Is Asuka the most breedable girl of the season?
Mahou Shoujo Tokushuusen Asuka
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Me and Asuka are getting married and we're going to have 120 children and a dog named Kurumi.
Quinella is
You wouldn't want to make Asuka cry now, would you user?
Being an anime otaku.
How long 'till she got amputated?
How did you get hold of Kurumi's phone??
ch 30 for those who missed it last thread:
I don't think breeding is possible when everyone in the show is gay
No shes not, a clock is
Seira is so thin
that getting pregnant would be dangerous for her
Hurting Kurumi? Based
Everyone's gay for Asuka
Too bad. Asuka is straight
Stitch user is Kurumi?
How could a gay girl be straight?
Stop shitposting so much.
May be we could all agree all of them are "mahoshoujosexual"?
>want asuka
>have to get through kurumi first
realistically speaking how does one do this?
That's not a girl, it's an AI!
Invoking Quinella is cheating.
What's wrong with loving an AI?
Mia would've obliterated russia and china to defend her girlfriend.
Nobody can beat the dick
>Mia would've obliterated russia and china
She should go do that right now.
Realistically speaking you can't, a thirsty dyke like Kurumi is immune to the dick, and if you tried to hurt her, Asuka would hate you anyway.
You do both of course
I was thinking that "Because I won't kill" sounded less menacing to me, maybe I'm just crazy. Either fixed them both.
Asuka's dick.
>we still don't have a single futa fanart
This is your local sysadmin.
Magical spanking!
Good, it's a shit fetish.
Clock is too old, Nico is a new twintailed hotness
I honestly think Mia would've protected her girlfriend properly. What the fuck was Asuka thinking with the talk-no-jutsu?
thanks for this btw
>What the fuck was Asuka thinking with the talk-no-jutsu?
Something along the lines of
>It's okay, Kurumi is the designated tank, healer and support mahuo shoujo, she can take it!
>Mia is into Kurumi
>Kurumi is into Asuka
>Asuka and Tamara has this weird friendship going on
>Tamara and Mia are just oil and water; they just never mix
Jesus. How did they got stuck in a love polygon?
I bet Tabira did it.
The romantic fallout will lead all of them into her bountiful bosom. The MG Harem will become a reality.
Peipei's magic calorie rollup looks pretty awesome.
Sadly Mia likes fat asses way too much, a relationship with the ruskie is unthinkable.
fat ass
>magical tiddies
She's a sex tourist.
You know, for all the talk about how breedable Asuka is, she has nothing on Peipei.
And she's pretty open to motherhood, if only to fuck her biological daughter.
>big tiddie brown
shes not going to be in the anime isnt she?
I liked Peipei's design before she became brown.
Why should someone be gay?
How come Nico gets two shows this season?
>Tabira playing Custom maid 3D
Mia is not gay!
Asuka is obliged to show other girls her love.
Please show some restraint Asuka-san.
>immune to the dick
Literally not possible
imagine the smell
She doesn't seem very good at it
>porn game
>none of these are porn
Literally what's the point, it's not like the models are that good.
Who is the cutest and why is it Armenian Nico?
I guess you could use her own drugs against her.
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
Imagine Asuka drawn by Tsunako.
Actually there is a part in the manga where she mentions that she trusts non of the other magical girls except Kurumi.
Ijust hope she finds out that Kurumi is actually the most broken and crazy one one out of the bunch.
Everyone has to see Kurumi's torture chamber one day.
I wish I was Tabira.
Kurumi's motive and actions are the clearest of them all (does anything for Asuka), of course she is trustworthy. No one knows what Tamara or Peipei are up to and Asuka is a bumbling mess of PTSD.
Your Asuka is broken in several places.
Wonder if Tamara would be fully into Asuka if she did not get brainwashed.
What kinda stupidity is it to bring the all important magical girl enhancer even before the actual conference and then say the girls cannot use it right now just so that it can get stolen in the mean time.
I still do not understand how she turned from plae goddess to bimbo and why she does not turn back.
>Everyone has to see Kurumi's torture chamber one day.
Kurumi's basement would feel like home for Mia, she probably participated in some shady CIA interrogations.
Peipei's artificial bimbo form you mean?
She wants to show off the new toys to get the girls to praise her and grope her. Mostly grope her.
>why she does not turn back
Because she's better like this.
She does not know that part of Kurumi or at least not comprehend the degree of it.
One part knowing and having seen it if at best.
Entirely different story if the person you believe to be the sanest, nicest and most harmless one to actually be the most fucked up one that pretty easily without remorse does stuff that causes even seasoned veterans to have nightmares and issues.
Thanks. I must have been to focused on Kurumi to notice.
Which causes like ultra level problems.
Also I wish they would talk more about how a magical girl is choosen and what the conditions for becoming one are and what their power source is if they got one.
In the beginning the said the original girls are stronger or special and then we see them strunggle against some mercenaries or some of the fake or new magical girls.
>Kurumi won't ever crush and heal your balls over and over
why even live
Where the fuck is Eagle when you need her?
Oh god I want this!
Who are the End Game pairings?
Me x Asuka
Everyone else x Who cares
yes my dude
t. War Fattie
Imagine if we got an actually good artist to adapt the anime character designs instead
Then the girls would have actually looked attractive and cool, and every emotional scene would have been amazing like pic related as opposed to weird face angles and odd eye shapes
The manga deserved a more generous budget, I agree. But still, since I discovered it thanks to the anime I can't get too mad.
Asuka x Tabira, with Asuka fighting the Disas on their homeworld alongside the fairies and accepting the good general as her momwife.
Tabira x all girls
I like Chisato's droopy eyes.
not even Ballroom has necks that long, great posture!
Crazy Dyke is /u/nbreakable. Believe it.
>The purest forms of life, our days are never coming back
>UN Security Council Permanent Members: USA, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom
>Magical 5: USA, China, Russia. Fr-wait it's Japan, Uni-wait it's Japan again
Coincidence? I think not
Was there a Brit mahou among the dead?
What's wrong with her face?
She's a dog.
They're pretty great.
She's a very, very special girl with special needs.
Maybe, but the one extra that died we saw at the themepark was German I believe.
What country was Francine from agfain?
>"an attack on the bridge is a threat to the safety of the entire world"
>American forces present seem to agree
>"We can't get help from the American bases unless they actually get attacked though"
Hangar Queens.
it's not good writing but scarily realistic
Gripen would have been there
To be useless
Thats not true. She is very capable with her partner
This show is bad and you should feel bad for unironically liking it.
She probably has a double-layered magical barrier hymen.
I want the Queen to break it.
Why did Asuka refuse to go to bed with Francine? She clearly liked her, and she is beautiful too.
Asuka is a little weird and need things to be slow and private. She lashes out if it gets shoved in her face in public.
She also refused to play with Tabira's breasts. I suspect there is somehting wrong with Asuka.
Her face looks a tad bit too tide and makes her look fat.
She is a "ex-spec ops operator who skipped on workouts after quitting the force and is quietly getting fatter"-character archetype you see in Post-9/11 hollywood media these days.
>everyone looks exactly the same from 3 YEARS ago
>time skips in shonen often have less time and characters drastically change in appearance and/or personality
>this guy has a robot arm now
A girl needs to be healthy and a little bit thick.
Asuka was already very ripe and proper as a JC.
Imagine getting /fit/ with Asuka.
Akame ga kill reference?
Asuka, while getting fat, still will rekt every single /fit/izen due to her Operator Body and her Navy Seals 300 confirmed kills experience.
She looks exactly the same as her JK self though. Same bust, same hair, same height, same face. I know it's just character designers being lazy, but it's a bit infuriating.
she clearly got fatter.
Everyone in this show is just so deliciously thicc.
Hell no
Asuka is deliciously fat!
Chisato v Kurumi fight next week, whoop.
wish i was a lesbian schoolgirl bros...
Hands down the best OP of the season.
>Kurumi fight
100% gonna job
Praise them
I always thought it was "chrom-bit" b/c of how I usually hear it. Anyways, wtf is the point of Sacchuu.
Fanservice character.
Kurumi is the best sandbag
Asuka looks like she literally got the short stick of magical girl weapons
>assault rifle
>giant syringe
>do I have potential?
Needs blush
He's actually real fucking useful.
>every girl is a baby making machine
>also lesbians
He's fun
he's the best mascot character so far
>He's fun
>let me freeze frame and tell you exactly what happened without adding any insight
He's a handler sent from the spirit world.
not even close
>kinda cute lookin
>funny voice
>kicks ass
>is ruthless
The legit best mahou shoujo mascot in anime history. I'm looking forward to his 10 second fight scene in the next episode.
Abigayl is in love with the Queen
It might not actually be next week if they spend too much time with the outside fight with Mia and Tamara.
What did they mean by this?
And he has a tie
It means that Yea Forums is bi or gay.
I don't like dark skin, but I fell in love with Peipei. I wonder if it's because the tan is artificial
whats this about peipei and russia being evil in the manga
Chinks and Russians are all evil.
But does Queen love her back? That's important.
Queen is probably Francine.
So all we need is one of the three mahou shoujos to be British and have faked her death.
Dickin the gripen
I like Peipei's new look, I hope they're not forced to kill her in the mango.
Why do all the girls have to share Sacchuu, was this his idea?
He's a big shot at Magical CIA.
>pick this up for yuri ryona
>get this too
I am a wholly satisfied man
>war nurse badge
how does one do this?
Only war criminals have that.
Good thing next week's episode will have Chisato beating the shit out of Kurumi
Can't wait for my favorite Kurumi scene.
>I'm a kung-fu genius!
The background theme of this episode somehow sounded like Arma 3.
looks about right
Its not her fault Chisato can karate.
Why do they all have guns
The gun is good.
Still not worth sitting through all the bullshit.
Guns are sexy as fuck. And I'm not even a burger, they're ilegal in my country.
Gay commie country.
Look! Best girls!
>she wears her mask during sex
good to know that I'm not the only one who thought this.
That's hot.
Abi lost her fingers permanently?
No one cared who she was before she put on the mask.
The queen gave her some monster-meat to restore her fingers.
being Gay
Why is there racism between fairies?
Why wouldn't there be?
Why is there racism between humans?
Because rats are bottom feeders, penguins are okay but have terrible mood swings.
Cats are dignified but don’t trust others, dogs are perfect.
Nice Lee Enfield
Shut up Kweh!
I want to make love to Sacchu.
Can she stop lewding her classmates for a second?
his voice is fun
>shitetta chu KUEHEHE
She's an old man trapped in a tomboy's body.
How do we fix Mahou Shoujo Tokushuusen Asuka?
Fire the entire M-squad and bring in Riot Force Six.
Tamara has the ideal breast size. Enough to fill your hands but small enough to be very cute.
Bigger is always better when it comes to milkies
Isn't that the plot of a manga?
1. Asuka
2. Gyaru Peipei
3. Mia
4. Kurumi
9000. Chisato
900002. Armenian Nico
Second female Protagonist of Moestuff who can wear a bikini. First is Rikka of Gridman.
What does Asuka turds smell like
I honestly can't, fucking any mahou shoujo would feel like heaven.
1. Just Cause-chan
>the CIA NIGGER is the cutest
Because she's JSOC, not CIA.
what is the POINT of this character?
me on the left
Peipei doesn't look the same.
For me, its Asuka the cutest assburgers
I wanna leave a dollop of semen on Asuka's beauty mark!
What's with anime and meaty girls this season though? This is a full meat season
>Circlet Princess
>Mahou Shoujo Asuka
>Pastel Mammaries
you left out the meatiest one, for shame
We know Kurumi.
fat gay lesbians
Which is the fattest?
>Asuka thinks Tamara is handsome.
>Mia likes Kurumi.
Poor Kurumi.
What's the line between Peipei and Tamara?
>cant read the fucking font size
Make it 2 cour
Is Circlet Princess getting fansubs?
Maybe add some forced kissing by either asuka to kurumi or Mia to Kurumi(hot).
Make it gayer
Why are we here
A good fansub picked it up, at the pace they are going they might catch up soon.
I thought no japs were watching this.
Surprised one of them cared enough to make this
They are compatible.
Fucking commies.
She still has her womb?
What the fuck plushies are even doing.
Based niggachu
Ok...with the exception of Peipei who started doing porn to make ends meet and went ful thot mode.
Gonna dump Kurumi's wild ride since it's so short.
pretty sure the first sentence is too literal and needlessly complex.
Why is her hair short?
Hidden by the scarf probably.
Sayako is thirsty as fuck.
I never want off this ride.
Kurumi is crazy as fuck.
Kurumi should waterboard her to quench said thirst.
Come on guys, at least it's not her pubes.
I wonder how much Mia would be willing to pay for that kind of chocolate.
The love potion wouldn't work on Asuka because she's not a homosexual.
>a few hours isn't enough
Jesus christ.
What the fuck Chisato why are you holding a sniper like that?
>Mia's abs
>manga appears to be doing pretty well (I predicted a while before the announcement that this would be getting an adaptation eventually)
>anime adaptation gets completely ignored
Why does this keep happening? Is it the zero budget?
As far as good ryona manga go, I predict that Ijime Kaeshi will get an adaptation once it has enough material. That seems to have a lot of momentum behind it.
Why is everybody in this show so fucking GAY?
>manga appears to be doing pretty well
is it?
I thought the manga wasn't very popular to beging with
>first glowniggers
>now this
a better question is why is lidenfilms so redpilled
It doesn't get promoted in-magazine like a middle-of-the-pack, at least.
But Cat is a cute onaholes. Female cat cute enough to Rape.
They should've introduced a male character like Saki's kyoutarou only to be utterly ignored by the girls.
How do we stop Kurumi from assaulting Asuka on impulse?
lesbian undertones are a staple of the genre bro
Kurumi is so cute.
That's from lowest to highest, right?
Fucking slut
Cute commie
>6 fingers
Any other goo- enjoyable edgy magical girl shows out there? I watched Site and this. Madoka too of course
The flying rat got fat
Wait, they don't use guns in the story? I was about to pick it up because of these covers
>look up Ijime Kaeshi
>first chapter raw is just girl on girl bullying and ryona
I... I hope someone begins translating this.
Imagine the fingering.
>that middle panel
>'Yeah, you can have this back, chuu!'
It might not be relevant to this thread but I need to know, does anyone know any other ryona manga with /u/ in it?
And she can probably grow a few more with her drugs, sasuga War Dyke.
What's a calorie rollup?
>Gary Stu male character is introduced into manga
How would you react?
Better yet, how would /u/ react?
it would be very jarring because of the tonal shift it would create
/u/ wouldn't care, they'd just ignore him like they always do
Finally, a self-insert
That depends on what kind of gary stu. If it's some Dante/Sol Badguy-style over-the-top edgy-yet-lovable chad type then cool. If it's typical light novel protagonist gary stu then fuck outta here.
Men in this world are weaklings anyway.
Pretty cute and hot
I can't imagine any kind of context for that, maybe a recurring villain? But then again, the queen should start making a move pretty soon.
It's when Kurumi does stop, drop and roll
Pretty sure that's just called an earthquake.
That's just fat at the bottom
Wtf is BB’s end game?
Creating a nation for soldiers and carrying on The Boss's will.
There's Blanka
Is Chisato a good, obedient bitch now?
She's always been obedient, its just passed from her father, to gigga nigga, to inspector mommy
this, she just follows whoever picks her up
So she's more of a dog than Armenian Nico?
cute stray cat!
She's really the cutest.
Kitten with sad eyes
Nico doesn't even have a collar anymore
She's a cool tiger now.
does that style haircut look good in real life or is it just an anime thing?
She can wear a bikini despite being a protagonist of moestuff. She is a Chad. No other Protagonist girls of Moestuff can wear a bikini at all.
SWAT Megucas is as moestuff as this.
I think its just lazy writing. If you have a cast overwhelmingly filled with one gender then you actually have to think about ways to introduce the other gender, which means you have to make the world a bit more complex. In a magical girl series for example to introduce men you would either have to flesh out the magical side of things and allow men to also be involved in magic shit or you have to flesh out the "non-magical" sphere by adding crushes and romance sub plots and just increasing the number of men who have relationships with the peeps in the main cast. Both of these options require you to make the rest of the world larger in order for you to accommodate them.
As such its much easier just to make everyone lesbians. On top of that you end up increasing the number of hot anime grills for otakus to fawn over and you can sell more merch as a result.
Basically its just lazy, and means they dont have to write male characters, so you can focus on the anime grills more.
Reminder that not lesbians, but celibacy sells.
A show does not have lazy writing just because it doesn't pander to your tastes.
There are already important male characters the main cast interacts with on a regular basis like the boss of M squad. Romance subplots don't make a show more complex or deep.
There's plenty of harem anime airing right now that would suit you better.
I dislike harems for its obvious pandering to fantasies. But a cast filled with lesbians raises some eyebrows just as if somebody wrote an army show and it was all filled with gay dudes.
You dont need romance subplots, you dont even need romance at all, but seeing as a great number of the important female characters in that series seem to be sexually or romantically involved with someone it is clear that it was meant to be there. It just so happens that all of those sexual or romantic overtones or relationships happen to be lesbian ones. Really bakes me dink.
I get what you’re saying, but very little of that is applicable to this show in particular.
>In a magical girl series for example to introduce men you would either have to flesh out the magical side of things and allow men to also be involved in magic shit
We do have that in this show.
>flesh out the "non-magical" sphere by adding crushes and romance sub plots and just increasing the number of men who have relationships with the peeps in the main cast.
You can have male characters without forcing a half-assed romantic subplot...
>you can sell more merch as a result.
People say this but shows like this never actually produce merchandise.
>Basically its just lazy, and means they dont have to write male characters, so you can focus on the anime grills more.
This show has multiple competent male characters though.
>but seeing as a great number of the important female characters in that series seem to be sexually or romantically involve
There’s only 3 explicitly gay characters (2 villains) so far and they cut Queen getting ready to dom Abigail from the anime.
This anime is schlock, but it’s not really hitting your marks and it sounds like your complaint is pretty much “the writing is shit because can’t I self insert as Asuka’s boyfriend”.
If you could have Asuka kill you with any part of her body of your choosing, what part would you choose?
Her tongue.
>We do have that in this show.
I am aware that there are men in the show, I am referring to men of a similar age, not some mid thirties dudes. I mean male peers not stern distant soldiers.
>You can have male characters without forcing a half-assed romantic subplot...
Of course, but when all of the romantic plots that have appeared thus far are lesbian it seems a little bit unusual, as tho lesbian relationships are the go-to.
>People say this but shows like this never actually produce merchandise.
It draws in people. Pretty anime grills draw people in and so they then watch the shit, and if it gets popular they sell some shit.
>This show has multiple competent male characters though.
Once again I mean peers.
>This anime is schlock, but it’s not really hitting your marks and it sounds like your complaint is pretty much “the writing is shit because can’t I self insert as Asuka’s boyfriend”.
grow up. Not everyone is self inserting, personally I dropped the series after curiosity got the better of me and I skipped ahead to after nico gets tortured to see how she was. I dropped it after she rolled over to get belly rubs and like a dog and everybody was like "this is perfectly fine haha" and I realised that the edge in the series was just thinly veiled fetishism only slightly less egregious than hiro mashimas works.
>I dropped it after she rolled over to get belly rubs
I'm not stooping that low. I have at least a little bit of dignity and self awareness.
How white is she?
>I only watch mature anime for mature weebs like myself
Is she actually supposed to be 2D Miley Cyrus or is it just a coincidence of names?
If I can see something is obviously just thinly veiled fetishism I'm not gonna watch it, I'm not going to become "that" person.
How could Tamara not start drooling while this was going on? She has nerves of steel, goddamn.
If you were self-aware you wouldn't be whining about the lack of the typical useless high school guy in a mahou shoujo.
Nah, the author probably thought her name sounded cool and american, because the similarities are nonexistent.
That's funny, it's the only reason I'm still reading this manga
pls. There exist male characters between overpowered Goku/Natsu and typical useless harem dude. People expect good female characters in a shonen irrespective of what sub-type it is so why cant I expect good male characters in a shojo?
She's not even the best in her own show.
How could she go from this to this?
Two headed dragon.
She became a mom. Too.
There are good male characters but you dismissed them because they aren't the same age as the protagonists.
What does a high school age dude have to offer in this series? He has no powers like the girls, and he's not a trained soldier like his older counterparts. He wouldn't fulfill a role that isn't already taken up by existing characters.
Please, Kurumi doesn't even come close to Asuka's grace and beauty. You must be insane to prefer Kurumi to Asuka as the mother of your progeny.
Best moms are Gyraru moms!
Best moms are sexually abusive moms.
I'm pretty self-aware and I know that I wouldn't be watching anime at all if I had any dignity left, so you're probably mistaken about the self-awareness part.
The creative challenge of finding a way to add male peers may change the series so its something other than standard magical girl shit. Even edgy magical girl stuff falls into the same traps and cliches that standard magical girl stuff does, to the hilarious extent that half of the cast seems to be dykes for no other reason than because there is a history of lesbian shit in magical girl shows. They could have taken away any form of romance of sex involved in the show at all and have had everything seem more professional, like a normal active military unit or crime syndicate, in which people dont just fuck each other just because they are in close proximity. But instead they went
"fuck it lets just chuck a whole bunch of lesbians in there".
As such I can only conclude that they are being lazy or pandering. They wanted sex stuff but couldnt be fucked to write male peers in, so they just made everybody lesbians because its a magical girl thing and magical girl stuff has a history of lesbian interactions so they can get away with it without people raising much of an eyebrow.
Only a little bit of dignity. Just a sliver
The author is a yurifag
Gyaru's are the best lesbians Japan has to offer.
for reals? proofs pls. Big if true. But I think I really should have guessed after seeing some of the scenes in the manga.
Why are you so obsessed with this?
Congratulations, you figured it out. This is pandering to an audience that isn't you.
fuck off.
Fuck on.
He did a manga about high school girls-only bdsm club
so its just a yuri thing then. M8 if I would have known it was obviously yuri I wouldnt have complained as obviously in yuri the whole point is lesbian shit. But it didnt really look like a yuri at the time of reading, so I just assumed that it wasnt, and so found the sheer number of lesbians a bit strange.
You're a shit fetish.
This makes 100% sense. There is a lot of bdsm shit in the manga so I always knew he was into kinky stuff, but didnt realise he was a yurifag. I can now see into the 5th dimension everything is so clear.
Cuz No Protagonist of CGDCT can wear a bikini. It isn’t a Liar. Scan every Beach episode of CGDCT and you’ll know that No protagonist can wear a bikini. For ex,Comic girls,GJbu,Lucky star,Locodol,Blend S,Anima Yell, Gochiusa(who’s a protagonist?),Rokyubu,Yuruyuri,Umaru and more. Usually,Bikini is only for superior supporting characters in the moestuff. Who is false,You or me?
And No bikini for protagonist rule of Moestuff also applies on Mobage,as we can see from Mashu,Djeeta and Pecorina. They are the protagonist and therefore cannot wear a bikini at all in the swimsuit episode.
>No Protagonist of CGDCT can wear a bikini.
Stop talking to gooks who don't watch anime.
And that's not the only one, just take look at his works, he even added that lesbian couple in Psycho-pass and wrote Yuru yuri scripts.
>You must be insane to prefer Kurumi to Asuka as the mother of your progeny.
Impregnating Kurumi will guarantee hardcore lesbian genes to your daughters.
All the girls in Asuka are complete dykes.
And impregnating Asuka will guarantee 100% effective lesbian-attracting pheromones to her. There's bound to be someone who'll suit her tastes given that the pack will drive away any male.
Just have Asuka impregnate Kurumi then.
>self-worshipping lesbian daughters
I guess that works?
yeah but I thought that was just shit writing. I didnt realise its intention was for everyone to be a lesbian because the guy is a yurifag.
You are stupid.
Maybe lesbians have more magical power than straight girls
>Gyaru's are the best lesbians Japan has to offer.
[citation needed]
That just means they become mahjong champions.
Considering Chisato jobs to Kurumi of all people, probably.
And who’s a protagonist of Gochiusa? Chino or Cocoa?
E-easy there, if you add the genetic code of Kurumi and Asuka plump tits, and on top of it Ritz's cup power-ups, thing will get out of control.
how lmao. It is now clear that everything the author does involves lots of lesbians, and though that doesnt make me like the show it offers an explanation as to the high concentration of dyke shit in the show. It becomes part of the authors influences rather than just shoddy writing. Its like if an author wrote a book but it was full of graphic pornographic descriptions of sex acts. Would be shit until you learn that the author used to work in the porn industry. It is then still shit, but at least you know where its coming from.
You are retarded like LRD or ACK.
oh great, you are summoning him, faggot
Some people just want to see the world burn.
Yes, I want to fuck her and make her give birth to enough children to make a platoon.
Gyaru was dead until a few years ago until the pure gyaru trend came so yuri gyaru is irrelevant.
yuri gyaru is totally relevant. lesbianism is in it's growing height right now in Japan.
>yuri gyaru is irrelevant
What Kurumi's chances of getting Yaya'd or something much worse?
S2 announcement imminent
Is She the first CGDCT protagonist who can wear a bikini? Too late. Kadokawa.
Call me when they put mother x daughter yuri in a show. It's a taboo that is kept to subtext at best.
My nigga.
is she used goods? by her own dad?
I am waiting for 1 & ½ to get an anime.
Yes please.
>chances of getting Yaya'd
Kurumi is going to win the asukabowl, the other girls are nice but their interactions aren't that intimate.
>or something much worse
I guess the Queen could always rape her.
Shame I have a feeling it'll end with 'yeah we aren't blood related so it's OK'.
Kill la Kill called, wants you to go back to it.
Eh that wasn't done out of love. That was done out of pushing her. It also wasn't reciprocated. I want mother and daughter to do it and be OK with it and it not be a situation like Valkyrie Drive where 'we're sisters but we do this so we can fight with oversized weapons'.
But it was still hot.
Nico x Miura
NBR but she still calls Miura a mommy
Mia will be the Yaya.
Is this show worth watching if I only want to watch it because Asuka makes my pp hard?
Asuka is a main character and shows up in every episode so why not?
Is it weird that i actually like Tamara the most?
>dat uniform
>motherfucking flamethrower
>codename "Phoenix"
>secretly loves cute things and has a gigantic teddybear
And Asuka is a chad who can wear a bikini despite being a protagonist. Virgin Kaos vs Chad Asuka.
oh, THAT guy is in the thread.
Here, have a (You)!
Nice on being worse than him.
Code names are somehow cool and funny at the same time, for trying too hard.
>War Nurse
>Just Cause (ofc the burger has this name)
>Shantoulon (wtf does this even mean?)
Also, why are illegal magical girls using code names in the first place? I thought that the military was only using them to differentiate and communicate between magical girls without giving away their identities, but every villain(ess) we've seen so far has introduced themselves like their about to fight in a shonen anime.
Because magical girls have their own name when they transform, that's mahou shoujo 101
No but only because of She's still Ultimate-tier whose only flaw is being stuck on /u/nigger's wet dream of a show and that's not her fault.
Don't expect much fanservice from this point onwards, although her outfit is lewd enough I guess.
>implying you wouldn't take a cool name if you became a mahou shoujo
>whose only flaw is being stuck on /u/nigger's wet dream
Good thing dicking lesbian is my fetish.
If it weren't for the manga probably telling me otherwise I'd say Mia dies next ep given how many death flags she got.
Mahou Shoujo, MS-06 Zaku II!
>motherfucking flamethrower
Maybe I will consider that if she gets a thermobaric rocket or some thermite.
1 x 1/2 adaptation soon.
Kurumi also feels death flag-ish, and well, she's the designated punch bag.
Mahou Shoujo Yami Katana
Mahou Shoujo WHITE LILY
Are the tonal shifts as necksnappingly sudden in the LNs or is the anime powering through at too fast a pace?
Other than the obvious amputation fetish I have no idea what the fuck this show is meant to be.
Are the tonal shifts as necksnappingly sudden in the manga or is the anime powering through at too fast a pace?
Other than the obvious amputation fetish I have no idea what the fuck this show is meant to be.
What tonal shifts? It's action/yuri/bdsm from the start.
>What tonal shifts?
I just marathoned this show up to date, the edgy violence and grimdark PTSD shit makes up about 60% of the show, the rest is baffling slapstick humour and silly anime reaction faces. It honestly reminds me a lot of Elfie Lied.
Off-tone comedy is a Japanese staple, user.
>edgy violence
it isnt.
This is a war-themed show first and foremost. You cant do that without showing violence.
It's going to be Asuka dicking you though
Asucock is fine too.
Because the setting is not as edgy as people make it seem to be. Asuka is just an action mahou shoujo show with human rights violation undertones.
Asuka isn't breedable at all, her gay energy prevents her from getting pregnant
I trust my madwoman Kurumi to change that.
my wife chino is so cute
I think it's the eyes.
She has cute eyes.
There's a correlation between the eyes and the womb!?
Like beautiful butterflies.
More like slutterflies.
Kurumi is the best.
"Mahou Shoujo Zoomer " sounds fittingly appropriate for this series.
Kill yourself.
The hardworking translator won't abandon us when anime season will end, right guys?
I hope he won't lose motivation.
I bet there will be a lot less Yea Forums Asuka threads or any at all and the only remaining will be /u/ basically archive one.
Kurumi will be killed off by the Queen who will reveal in that moment to be alive Francine to fuck up Asuka mentally completely making her the dark god MG she wants to create, right?
We will have an S2
>We will have an S2
has it been confirmed?
don't fuck with my feelings
Mia and Tamara will sacrifice themselves to defeat evil Francine and then Asuka will finally marry Kurumi and have 12 babies.
Yeah, after Killing Bites S2
Nah, Himenospia will get anime season first and then we will get 52 episodes of Arachnid compiled with Caterpillar content seasons.
If only
Of course, my father is a committee executive and he just confirmed it.
That's too fuckin' cruel ;__;
You know, the poll in the last thread showed most people here like Kurumi and Asuka most (in that order). I can only hope the mangaka gives us a happy ending.
Kurumifags rigged it
Peak performance.
Where does Sayako fit in this?
Man, I should stop speedreading raws. Abi is literally saying there that she is going to be a a magical girl of mass destruction
full image?
Kurumi seems to have enough plot armor to not die
I would kokuhaku to Nico!
>6 fingers
No it isn't you retard
There aren't actually any lesbians in this show right?
How the hell a doggystyle position works for lesbians?
magical futa cock
Strap on. Or maybe she is just using her other hand to fuck Abigail
Why is Kurumi such a jobber?
So the plan is not to turn Asuka or anyone else of the five into it, since they at the start tried to collect them, but instead go for the boring character that should have never been more than a tertiary at best secondary char.
This really needs a clear up on how a girl qualifies to be a magical girl and how Asuka and co were choosen when such supposedly more powerfull source materials exist.
>Kurumi surrounded by pills and pizza
She's a fat nurse. It's like surrounding an American with guns or a Russian with starved peasants and executed dissidents.
>Or maybe she is just using her other hand to fuck Abigail
I just googled "lesbian sex doggy" and yeah, you need to use your hand while rubbing against her thighs/ass.
>Lesbian doggystyle
It's called Tribadism and they are many different ways onto tribbing your partner hard.
>Actual Lesbians in this manga
> caved in and read the raws, now fully caught up
Need fucking MOOAAARRR!!!
They need to announce season 2.
Scissoring but the one on top is laying face down
>Curse of Garnidelia
>season 2
>this trainwreck getting a season 2
Not a chance.
I assume you mean "lesbian sex" and not just lesbians in general, because otherwise you're quite dense.
>read the raws
what the fuck
First day in the anime community outside of facebook?
so is mia the real miley cyrus that was turned into a magical girl by sacchu after pedowood tried to murder her and replace her with a double?
This anime IS full of lesbians user.
sniper cake ;_;
I want to either remove her conditioning or kill her. She doesn't deserve this. Fuck Kurumi and her obese ass.
You are wrong.
>She doesn't deserve this
>has a girlfriend
>fucks a sexy old lady
>stable income from the government
Do I remember this right? Her parents were kidnapped and the only thing left of them were fingers given to her as a present and she isnt doing a thing about it.
Why give her burdens she doesn't need? She gets to live a very simple life, a rarity nowadays.
They sent every single part of her parents back, she just has to assemble them.
Klab is the committee, the upcoming game will fund s2.
No Mia is completely unrelated and was an innocent girl until she became a magical girl. Then she got MKULTRA'd and enjoys blasting terrorists brains out.