released>Febuary 8, 2019
>95% liked the movie
New city hunter movie with cats eyes
So that is why he was in jump force.
It's popular as fuck right now.
there was also a French live action but based on their version Nicky Larson
Nice trailer.
Is now the time to pretend we all knew about this anime before and liked it before or should we wait until it becomes more mainstream?
wait till its mainstream
New City Hunter series when?
city hunter's original series sucked fucking ass, let's be 100% honest.
well there was a lot worst like Rock me twinkle nora and dragon ball
What about cats eyes
Wait, you mean the girls from Cat's Eye turn up in this one?
I'm sort of happy they're using 'Get Wild'. It's iconic!
ya they turn up watch the trailer
What? I remember watching it as a kid. I don't recall it being particularly deep, but I enjoyed the episodes. It vaguely reminded me of Magnum P.I., for some reason.
I remember later thinking that Cowboy Bebop felt like a spiritual successor.
idk about cowboy bebop being like a spiritual successor it isn't similar enough
for the people who watched the series. >who is the best girl?
Saeko Nogami
holy shit, why this is went under my radar? i though city hunter is forgotten and only being relevant as part of jump force
Jesus fucking christ, at least spend 5 minutes lurking before you start posting, you massive newfaggot.
been there for 8 years
city hunter is shit its always the same format.
>girl needs help
>hires Ryo
>Ryo takes care of the problem
>what are episodic series
and its a great movie
watched it 18 months ago senpai
best girl
Le parfum de cupidon preserves the old Nicky Larson but also does references to the manga brings 90's nostalgia back
>every movie is the fucking same they all have a beginning, middle, and end
Let's face it, it is an anime for chads.
the virgin Naruto fan
the Chad city hunter fan
like this chad
not any chad an Aryan chad
>for chads
I've a bad news for you user...
yeah for chads not fags cant you read?
imagine watching this has a kid
man, i'm a 30yo beta, in my life experience not even 1 chad out there watches anime
that's because your not in the chad gang
Retard. Chads watch anime. They just keep that shit internal and only really express it at cons.
>your not in the chad gang
baka Yea Forums is the chad gang
>keep that shit internal and only really express it at cons.
that's what i do since my 24th birthday. Trust me, no chad watches anime.
>city hunter gets 2 French movies and a new OVA
>bebop gets nothing
I know of at least 4 dudes who are ripped, extroverted, highly social, who all watch anime, and have seriously hot girls.
the french movie was made by a big fan who worked on the script for years and had Hojo rectified it 2 times
you need someone like him or Cameron for a good manga adaptation
>hot girls
i bet there are fujoshit
you're saying to not blame anime cause i've ruined my life with my own hands?
good shit gets remembered
who knew
learn to quote, nigger
Yup. Anime is hugely popular dude. Tons of fit men and women watch that. But it's an entertainment option for them, rather than their getaway drug.
Go to the gym, sacrifice a year and half of time with dedication and discipline, get strong and aesthetically fit. Then watch anime all the same. Girls are way way WAAAAAAAAAAAY more willing to put up with your autism and anime/manga interests if visually/physically you can make them wet.
It's not too late to turn around. Why do you think /fit/ ranks fapping to hot 2D women above banging hot women?
Aryans aren't Niggers
Aryan lives Matter
because most 3d women are
the hell how did I did not know this
imply be fit and have a nice face spares you from being a beta
because your too young
fecking unoriginal chap
Chads rules
>don't watch weeb shit
Chads watch Queen's Blade
so chads watch Hentai
wrong they watch cute girls doing cute things
They even play Rape Day and Shinseiden
Chads get raided by the FBI
Chads work at FBI
so chads arrest other chads
no chads arrest incels for being the human trash that they are
this then, when in jail, incels turn into bitches for chad drug dealers, assassins and more
so they become slaves for the chads
living the life
it was always popular outside of burgerland
list of things America isn't aloud to get
>Japanese anime
>cheap European cars
Alright since Code Geass and City Hunter movies successful, what Sunrise anime series you want to see make a return?
What's next Sunrise nostalgia revival project:
Mai HiME/Mai Otome
Grand Cyber GPX
Banner of the Stars
Witch Hunter Robin
Mai Hime
its like an old version of Issei from Highschool DxD
Daitarn 3
>New ______
Well of course there's going to be a fucking new ______, why wouldn't there be? What year do you think this is?
you forgot to put scripted dirty pair
You forgot Dirty Pair
It's always been a good time to get into City Hunter, it's basically the WSJ equivalent of Lupin
Nigger I work in a maintenance squadron and like 3/4 of the most /fit/ dudes across every section are casual weebs who talk about DBZ and MHA all the time
It was a mediocre comedy with some nostalgia bait and too much focus on OC (useless roles tailor made for director's friends)
It was more like Pas de pitié pour les Croissants than Nicky Larson
Cross Ange
>separating GGG from the Braves series
>released>Febuary 8, 2019
>95% liked the movie
Doesn't mean anything. The Japs liked Gundam NT and that turned out to be a steaming pile of goat shit.
>I have an opinion
Stars and Mai Hime is all I need.
I watched a couple of French guys review the film and they loved it
the mediocre comedy (not that much for me) was more for the Baby-sitting fan base and the action was really great if you didnt like the movie then it was not for mean you
the French live action was better than the Jackie chan film about it
Cross Ange.
don't talk shit about the Jackie Chan city hunter movie
seriously its just a comedy J.Chan movie there is nothing in it that remind you of City Hunter
I'm sorry user. The only good part of the movie was the Street Fighter parody
French live action is more faithful to the series
Find a flaw on this character.
Any Sunrise related animes that you like to see get a Blu-Ray remaster in the near future?
no flaws
he didnt fuck Saeko
the scrapyard scene was kino with "footsteps"
Biggest flaw of thew all
anime adaptation when? sjw will love it
and then we can troll the sjw by doing fan art where we modify every woman and black person and replace them with white men
so your planning to do the steven universe trolls
>First person view
>goofy af
>still awsome choregraphy
People actually started cheering in the theater
i didnt even knew that Jérôme Le Banner was cast
you got isekai like this girl what to you do first?
get out with your inferior mecha shit
If I ever won the lotto, I'd throw money at more Dendoh.
i hope the success of the movie means we finally get the final two volumes animated, instead of only having the 2012 pachinko mini videos
i hope we also get a Cat's eyes remake
Are there any sub files that are timed with the BD's?
personal fav girl of cats eyes
New Mai Hime series when?
Mai Hime.
I want a teletubies Ova
Not yet.
> Desperate OL in the body of a high school girl
Oh, I think you know.
Why is there so many Himefags here, I thought they already left
Are there any torrents for this movie or the French one?
Idk why they are here
> Hime is shit
from what I know not yet
You must be an Otomefag seething.
wtf is otome
This movie is even out on BD yet and probably won't be for another two months at the minimum.
So you haven't watched Hime either.
We need a new series. BUT. I don't want the modern settings. I want those 80s aerobics craze.
City Hunter is so entrenched in the culture of late 80s Japan that it feels off to bring it into the present.
theres a sequel of the final gaogaigar manga being released.
There's a Hong Kong version too. Jackie Chan is in it.
There's also a second Hong Kong movie with Michael Chow that wasn't called City Hunter, but totally was City Hunter.
Bebop gets Netflix.
I've gotta see this
Since when has City Hunter been in any way obscure?
>one hour to get to the only cinema playing this at a reasonable hour
Should I do it
Seen it. Yes, yes you should.
go you fool its really a love letter to City Hunter and Club Do and you "ll have to wait until June for the Blu ray
i dont like much their new design in the new anime movie but the good pint they still have boobs
All right, time for a trip tomorrow.
if its possible can you discreetly try to film the scrapyard fighting scene please?
The burgers don't know about it so it's obscure.
whats your opinion on 3d cgi moomins series?
Never even heard of this series before.
funny they never had this when i heard that Hojo taked inspiration from Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry
the french movie triggered many feminists because of that.
because you're not french and too young
It's a given that feminists hate it when people are having fun though.
hey are trigerred Because Ryo said I love a man I shouldn't love a man
Low Power raws or Moozzi?
What I said still applies.
its not even love because the parfum forced you to get attracted to anybody it even works on animals
a muslims dream he can fuck goats all day