To the faggot that recommended me this the other day:

To the faggot that recommended me this the other day:
I'm sorry but this is just unwatchable. It's literally two minutes of plot per episode which are ridiculously pumped up to 25 minutes by use of the dumbest kinds of dramatic filler and retarded ""suspenseful"" time stretching.
Fuck this shit. The whole of the 25+ episodes of this could easily been a 1.5h movie.
If you enjoy watching something like this you also enjoy eating shit is my guess.

Attached: Kaiji.jpg (225x350, 56K)

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Season two is the same btw

Kaiji universe shares the same timezone along with the dragonball and jojo series

nice opinion dude

Maybe you’re just a pleb who can’t understand kino.

It's a seinen manga written by a grandpa, so it's double slow. Now Madhouse tried to make it a bit more lively, simplified a bit of face expressions and so on yet the anime is still attractive to minority of kids.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.03_[2018.12.27_15.43.56].jpg (1280x720, 315K)

Expected as much of a crossposter from the dumbest board on this website

Yeah! Where is the eye candy? Where are naked girlzzz. Where's nen, why doesn't Kaiji do a rasengan or a spirit bomb?
Does he even sacrifice his remaining life to get revenge? Now that's kino.

Fucking this boring shit man, I'm gonna go watch the vastly superior Hunter x Dragonball: Shippuden.

Attached: 80a2d0842d455bf192345e0f84bae987.jpg (1080x1481, 166K)

Agreed OP, Kaiji is literally a shit series. I don't understand how some can defend it simply because it falls more into the realm of being "realistic" with whats put at stake.

At least Kakegurui is actually entertaining with it's over the top ridiculousness but yet people call it bad for that. it's truly laughable

Maybe if they hadn't put in the endless repetitions, fade outs and dramatic "Kaiji-san!" shouting by side characters to literally stretch out what little they give to you each episode, it would be more "attractive" to "kids".
Just because something else is shit doesn't make Kaiji less of a mess.