Netflix lists One Piece as live action series
One Piece Live Action
>Ultimate Pirate King
its the shit where everyone is DIVERSE
it will be kino
Pls no
What's the difference between the Pirate King and the ultimate Pirate King?
do they even have enough money to make a One Piece live action look mildly decent
Isn't one piece already diverse?
apparently they are rumored to have a GOT tier budget
Bleach live action was better than I expected. But the goofiness of one piece art will make it much harder to get right.
Netflix is based, I hope they can adapt that trash into something at least decent
>Ultimate Pirate King
Just delet this now please.
Hope they use 4Kids op song
It's definitely gonna be the next GOT. Now that GOT is ending, One piece has the perfect chance to become its new Japanese successor. Or it will be utter shit
How is Netflix going to handle Luffy's first pirate fight being with a fat chick?
Where is the Nigger Zoro cosplay picture when I need it?
Can the human mind even comprehend just how fucking awful this will be.
It will never ever get the goofyness mixed to serious and emotional moments. And the fights with the weird abilities will be top cringe. If they manage to pull it off I will be forever amazed
Working closely together with Oda
Huge budget
There is a small chance that it's getting good
i mean One Piece already have a western-like style of writing so why no
The only part of One Piece that could work in live action is East Blue and even that will be a challenge. Let's look at all the crazy shit that happened in the climax of the last big arc.
>A 19 year old pirate made of rubber fought a 49 year old 16 foot tall pirate made of mochi who was fangs for teeth and loves donuts
>Meanwhile the rubber man's allies who care composed of a woman, a reindeer, a skeleton, a rabbit, and a whale shark were on a ship being chased by a gigantic fat old woman who using a sun and a cloud as weapons and is one of the strongest pirates in the world because she thought they had a cake
>After beating the mochi man the rubber man was saved by another ally who is a cook who only fights with kicks, who are then both saved by the cook's family who are Nazi Power Rangers.
This shit cannot be adapted to live action.
you can say like this about everything, the last chapter was
>fat sissy goes off in his mobility scooter/motorcycle hybrid to ogle a picture of his deceased oiran waifu and do a dance number while visiting his weight gain slave camp ran by deformed furries designed to break the wills of rebellious nips and brazilian twinks
This will not end well.
It's gonna be Pirates of the Caribbean with a few names switches around.
>live action OP
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
You could very easily do fishmen for example, the problem would be weird looking characters like Iva, Gecko Moria or Magellan
Any of this would work if Netflix is going to pump an enormous amount of money into this, which apparently they will.
Will only watch if we get a "WE WUZ KANGZ NIGGUH" Ussop and a brazilian luffy.
Isn't that racist?
Forgot my pic related which was over 10 years ago
Anime live action can only work if you don't try to make an anime live action movie out of the source material
>not naruto
fucking dropped
already in the works
i don't have any hope for this live action as a fan. I don't fear for the visual quality, but for the characters being respected.
Like Luffy, he's supposed to be very straightforward and innoncent, like a very young child.The american netflix audience would find him "annoying". I'm scared they will totally rewrite his character to be more close to normal teenager, but then it's not Luffy. Just a soulless who.
how are they going to adapt this
You're right, there is no way they'll get the emotional moments right.
But just imagine if they'd get it right, it would be amazing
More like One Piss
Reminder that this is getting more budget per episode than GoT
Really? What the fuck
apparently 10 million per episode
Filming at sea is expensive.
You only need to be good to win people over. When you've won them, they're very easy to keep.
Well the ultimate Pirate King is better than your vanilla, run-of-the-mill Pirate Kings. They're more free, and don't have any fatal illnesses that encourage them to surrender to the marines.
I fucking fear for the visual quality. There's no to do devil fruit powers without making it 90& CGI, so why not just make it into a cartoon?
>ultimate pirate king!
What the fuck is this shit? Dropped picking up
The most difficult problem is getting Zorros hair colour right
I don't see a problem with getting the devil fruit powers right with that much of an budget
don't laugh Luffy, you gonna die before you hit 40
>The most difficult problem is getting Zorros hair colour right
Nah, just make a wig with these textures.
Oda will make sure it's good
Oda doesn't have any real power; they got the rights. If they don't want to listen they won't
Get the same casting agency that did the Spartacus show. Beside's Nami, I really doubt they intend to cover anything past Alabasta, Crocodile already had a sort of 'climax boss' feel that'd only get more attention in a live action adaption and if they didn't they'd have to adapt fucking Jaya+Skypiea, which not only would mean doing a fluffy cloud heaven-like place convincingly but is also a large, mostly self-contained arc. Like, who's going to do Blackbeard, Lawrence Fishborne in a fat suit?
I think they will end the series just when they reach Grand Line
>Oda doesn't have any real power
Did you see the contract? Do you think Oda is a retard who sells the rights to his creation just like that to an American company?
>having a character referred to as "Moss-Head"
Sorry Sweetie, we live in 2019, you can't do that.
The only thing that is confirmed is that the first season is going to be the East blue arc
This is the same kind of logic when Dragonball Evolution was coming out and people were like "Well Toriyama gave his blessing so it has to be okay"
> Do you think Oda is a retard who sells the rights to his creation just like that to an American company?
Yes? What the fuck do you think Oda will do? he's already busy enough with the manga, you think he'll have the time to seriously quality check a TV series made from a language he doesn't understand?
>Teach as Lawrence Fishborne
Would be kino actually, he did a wise crazy hobo character in John Wick and it'd emphasize the age difference.
The only thing that gives me hope is that Netflix is going all in on this, the most expensive show they'll ever produce
Heard it here first this shit will go to entering the grandline at best.
Crazy shit happens in American comic books too. Superhero films and television series have been successful.
I hope they turn Sanji into the dirty nigger he is.
yeah but Toriyama is a retard
you're right
There is literally no reason to hate on Sanji
There is no black people.
So nami or sanji would have to be one.
Usopp already is middle eastern - south asian
Luffy would probably be a transgender attack helicopter and the pirateking is a woman
That cast is more faithful than anything post-SJW america will do
>transgender attack helicopter
Pic related
Threads like this are retarded, because it isn't feasible for this show to be good or for anyone to think it even has a one in a million chance of being good.
Honestly, Zoro's a shoe-in be asian, the lead's already going to be a shade of light brown, Usopp's outright brown and if the show goes far enough we'd get Robin, who'd likely be kept with her tanned look; the series is already more organically diverse than half the stuff being pushed as diverse as a selling point, you'd just need some queerbait with Nami
Yeah but doesn't it make you MAD though? Give me those (You)s!
t. OP probably
The biggest problem is Sanji in #MeToo era
I wonder how the live action will handle Carrot
Ussop is black. Oda literally stated this.
wasn't robin supposed to be black but oda didn't stick with it?
He said luffy was from brazil. There is no Brazil in one piece universe. He is just trying to add stupid details in show to please the fans. Usopp is clearly not black. You can see can't you?
>no black people
>Usopp already is middle eastern - south asian
He looks more like a Maghrebi
Oda said Nami would be from Sweden if she existed in the real world, so she can just be Muslim.
I actually don't really get people who get that angry at shit like this. It's funny, I think. It's fun to point out all the problems and tear it apart, maybe. But to me, One Piece is a manga written by Eiichiro Oda. Anything else is just fanfiction. Why care so much about fanfiction?
all admirals are asian
He literally said if he was from a real world he would be african.
Hence he is definitely supposed to be black. Of course real would countries and nationalities don't exist in One piece would but skin color does. He;s definitely not supposed to be east Asian.
Season One: East Blue saga - 10 episodes
Ep. 1 - Alvida and Coby stuff, Morgan stuff, recruit Zoro and leave Shells Town.
Ep. 2 - Luffy and Shanks backstory, Nami and Buggy introduction, Shushu stuff happens. Ends with Luffy punching Mohji's face into concrete.
Ep. 3 - Buggy crew fights begin, Buggy is defeated and Nami recruited.
Ep. 4 - Arrive at Syrup village and meet Usopp, Kurahadol, Kaya etc. Drama happens, episode ends with Black Cat pirates about to invade the village.
Ep. 5 - Pirates are defeated and Ussop recruited.
Ep. 6 - Arrive at Baratie, Sanji and Krieg stuff happens, ends with Nami stealing Merry, and Mihawk cutting Kriegs ship.
Ep. 7 - Krieg is defeated and Sanji recruited. They set off for Arlong Park.
Ep. 8 - Ends with walk to Arlong Park and Luffy busting down the wall.
Ep. 9 - Fights with Arlong's crew happen, they are defeated, Nami jumps on board and they all set off.
Ep. 10 - Arrive at Logue Town. Episode ends with them breaking the barrel.
If they actually adapt all of the story, we'll have to worry about this in a very long time
This is going to be just as much of a joke as Death Note. Stop giving it attention.
Fuck wrong pic
Will you guys give a try to the episode? I don't think I will tbqh
You mean like how he approved of everything related to the 4kids dub?
Don't even joke about that
a try to the first episode*
Come on this is going to be an anime adaptation trainwreck to end all trainwrecks. Who doesn't want to see this?
Yes, hearing the rumoured budget got me interested
If it's bad I'll just forget it exists and hope it won't tarnish the manga public image
This is either going to turn into a Planet of the Caribeean-tier success that will takes over GoT or be a complete disaster that will be laughed at on Yea Forums for years to come. Either way I'm excited as fuck for the preview.
Absolutely, if the rumors about the budget are true it might actually be the first live action version of a manga/anime that isn't total shit as long as they follow the actual plot
the US government doesn't have that kind of cash
in fact it's not a question of money at all, one piece is simply not a live action subject
which is why it will be hilarious to watch
Isn't Brook black? I don't remember how he used to look when he was alive from his flashback, but he CAN be made black since, well, soul is a black music, he has afro and his clothes are kinda reminds what blacks used to wear in 70s.
i lone OP so much lads, oda is a genius for having ridiculous plots like this and making it emotionally involving
I will watch all of it and enjoy this trainwreck to the fullest.
imagine the average normalfag off the street watching an episode of a rubber boy and a clown man breaking into and out of an underwater prison patrolled by monstrously strong cutsey furries and overseen by a demon-man with diarreah, and then they find a hidden location where tim curry with a giant head F is having a transvestite party
shit, it's basically the next GoT
They fine with the nonsense of superheroes. It could work.....
All right man i give up, you clearly care about one piece more than me and would defend usopps blackness to no end.
Maybe i just made a mistake seeing usopps color in the show. I thought the show alone would be enough to make a distinction about his ethnicity but i didn't know you had to watch every interview oda attended in his life to make that distinction.
He would be a walking bundle of stereotypes and thats racist according to sjws.
All we can hope is for the writer in charge to be a true fan of the series with a good understanding of the story and his characters.
I don't think the series need to be 100% faithful, panel by panel. One Piece is too "weird" for it to work anyway. But as a fan I want to feel that this One Piece I'm watching.
About the same amount to do live action versions of Terry Gilliam animations.
So they have to turn Luffy into a quipping machine? No thanks
>cutsey furries
They can made them seriously looking.
One Piece is a comedy though, just not that kind...
Just take the pirates of the Caribbean aesthetic, you should be able to get the CGI right with 100 million
Enjoy ur db evo 2.0 with writer apologizing years later
I don't watch much capeshit, but modern capeshit movies aren't very cartoony. The talking raccoon from GotG is like, chopper on lithium, and chopper is relatively normal in the one piece universe
He said north african.
North Africans aren't black you idiot.
Yeah I know. And americans don't like that type of comedy. Luffy is supposed to be childish and straightforward but watch them rewrite his character
Is there any chance Usopp's nose won't look ridiculous
You clearly didn't read the SBS he did not say north african.
so will they include the super strength shit like luffy blasting a whale sized fish in the first chapter and him kicking down an entire fucking mansion in arlong park or will they tone it down?
Of course they'll tone it done and ground it to be as pirates of the Caribbean as possible.
they have enough make to make all kinds of crazy stuff
enough money*
Cant wait for I'll be pirate kang
Reminder Luffy is Brazil and Usopp African
>Turned all of them in japs
You dont know shit
This is the producer
it's gonna be a trainwreck
yeah, but it's one thing to have superman smack someone through five walls and another one to have a brazilian kid who sets sail in a dinghy do it
it's a comic thing, like how half the big guys oda draws have chicken legs, and it doesn't figure much into the story, at least for the east blue arc
>another shitty LA adaptation
do they never learn?
This is a joke, right?
He made prison break and some people say its decent
Honestly the main problems of that kind of live-action adaptation are
>They flunk on the special effect budget so it looks like shit
>They adapt the design 1:1 so every characters looks like they're cosplaying the character they're based on in the manga
Of course only a madman would even attempt this.
No, apparently Oda signed the project off after meeting him
In term of design Luffy and Nami are likely the most easier to do, just use baby faced actors. I don't say Sanji because of his eyebrow
can't wait for the Impel Down arc
I never saw the anime.
Why would I care about a live action?
Why would I care if you care?
>"I've been a fan of One Piece for these 20 years."
This. No matter what it's gonna be a huge meme and i'm glad we get to see it.
when's the preview?
he said it's going to be the most expensive series in TV history
I'm getting cautiously optimistic
>a thread died for this
robin was never meant to be more than tanned at most
that was a mistake on the animators part. she had always been fair skinned in colored manga covers and shit like that
We don't know.
His appearance is based on japanese actor, you retard.
Zoro's 3 sword style will look absolutely retarded in live action. There's nothing that they can do that'll make it look good
this shit will be worst than dragon ball evolution and will go down as the worst live-action adaptation in history
someone screencap this shit
leaked footage
oh god I didn't think about this
nothing can be as bad as db evolution
Nah, you can't go worse than Dragon Ball Evolution, that garbage wasn't even worth a few laughs it was just the most saddening pile of shit ever produced,
Zoro now only has two swords
Everybody drops down a sword(hachi drops down 2)
Mihawk's fuckhuge sword is now a slightly smaller fuckhuge sword
I hope they keep odas love of cute animals
spoiler for off topic capeshit
superhero comic books that got adapted to film and serious tv shows got changed in the adaptation to make it more believable/scientific/secular, the avengers canonically has two different timelines/universes now: the comic book one canon and the MCU canon
so the comparison just invites them to make similar setting/lore/canon changes in this series
you lost me at live action
>One Piece written by Americans
Is this going to be the first live action adaption as a series?
Only thing I read is that Is a already had actors in mind
>not wanting glorious GIYO GIIIIIIYOOOOOO for the future generation to behold
I honestly think the project is doomed. Adapting OP in the straightest way possible will just be ridiculous and ruins any semblance of tone besides comedy, and everyone will hate it. Going off the source material will just make braindead fans complain about it not being a perfect adaptation because no matter the medium of origin fans will always assume the movie's role is to be the servant of the source material.
the problem is that OP is so wacky that you'll be hard pressed to go off source without ending up in a completely different series
They had a pretty good fat lady fight in that Monkey King show.
Anything but that
Americans don't understand One Piece
One Piece is not good, so there is almost no chance of this being good.
I mean to quote
Tim Curry isn't dead. Probably wishes he were, though.
Wait is that Masahiro Inoue, or just his look-a-like?
is this real
Yes, been in the works for a while now
source material is already shit beyond repair, this can only improve the series
Do you think they're really going to follow the plot?
As black as my soul
>attack helicopter meme
His 3 sword style is too emblematic
I can see it working as a gag, with people pointing out that it looks dumb
Oda follows Toriyamas career closely enough to learn from his mistakes
To keep in line of trends, they'll be making Nami black, right?
Finally, wan piss will die.
Hollywood never learn?
that Dragon Ball movie, Pork in the Shell and Battle angel alita are massive failures, people dont want live-actions
Hollywood is out of ideas, it's the same reason every movie now is a sequel or a reboot. Its the reason why Disney keeps releasing live action remakes one after another.
Now they just want to aborb the anime industry, getting control over it little by little.
Early east blue + 50% filler would work good. It'd be mostly SoL on boats.
>inb4 he juggles them
They won't stop trying until they control the anime market.
>black nami
>pale robin
There will be riots
>Ussop is black. Oda literally stated this.
He didn't literally state that. He just had his nationality as african, he could be a sand nigger.
The casting will be utter dogshit, full of mutts and shits that can't act due to pouring all the budget towards the sets and effects.
>tfw no Orlando Bloom Shanks
>Orlando Bloom Shanks
Thank god you're not responsible for the casting.
might be a good mihawk too
Would netflix straight up cut Mr 2? They arent ballsy enough to play him straight.
This is assuming they even get more than one season.
Jesus, that shit would look like shit regardless of budget and would drag on too long. I am very bitter and tired of manga taking decades to finish.
What if the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot is literally just One piece?
North africa is in africa so he could be from there. Hes not black in appearnece so you lied too
first off luffy has to be a jap actor.
Hes not black. Hes probably an austrian jew like howard stern
Normally I'd get my torch and pitchfork because Live Action Garbage but this is One Piece that franchise deserves to get dragged through the Mud now if only the same would happen to Naruto as well.
There are more white people in Brazil then blacks
I do hope you aren't calling non- negroid Brazilians white.
He is literally Sanji and the girl is Nami. Jack is luffy and idk the rest
Idk if they are pure white but they are classified as white in comparison to brown and black
I don't there is a good enough actor alive with a luffy-tier babyface.
Luffy has to be brazilian, either white or hapa.
>Luffy has to be brazilian,
why are you trying to trigger me, friend.
Please no.
Not only will it look stupid, a la Goku, but Luffy is retarded.
nice cans
Goku was Chinese. Luffy could be anything but black
I'm not, just shilling my country and personally think it would fit, especially if hapa.
I think the casting shoud be based around that SBS about the characters nationalities if they were from our world.
This is going to flop so bad. I just hope oda and the manga don’t get affected by how bad it get and all the criticisms that is going to explode when this come out.
They shouldn’t follow the manga at all, just use the setting and create a whole new cast. They would have a chance to be decent if they do.
Luffy would not be a hapa. He has straight hair and is just tan in the anime
That makes no sense. A hapa can have both those traits.
You do know that hapas more often than not get the asian hair phenotype right?
And they can be of almost any skin color although most are very light skinned.
He lived more in those 40 years than you ever will though. He can laugh if he wants.
oh no
Let's be realistic, it will be complete shit and make us laugh at how sjw it is.
Alright spigotty, you got a pass on the Brazilian casting.
>make us laugh at how sjw it is
But the manga already does that.
Lets make luffy be a trans person in the live action series.
stop talking as if money mean something, One Piece is about soul and steady development you just can't buy the first and can't afford the second
Wasn't this supposed to be a live action movie? When did it turn into an actual series?
Frankly, I don't see how this doesn't turn into another Dragon Ball Evolution.
>Lets make [cis protagonist] be a trans person
Has this ever happened to an adaptation?
Black is as accurate to what Oda envisions Luffy to be,
goku was meant to be chinese but saiyans are literally europeans, don't even try to deny it.
Heres how this will go in terms of casting
Asian guy who cant act
Asian guy who will be pure cringe
White guy who will be even worse
Just like every other black person in an anime adaptation it will be someone who physically who does not embody the role well at all and will be easily the worst part
Bella Thorne or some other whore
another asian actor. Robin doesnt ever fucking do anything (except get kidnapped) after alabasta so its kinda hard to fuck up, but when it comes to Enies Lobby they almost certainly will find a way.
he will be cute as hell
Will be for some reason also black and will be much less silly and will be portrayed as a super genius cyborg scientist
like Chopper he would be all CG but unlike Chopper he will look terrible
This is all assuming a live action one piece series would even get far enough to show all the straw hats. Its first season would probably cover all of East Blue but it would be fucking terrible so it wouldnt get a second.
Luffy is brazilian so it wouldn't be weird if they cast a black dude for the role, same goes for Ussop, One Piece is one of the titles where it wouldn't be weird if they add a bunch of blacks, as long they stick with the source material that's ok, so no black kinght Sanji or Funky Afro Franky please.
If is a movie I will give it a try, if is a series then fuck no, I haven't seen the 1000 episodes of the anime I won't start with the live action.
no white actors allowed, only black and a few other minorities. maybe one asain as japanese.
What if they make Brook black? Or anyone else different?
The only people who say this are people who know literally nothing about Brazillian history and people who have never been to Brazil.
is 100% correct
Yes there are lots of mixed race people in Brazil but there is a VERY clear racial divide in that country, and since the media only ever likes to portray one side of Brazil it leads to a lot of people not understanding just how many god damn white people are in south america.
Brazil is such a rare place, usually if you throw cocoa into a glass of milk the whole thing gets brown, but no matter how much cocoa you put into brazil, they stay white, really weird stuff.
Hope they bring back the pirate rap.
T. Nigger. Neither Luffy nor Usopp are black and neither look black
Every show producer is atempting for their show to be the "next GoT."
Amazon is currently producing a Middle Earth series, that has argubly a better story and world than GoT, and which had its license costing them 250 million.
Also, Netflix itself producing an adaptation of The Witcher books, a story with a setting and tone pretty similar to GoT, and already has a huge fanbase from the games.
These are merely some of the more prominent examples, but their are many more, and we may witness a dark horse coming out of nowhere.
Last but not least, HBO is still trying to bank on GoT's success with a prequel season(s).
So, if anything, One Piece is currently facing some of the strongest competitors, and I doubt the US market will end up prefering the series with superpowered pirates.
I'm optimistic, but I still have a small pit of dread. Mostly worried they'll take the original humor out for something more easy for audiences to digest. Read: capeshit """"humor""""
Yeah, but One Piece is more popular than GoT, Lord of the Rings and the Witcher.
This adaption is a gold mine if done right.
>One Piece is more popular than GoT, LOTR and the Witcher
ussop is a mutt of black descent. get someone who looks like slash in hair and skin tone to play him.
He fits more as a muslim, who are north african. Doubt Oda thinks "Hes a mutt from africa"
>Yassop is black
>Banchina is white
b-but is Usopp isn't a mutt
>yasopp is black
I guess it must be the BLONDE hair that threw me off
yassopp is a light skin nigger/mutt, the inconsistent hair color must be a dye or oda being retarded ass usual, not to mention mutts can be blonde too.
Thats pure fucking headcanon and he is still looking like a sand nigger there. You moved from Usopp is a mutt to Yasopp is a mutt. Does this look like a mutt to you?
Can i get a source on this? I'm not super in to one piece but this sounds interesting.
>he is still looking like a sand nigger there
Looks like a mullatto not a sand nigger, close but way different.
>you moved
I didn't move anything they are both mutts with obvious black ancestry, if his father is a mutt then he is one too by definition, not to mention oda probably doesn't even know white africa is a thing.
>Does this look like a mutt to you?
Yes it does. many people with 15% to 35% sub-sahaaran african ancestry have this exact skin color and many look like this as well.
Baroque works had some niggers. Mr 1, Mr 3 and Miss Monday
If Yassop is a mutt that looks mostly white, Usopp shouldnt look like a mutt at all. Point is, they are not black. Your idea is that they have some black ancestry but there is no proof of that. Just a sbs that names a whole continent. Oda also does know white africa exists. Everyone knows what Egypt looks like
Black Sails will be more popular than this shit.
The CGI of stretching arms is going to be literal shit. I don't have .webms saved, but capeshit adapted into a TV series ALWAYS have shit CGI.
Saiyans are chinks that can transform into europeans. It's the ultimate self-loathing chink fantasy.
This shit, with one of the best CGI ever made, cost $225M to make. It's about 2.5 hours long, so about $90M for 60 minutes of action.
The Netflix adaption will be $10M per episode, which would be about 60 minutes in length as well.
I HIGHLY doubt the CGI for the One Piece live adaptation will be good.
Uh, no, I've had sex.
>If Yassop is a mutt that looks mostly white, Usopp shouldnt look like a mutt at all
That's not how genetics work, user.
>Point is, they are not black
I never claimed they were, and american one drop rule would disagree with you although i don't agree with its principle.
>Your idea is that they have some black ancestry but there is no proof of that
>there is no proof of that
The skin color, the lips and the hair texture are dead giveaway especialy when you pair them with the fact that oda implied that he thinks africa is a country in the SBS
>Oda also does know white africa exists.
"there is no proof of that"
>Everyone knows what Egypt looks like
Most people probably don't even know or realise egypt is in africa, most people don't know white africa is a thing at all.
Also are we dragging "belgian" players into this? ussop and yassop are more akin to pic related than the exemple you posted.
here's an unpopular opinion I'll give I it a try before jumping in the hate train. Maybe I it turns out to be decent or good.
>my kids loved the movie so I'm adapting it
>I'm also going to miscast all the characters
>it doesn't even matter if all the characters are played by the right races, white people will still complain about not everybody white
The real question is which asian actress is going to play the most beautiful women in the one piece universe
She's going to be black.
It probably wasn't shamalyan fault
Proabably the boys at the top that made him do this
Hopefully a beautiful Latina, like those woman who usually won Miss Universe.
A porn star should play her
The skin color, lips and hair are all things that can apply to North Africans though. Skin color shouldnt even be included since Usopp is the same color as any of the other SHs. Like I said, you have no proof of any black ancestry. Oda also isnt a retard. He even wrote Alabasta based on Egypt and I am sure he would know were its located.
She wont be included
This, a latina would do perfect as Hancock, someone like Sofia Vergara would do it right.
Lol no. Hancock should look asian and be pale. She should also be fairly tall, but thats just me.
>this is women to play boa
>The skin color, lips and hair are all things that can apply to North Africans though
Even though north africans tend to have some nigger ancestry their genetic makeup is mostly semitic, mullatos and sand niggers have diferent skin color hues (the last one being more akin to pajeets) even thought they are both some shade of brown.
>Usopp is the same color as any of the other SHs
Ussop got in the timeskip, he used to have a darker complexion compared to the other SHs.
>Like I said, you have no proof of any black ancestry
>no proof
Again i made my point already in and you made sure to ignore it and most my other arguments, what do you want me to do? a comprehensive statistical analysis of ussop and yassop negroid facial phenotypes and skin complexion?
>Oda also isnt a retard
Some recent decisions he made sure chalenge your claim.
All in all the only way for us to know would be asking Oda himself, but i'm inclined to believe they aren't north africans because they don't have a single trait that singles them out as semitic.
This t b h she should ideally look like this
The only asians in the OP main cast would be Zoro, Nami and maybe Luffy, everyone else is a mix of anything else but asian.
>Character looks like a Chinese princess
>"Let's cast a beaner"
Fuck off.
What makes you think that she will be in?
>Even though north africans tend to have some nigger ancestry their genetic makeup is mostly semitic, mullatos and sand niggers have diferent skin color hues (the last one being more akin to pajeets) even thought they are both some shade of brown.
Okay? First of all, most North africans dont have some african DNA. Second of all, this makes no difference. They are still brown, have big lips and have extremely curly hair. Thats my only point.
>Ussop got in the timeskip, he used to have a darker complexion compared to the other SHs
No he wasnt.
>Again i made my point already in # and you made sure to ignore it and most my other arguments, what do you want me to do? a comprehensive statistical analysis of ussop and yassop negroid facial phenotypes and skin complexion?
I didnt ignore anything I didnt think was stupid. One drop rule doesnt even apply here because we dont know if there is one drop
Nami is a white chick and Luffy sure as hell isnt asian
Actually less diverse than the original manga (deerkin excluded).
SJWNetflix would never allow that.
Nanao, the model who played Baccarat in One Piece Gold, is pretty good
Well, not all of the 60 mins were CGI, and One Piece won't need hyperrealistic monsters, and instead just a few attacks to be in CGI. Maybe this budget would still not be viable, but I think for One Piece there is more story to be told than fights to be seen.
Well, chopper would be very easy/cheap to do.
A dwarf in fur suit with a bit of cgi, a strong man in a fur suit with a bit of cgi, a real deer cub with a hat (they are very domesticated).
Fishman can copy PotC and have a simplier design.
So they should have more money for the action scenes.
>everyone will be whitewashed
saleswise it's more popular than all of these 3 combined
Sales only in one country. Worldwide it's not even a competition.
Don't care
The thought of Hollywood touching One Piece makes my skin crawl
I could see a Japanese version at least being a fun, campy passion project
>japanese live action
no thanks
Native brasilian would fit best.
I don't about her Boa.
>One Piece
Like clockwork.
I knew this board is dead, but this is just saddening.
>don't mind
Everything to get a (You), eh Yea Forumsermin?
The point being neither would have much of a chance of being good though a Japanese adaption would likely be cheesy, lower budget but have actual soul and involve much of the series content. There might be a few decent scenes to come out of it.
This Hollywood schlock in all likelihood will barely have anything to do with the series outside having a guy named Luffy with a straw hat and some sort of stretching powers.
Oh god I wish. White people actually look like anime characters.
>tfw nobody has the balls to Alita an entire show
Big eyes are the future of Anime adaptation.
Oh shut up gook, aside from Wano, people without further coloring in One Piece are literally meant to look white.
Even Wano is diverse and not just asian. Otherwise the Strawhats wouldn't be able to hide in plain sight there.
>whites are so cucked and replaced in their own media they're trying to self-insert into Asian media
What will they do with sizes? Luffy is 174, Garp is about 280-290, White beard is 666 and giants about 15-20m. Will they follow this sizes?
>Slint eye so desperate he tries to convince people about asian characters in series where the author openly stated they aren't asian
cry harder insect
san juan wolf will be played by danny devito in front of a greenscreen
Pretty sure they haven't thought about this at all and they will just handwave it.
>everyone in my TV shows is black
>what do I do
>I know, I'l consume other media and pretend they're all like me
>seething so hard he can't even spell properly
yikes and cuckedpilled
You can spill your meme drivel all you want, Oda gave us nationalities and how to imagine the main cast.