Being Touman is suffering
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What the fuck is Mikoto holding and why is Misaki making that face??
Misaki just caught his torn off arm.
「Zappy Dan the Magnet Man」
Is this a newfag thing?
See you….never again, dumb NTR'ed Headcrab.
Cute demon wife.
>his intestines falling out
disabled kamikoto soon
But Kamisato isn't a cripple anymore.
Thanks for singing Touma's new theme song.
Accel was always good at that.
What is the joke here? That in character Okamoto would not be a good singer?
Stay mad faggot
Kys twat and burn in hell
Nope there is literally no joke here. This is a direct statement. That song fits current Touma down the letter.
Accel is an Idol singer in his spin off.
His VA is a fucking beast too.
>“Yo!! Yo!! Yoooo!!!!!”
Demon wife is a bad influence on Accel.
>Spoilers about Mikoto battling Coronzon in AAA with aleister-backing her up shakes the earth
>Accelerator in base form shakes the earth from a single kick
You doing okay mikotofags?
I can’t believe Touma is fucking dead
What is Anna doing in the new volume?
Feel the best thing i could do
I'll never love again, MY WORLD IS ENDING
it all returns to nothing
In my heart of hearts, i know that I can never love again
so with sadness in my heart
feel the best thing i could do
is become a chest and head with no arms
and live in mikoto's arms WHILE MY WORLD IS ENDING
What the fuck is this?
IT looks like Doritos
A figure of speech dumb fuck
Your mom.
I want to finger her head hole
Teasing me with those paizuri doujins I know will never happen.
>IT looks like Doritos
that's FE your talking about.
Sure bro, whatever you say.
Misaki a pile of shit
Stop misleading people with wrong information.
You're genuinely annoying. Cancer.
Kek, Prepare for that part of this volume which MisaMisa get jealous of Index when Touma really wants to meet her when she's going out of helicopter while they are feeding him.
user, most people probably don't even remember Saru Lock nowadays.
God, I miss old Raildex General memes.
>We won't get to hear Qliphoth's cute VA, Accelerator going 'YO YO YO!' or see rainbow wings animated in this decade
It hurts.
Some people expect her and Aiwass to set Touma down the demon lord route and that the ending was really melancholic once Touma realizes he's not normal.
Who's the one on the left?
It's literally in the first chapter.
>“If you had time to throw me to the side, you should have tried something else! Are you kidding me, human? If this kills you, I will bind your soul to mine as my property!!”
Why is she so cute bros
Someone who reads that part said that fish ball alike thingy really remind him of AIM Burst when it's fully out of control.
Just Joke, MP rents free in Touma Body
>high school student
>not normal
It's impossible.
Index has to eat all the eggs.
War God.
Yup. The earth was "literally" shaking innit, nonce.
I feel a bit bad for Coronzon. That body she worked so hard for is going to be defiled now that Aleister has it.
>for Misaka to win the bowl Misaki has to be part of the packaged deal
eh. at least Misaka won
>Accelerator going 'YO YO YO!'
At least for this one there's the tiny chance that something like IF or the MMO will include it.
Sounds like the earth isn't the only thing that's shaking right now.
Congrats, all those years of shitposting other girls to death only for everything to point towards a harem ending.
>Thinking anyone is "winning"
>everything to point towards a harem ending.
Oh, wait. Othinus will snag his soul no matter what.
>No one notices the diffrence between lola and aleister because thats how she acts
Touma BTFO
>Prepare for that part of this volume which MisaMisa get jealous of Index when Touma really wants to meet her when she's going out of helicopter while they are feeding him.
one picture says that Index is jealous about MisaMisa and Touma.
The three girls are jealous nothing new.
If they slavedrive the game developers it might, but IF probably has a better chance of getting there first
Yeah, you. Shaking your arse for your daddy to pop it in the goal.
Wonder what else is shaking right now.
What would your course of action be if two beautiful young level 5 girls feed you on the mouth?. Actually, one young girl since misaki is looking kind of old.
He will soon get his revenge and defeat the demon.
>Toumakeks in denial mode
>one picture says that Index is jealous about MisaMisa and Touma.
Nope, Just waiting for JS06 to finish that part.
*Kakine will revenge Touma and defeat the demon
The ending actually leaves a chance for Kakine to finally be relevant. Supposedly Aiwass and Anna mention Fraulein
Even is death, death loses. Damn you strange eons.
Both will reach the level of gods
Both will battle, with Kakine creating endless amounts of new magic and Accelerator learning each one.
But before all of that, we will get a rap battle between the two
>Turned into a mass of flesh
>arm cut off with a chainsaw
>Get revived
>arm explodes with fish eggs
His suffering is never ending. Now look at that gary stu Accel getting a free city and another power up.
Touma will come back as the true final boss
Look behind you. You will see what is shaking
Kakine redemption arc fucking SOON
I haven't read the last chapter
What's with the fish eggs?
Why are you behind me and literally shaking user?
>we will get a rap battle between the two
Fucking hell, why did Idol Accel have to end?
>Now look at that gary stu Accel getting a free city and another power up
Accel is edge lord faggot and his fags are a bunch of powerlevels fuckboys.
Ruining the threads with their faggotry
He's not wrong though in regards to Naruto, but Bleach was far more entertaining
Actually based
>Got to defeat my right arm
>Hey IT remember that one night after Index sat on our dick for half an hour?
>I’m about to do it to you again.
IT pops out as a cute loli with a
“As if she was looking at walking garbage” stare.
Sasuga true number 2.
Fraulein is Aiwass' avatar
Turns out Aiwass inseminated IT back in NT18, now there's a bunch of eggs spilling from Touma's arm and they're about to hatch.
The best part is that he casually cuts her hair off after waking up in her body
To be fair, the source material currently isn't helping that. Touma's currently busy being exploded, Hamazura's off the front lines being Super Hamazura, MisaMisa and Othinus are crying over exploded Touma.
And then there's Accelerator actually going toe-to-toe with the arc's boss. It'll probably die down once he starts jobbing again or whatever.
Aleister what the fuck no is he pulling character development
To be fair her hair is super fucking long, I don't blame him for cutting it down some.
Your mom shaking her ass for me you idiot
Time to cheer for Aiwass.
over 20000 gorrilion's of kids in AC is one thing.
But precious Lola's hair?
Death to the Memelord, feed his soul to Gabe.
>Aiwass inseminated IT back in NT18
Is this true? I like pregnant Touma.
Monkeyposter where are you?
The long hair was also Lola's pride and joy and Coronzon's favorite hiding place. Cutting it would be very much in-character for Aleister as a final fuck-you to the demon.
>cutting that glorious Main
I want him dead
Still, the annoying power-ups ruining the fun for me.
I hate how Kamachi using Accel consistently like a shounen protagonist. THIS ISN'T SHOUNEN MANGA
How terrifying.
It’s hot
Serves her right.
>Missing the point
Your typical 15-year-old edgy kiddo.
You can't understand that this series all about collective effort, don't you?
Power-ups are unneeded.
> suffering
If NT9 didnt do shit to him than nothing will break his plot armor. Wouldnt even give a shit if he gets skinned alive since he will shrug it of anyway.
It's nostalgic, we're back to the days of people seething about Accelerator around the clock. It's been 8 or 9 years since he last did anything important and now we've come full circle.
He will job once touma appears, gotta make the MC look cool and shit.
Since you read that part already or spoil what do you think possibility that Touma can learn how to release things inside him by believe that his right isn't there ? You know Misaki has to manipulate his brain to think that his right hand is still intact in order to stop it from forming.
>reminder that a Japanese reader said he went into the book expecting Shiage bullying from Kamachi, but got Touma and Mikoto bullying instead.
Don't be fooled by smiles.
> conveniently forgetting how touma got dragons once he was pushed to his limits
> forgetting how a invisible thing appeared even stronger than the dragons once they got pushed to their limits
touma is just as much of a dumb shounen manga MC as accel is
We got a ton of spoilers but we lack anons who can properly translate them. Expect other mix ups.
because they sciencefaggots.
There's always someone seething whenever someone is in the spotlight
>reee Touma plot armor
>reee Shiage has no place here
>reee Accel powerups
>reee Kamisato is stupid
>reee Mikoto did something besides look cute
Kamachi is going to become Kawakami at this rate
>we're back to the days of people seething about Accelerator around the clock. It's been 8 or 9 years since he last did anything important and now we've come full circle
Does that mean we'll soon be back to people being constantly mad about Hamazura's existence?
>reee Kamisato is stupid
But that's right his volumes are terrible, and he's a whinny cunt.
>Does that mean we'll soon be back to people being constantly mad about Hamazura's existence?
Were you not here when NT19 was released? People were fuming, even moreso when he came along to England.
We need to install the Kamachi AI into the Kawakami automaton.
Clearly the solution is to just write volumes without any characters in them
>Collective effort
Imagine missing the actual point of Index,
NT4 was almost that
>Dragons used only for an exceptional situation like level 6 shift to save Mikoto
>Implying the thing that devoured IT wasn't the dragon
Touma only defeated Izzard using Dragonking.
He told it to fuck off and he will deal with it
Suprise attack even though he should be dead
Damn, I can't stop smiling while looking at this pic
It's great nostalgia fuel to see faggots whining about "REEE POWERUPS IN A SERIES? IT'S SHOUNEN!"
Tell me what I'm missing
Kamachi is an Accelfag. Once you get that out of the way everything makes sense
>Missing for 90% of NT
Yeah sure thing.
Index is not a collective effort series, it's a series about the individual and their will. Sometimes it ends up that way but that's never what it boils down to in essence. The collective effort goes against the idea of Thelema which is the idea of the individual following what they believe in regardless of what people think or do. You'll notice 80% of the times it boils down the figuring out the persons motive and will, less so than "LET'S ALL BAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT".
What about that time when Touma was about to blast HP meteor and his arm making cracking sounds?
Accel jobs as often, if not more, than Touma does and this upgrade was hinted for a while, retard. Maybe wait until the volume is translated before complaining it’s broken.
Don't post my wife Aoi
The eggs were getting to the boiling point.
A lot of people on 2ch seem to think that Accel go a big focus this volume because he won't be a MC in part 3, so it would make sense if this is near the climax of his character
The problem is the "consistent" power-up.
>tfw no blood play or strap on pounding of touma's guts
>Dragons used only for an exceptional situation like level 6 shift to save Mikoto
>Touma only defeated Izzard using Dragonking.
Yeah that's the whole point dipshit, Touma suddenly got O MY DRAGONS in 2 hopeless situations. Not even considering that, Touma got off scot-free for most of the series even after the whole thing in NT9. Meanwhile, Accel literally fucking became a cripple in his second appearance, jobbed constantly to Amata, Aiwass, Gabriel, Worst, Touma, random nobody magician, and finally could turn things around now. But keep seething with your delusional bullshit
He hasn't gotten one in all of NT until now. Try again.
Thank you kamachi, very cool!
>Aleister gives up his body and ends up in Coronzon's
>The aeon of horus requires one to have given up their body and to have felt death yet to remain spiritually and ascended
I'm not going to argue with Accel being a shonen gary stu or whatever this argument is about, but Touma's arm shit is one the most well executed things in this series. To say it suddenly happened is just plain wrong.
Kamachi is finally freeing me from this hell?
You also forgot Touma doesn't get off scot-free either when he gets amnesia and PTSD. Your bias is showing. Dragons from OT2 wasn't even what finished off Izzard, it was the fear Touma was giving to him and Styil messing with his vision. OT2 was early on and established the complete mystery of IB so its not an asspull when we barely knew what it was capable of. It's neither science or magic so of course it acts like a macguffin when we barely know anything about it.
since touma lost his right arm, does that mean he'll get back all the luck he lost?
>Won't be an MC in part 3
>Giving him Academy City
While I think he might not be around for a bit, giving him AC and an objective is anything but a climax for his character with the hardships he will have to face now. But we'll see.
>given up their body and to have felt death yet to remain spiritually and ascended
Aleister in Lola's body x QUAD BRAIN DAMAGE Touma was true end game all along.
You may think its over, but realize that Accelerator has a backup
Too bad he’s already done that premature buildup again, with Coro-tan claiming she’s above all Aeons, is it really such a dramatic shift?
Accel gets a family like he wanted and becomes the chairman of AC with a new powerup to reflecting magic now. Show me where he jobs to random nobody magicians. You are exaggerating events to suit your narrative.
You got the wrong Idea here pal. I didn't mean collective effort "OH LET'S JOIN FORCES AND DEFEAT THE BIG BAD WOLF".
Look at WWIII arc for instance and you will see what I meant by "collective effort".
How much fucking will Aleister do in Lola’s body
They're saying that because supposedly Hamazura doesn't come back to AC either at the end, so Kamachi might be moving beyond AC as the main setting now
Yes? The entire verse itself can take a huge change. It doesn't matter if one char is 'above it'. It's what it means for everyone else.
lol imagine it not coming back
>Ignores everything else I said
>Repeats the thing I pointed out
I'd be sad to see him go, I doubt Accelerator will stay gone but it does with that logic seem his path will be diverting pretty heavily. However I doubt this is the full end.
Lmaoooooo I didn't even need to finish you here ya cunt.
You just dug your own grave shitposter
I've seen at least a couple complain about Touma's treatment in comparison to Accelerator and Hamazura.
If that's true then I'm 90% sure that a timeskip is coming
On the other hand, the last few volumes have made a point of moving the espers out, and even stating (against common sense, but whatever) that the most vulnerable creations of the city like the clones don’t need to hide their any longer. This might be just what Kamachi decided fits the redemption arc best, and any impression of that not fitting as much as he thinks is not surprising since he still avoids writing those for every other character.
>Accel stops showing up as often because being the new head of Academy City keeps him constantly busy with menial paperwork
>also Aleister keeps abusing Lola's direct line to constantly harass him with video calls
>show me something other than the several examples you’ve given
Turns out Aleis-tans true end is with Accelerator. I support this notion.
I wonder if it will seem weird in retrospect to tie Accel to AC at the end of the volume after he finally makes steps into the Magic Side with the squid.
Alright if that's how you want to play it.
>Finally defeats Amata using OH MY BLAACK WINGS
>Defeats Aiwass by jamming the Misaka Network
>Is the main reason why everybody survives Gabriel's continent buster
>Obliterates Worst
>Wanted to be defeated by Touma
Now show me exactly where he jobs to random magicians because the rest of these are the least offensive parts.
I won't drag our argument it's unnecessary.
WWIII is the best example of a collective effort regardless of the intentions of the individuals.
I just doubt now would be the time to put Accel down for good, especially with the new Aeon coming. But it does feel like Accel's story is taking a break soon.If I recall, Kamachi has about 90s volume of content left to cover, so I doubt Accelerator isn't gonna be a part of any of that.
Should I hope for translation and the anime ending soon to make most shitposters go away? Or is it too late?
Now watch Misaka lose her attraction to Touma because he's a cripple now
I don't follow your conversation, I don't know who's in the right, but Accel never defeated Aiwass.
He did unsummon him for a few seconds but he couldn't even touch him.
nigga shit like that is a yandere's dream, especially a mentally ill one like mikoto
now she can prevent him from hurting himself and doing stupid shit
>Accel go a big focus this volume because he won't be a MC in part 3
Thank god. Which means automatically Accelfags will drop this and leave us alone.
Sick of them ruining the threads every time
What about the dragon king touma usually have when he loses his right arm?
He doesn’t really defeat Amata under his own power, as Black Wings were completely under Aleister’s control at that point, and Aiwass immediately respawns and judges him harshly. Accel was only stated to purposely job against Touma in their third fight, and while he doesn’t always job, he’s always sidelined in NT3 and against Fraulein and Salome. Anyway, I’ve jumped in after OP disappeared, so I don’t know if I have the same opinion, but Accel’s spoiled powerup doesn’t stand out if Touma, Misaka, and Hamazura are going through the same - the base is what’s rising. And I’m assuming he’s replicated whatever Kazakiri had in WWIII with her rainbow wings, but that didn’t make her any more relevant.
This is your new Soundcloud Rapper and Board Chairman of Academy City. Say something nice to him.
he hates mexicans
I'm an Accelfag and a Toumafag so you'll be stuck with at least half of us.
>This persecution complex
You keep whining about him nonstop and it's people who like Accel that are ruining threads? Yikes.
why would the board accept someone with his known history as Chairman
Did he get AC using his asspull abilities?
Aleis-tan hands him her smartphone.
When is his new mixtape dropping?
Why do you think their opinion matters?
I could see a data breach happening and his past being exposed to the public.
Is that the same artist of the revenge device doujin? It looks really similar
They're though. I had enough of them so I'm going berserker mode now. I will hunt these powerlevel edgy cunts and I will dig their grave
misaka is going to be really based in the near future
>t. faggot who predicted s3 would be shit and is still predicting a timeskip
Smugkoto is already based though.
If we're moving on to part 3 next, I'm expecting the first volume to focus on AC and Accelerator taking charge. Much like NT1 did a little self-contained AC adventure before the Othinus plotline foreshadowed by Ollerus and Silvia at the end of OT actually kicked in.
S3 was shit from the moment they changed Imagine Breaker's SFX.
Could be. I mean where would Accel's character even go from here? This is the perfect time for him to become more of a side character again by taking over AC.
>Kazakiri says she'll kill Aiwass if he does anything to her friends
>Touma is his plaything now
I miss Kazakiri. There were a ton of characters who fell off the map when NT started, including most of the Magic Side cast, but at least everyone connected to Necessarius gets to show up when England is relevant.
>I mean where would Accel's character even go from here?
Learning how to handle a different kind of "power". His story can't be over until we see how he handles all the responsibility he's been given.
>Accelerator goes back to Academy City, creates new espers
>Kazakiri comes back
>He finds a way to keep her situated outside the Imaginary School District
>Becomes part of his harem
I dig it.
makes me wonder which characters are gonna be relevant in part 3
Early OT was shit, so it's not much of a problem. Does anyone really miss Sherry or Biagio?
i predicted it'd be shit back like 6 months before it aired
of course i was called a false flagger and shitposter, but i figured it'd be shit based on all the content being old and recently reading through ot
Sherry's character not really. Golem magic was pretty cool though
>tfw the person who kept saying that JC Staff was overloaded was right all along
Aleister handed the control of AC to Accelerator.
Touma, Aleister, Aiwass, Anna, Kamisato, Fiamma, Touma harem, and more Thelema bullshit.
She's gonna play a big role in the endgame.
>Does anyone really miss
Yes. Unless they were a literal one-volume wonder, chances are there are people who miss X character who hasn't shown up in a while. It might not be much nowadays considering OT translations were like, ten years ago, but they exist.
She's gonna appear again to follow through on her promise to bitch slap Aiwass when he starts meddling again.
desu it wasnt even that that made me think it'd be bad; it was just based on the fact that the content is old in nip land and it's been made mostly unimportant by nt
all that and budget
I'm gonna go a limb here and say that Aleister won't do much now. He already said he's done with the plan
>it was just based on the fact that the content is old in nip land
For reference, the Index anime aired in October 2008. By that point, the LN had already written its way up to OT16, in June of that same year.
It took ten years before they got around to adapting that already existed prior to the first season of the anime airing.
adapting content*
>threads now gained another dedicated shitposter who want to be recognized in the form of that asspul guy
But hey, I'm the shitter and everything is fine.
Who would make the best mother?
My money's on Saiai, she seems to be super good at being cozy
At the risk of being called MP, I think someone normal and well-adjusted like Saten would make the best mother.
>Inb8 Fiamma will be the MC
>Sefirot (/sfɪˈroʊt/, /ˈsfɪroʊt/; Hebrew: סְפִירוֹת səphîrôṯ), meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms (Seder hishtalshelus).
What the fuck? If Accelerator really does get full control of this shit, literally what's to stop him? His vectors can reach metaphysical shit, he could practically start fucking with probability and shit with vectors. How do you stop him?
>Normal and well-adjusted
Hey there MP, I've missed your cute little ass.
>How do you stop him?
There are no brakes
Only an Accelerator
What makes her not normal or well-adjusted?
>How do you stop him?
Place a few bundles of canned coffee under an open box, and prop the box up with a stick tied to the end of a rope.
Too easy, Level 5.
The next volume will be a Fiamma and Kakine team up, heavy object style.
Dubs confirm Kakine is coming back in style
Obviously the only actual adult who is super sweet and smart and cute and can empathize with a child's problems.
Might not be long now, if the Fraulein spoiler is true he's going to enter the fray
Who cares
What Fraulein spoiler?
How many months is that ?
Touma, but also Othinus.
But she's broken down there
Aiwass apparently mentions her.
Also she might be his avatar
Mugino, unironically.
In retrospect it would've been weird if she was just inside the WB for no good reason
Hell no
Probably 6 or 7, pregnant women who are that short usually end up looking comical by the end.
She cooks for lolis and cooks up lolis. Truly top tier wife material.
She drinks and smokes, user.
That's pretty irresponsible for a pregnant woman
>mama, what's for food today?
>a loli, just the way you like it
>thanks mama, you're the best
Mugiko later proceeded to become a lesbian
I want to get back onto Aiwass's wild ride.
I do
>he thinks we ever got off it
I want off of Aiwass's boring ride.
>Touma blown to unrecognisable pieces
> Mikoto holding what's left of his bloody body then having to cut his hand against her will
> Using the AAA that was supposed to be helping her reach Touma's level
>Then zapping away his bleeding hand to stop the bleeding
Sasuga Kamachi, more suffering is always nice.
How will she recover from the shock? Will she ever zap him now and will her development finally comes after witnessing this? NT15 better hold up to what it said
If the avatar spoiler is true, then Beetle 05 is currently heading to the City of Pyramids along with Touma
Komoe is a very smart woman who cares deeply for the children, I'm sure she'd become a model mother within 12 hours of hearing that her womb finally has something in it.
I am gonna ask these again since by the time i asked it thread was done.
What will Leivinia and her cabal will do now that Aleister is dead
What is this series even trying to say
>saving MP's images
>How do you stop him?
Call Touma.
>Stop liking what I don't like >:(
Apparently, Coronzon makes her attack Touma near the end (though it seems that backfires on Coronzon thanks to IT/fish eggs/whatever is in there). But this is probably the end of NT, and vol 1 of the next series probably won't focus on Touma. And since this is Kamachi, Mikoto will probably show up in vol 2 at Tokiwadai wondering where Touma's gone.
Will to Power
You're free to do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not being a prick to other people
It's Beetle Time
Blonde little girls make the world go round.
>no longer unlucky
>Sprenger will probably give him a bed and two meals a day
Was all of this Touma's keikaku?
Full headcanon is great and fun user I know
Did we really need over 40 volumes of magicians and cyborgs and espers fighting each other for such a simple message?
Vintage chuunis are best chuunis
Well, she can't zap him now. He doesn't have the hand anymore.
>anna has paizuri hole
He had it all figured out from the beginning
But can Heaven Canceller fix him?
>haha bro accel so op now
Are you all shitposters or did you just not read the translated parts and are relying on raildex shitposts?
>He doesn’t really defeat Amata under his own power, as Black Wings were completely under Aleister’s control at that point
No, they weren't.
Thelemites have been trying to spread that shit for over 100 years. 40 volumes is nothing.
Imagine thrusting your penis through that whole
Paizuri on the next level.
Look up the sephirot shit
If there isn't limits on this then he's literally a science-god
Do what thou wilt, although you must understand that do what thou wilt is a two way street.
NT3? Maybe read more novels before posting?
>I haven't been reading the posts
Try again assblasted user
Lmaooo, try harder to come up with an actual argument, shitposter
If IB is truly gone she'll never shock him again, that was the only reason she did it anyways.
Ok, so Accelerator choosing to observe Cendrillion and not fight her is jobbing? And then he gets tricked into using magic, that's not jobbing if it was his fault that got himself in that mess.
Anyone can be a hero
Even the small things count
Be a good person and do whatever feels right. That's it.
Sure buddy
You got that backwards
Black wings are only useful like when, with the amata fight? Other than that:
- Kakine was already fucked without black wing
- Jobbed against Aiwass
- Jobbed against Touma
White wing? It's entirely used when he tried to protect shit like tanking the telesma blast to save the whole world. Still jobbed to Touma btw.
Not saying Touma has an easy life, but at the end of the day he suffers way less consequence than accel. Comparing ptsd with being a cripple that can't even speak, move or think without an electronic device that needs charging once every few days is a no-brainer really
Complaing about accel being more of an asspull than Touma is completely unreasonable. Bear with it, both have plot armors and saying one is a gary stu and the other isn't is completely bullshit. Either accept that they both are, or they both aren't.
>Every man and woman is a star.
>Every man and woman is a star
>Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.
>Begome angligan
Stay mad denialfag, literally the path to god
Accelfags are gassed up. Leave them alone for now. They believe he's a god so shhhhh.
Hope you're ready to eat shit.
It's like I'm back in 2011 when everyone swore Accelerator was gonna do cool shit in NT, then ended up being irrelevant for 2/3 of it.
yeah but first seasons are always hyped because it's a new experience to see it adapated
that and the first couple arcs matter a shit ton to the later story (but not all) - this makes it important and interesting to watch
compare that with later ot (s3) and you'll find most of the arcs are almost insulted by their absence of acknowledgment in nt
excepting, of course: climax of ww3, mikoto's acknowledgment of her love for touma and desire to catch up to him, aiwass, and learning about (nt style) magic in the french town
those are really the main points you can easily say are important to nt in a majority of cases; the rest? you have to point to specific nt novels (brexit and revisiting england in nt) and base it off minute connections, in comparison to everything else going on.
>and you'll find most of the arcs are almost insulted by their absence of acknowledgment
and you'll find most of the characters and moments are almost insulted by their absence of acknowledgment*
>Suddenly accel becomes relevant again
>People complain about him bringing power levels and power ups into the series
Like clockwork.
Why do accelfags act like shounenfags? this place is literally looking like reddit, where they suck accel dick muh powerful xd
I mean i like him as a character but this attitude is cringe.
OK. This is funny, kek.
Suffers less consequences then accel? I don't see him having his powers getting him involved with world ending events all the time and having to live through billions of hells, dying multiple times or suffer more brain damage than possible. Him trying to get involved with Index brought him into the Magic side is a consequence. Accelerator being crippled actually helped him on his path to finding a family. Remember how in OT4, it described his power to being a hindrance with its association to destruction? Losing most of it was paralleling to Touma's where he can finally connect with others. Now before you say anything, I'm not saying being crippled is something that's good, but it's never been something that got in the way of him living his life explicitly.
Accelerator losing to Aiwass isn't jobbing when the whole AC has shit like Rensa to put him down. Aiwass is the top of the line in importance to AC so of course he'd be a complete shmuck against him. I don't have to say anything more with Accelerator wanting to lose against Touma, that's not jobbing.
I wonder if that ordeal traumatized Mikoto
>> Mikoto holding what's left of his bloody body then having to cut his hand against her will
Aleister cut his hand off his body.
>this place is literally looking like reddit
this place almost always looks like reddit
>Aiwass is the top of the line in importance to Aleister
Fixed that for you
Are Touma's fish eggs dragon eggs? Are all the Dragons free! Is Satan going to possess a dragon. FIND OUT NEXT WEEK ON DRAGON BALLS Z
>this place is literally looking like reddit
There isn't enough Mikoto in this thread to have it literally look like reddit.
Pretty sure it did, but since Aleister healed Touma she is now smiling all happy with him in that one illustration
Getting AC and even stronger wings is pretty cool, user. I'm not one of the "Accelfags" (read: people who are probably just shitposting because they are amused at how mad people are getting) saying he's a god or even Level 6, but he's definitely doing some cool shit and it's highly amusing at how angry people are getting.
They are shonenfags AND from Reddit.
Like I said before, these idiots will keep ruining the threads.
There is too much Mikoto in this thread to have it literally look like reddit.*
r*dd*tors like #th*nus
Aren't dragon eggs supposed to be bigger than fish eggs?
I don't think redditors know who that is.
Imagine liking Trashinus
It's magic they aren't real dragon as you think of them from TV and shit.
Imagine knowing what reddit looks like lmao.
Imagine liking Shitkoto
Go back there
I'm an actual Accelfag, and I've stayed out of the powerlevel discussion. I think a lot of the powerlevel posting is simply either falseflagging or simple baiting because people were already angry the moment spoilers dropped. Or a mix of both
Yeah but using AAA that was attached to her and ordered by her power (to some extent)
I'm pretty sure she didn't want her "new power" and helper to cut off Touma's hand.
I don't believe he's a god, I know Accelerator is a "god".
Cute girls are very cute
>The silver girl held her right index and middle finger together and held them up in front of her lips.
>Then a brutal chainsaw began to move within the weapons of the A.A.A., that metal-winged demon Mikoto wore.
>Mikoto frantically tried to retake control, but that partner refused to listen even after she had trusted it with her life all this time. It was like a borrowed weapon returning to its original owner’s control.
>“Wait, wait… What are you doing with that!?”
>“Every second counts! There is no time to explain, so keep out of the way!!”
>Academy City’s #3 entirely forgot something as fundamental as her control over electricity and magnetism.
>She could not send any commands to the A.A.A. Yet if she had tried, she might have been able to stop that thick rotating blade some other way.
Mikoto couldn't send commands to the AAA when Aleister took control.
>66 unique IDs
Wow how said. Shitposters are the only reason Raildex threads are active. How far this series have fallen.
>the next series probably won't focus on Touma
Misaka MC?
Never had anywhere to go but down anyway
>Aleister really did get away with it all
Why is Aleister such a failure? He fails at even dying.
>lmao is reddit
Since when?
I hate this stupid trope so much.
Will we see Touma’s fish children next volume?
Literally on the same level as "XD," "rofl," "haha," "kys," "wtf" etc. Only teens talk this way.
Aleister cut them just to spite Coronzon
>vol 1 of
>the first appearance of Aleister in the series is with Stiyl
>his story ends with him becoming Stiyl's boss
No, Touma finally has ample food. He can sit there eating fish eggs.
Wait, I thought the afterword confirmed that NT wasn't over yet?
It should have more effect on her rather than her brushing it off so easy( like when her repressed anger made her go on murder ride in NT15) But I guess this is just NT15 when she suddenly brushed off her nosebleeds and power lust causally.
Die, teen.
It doesn't say anything one way or the other, but people think it was the end of NT.
js06 says it's ambiguous like OT22, but he thinks NT is over now
Ok. Kys though
i watch black clover and love mikoto you fucking redditor
she so thicc mhmmm
>Novel begins with Touma suffering and ends with Touma suffering
It never stops
So if it really is the end of NT, any guesses on when the 3rd series will be announced? How long after OT was NT announced?
More like Copoutmachi since he can't kill anyone
I don't want any of these characters to die, I'm not reading this series for edgy shit.
NT1 came out 4-5 months after OT22, so a typical wait
Probably the big announcement Miki said he'd do after the anime
I think 3-4 months or so, not sure though.
desu there is a fair bit of hype... what with s3 and all that
wouldn't be suprised if he capitalizes on it for the next series, especially given how different it might be/feel
>last time we're getting Lola art
A relatively happy death where the character acknowledges their wrongdoing is not remotely edgy. Copping out of even that is pretty disappointing.
Based on archive searching, we found out Dec 28. OT22 came out Oct 10, and NT1 came out Mar 10.
>OT15 is the best guys
Coronzon is mauled to death by IT, I think Aleister is in the real Lola's body
>Lola doujins never
>>Meh, sounds pretty much like a SS volume with a new name to me. I'm assuming this is some sort of spin-off series that will continue until Touma eventually returns.
NT 22 already out?
Do we have illustrations? Is Corozon defeated? What comes after all this shit that seemed like the setting the place for the final arc?
Real Lola shouldn't look like Coronzon. Neither she should be of the same age. And neither she should be at that time and place.
>R/a/ildex in charge of predicting Kamachi
No it's not out and there are no illustrations. We've just been making shit up for the past few days.
Source user?
I am a bit of a masochist so when i am REALLY bored i go there to see and rage at the stupid and childish circlejerk.
yes, yes, and Anna
>So Kamachi-san has finished NT, we are now announcing not one, not two, but THREE big things
>Firstly, We are pleased to announce the third installment of the novel series "To Aru Majutsu NO Index", and as you can expect if you read this name in an english meaning you can guess Index's relevance in that.
>Secondly, we are announcing a full cour adaptation of the entirety of NT, we hope you enjoy the work put out by "INSERT NON-SHIT STUDIO HERE"
>Lastly, we are announcing a new spinoff series. What exactly is this spin off? Well its an Unknown, Dark Matter in a certain world.
>he thinks Coronzon was telling the truth
Remember Madame Horos?
The entirety of europe was destroyed by kazakiri sacrificing herself to defeat Coronzon and the new AC was established as a US protected territory on a small island near guam.
>It's ANOTHER "The Invisible Thing conveniently saves Kamijou's ass from an overpowered opponent" episode.
It's only saved him twice.
Where did it go when Othinus and Aiwass came in to play?
>next LN part wont focus on touma
FUCK, but i loved this LN exactly because of his struggles.
Stop falling for shitposts, next part is completely about him. The ending was a big cliffhanger with his name and IT
Why are the clones so based.
Kihara Yuuitsu is back and she killed Aleister.
Ahh MP stop it. Do you want more love from Kamijou?
I wonder if Mikoto would have reoccurring nightmares of her watching Touma die in the new series
Remember that time Touma fell into the arctic and died?
Touma never even fought Aiwass.
The spin-off will be
>A certain horny archbishop.
because they are misaka
>The narration literally calls him Kamijou every single time
>Dude anyone who uses "Kamijou" is MP
Izzard would have lost either way.
Some of the nips said that the Dragon jaw ended Coronzon.
That Aleister comparison has aged so well after this start
>next part is completely about him
doesn't mean he is the mc
The narrator is MP
Don't be a retard
Shiagefags who thought he'd be relevant BTFO.
She just picked up some sausage from the butcher
>it's an artist spreads his works on different sites episode
I hate it.
Rail gets top billing. Eat it rc puppet
The nips said he was the hero of this volume. He did his part with no silly powerups.
What happend can someone translate it
This is a series where the strength of each side is determined by who has the greater hax. In the end, anything he could have done was naturally overshadowed by Accelerator.
Headband dildo
>can someone translate it
don't expect kiddies who can only think about the story in terms of flashy fights and powers to understand
t. middle school kiddie from 2006 who picked up the series for the flashy fights and powers
Twitter is being a piece of shit again and that made people remember they made Pawoo accounts sometime ago and can just use that.
toumas new form LMAO
>having two tomboy daughters nwith a tomboy mom
This is too cute
>implying Misaka would survive childbirth
So Accel gonna overshadowed by Touma too?
Touma has nothing now, so no
>Implying Touma would get on with a girl
No girl has a chance for Touma
>implying AC science wouldn't let her birth enough kids for an australian football team before she turns 18
he can be carried on mikoto's back
or use his harem of girls to take turns carrying him around
that's a pretty good something
>implying any child would survive in Misaka's womb
He has his dick. Either way he will get his arm back and BTFO Coronzon using the best power and most interesting in this series.
That true actually. Why is there no fanart of Misaka shocking her child to death and having her mind break
Commit sudoku cancerous Mikotofag
Since he got his luck back it means that girls will start confess to him
>Commit sudoku
So what actually finished Coronzon?
The Dragons or the IT?
Dedication and loyalty is cute thats why
Conflicting spoilers, but something inside that demon zoo seemingly did it. A rather fitting end if you ask me
I tried to replicate the actual flaws in his drawings so if the belly angle looks off pls don't bully
Coronzon is already ded, retard.
He got his luck back for like half a volume, now he has IB back again, but it's starting to reject him just like WR did to Kamisato.
Line is a wee bit too thick, but honestly absolutely great work, 9/10.
If Touma is missing parts of his body, couldn't they just load him up on Kakines remains and create a super hybrid esper with the properties of both dark matter and dragons?
DM is a no go as long as he has IB
Didnt IB exploaded wich means that Touma will finnaly have good luck
you sir win the internets for that comment
Unironically worse than MP edits, fuck off
I do miss biagio if only for wakamoto. Kazakiri and Sherry can take a hike though.
not based
Did Touma lose his arm again? DOesn't it auto regenerate? what is all the fuss about?
Exactly, something is wrong. It didn't grow back and nothing came out. The last two times this happened we were teased that something is changing
>NT14's ending scared Touma to death
>in NT18 Aiwass said it needed purification
If IB really is gone lets see with who Touma connected through red string of fate
based esl
Observer-chan's time has finally come.
>Touma didn't just get obliterated into nothingness but the blast was actually weak enough for his remains to survive and splash onto misamisa
Well, that's a trauma.
Cool thread but is there a character that can even touch, let alone defeat Accelerator?
And I'm not talking about pre-headshot Accelerator. I'm not talking about post-headshot Accelerator. I'm not talking about Blackwings Accelerator, and I'm especially not talking about Whitewings Accelerator. I'm talking about Hyper Rainbow Accelerator with access to the tree of life. The Sephirot, the Qliphoh, and the Third Tree. Ascending its trunks and realms on a spiritual and metaphysical level, his mind accessing the power and knowledge of all that is and will be, powering up his vector shield to withstand attacks from even abstract concepts and reality warping. Reaching the end of the Ein Sof through Kabbalah and achieving true enlightenment which allows him to manipulate the physical and metaphysical realm on a multiversal scale. Allowing him to set the direction of probability, time and space, and even further abstract concepts in whatever way he wishes, and becoming the true Level 6 Strongest. The perfect blend of Angel, Demon. Science God, and Magic God, and standing unrivaled in in body, mind, soul, and power.
I'm not a bad Ra Hoor Khuuit
>That lady’s name was Anna Sprengel.
>She was a magician with the special access rights to freely contact the Secret Chiefs, superhuman beings of a different category from the Magic Gods.
Oh shit. I wonder how that's meant to be interpreted. Are they just comparable like Coronzon or actually powercreeping the MGs?
Do Toumafags honestly think Touma isn't a gary stu when he can beat Accelerator just because? Accelerator being strong, helping himself, and getting help from others to make him stronger in order to protect at least makes sense due to his ability. I think Touma getting by when all it takes is a normal person with a gun to kill Touma seems more ridiculous.
>a gun to kill Touma
you can't kill him like that
y-you're welcome
Ironic for you to say that considering Accel almost died to a gun.
>Hamazura wont accept a noble rank because he hates english food
Kamachi stop bullying england
It's time.
Different circumstances. A gun normally wouldn't hurt much. Accelerator was focusing all of his efforts to save LO and that's why his reflection wasn't used.
Shoo, shill.
So are Accelerator's new wings rainbow or fucking platinum? I don't know what to believe anymore.
Secret chiefs are probably the things living in Touma
gary stus dont get tortured for a couple billion yeras
touma is op, but it's in a kind of fun way where he can receive almost any kind of punishment and stand back up
gary stus give almost any kind of punishment and are beloved by all; yet people hate touma and beat the ever living shit outta him
all that and he only goes into situations he thinks he must; do you see him solving world poverty?
we need to get the leechs off of these threads, imagine being a faggot like js06 who uses these threads to shill for their (((patreon)))
>“A foreigner can’t receive that kind of reward, can they? Sorry, but I’m not gonna settle down in a country where I don’t like the food.”
Kamachi is really pushing this.
Moot point, don't you think? A Majin could beat Accelerator too and torture him if he/she wanted to. Also, plenty of characters in the setting hate Accelerator too.
>do you see him solving world poverty?
Slippery slope fallacy.
wasn't user gaydex bullied off of here?
>Hamazura knocks out his own girlfriend for another girl
And none of that ever happened to Accelerator, that's the important point. He wasn't the one who conscious of all the hells and suffered from them, Touma did.
Are you really going to go with the argument that Accelerator could have gone through the same shit Touma did? Because he would absolutely break down in sanity if he was ever in his shoes. Touma doesn't have the power Accel does and neither does he. They can never replace each other's role.
Did he get food poisoning while traveling or something?
touma loses constantly
afterall, by the time he finally """wins""" he's lost a shit ton; pyrrhic victories
just look at nt9 lol, you think it's winning to lose your entire world?
you think having 10,000 clones die is winning?
you think letting mikoto become so damaged due to the recent arcs is winning?
what about index during ww3?
what about aliester and all his clones?
what about losing his memory?
he loses ALOT, and happens to """win""" due to taking all those punches until an opening opens up
“Ah ha ha ha ha!! No mercy for your beloved girlfriend to accomplish your goal!? Excellent. I’m liking you more and more. If anything, this reminds me of Mathers’s cold thought process.”
>this reminds me of Mathers
You retarded demon.
>Hamazura claiming he's never been helped and thats why he wants to help Dion
What a load of horseshit
>both backstabbed her
Mikoto unironically does win a lot though. She's suffered pretty much nothing since OT3
>bullying someone who dumps new Railgun chapters when this is the average thread quality
We're not really that stupid. He just doesn't tripfag when he's not dumping.
>We're not really that stupid.
not based
OT22, NT 13, 15, 17, 22. She gets bullied quite a bit.
Keikaku doori
>Hamazura randomly steals the sword Coronzon was after
It's a moot point. Accelerator can't beat Touma and wouldn't be able to beat Othinus had he been in Touma's place instead. Accelerator has his own suffering and struggles that he faced, and is heavily dependent on Misaka network and LO who is his emotional support, in any case.
I didn't say that at all. You missed the point.
Yet Touma almost always come out on top when it matters, baring beings at Majin level. So why is it Accelerator is a gary stu to Toumafags, but Touma isn't?
The point isn't that he never got help, but that there's people who need help and don't ask for it, because they're not aware of their circumstances until someone reaches out to them..
>almost always come out on top when it matters
Laura's always made me smile the most.
>He had not had any of the gravity known as help.
>tried to get into the occult because of raildex
>tfw trying to read the mumbo jumbo that is any grimoire
What the fuck
Who's moot?
You've done nothing yet until you learn how to decipher the runes that are witch's language.
And Touma never beated Othinus. Yeah, and Touma always has the magic side coming to his front door since the day he lost his memories. He's not even a half year old. Right now, Othinus is his emotional support.
People come to help and seek Touma's help becuase of his character and actions. It's how they view him as a person that influences them to be his ally. A crass personality like Accelerator's don't land you a lot of allies.
Touma comes out on top when it matters AFTER having his shit kicked in. Kanzaki, Izzard Accelerator, Aqua, NT9, and the whole world. He didn't win in the end when going against the world. The world spared Othinus because of his efforts.
>he's not even half a year old
He's dozens of millions old because phases.
>Yet Touma almost always come out on top when it matters
>almost always
Welcome to protagonist writing 101.
Yes, that line is talking about Hamazura as he was, before meeting Item. Quite obviously, Hamazura didn't starve to death in the closed room of his extended metaphor. He found the door thanks to the people around him.
Hamazura had tunnel vision, met Takitsubo and Mugino, and got better. It's not saying that he, up to this very point in the series, has never received help.
Correction, he is less than a half years old for millions of billions of years.
And I'm saying thats bullshit. Literally the entire point of Skill Out was they were supporting each other. Hanzou and Komaba are crying right now when Hamazura says they never helped him in his entire life.
Yes, and?
You didn't answer my question and didn't disagree about Touma coming out on top regardless of how he gets there.
Is that supposed to be a rationalization?
That would be interesting to narrater. I can imagine her PTSD waking up to nightmares from all the blood and gore she had to hold to her chest.
Item did jack shit but try to get him killed.
>thinking that Crowley will get this
Sorry. There are things that are going to become bigger than him now. I mean, there's so much that's going to happen. The announcement next month or the month after, the next NT volume or the first new index volume. I'm finding it hard to keep myself from being excited, we're so close to bigger things. Hopefully, we get another studio though
It's England, all their food can be considered poisonous.
user was correct to some extent
Alright so what is your point exactly? Let's look at the orignal question and say that Touma didn't win against Accelerator just BECAUSE. There were many factors into play which you conveniently ignored the whole time and condensed into one sentence to fit into your narrative. One, Accel is a shit fighter who can't strategize for the life of him and never experimented with his power so much that he only realized he could manipulate win during his fight with Touma. That's an established character of his and not bad writing. In fact, it retractively makes him a little deeper. His plasma was disrupted because of the sisters and then Touma landed the final punch. All because deep down, Accelerator wanted to lose. So no, his victories don't come to be just BECAUSE.
>item = mugino only
time for you to reread OT15 and OT19
Touma could never have survived this long with IB. You're ignoring literal fact if you don't realize this
If he didn't have IB he would have never gotten into all that shit in the first place.
I mean, the overall consequence of Shiage joining them was his life taking an incredibly dark turn. In the end, was it really worth it? I think not.
>If touma had IB
You want to try that post again champ?
Why Touma isn't a gary stu to Toumafags but Accelerator is? Just because is implied plot reason/plot armor. It's more blatant in WWIII when Touma again beat Accelerator and this time with gained pre-cog like ability.
Perfectly ordinary gum that can be bought anywhere
Unlike Accelerator for the most of the time since he has a powerful ability to make things easier on him and his journey, Touma needs to put in effort and must have his shit kicked in to win and have allies to back him up. It's experience that matters the most for him. If you just ignore how they get to the point of their victories, you make them out to be really shallow with the same shallow reasoning like yours.
Even if that were true, Item's existence and Hamazura's presence in the group eventually gave him things to protect, things to fight for, and a wider field of view than just scraping from one day to the next.
If Hamazura had not encountered Item and then gone through all the shit that went down as a consequence, he'd probably just be that same hopeless delinquent with no future or real aspirations that he was when he first showed up. Now Hamazura has a girlfriend, some level of steady work, lots of connections, a better understanding of the world around him, etc.
>A perfectly normal miracle, the kind you might find anywhere
>Yes, Hamazura never ruined any of Aleister's plans, it's definitely a good idea to involve him
to be honest skill-out is a dead end
they might assist with minor things but in terms of getting his life back on track, not much
One, pre-cog has been gained by him for his entire life experiences. Pre-memory had him be an urban legend that got into fights all the time like NT11. And it's not even that special. Seria can do the same shit. People who move in sonic speeds view things in slow motion, so pre-cog isn't so special. Read the damn fight between Accel and Touma in WWIII. Accel wanted to lose because he wanted Touma to prove to him he can save LO like the hero he made him out to be.
Coronzon's all about muh chaos anyways. She almost certainly revels in the logic-defying, odds-breaking miracle luck that someone like Hamazura has.
>a female magician named Anna Kingsford
>a con artist named Madame Horos
>a professor whose adoptive daughter claimed to be Anna Sprengel’s niece
I wonder if any of these will eventually be relevant outside this brief bit of backstory.
And if Accelerator didn't have his vector control, he wouldn't be here in the first place. Saying that a character wouldn't come this far if they didn't have this pre-established character feature is a hollow criticism.
Accelerator might've subconsciously wanted to lose, but he did try his damned hardest to kill him, twice he remarks how his attacks surely should've killed him.
If it was going hard power creep it would say higher category and not different. Not to say they won't be stronger but there is no real reason to go beyond magic gods. I wonder what makes them different. Do they make sparks? Do they contribute to the overall magic power which has been said many times to be 99% magic god.
I hope Kamachi doesn't kill Coronzon this novel but just depowers her into shit tier for fun bullying later on.
Yeah because of Touma's ingenuity in using his wings for disruption instead of negation to create a safe space for himself and detecting environmental effects to minimize damage to himself. It was a mental battle between the two where Touma had to smack the faggotry out of him for his hero/villain perspective he was hung on about.
i tried stuffing a bottle up my ass while reading nt19
gotta recommend something to all you people here: dont use bottles with rough/twisty tops
they will scrape flesh enough to cause bleeding
but atleast it heals after a day or two
By that metric, Kirito isn't a gary stu then because the journey and experience matters more than the outcome.
First off, it's an asspull and a power-up in its own way. Secondly, Accelerator was pissed as hell and was serious, albeit was attacking in a frenzy state, not even holding back. His will was waning as the fight dragged on and that's when he subconsciously wanted to lose because he wanted Touma to save LO, but at the same time blamed him hence why he lashed out.
So much “””Accelfag””” falseflagging
You should know by now Kamachi's foreshadowing.
It stretches beyond aeons
It’s because they all think Touma will steal Kuroko away from him. Everything those two men do is 4d chess in order to win her heart. They’re trying to set the timeline straight so they can butterfly effect themselves into marriage with Kiroko Shirai.
Then its also an asspull for Accelerator to have Black wings and White wings, and they didn't have any previous indications for those happening. Pre-cog only helps him react to things before they occur, just like his first encounter with Mikto where he hung his hand out instinctively before she fired lightning at him.
I'm sure people who read the SAO novels would say he isn't but we're not talking about him. The only I'll say is that he doesn't get punished as much as Touma.
And we aren't even at the part where Accel anime comes out and he takes over the whole marketing for a few months. Can't wait.
also: its the way out that is the problem, NOT the way up
Literally no one cares about Shitroko.
Go fuck yourself. How about that?
Literally no one cares about Shitroko.
Go fuck yourself. How about that? How about that?
>I'm sure people who read the SAO novels would say he isn't but we're not talking about him
I won't chip into the actual core of this Accel argument, but as an aside, there's an increasing consensus that the actual Mary Sue of SAO is Asuna.
Heres the thing, pre-cog was ACCELERATOR'S rational of how Touma survived his attacks and everything else before. It isn't even completely accurate to what it really does. Touma himself isn't even aware of this ability of his.
“The woman named Anna Sprengel was said to have carried out the role of the
Secret Chief and of a point of contact and to have helped in the foundation of the Golden
cabal, but in the end, it was said to be dubious whether she even truly existed. …I too
functioned as the point of contact for Aiwass who is one of the theories of the Secret
Chief. To be honest, I do not think that is the exaggerated and much too serious role in
charge of things like giving permission for the foundation of all the magic cabals in the
world. In fact, I do not think there is any need to get permission for such a thing. But,
well, I am the same type of existence as Anna was said to be.
>wrong about aeon of horus starting
>wrong about summoning coronzon
>wrong about summoning Aiwass
>wrong about Anna
>wrong about what a secret chief is
Can we really trust anything Crowley has ever said?
Precog is brought up in NT though. There's literally a whole fight revolving around it with Rensa.
My point wasn't how pre-cog doesn't exist, just that calling it pre-cog wouldn't be accurate.
Rensa is unironically my favorite character in the entire series. He/she is probably the best all around character that isn’t a god.
Good character design
Good powers
Good personalities
Good outfit
Amazing hair
Ollerus all over again
I think most people like them.
I had my doubts once Aiwass started going behind his back.
Literally no one cares about Shitroko.
The only problem I have with her is that she has the lvl5 abilities.
I found it kinda annoying, since when a robot can have them then what's the point in having the human lvl 5s?
okay I like hamazura now
Well she was created based on their data, and she's more shit in using their powers. I find it extremely disappointing she used only Vector's and low tier esper powers instead of the rest of the Level 5 abilities
Less asspull and more power-up. Black wings was something he acquired with help from magic related circumstance that triggered an awakening of sorts, it didn't come to him for no reason. Plus, it was used to foreshadow his ability being related to Crowley's plan. Kakine who's the back up also sported wings of his own. On the other hand, Touma's acquired ability from experience simply manifested there in that fight in order to make Touma survive and beat Accelerator.
Are you not one who think Accelerator is a stu but Touma isn't?
Pre-cog was our term to describe how Touma was able to dodge and beat Accelerator because he could see AIM that's telegraphed ahead for him. Whatever it's called isn't important, but the fact it exists and is something that Touma acquired and uses is. This isn't the only point, so you're still missing the other point about why Touma isn't a stu but somehow Accelerator is despite his ability making more sense for him to be strong and overcome challenging situations.
they literally explained this in the volume
I wish i was a mod so i could ban accelfag falseflaggers and retards who reply to them.
Those wings of Kakine's aren't really "Wings" like Accelerator's, but as backup its likely that Kakine could manifest his own.
Stay mad.
You've lost your touch Mr. Crowley
They should be related. The way I understood it, Kakine is just less incomplete and his ability is nowhere near Accelerator's. The difference between touched the realm of god and being the power of god is huge.
>defeats aiwass
Since when have I ever called either of them a stu or not? Pre-cog didn't JUST manifested right there in that fight, it was always there. Accelerator's rational of pre-cog was how his explanation to how Touma survived everything up to that point. It was foreshadowed a lot in the background and didn't really come to light until Accelerator made a big deal about it. Remember that Touma has no idea about it himself. Just like how he reacted to Mikoto's lightning, or how he reacted to Styil throwing fire at him after he had amnesia. It even happened with Vento's winds. It was always something he subconsciously had.
It makes sense for Touma to overcome the challenges when you ACTUALLY take into consideration of all the multitudes of factors into play. Not all battles are straightforward deathbattles where one has the superior firepower, that is shit reasoning into viewing how conflicts turn out. Do you want me to list out all his battles and the external factors that were in play to help him overcome them?
A girlfriend isn't something worth risking your life for
Territory does not need to refer to "Realm"
Kakine "touches" the territory of god by being able to create, and not just create a new matter entirely like a god theoretically could, but make something. Creation is always considered to be gods territory
>Secret Chiefs
>Oi m8, u got a loicense for that aeon of horus?
And Black Wings happened before we learned of his importance to Aleister in Battle Royale. We didn't learn of the importance of his role until Kakine told us. You can't honestly tell me there was foreshadowing before Amata into him gaining Black Wings.
Then I don't get you. I was asking Toumafags who considered Accelerator a stu but don't think Touma is one.
>It was foreshadowed
That's not true. That kind of ability was not mentioned or alluded to in a way that made him think Touma had some other ability besides justIB. It's kind of obvious Kamachi wave handed it only AFTER and since then.
I wanted to correct myself a minute after I typed that since I territory came to my mind instead of realm, but anyways you get my point.
Read my post again. It was an explanation to how Touma has survived the shit that's been thrown at him. It's the explanation to how he can react with Mikoto's lightning in the first. Every time he lifts his hand instinctively before WWIII, that's precog coming into play.
all 3 of the shitty MCs in this story are Gary Stus desu
How many chances does Accelerator get to observe Touma's fights before their rematch?
I always pictured these two teaming up somehow. Usually in a kind of deal where Kakine offers to create a new arm for Fiamma in exchange for something. Like power, information, restoring his body, assistance with killing Aleister or something.