
>Get interested in it because the anime
>Read the manga
>Even more suffering

Jesus christ, I thought this was Fairy Tail wananbe not FMA.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>think it's a fairy tail wannabe
>get interested
Something doesn't add up here.

>Gets another season
For what purpose did they fucking make all those fillers then.

Guess because there wasn't enough to an entire season if they wanted to cut at that point, but without the fillers wouldn't be enough to cover an entire season. Using more material would have taken more than 21 episodes.

I love magical settings and battle manga tropes. I like things like Fairy Tail and Black Clover, they kind of remember me the old JRPGs.

How different was the anime from the manga?

It steals a ton from OP, of course there will be suffering.

Seth wisens up quickly in the manga so there isn’t an arc where worldbuilding is repeated to him. There is also little time spent in the floating city rather than an arc like the anime. Grim is more ambiguously evil rather than directly evil before he meet the group

>I love magical settings and battle manga tropes.
They're generic as hell, but they definitely have their own charm.

i thought this shit was done for since the author didn't like the adaptation at all

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It's always more.

It's just always the same

is she gonna be on season 2?

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Yes, they showed her in preview

can you post a link please?

She was featured in the last episode of the first season. Where was the announcement.
It was her? I just didn't read the manga, they say it makes suffer

I liked the world design. Those "curling" buildings etc.Reminds me of Tim Burton or maybe Soul Eater etc.? Later on the world looked a bit more generic.

I just reached her arc around vol 5, thinking about waiting for the 10th vol to drop before buying physical.

Anyone who's current know if the quality still holds up till then or does it drop?

Fuck the author for killing her

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It actually gets better, reaching peak at vol 9-10 in my opinion.

Did Doc get to keep the cool armor at least?

I want to know this too. The armor is too good to be left for irrelevancy

Oh no. I didn't expect this

The anime was pretty kino. I love the overall aesthetic and setting. And honestly, floating islands and a world in the clouds isn't done nearly enough despite being a fantasy cliche.

Why would anything want to be like Fairy Tail?

Even the particulary execution of FT is really awful, the setting and aesthetics are nice.

i miss her

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wtf ntr?

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All the new girls are better, And by this I don't say Mellie is bad, I just say every other girl is better from Ocoho to banchou Inquisitor and my personal favorite the Queen

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>french cartoonist actually willing to kill characters unlike mangaka who never do
gotta respect that

Anime director wanted more lighthearted scenes to get viewers more confortable with the characters.

Why can the french do a proper shounenshit while the best the US did was a mmd series ?

I would have let her live on for another arc, just to twist the knife further. Readers must be made to suffer.

To be fair mangaka often kill characters and put drama, is just we usually (not always of course, but usually) only get anime adaptations of pussy manga. Or manga that try to be really edgy by adding lot of random rape/death but is as pussy as pussy manga and never kill anyone relevant.

Should I read the manga or watch the anime? If both, which one first?

Are there cool screenshots of clouds in manga? I haven't seen one in threads

What does it particularly steals from OP ? The island-heavy setting ?

Inquisitor slut a shit.

read the manga and dont even get close to the piece of trash that the anime is.

what are you talking about?

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The best inquisitors are the guy with the sword and the guy with the giant astral body. All the rest, especially gay archer boy, can fuck off.

There is no good inquisitors

All i ever remember of the opening sequence is what basically amounts to screaming the same incoherent noise over and over again.

Did Santori die?

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IF we apply the non-written rule of "everyone that is not explicity dead is only knock down" he is alive.

75 is up

filthy inquisitor whore

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what happened to the other inquisitor slut that she defeated? Did arrow boy really leave her to be a prisoner like that?

Not like he had a choice.

She was arrested.

where? everywhere I look there is only up to 74

She was quite dissapointed if a mage like Mellie can beat her. If every inquisitor is like that I don't know how they hold so much powere. She was weak as fuck


Wasn't she just a captain though?

Melie is cute
more of her is welcome

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Their military rank is not equivalent to their thaumaturge position. So her being a captain doesn't have to do with her powerlevel but her militaty rank.

A man deprived of his giantess plant waifu

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It still hurts.

I just started reading the manga, please someone tell me that Seth gets better.He's just an more annoying Natsu so far.

Also, Alma looks so much like Gajeel it's fucking uncanny.

Yeah he gets better.

the first arc of changes him a lot, you will see.

Aggressive Melie raping Seth when?

Yes, actually its the best thing about this series. The main character doesn't get always the best possible result because he does what "it's right" he has to deal with the consequences of his actions and the bullshit of the world, and that changes him. Which is a really nice change compared with characters like Natsu, that always take the worst path possible but still get the best possible result so they never actually learn a shit.

>the author didn't like the adaptation at all

He still hasn't gotten over elf's death, even 60 chaps and/couple of years later.

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Wait what

Jesus that thousand yard stare. I feel for the guy.

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They could had easily make a 1 cour season adapting the entire Rumble Town arc in like 10 episodes, they could had easily do it in 11 episodes and add a single filler episode, Lerche fucking sucks.

Anime is basically all original except for Rumble City part, and they even changed events on it too, my guess is to rush things up.
>don't have material to work with so they recur to filler
>they still rush the material they have to work with
Lerche such genius.

>read the available translations over a month ago
>now there's more suffering to catch up on
I hate it but I love it

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Just now I notice Ocoho have curly hair, cute!

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I haven't touched the manga and jesus fuck that's some heavy shit
if I watched all of the anime where should I start with the manga?

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Leftist degenerates have no power over anime in France. Also France is way more weeb than America.

either from the beginning - the flow is much different without the filler. If you don't mind then around ch27

I don't want to read early Seth so Ch27 it is thanks

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cause france properly embraced weeb culture instead of making it some sort of stigma like it is in the US.

>not liking based captain dragunov

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Aoi Yuuki voicing her was perfect! I'll probably watch s2 just for her too, although by the looks of it, it doesn't seem she'll appear much.

>French "anime"

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shes literal perfection