who probably watches nothing other than baby tier shonen manga adaptations.
Still waiting for the thread to be deleted but
That's the problem with modern SJWs. The newer generation doesn't realize it was for equality and thinks it means for everyone to pander to them and fear upsetting them. Equality means they are now capable of going out and creating entertainment aimed at them, not that others are forced to create it.
>What is Sora Yori?
Japanese Expert:Watched 20 anime series fags are the cringiest desu.
>Sora Yori
>Paying attention to some English rando website talking about something Japanese
Yeah naw, fuck off
this roastie is scared
TL;DR lol
Don't forget that they've probably never heard of the term seinen manga in their lives.
>slowly start to remove moe from anime and manga.
That's physically impossible as "moe" isn't something that can be removed. Anything if you feel that heart-pounding attachment to a character, can be moe
>posting some western who's opinion-piece blogpost trash
fuck off
If I see some SJW faggot post incel on this board one time I'll fucking spam this place with cocks.
>retard who doesn't pay any attention to points on stalker
Fuck off and gas yourself
Having a coherent plot doesn't mean the Sora Yori isn't mostly "Cute Girls Doing Cute Things In Antarctica"
>points on stalker
it IS kind of a fantasy, but you don't have to be "immeasurably broken" to consume moeshit, it's not that deep. and they sound like a pseud anyway
Double retard. Obviously didn't even watch it.
I don't have one for /r9k/. I haven't been there in a very long time but my impression is that it's more a more a-political place where people air their grievances, whereas /pol/ is where said grievances take on a political tone. I see that "dae think that things used to be better when we made women stay at home" as more political and hence /pol/ worthy.
It's kinda unfair to just roast the japs for this when damsel in distress characters have existed forever.
The first person is an idiot and the second person is insane.
It's just titties for the sake of titties.
That's okay. We like titties. We are men. But don't pretend it's some intellectual revolution and don't pretend it's some systemic oppression.
>"Cute Girls Doing Cute Things In Antarctica"
as if
they are in antarctica for like 2 episodes and they are barely cute. its just a boring SoL, not even CGDCT
>cute girls
user, stop embarrassing yourself. They are uglier than girls in western cartoons, and that's an accomplishment.
fanservice != moe != moeblobs
Kill yourself
2nd best series on that list
I think you meant to type 1st best
Kill yourselves, shills.
>and they are barely cute
confirmed for not watching it.
My wife Shirase is the cutest
How is the second person insane?
Go back
Living in your head rent free.
If you have to ask that you are insane. I'm not going to justify sexuality to you.
I love it how western cucks are completely unable to process the existence of media that caters to men (more accurately Japanese men)
>My wife
do you have some kind of mental disability? she is a fictional character
I enjoyed actually watching YoriMoi more than GochiUsa but my wife Chino and doujinshi put it at #1 for me.
>Niggers can create their own tv channel, media, and films aimed at themselves.
>SJWs and LGTBBQXYZapaches can't create anything, only attempt to destroy what everyone else creates.
Says alot
He's basically saying:
"if you like moeshit or cute girls in anime in general, you're a sexist loser".
Reminder that women also have similar issues even with men that go out to improve themselves. You want proof? Look at many of the greentexts from /fit/. Both moeshit and modern SJW feminism are to blame for allowing both genders to shirk self improvement while also holding their opposite to unrealistic ideals.
Triple retard.
>get in the pigeon-hole user
I didn't mean to quote you anyone with this post
>And with that being said...
>I'll go back to sucking cocks bye
Why is it wrong to immerse myself in escapism and fictional women, if I have little interest in them and they have little interest in me? Would it be better to keep banging my head against a wall trying to pursue real relationships and potentially becoming a genuinely misogynistic person? The same people who would tell me to stop watching anime and try to get laid on the internet are the same ones who would turn me down in real life. This is fair, I'm autistic, nobody is obligated to like me. Don't take away harmless things that make me happy just because they make you uncomfortable. All you have to do is not watch moe anime.
very nice moderation
I just hope Japan continues to shit on feminists for a long time.
>there are retards who think stalker means anything at all
the rest of his post was fine
Like 2D girls in school uniforms, moe is a fundemental part of anime
Get this sexist male fantasy away from me
who cares faggot
since the population of males and females is pretty much the same this would make only sense when the amount of
{1, 2}eF == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}eM
It would also require that the population in general is shrinking
The fundamental flaw here is liking girls in moe anime =/= wanting to fuck girls in moe anime
>this prose
Beyond disgusting.
shaman girls are nice too
I want to fuck all of them though
You mean yours. It makes no sense that not only someone would keep spamming OP's post in here, but also have the rest of said post handy otherwise.
Thanks for the confirmation. Kill yourself.
worked for me
Whoa there Einstein you expect me to read all that shit?
I think it's just mindless pity. People feel obligated to offer support but they're either unwilling or just unable to offer any thoughtful advice so they go with repeating the defining myth of our society - "you're just not working hard enough".
so moe
This is perfection. She ticks almost all the boxes. Any more of her?
it was actually a japanese imageboard/forum, friendo
Gone but not forgotten
I have a 3D gf and still like moe, I think a lot of these people are projecting their own relationship failures onto Otaku desu
what is the definition of moe
this but unironically
Cool story bro
>t. American
That feeling in your kokoro when you see
>men desire to own
>women desire to be owned
More news at 11. Advance science a little more and we'll move to two distinct societies, one that is womanless and consists of men and their catgirls, and another that is manless and consists of totalitarian daddy AI and women who are its bitches. Everyone will be finally happy.
>topic about comparison of moe to the political topic of weak men in modern society
>reply about reason why weak men would seek out virtual partners for romance and companionship
>post is somehow off-topic /pol/ because you don't like people talking about sexual stratification in post-feminist revolution society, or apparently niggers and jews, or anything other than simpsons memes really
nice. did you hear that the simpsons predicted 911? that's super new and interesting. sneeds LOL.
it gives me the feeling that I want to be a good father
Please do it.
It might be an improvement at this point.
nonsensical political theory that teens pull out of their asses belong on /pol/. Go back.
yeah, except real women are also retarded but much more rude about it
What I read: The majority of humanity consists of a bunch if idiocratic retard monkeys (as the guy or girl who made the post proves by his/her obsession with sex), and people who use mediums to escape this idiocratic sex-obsessed (people making use of the word "sexual repression" instantly give away their idiocratism) world must somehow be "ill." Whoever wrote this low IQ drivel is the very reason I prefer 2d characters... started preferring 2d characters purely platonically /in my fucking teens/. Despite real "women" being sexually interested in me. Even if, over the years, a form of empathetic sexual attraction developed, in addition what was at first a platonic attraction towards moe. While his repugnant "roastie" world fucking turns me off, both platonically and romantically. Moreso reinforced by "red pill" and "MGTOW" statistics such as women being almost always the ones initiating divorces and co. And them not understanding basic concepts such as trust ("muh virginity is a social construct" idiocrat retards). I literally never desired to approach women. And then "moe" is also cute in regards to wanting to see a real women with a child... maybe your child. Which wanting to protect would somehow be "bad." According to whatever retard wrote this post. Whereas I really don't give a shit about real women with how they dress and plaster themselves with tattoos like 1000000 BC troglodytes etc. Just... How fucking retarded does a person have to be to actually write this and believe any of the shit in it? Especially projected and generalized in such a crass way?
>I'm going to judge the Japanese culture by my American standards
can't these dumb fucks shut the hell up?
t. incel
So the urge to kick a clingy person away from me?
I think you mean 2D>3D
You can't call anything mental illnes, but I guess that's psychology for you.
Why is this still up
Go be a homosexual in /y/
What the fuck did he expect out of watching ecchi/fanservice anime?
2/2: Protecting both the mother and that child, that is. Because seeing them together is moe. Of course real women don't even want children. So wanting to see a mother with a child and finding it cute would be bad. But they still want to fuck around like retards.
American feminist rhetoric is more ad-friendly than your average sexist anime.
Why are Americans unhappy all the time? I'm just wondering.
The anime most demeaning to women I've seen are mostly shoujo written by women.
Pretty sure Euros are worse when it comes to censoring 2D
The slow collapse of their country and lifestyle.
Kek, america is hopeless
Who can write this without being for trolling purpouses?
Only western Europe.
Euros don't do shit. All these companies attacking and censoring loli are American.
What seems troll-y about this?
In America, it's companies attacking loli. In Europe it will be the state. It just works a little slower but is way more ruthless and total.
Our political machine is largely broken, and the things the average politician, web journalist, or TV talking head is concerned with are entirely skewed from the actual issues in our society. It leads to a lot of stress as we see failing communities and collapsing infrastructure, massive corporate overreach with no government interference, meanwhile our politicians are arguing about Israel again for the 30th time this year, and also something something gender transsexuals males vs females something. Incidentally, European transplants from the interwar era have fully infiltrated the government and the American lifestyle is taking is last gasps as it is strangled by an ever encroaching welfare state, to cries of cheer from both foreign Europeans and their degenerate invasive spawn.
Don't bully foxnews user friend, he'll feel even more miserable than he is should he realize euros have it better.
The belief the rest of the world is worse off than they are is the only thing they have left.
This is a valid argument againts moe, the problem is that OP's shitpost isn't an argument but a strawman
There used to be a saying on Yea Forums, "cute, not pedo". But nowadays if there's a loli in an anime people would go straight to assume that it's a pedo anime.
Looks like its from ANN, that Ekens girl probably wrote that.
>muh industry
Many Euros are unhappy too. It's just Americans are boorish and loudmouthed, and also speak some English for the most part, so it's particularly noticeable on this English-language forum.
How is it a strawman???
cute butt
Nope, it's from Kanzenshuu
>if you like young virginal maidens and want to protect & make love to them you are satan
I think you're confusing your time outside of Yea Forums with your time in Yea Forums
Sure does sound like projection
>not that it makes it wrong
It's a cultural difference. Europeans who do well and work hard can afford to spend time off posting about their hobbies on Yea Forums, and often spend their entire workweek dreaming of a time when they can try out the new vidya release, or maybe finish their seasonal anime, and get to talk about it on Yea Forums. Americans come here when there is no other option left and they have run out of anime or vidya in their backlogs.
Loli is illegal in America and legal in most European (not the UK) countries you retarded burger.
bullshit you have no idea what you are talking about.
censoring happens only in Europe if it's about violence and if you want to broadcast it on the TV or advertise it where children can see it.
as an adult you can get everything and nobody gives two shits
the Dragon Ball forum?
Holy fucking shit. I don't even where to begin on the irony for this one.
>Loli is illegal in America
>Yea Forums userbase's political inclination is usually right winded
>Post some liberal shit
Basically a bait
>it just feeeeeeeels skeevy because she's 16 instead of 18
>yeah I know in most places 16 year olds can give consent even in America but it just feeels so icky
What a waste of time
It is not a moe thing. All anime is underfunded and rushed
You can be charged with obscenity. There are many euro countries where it's explicitly legal and nothing fucking happens.
Nah, Yea Forums used to have series that evokes father's instinct like Yotsuba, Barakamon, and Hinamatsuri. Fans of those series didn't see the lolis in those series as someone they would fuck, but as daughters, hence the term 'daughterfu'.
Basically says moe fans are this and do this because this reasons
it's illegal in Canada, get fucked retards
sasuga Yea Forums, now we're only one stop removed from Yea Forums. Let's get ready for a barrage of twitter screencaps with every thread containing an obligatory two minutes hate. At this rate soon enough even Yea Forums will fall to the /pol/acks.
The funniest thing about this thread is how hard Kunzait_83 is trying to defend his shitty opinions.
Holy mother of autism.
Also Washington state was supposed to be one of the safest for loli but you have Valve saying they don't want to host loli content because of state obscenity laws.
You guys aren't as free as you think you are.
The thing about bad threads is that it doesn't matter how hard you want them gone, if mods don't cooperate they'll never get deleted. Especially now that our mods have become famous for trying to kill the board and self-moderation is dead.
Not even worth a (you)
That's not quite true. Jannies can delete threads, and they can issue warnings and ban recommendations. That's what the jannie application I filled out a while ago said.
>some dude crying about master roshi
Hahahaha, why the fuck is this thread still up.
Wrong, Yotsuba is only revered because she's Yea Forums's eternal mascot and holy symbol. Every single other loli ever made is perfectly fine to sexualize (and constantly gets sexualized thankfully enough) no matter how much normalfags spam their "don't lewd" memeshit.
"Cute, not pedo" never had anything to do with this.
Holy shit
It just kept going and going and going
What the fuck. I now appreciate that we have a character limit on here
You clearly weren't in Yea Forums for the Barakamon or Hinamatsuri threads. Just like that saying was brought in by tumblr/reditfags and mostly used outside of Yea Forums
>not daughteru
way to give yourself away
How many budget would you give to an anime and how much time do you think it should take making it?
posting before deletion
twin ntr
>Every single other loli ever made is perfectly fine to sexualize
There is one other exception
Not him but I was here for Barakamon threads and Naru really didn't get sexualized. Of course like with Yotsuba there will alwya be a couple people that get a laugh put of it but otherwise, pretty much no.
As far as Hinamatsuri goes well they were teenagers anyway. I was only around for some of the manga threads long before the anime aired though. So I don't really know I guess.
>people should have their house raided and be thrown in a cage together with rapists and murderers for thinking thoughts
Why is this line of thinking taken seriously by anyone? Do we live in a society?
I live in a post-soviet country. No one gives a shit whether you fap to lolis or not here. Feels good.
Never had a problem importing a loli onahhole in my state. Also Yea Forums is a murrkan website and it's allowed loli porn to be hosted on Yea Forums for many years and continues to do so, shouldn't moot and hiroshima be in jail?
It's America who's fully bent on censorship. Luckily for all of us that shithole is going down sooner than later.
Reminder that there is nothing normalfaggotry by not wanting to fuck lolis and just seeing them as daughters.
I bet he's a Jew
They are usually the source of this shit
I just wish I had a cute, small anime gf. Is that really morally wrong?
What's normalfag behavior isn't not wanting to fuck lolis, it's getting mad at people who do so. The entire not for lewd meme is based on this.
Nope, not even Chiyo. The only loli that's completely off-limits on Yea Forums is Yotsuba and that's all.
Based (((they))) posters
Hina was never sexualized, (at least not until timeskip). If anything Hitomi was the target of the lewd back then. This shows YOU are the one who weren't here when the show aired.
>Hina was never sexualized,
Way to rewrite history. She was sexualized since episode 1, with the same normalfags with their don't sexualize her routine
>what is kodomo no jikan
Fucking secondaries I swear.
We had such a nice oldfag thread yesterday. I want old Yea Forums again. At the very least a pre-2016 Yea Forums again. Why couldn't that Cruz fellow win the primaries instead?
Pretty sure you said
>This shows YOU are the one who weren't here when the show aired.
>when the show aired
That said I didn't even know the series existed until the anime
Damn, that's quite a lot of armchair psychology based on a strawman. Only the biggest retards are going to judge 3D according to 2D standards and vice versa anyway.
Oh shit nigger, I ain't reading all those words that could have just as easily been condensed down to:
>Why do people like things I don't like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Naru really didn't get sexualized
Yeah, you definitely weren't.
He's literally answering to Jacob.
Daiz is probably involved too.
How is it still up?
You sure about that bud?
I don't see KnJ in my post. Sure, there are loli shows that pander to those who sexualize them, KnJ is one of them. The signs are the lolis act like adults, they magically know how sex works, seducing people, etc etc.
But there were also shows that had lolis in it which don't pander to them, like the series I mentioned. In those series, the little girls act like little girls. Cute and innocent. People used to be able to differentiate between the two. But now every time people see a loli, they always assume that it's a pedo anime, "you're the worst", etc etc.
Our mods hate this board so much that they actively try to kill it whenever they find a chance. Leaving shit threads like this up is one of their plans.
We had plenty of shit threads even in old/a/. People just remember good stuff and not the bad shit.
That one cropped CG set, the 2 doujins, and some random lewd/hentai fanart did get posted a bit so I too have no idea what he's talking about.
>hate this board
>they remove trash from it every day
Not anime.
I'm glad the usage of "daughterwife" has increased recently and how much it confuses people who call everything a daughteru.
Bloomers are great
Is this feminism again? They really behave like high-school bullies who can't accept other people liking things. As in... they inherently can't accept it. E.g. there was a woman who wanted to wait with sex until marriage, but then her friends raped her. Or pic related. They just can't have others be happy. Whoever wrote OP is probably a sociopath. Naturally he also focused exclusively on the negative sides. So a man having (sexual) power fantasies is necessarily evil and he definitely degrades the moe girl during intercourse, because men cannot be gentle or kind. Or rather... even if he is kind and gentle (e.g. holding the door open), then he's a dirty chauvinist. Even if it may just be natural and the woman can be "powerful" in other regards. Essentially... If a man likes something such as cute and feminine girls, then it's bad. But if a woman likes something such as sexual liberation and being a slut, then it's good. Rather, it's "sexually liberated." Whereas everyone else is a repressed moe 2d girl rapist misogynist. Do people still take feminism seriously today? The hysterical writing style of the OP is comical if anything.
So what does "daughteru" should be used then?
topic is about anime so why delete
fucking Americans and their understanding of pluralism
Okay now that you mention it I do remember the creatures spam and when Naru stroked the sea cucumber and made it cum
Give me a break it was like 5 years ago
>I don't like it so let me kill it
>Sure, there are loli shows that pander to those who sexualize them, KnJ is one of them
KnJ pander to both audience: Kokonoe is a daughterwife.
>The signs are the lolis act like adults, they magically know how sex works, seducing people, etc etc.
Actually in KnJ, Kokonoe is trying to mimic what an adult would do despite knowing shit about sex.
Despite trying to seduce sensei, she's legit act like a little girl, she's just a little more mature because of her circumstance.
>topic is about anime
Wrong, it's about some literal who's normalfag rant about anime
That is not anime
That a very good argument, but it's no match for my epic 4channel one-liners!
How to out yourself in one word
>rant about anime
>That is not anime
Wow epic post user +1
>forgetting Naru's belly
Shit taste. Also that one image of her standing outside the car window
Rants aren't anime, yes. Or are you going to tell me that twitter screencaps of someone complaining about anime belong in here too? Because it's the exact same shit.
We don't allow e-celeb shit here either even though it's supposedly related to anime. Why should some retarded rant written by a whitey be allowed? I bet you haven't been here long enough to see any anime youtuber shills get banned.
>he definitely degrades the moe girl during intercourse, because men cannot be gentle or kind
It's not about being kind or not but about having control
Jannies do, mods themselves have said on IRC they hated Yea Forums.
not him, but you guys are bores
Then go back to and stay on .
Pretty much this. Or "if you don't get married at 19 to some psychopath bitch who's only gonna make your life hell, then you are morally flawed not a real man."
For all I care, the bitch who wrote the OP can stuff her opinon up her entitled ass. Damn right I prefer cute, harmless puppies - or a loyal, emotionally stable golden retriever, etc - to vicious, out-of-control rottweilers that will bite off my head for no reason at all. Now one of those rottweilers is trying to make me feel ashamed for wanting no business with the likes of them? Fuck them.
It doesn't matter what the in-universe reason. The most important thing is the author clearly intends to lolicons.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, as long as they stay in 2d I personally pay no mind to them. But I just want people to know that there are also audience for "lolis" series that aim to people who see them as cute/daughter. It's not always sexual.
*intends to sell
Yea Forums is too boring without sporadic stuff like this that can be discussed. not that this thread was good.
>ew, stop enjoying that crap you freak, get a real girl
>ew, stop bothering women, the world doesnt owe you a gf
leave the otaku alone
Of fucking course it isn't, but perverts will sexualize them all the time anyway and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
why is this thread still up
summary? too long
read the thread it is literally about moe and sharing moe pictures or the future of moe/lolis and if someone is trying to take our loli's away from us
>it is literally about moe
It isn't.
>and sharing moe pictures
It isn't.
>or the future of moe/lolis
It isn't.
>and if someone is trying to take our loli's away from us
It fucking isn't.
upgrade your waifu roulette you animeonlyfag
What are you guys watching? I for one finally got around to finishing Witch Craft Works. There are many questions that the story left unanswered and to be honest the whole thing is kind of a shitshow plotwise but it was still fun to watch. The visuals are neat the dynamic between MC-kun and Kagari was nice. The series would've been better if they just stuck to the mommygf theme and made the MC younger and more docile instead of having a balancing act between shonen protag and a shota in an adult body.
Suou is best girl
I hate the tropes, but can deal with it for the bods.
I enjoy cringing honestly, terrible shows can be amazing.
Quit being asshurt.
Hide the thread and check your jannie app. Maybe you got hired!
But a Hachikuji is also very good
pic related
you fucking moron
>the dark side of moe
Women as sexual objects has nothing to do with moe though.
you should broaden your view on 4chinnel
a thread isn't only the sum of its op
>4 hours ago
>stop being so asshurt for not wanting bad threads on the board, are you a janny?
Holy fucking shit. At least now it's clear that you're a crossboarder.
Shokugeki and a lot of power fantasies are targeted at literal horny 14 year olds, not lonely adult men.
Japan isn't sexually repressed and any form of that is due to the West forcing its values (why porn is censored). Japanese normies have plenty of sex, they just don't want children.
I know plenty of women who like cute moe girls, what is he talking about?
>an adorable vulnerable little puppy you'd like to simultaneously care for as a protector as well as vigorously use as a fuck object
Is that not supposed to be the ideal?
>A therapist would have a fucking FIELD DAY with you
Is this a meme? I saw 6+ different therapists when I was younger and no matter much shit I told them they had nothing to say but "Come back next week". Apparently I had enough wrong with me that I needed to keep coming, but not enough that any of them had anything to say about me. Would a therapist really care if someone jerked off to cartoons?
fuck off with your "Stop bullying me for what i like that you find uncomfortable !"
since you're all retards and that people dont usually read big paragraphs, here's a music to spoonfeed you why this is wrong
Sorry but we're not in school anymore, you might have bullied some weak kids back then but you no longer have any power.