>Less than 24 hours and it's already 80% funded
Anyone else on Yea Forums excited for this?
Flower Knight Dakini
Other urls found in this thread:
who what when where why?
Sho Shibamoto
Flower Knight Dakini
From now until April 8th
To raise funds for an English translation
>you need money to translate
Sounds like whoever did this set the bar too low.
>The target is set a bit higher than the previous time, although the pages are fewer, because, after the first crowdfunding, I realized that the time and effort required for the rewording + graphic work and reward production work were greater than expected. Because of this, I had to change calculation method. In addition, please note that the rewards have been slightly modified.
Considering the last time he grossly underestimated his goal with the amount of work he had to put in, yeah. There aren't any monochrome illustration rewards this time around because he didn't set a limit on it and ended up receiving 36 requests in total. 39 if you count the limited colored illustrations request. Now he's just limited it to 5 colored illustrations, which got filled out in less than 10 minutes of the Kickstarter going live.
>people still trying to shill that cashgrab furshit
Mods should start taking action and banning this shit.
Hey this guys manga looks pretty charming. It has sort of that mid 20th century feel with how the animal people are drawn.
Alright thanks. Imma go read some of it. Seems like the kickstarter is going well too.
Weenie on Dakini
furry threads are allowed on Yea Forums now?
blame beastars
Hope you enjoy it, user.
yiff in hell
There are entire threads dedicated to wanting to smell Nanachi.
>3k to translate a couple chapters
Figures only furfags would be desperate enough to support this. What happens if someone else translates the chapters for free?
>What happens if someone else translates the chapters for free?
Then that version will exist as well as the author's own version where he actually gets paid for his work, too. A fan translation can easily misinterpret an author's intentions or meaning, while the author's own translation is more official.
Thanks pleya
>3000 bux to translate a couple chapters of web manga
what a scam
>Giving money to furry shit.
Well, I guess furry will give money to anything related to their disgusting hobby. I also remember this author being retarded enough to ask the TL to work for him for free, and the translator actually agreed to it.
>I also remember this author being retarded enough to ask the TL to work for him for free
Literally not what happened. Stop spreading false info. It's the complete opposite of the author not liking that the translator was working so hard for free.
$3000? Surely it doesn't take more than 80 hours to do two chapters.
A competent translator can do one chapter, 20 pages or so, in less than 2 hours. If not less time.
>I don't like thing, stop liking thing, I demand thing be banned
Yiff in hell fucking furries.
I don't trust english translation from a japanese.
Which is why he's not the one doing the translating.
Calm your tits. There has been stories with animals before and will be after furries. There's no affiliation.
>translate 3 chapters
>3k goal
I don't know what is this but what the fuck?
Labor fees, taxes, publishing fees
How much pay per hour and how many hours does the labor come out to for this?
You have to take into consideration the commissions he's doing. The last Kickstarter he had no limit on monochrome illustrations, and he ended up getting 36 individual commissions. 39 if you're counting the 3 colored commissions he did as well. The monochrome illustrations were priced at 5000 yen a piece, and that's extraordinarily cheap for when you're getting stuff like I don't know the specific labor costs the translator (Simona Stanzani, who is an actual licensed and official translator) has, but they probably aren't cheap.
I really liked that one manga about village of mutants who were considered "wizards" and insane guy trying to resurrect his not-waifu.
Pandemonium is great, even with all the cut content.
The epitome of old man yelling at cloud
what cut content?
Pandemonium was rushed in the sense that it had a strict time frame (12 chapters for 12 months of a full year) and there was plenty of stuff that just didn't make it in due to this. In the concept art, there's more to do with the town and a lot of slice of life stuff, and exploring how the village functions on a day to day basis. Zipher's actions of "worming his way into the village society" plays a bigger role and you actually see him assisting the villagers in various ways. Characters like Malsus and Kayoh were meant to have more fleshed out backstories, with Malsus actually having a love interest and holding a resentment towards Zipher for wishing to bring back the dead, which goes against his beliefs as a doctor. It generally looked like it was meant to be much longer than it actually was, probably nearly twice as long in fact. Sho's also commented that he doesn't like Zipher's confession to Domika at the end, and that he laments that he didn't have enough time or couldn't do more with it.
>Tfw no Pandemonium anime to add in all the cut content
When has crowd funded anything met either 1) its original promise to the fans and 2) been decent?
Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight
that's what killing bites is
And Kayoh was supposed to be a savage before she met Cosith.
>Used to think that Kayoh and Cosith had more of a brother/sister relationship
>Nope, they had a kid together
Sasuga, Sho
The Chad Cosith
>Got TKO'd by a guy like 20 times smaller than him
Also I'm just going to assume not to question just how Kayoh and Cosith did the deed. There's probably a super simple and reasonable explanation, but my mind is rife with perversion.
It was at 50% after an hour as far as I remember.
I'm really happy for Sho
So if Dakini absorbs some type of power or ability from consuming things, just how crazy are her powers going to be when she's absorbing Golems and shit? I wonder if there's a set time limit on just how long she has access to certain abilities, or if she just has them, and if there are things she can't get powers from. Considering base Dakini as we know her can already deflect Straight Thunders, I can't imagine just how OP she'll be later on.
Yeah, and the guy was also an idiot that forgot gravity is a thing that exists, so it just makes Cosith look extra stupid.
>Cosith could kill anyone he wants to considering his size
>Squashes Zipher, he's fine
>Squashes Crain, just a bruise and some cuts
>Goes on a rampage and barely does anything, in fact he makes the situation worse
>Gets his arm pumped full of lead
>Gets knocked out by a single guy with an anchor tied to a chain on his hand
>Ends up causing the ground to collapse because he's such a fat fuck
What a fucking jobber
One would hope there is some sort of limiting factor. Otherwise the sheer amount of power creep is going to ruin the story
Yeah, I can definitely see it getting out of hand without any limits. As much as I would love to see Dakini absolutely busted beyond belief, that just doesn't make for good storytelling. I'm curious just how the other special Golems will fight, and how varied the combat might become.
>3000$ for 3 ch.
Pure shit. We did two vols for 2 hundo.
Don't sell yourself short.
Darkest Dungeon
Last time he crowd founded the translation it went pretty well desu
>Implying some amateur's translation shat out in an afternoon is comparable to the work behind putting out an official translation for commercial purposes
Fyi, I get about 12 cents per character.
What you get paid for a page, I get paid per phrase.
I would be excited if these scanlations were any good. The ones that were done for free were so much better.
The translation itself is perfectly fine, it's just the font. I think the author's the one doing the typesetting, which is no surprise why a Japanese person wouldn't see a problem using a basic English font. Someone's just gotta suggest it to him.
Is Prakasha the daughter of the fox and that giant thing?
Don't think too hard about it.