So what does Yea Forums think about this Manga?
So what does Yea Forums think about this Manga?
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Its cute
Needs some progression. We've had 10 chapters of status quo shenanigans.
i wish she was just slightly more violently sadistic in her tormenting like the original source material.
Give's me Jeff the Killer vibes.
Cringe sadobullyfag
Need more chapters
Generic gimmicky episodic flirting shenanigans, worthless unless it's your first ever romcom or something.
Well since i'm not into femdom instead of boners I feel to suplex her to death.
Garbage for normalfags (ironic weaboos).
I wouldn't read it if there were no threads for it.
it doesn't even have an anime yet, ironic weaboos fear the black and white backwards comics.
It's a quick and entertaining read.
she was like that in the first 8 or so chapters and then after that it got toned down heavily, it's more cute and wholesome now.
Yoshi a best
boy nanashi finna do it
Looking forward to tomorrow morning, Nagatoro mondays are the best mondays.
Gamo>Yoshi>Sleepy Slut>Paisen>Naga
Unironically and ironically. I still read it when a new chapter pops up though.
Oh baby
>turns your retarded
i guess the people that made the juice also drank it
so from the threads what i can gather from this manga is:
>nagatoro acts like a slut and teases MC-kun
>MC acts like a pathetic beta male and backs down like a bitch from any sexually suggestive interaction
>the chapter ends with nagatoro giving a demonic grin with that retarded fang of hers
is there any more than this ? or is it just garbage wish-fulfillment to people that never had a highschool romance ?
It's mindless entertainment, the chapters are short and the art is nice.
uhh, sort of
Too generic. The first image series was better. Also, the first person perspective made it a more personal experience.
it's wholesome wish fulfillment drawn by a horrible degenerate and patronized by other horrible degenerates who enjoy the wish fulfillment, tight cast, expressive characters and relatively quick pacing. senpai admittedly is a self insert, but he's been given room to grow into a likeable protaganist that more than a few people here can personally relate to.
it's my favorite series in years.
Doesn't matter what the Yea Forumsutists think. It never does.
man when they releasing the volumes in English
vanilla trash
nanashi betrayed his own premise like a coward he is just to gain mainstream appeal from boring vanillafags
They'll release Don't Fuck With Me, Nagatoro on November.
Goddamnit user.
It's actually had some interesting progression, which is why a lot of sadobullyfags are saying it's "more tame". The guy is becoming more confident in himself and Naga's teasing is having less effect on him. I feel like it'll get more progression soon
W-what's going on here?
It's cute. I hope there's no NTR going forward.
>mfw nobody will ever defend my masculinity like that
It hurts.
Is that a porn game? I think I saw similar one about the other bullying show with a girl that has hugeass forehead.
>All these tryhards that act like they ever even heard of the image sets before the manga started.
Looks like a pixiv ugoira to me.
it sucks
give me the sauce pls
Reminder than Jannys browse these Nagatoro threads and will ban you if you say anything bad about their waifu or talk about having an identical relationship like Nagatoro IRL.
It's shit desu. Nagatoro should be about a cycle of vicious bullying followed by tender consolation.
Serves you right.
>bad about their waifu
I'd put that to test but I honestly can't think of anything bad to say about her.
It makes my dick so hard it hurts
Not even close.
>that marathon training chapter
It sent me into downward masturbation spiral lasting weeks now, send help.
It's hilarious when Naga seems to be getting cucked. Kinda cute how her unspoken emotions come out
i fap so much to this manga
it's addicting
mother fucker
I think you need to fucking chill out dude
>make first chapter about bullying that related to original source material.
>turned into pseduo harem for the rest chapters
False advertising
ESL here, what's those V bones called on her lower back?
You piece of shit that's my fucking wife
Embrace it
My wrists hurt.
That's her butt cheeks, user.
The bones you're thinking off, also called back dimples or dimples of venus, are sacroiliac joints.
>the girl who was cucked to death
Honestly Naga is the kind of girl that would fuck up bitches before letting herself get cucked.
They run even when there's 3 of them vs 1 Naga.
She's hella strong.
why would you post this knowing full well theres no reverse webm search yet
C is cute
To blueball you baka
>MFW fluffy snaps and blurts out nigh-confession cliffhanger at the chapter end
Screencap it.
Just search Nagatoro on pixiv.
Gamo still a best, literally perfect.
This is the best one.
Best girl.
I like this series a lot actually. Femdom tan girl is very fun to watch. Great reaction faces, and usually I'm all for busty onee-san but Naga's alright.
And a new chapter comes out tomorrow! Yay~ However, I have to go to work so I can't view the translation thread in real time...