Who do you consider as the worst father in all of JoJo?

Who do you consider as the worst father in all of JoJo?

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Bruh how is this even a question. Dario killed an innocent woman and tortured his son beyond repair, thus indirectly causing the end of his universe.

What about Dio, and Kira's father?

Good dads

Dario was an asshole, but he did care enough for his son to try to give him a future by asking Jonathan's father to take care of him.

Kira's father did love his son and try to help him live his life peacefully.

They are both terrible human beings, but not really the worst fathers. Diavolo is objectively the worst.

Diego's father.

Kira's dad was. The only fatherly thing Dio ever did was let the pregnant moms live.

Dario being a monstrous piece of shit indirectly caused the restart of the universe. If he just tried to act good maybe Dio would've been a bit more like Giorno.

Kira's dad was shit, raised his son to be a killer

Kira was a born psychopath you faggot, his dad tried to help calm his urges but still fucked up. Kira was antisocial from the beginning, if Yoshihiro tried to stop kira from fapping to Mona Lisa's hands it would've made him even worse and more sadistic.

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Both of the Darios are human shit, Dario from the PB Dario killed an innocent woman and was a dick to his son, SBR Dario would have let his son die in the river but his mother saved him

The universe reset is quite hard to top.

Reading JoJo manga is helping me get over a bad breakup. You fags are the only friends I got.

Now that you’re single, how about downloading Grindr and hooking up with one of us?

It's SBR George Joestar.

No way fag

You had to think about it for a while, didn’t you?

Joseph. Cheated on his wife and ditched the woman with the kid

>Bad father

He was.

>Kira was a born psychopath

keeping mice son?

>Dario abused Dio for years and drove his mother to death but as he himself died he gave Dio a chance at a better life
>SBR George Joestar was a bastard but it was mainly caused by high standards for his sons and mourning over Nicholas. He redeemed himself by the end of SBR
>Jotaro stayed away from Jolyne mainly to protect her from enemy stand users so he's basically fine
>Diavolo tried to murder his own daughter because MUH EVERLASTING CLIMAX
Diavolo and its not even close.

Diavolo was based, Trish just couldn’t handle the bantz

this, roasties SEETHING

>He redeemed himself by the end of SBR
All he did was say he's sorry right as his son was about to win the world's biggest race. That actually makes him look worse than if he never showed up.

>when your mom talks about how great your dad was but he's a piece of shit

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It was originally going to be because his mom abused him but araki decided it would be more mysterious if he was normal. The true antagonist of part 4/8 is Morioh.

what kind of a fagboi are you? dude shows up just when his son is proving him wrong and acknowledges his mistake, that's pretty decent

Jonathan's dad for adopting Dio and fucking up the lives of the next 6 generations of his descendants

Who is the BEST dad?

I bet it would be anasui/anakiss, too bad we dont get to see it. Except he'd get CPS called on him for the fashion he gives his kids

>too bad we don't get to see it
don't remind me

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It's not that Jotaro is a bad dad but Jolyne is a bad daughter.

Yoshihiro fucked Kira up, Jojolion pretty much confirms he would've been a good person if his dad didn't coddle him like a fucking child

Jobin for making a 10 year old dispose his grandfather's corpse

Dio was a born psychopath.

But he cared about his mother, psychopaths don't care about anyone

Worst to least bad: Diavolo, Dario, George, Jotaro.

If Jolyne ended up in any other prison that wasn't run by Dio's gay lover, Jotaro would not have given a single mouse-sized shit and would've let her rot in jail while he fought Pucci on his own.

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[spoiler Norisuke WAS the best dad. /spoiler]

It works like this you brainlet.

A shame since it seems like Donatella met him before he went completely looney tunes.

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Hes not as bad

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