Gesugaos are so fucking hot

Gesugaos are so fucking hot

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Only if you're a flaming faggot

Ahegaos are the pinnacle of masculinity

makes me want to be tortured

No, you are the faggot. Only the most virile males would feel the desire to turn those condescending faces into the most foolish of all kusogao

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cute incel

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They are not really that hot.


I don't even know what those are.

Can we wordfilter incel?
It's clearly only said by either newfags, normalfags or raiders.

Filter it yourself. Though I do hope they instaban anybody who uses it. It's the "umadbro" of 2019 and its pissing me off.


Umadbro is a statement, not a question.

Post some examples then.

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Is this or is this not a GuP thread, I really want a GuP thread.

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They filter s o i but they don't filter incel?
It's fucking hilariously inconsistent.

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The mods are tranies or onions boys.

>mods are tranies
Well the ones making the word filters are.

Fucking retards, none of those remotely compare to EGAOs.They are the purest expression of beauty that god bestowed on this blue marble. They are the only thing worth living for.

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Come on dude, they do it for free.

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I hate how the movie made the rabbit team out to be a bunch of whores.

Egao is love
Egao is life

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It's time

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The doctrine of Egao must expand to the farthest edge of the universe.

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You still have yet to define what it is.


I see what you did there.

What about Chingao?

Pretty fucked up