ITT: Utterly inept anime studios

ITT: Utterly inept anime studios

Close runner up would be Silver Link

Attached: Arms_Corporation.png (286x82, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Queens Blade was a masterpiece

Obligatory SHAFT

A1 Pictures and its bastard child CloverWorks
PA Works
I haven't seen much by them but Diomedea and Doga Koba look like they only produce garbage.

Dogakobo aren't terrible, the shows they produce are just alright but they're memed to oblivion by normals and redditors



All of them.

You open your own anime Studio.
Please state its name and your plan for the first three (3) shows that it'll produce.

These days literally whos studios are born and die by the dozens every year, and are most of the time just a name without talent or identity.

There's one entity that stands above and beyond all these thought, since they have actual talent and identity and yet they decided to produce the worst shit an human can possibly conceive.

Attached: gohandspleasego.jpg (1920x1080, 361K)

Just make some wish fulfilment isekai trash and roll in the money. The others don't matter.

>being this much of a clueless imbecile
ARMS is litterally one of THE best studios in industry, since it contains many people who worked on Akira and led by best animator still alive in industry, unrivaled Yasuomi Umetsu

ARMS has legendary status for making dozens of great animated hentai shows like La Blue Girl and Nightshift Nurses and also making Umetsu`s famouse Kite/Mezzo Forte.

Its studio of some of the best animators in industry, that has to freelance and work for others since have no money for own projects. They are also honest to their tastes and love drawing hentai/tits/tentacles and are best at it among all. Their own shows are lower quality only because its litterally money grabs to try to collect enougth to make a good one.

Its a secret club of best talent in industry, waiting for Umetsu and rest to get enougth money to make new original ambitious anime again - while working and providing top notch unrivaled animation for others.

ITT: litterally clueless imbecile


JC Staff, recently at least

>Its a secret club of best talent in industry, waiting for Umetsu and rest to get enougth money to make new original ambitious anime again
Worked out well with Wizard Barristers.

So that's where Umetsu's been hiding all these years.

It did. The only show in last decade showcasing AAAA class animation. Too bad they still did not sufficient funds for second half of episodes.

Working for Shaft - he animated the only worthy episode of Madoka (ep 10), some in madoka movie and Kizumonagatari scenes.

Also this

But mostly, earning cheap money making OP/EDs


>The only show in last decade showcasing AAAA class animation.
Asinine claim.
>Too bad they still did not sufficient funds for second half of episodes.
It already looked like shit by episode 2 and later episodes were the most hilarious production trainwreck in recent years.

>Asinine claim.
Absolute valid and absolute true claim, because only show featuring Umetsu and his crew animation can claim to be AAAA animated show. No one else comes near in talent and experience.


Hey! They made the good Queen's Blade seasons

>I haven't seen much by them but Diomedea and Doga Koba look like they only produce garbage.
Diomedea yes, Dogakobo... They're memed to hell and back (between their SOL shows and that one Kirby episode about Dedede's anime).
>It already looked like shit by episode 2
Episode 2 was the only other good animated episode aside from the first. The rest were farmed to cheaper companies or the nightmare of episode 11 that made everything but the fighting in the first minute and a half a slideshow.

Legit answers?
>Toei once going digital
>DEEN outside of the YUA OVA
>Production I.G outside of Haikyuu
>A-1 Pictures most of the time
>GoHands and their fugly color filter

Gonzo 90% of the time

here's a free (you)

better studio than Trigger. Trigger could never anime stuff like Hanebado

so you're defending them just cause of a single show that was pretty mediocre even tho it had good animation?


God, Umetsu's take of Valkyria Chronicles is something else

at least trigger shows are entertaining

No, because unlike Trigger, they are not just a fake brand name, but actual competent studio that started out in same conditions in USP and grew to real studio able to make own anime in good quality and having plenty of talent - something Trigger failed.

That said, Ordet is better than Trigger too (though being dead)

>competent studio
explain why they havent made a single good show

expalin why are you a trolling ignorant idiot. You probably do not even know what show they made and which of the shows this season are theirs.


Attached: [Erai-raws] Dies Irae - 06 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_20.07_[2017.11.17_20.47.51].jpg (1280x720, 387K)

these are your top studios. say something nice about them.

Attached: top ten.png (688x321, 22K)


Am I the only one that liked Galilei Donna?

you are a nigger,i wouldnt have talked about them if i didnt know what shows they made,remember what a shitfest terraformars was,or how berserk got ruined because of them?remember how bad killing bites was?or how they ruined the 3 initial d movies?

Loved it, but he directed and not animated it. A-1 did.

Trigger is an auteur studio. A core staff of creatives with very specific ideas and artistic sensibilities who only work on projects they feel passionate about. This kind of flexible team allows to seek only the talent necessary for a particular project, that would be unfit for another one, and doesn't require to keep people busy working on trashheaps like Tsurune just to justify paying salaries. And the constant influx of different people keeps the work fresh, unlike other studios that suffer from extreme inbreeding and creative bankruptcy by not relying on freelancers. They're more akin to studios built around a director like Saru and Chizu than to clumsy, pointless behemoths like Kyoani. Trigger made the right decision of being a director driven entity first and foremost.
And obviously a third rate entity like Liden that ha never helmed anything noteworthy isn't even on the radar.

Attached: 9c8.jpg (499x499, 130K)

also,the LIDENFILMS shit nugget flavor of the season is Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka

The only thing I like about that show was the OP and the fact that they actually had a time travel plotline which involved Galileo falling in love with his loli descendant.

you could say they are not that bad,they made the only good kino no tabi anime and a decent initial d series

You are a nigger that does not know a difference between actual animation studio and brand name. Trigger is not an animation studio. They can't anime a single episode of anime with their own resources.

Liden Films is an animation studio, and that quickly grew to one of the currently fastest growing, along with Kinema Citrus.

They are making a lots of shows, some of them cheap crap to earn money, but they are a competent studio to which producers come to make anime - tv series, movies, video games. Not trigger, because Trigger cant do anything.

And as for quality of animation, they did plenty of good anime and proven all there is to prove with Hanebado - achivement, likes of Trigger can only dream of because its impossible for them.

>Galilei Donna
Isn't that an extremely rare case of show that was reduced from 2 to 1 cour during airing?

They completely fucked up with Wizard Bannister and Master of Martial Hearts.
But I'm still willing to give them a free pass for the hentai, like pic related, and if they agree to adapt Parallel Paradise uncensored.

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How fucking long ago?
Going by Freezing and Dies irae, that ACGT is not the present ACGT
Present ACGT is garbage

Is this pasta?

wow,you're really a huge faggot arent you

well,cant say that isnt true,since it is,but you gotta admit they made good anime once

0/10 b8

Great argument. Also, ironically, a lot of "Trigger" shows are actually animated by Liden Films animators, since Trigger has no personell and has to resort to USP resources with Sanzigen making 3d and Liden animating

I copypasted it from another thread because I can't be bothered to actually answer to this subhuman ESL and shit like without losing braincells.

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Most studios mentioned here have made at least 1 good show
Besides this thread being for shitposting: the argument "they did a good show once" is a completely retarded defense

all of them besides LIDENFILMS

i'd rather watch a good show with mediocre animation instead of a bad show with great animation,LIDENFILMS isnt capable of making a good show,you cant deny that

Your taste is just shit, you can't deny that. Also, complete ignorant of the subject.

They are officially the best studio for romcom adaptations now, displacing JC Staff and A-1

Or you could watch a good show with good animation.

Attached: 1535290529653.webm (512x288, 2.7M)

sure retard

It was, and the show suffered greatly from it.

Kino's overrated and people say Initial D
declined after Third Stage, so your argument is invalidated.

> Trigger is not an animation studio.
Then what the hell are they then? They have animators don't they? They work on animated products don't they?

I mean sure they need outside help like Liden or even studios like Titmouse and eMation (most Japanese studios are guilty of this these days, hell Phantom in the Twilight, if we're keeping it in the USP family, had half of it farmed to lesser studios like Dangun and Jumondo), but you can't just say "Oh they're not an animation studio" When they have all the stuff they need to BE an animation studio.

that too,but i was trying to prove a point

dont listen to the lidenfilms faggot,he doesnt know what he's saying

Where the fuck did this liden autist come from?

most likely from the special needs class

>Then what the hell are they then? They have animators don't they? They work on animated products don't they?
Brand. Trigger is essentially 4 people and few young animators they lured from Young Animation Project (which they cooperated with to make LWA), who still did not left ship by now.

They have no resources to make a single episode of anime of any quality other than turning girls by themselves. They have Imashi for storyboarding/design, they have two directors - but they have no actual animation resources of every field - this includes key, inbetweens and all other aspects of creating anime involved.

Their projects were mostly pushed by Aniplex, so that under their brand name work would be outsourced to litterally dozens (50 in case of Kill la kill) studios and lots of freelancers, with up to whole episodes being done entirely out of house (even fucking flash cartoon ninja slayer had whole episodes litterally not touched by Trigger).

Currently they don't even get any work from Aniplexx, and unable to make own anime try to find host to leech from - like Tsuburuya with Gridman and Promare with XFLAG: both 3dcg heavy shows, where, surprise CG is not done by trigger and trigger contribution is director and poorly animated stills inbetween 3d shots.

Attached: trigger office.png (1000x1312, 1.43M)

shut up lidentard

>so that under their brand name work would be outsourced to litterally dozens (50 in case of Kill la kill)
How's this literally any different than any other anime these days that isn't a White Fox production?

In what way? All of those adaptations were rushed garbage.

>I mean sure they need outside help like Liden or even studios like Titmouse and eMation
There were three studios starting in somewhat similar conditions in USP: Trigger, Ordet and Liden films.

Originally Ordet was the most talented, but after Fractale flop, its pretty much frozen and everyone works on their own freelancing.

Trigger and Liden films started similarly since they both had very little staff and needed to start from small projects (Inferno Cop etc for Trigger and Senyu/Aiura for Liden).

Except Trigger, due to core staff prominence managed immidiately to attract attention first with Young Animator Project animators making LWA, and then with Aniplex funding making the outsource fest Kill la Kill - making their name big, but too big: inflated in fact, since their reality did not change. They have no money, no staff. They try to fix it, up to starting additional recruitment and animation studion in Osaka, hoping for cheaper animators/inbetweeners in future - but currently they are in a bind. They cant make anime (other than cheap shorts like Inferno cop), and without money and outsourcing cant make proper anime projects - Franxx, Gridman, Promare is all result of that: only thing they can do is sell the name currently.

Liden went differnetly. It just worked for others (including Trigger) helping animating other shows steadily growing their own basis with animators/inbetweeners/other staff until they could make own anime - and started to quickly produce a lot of cheap anime to pay their upkeep and earn money and experience. Which led to more and more producers coming to them, and them growing actually financially successful so that they could make higher quality anime and even high profile passion project like Hanebado.

So the guy calling Trigger "auteurs" is correct- they indeed are. The drunk useless auteurs begging for work.

Liden is solid workers that are already at point they grew to competitors big old studios like JC Staff, A-1 etc.

He's Enigma Godlike, a must likely Russian shitposter who has been identified after shitting up the first Gridman threads.
His argument boils down to "relying on freelancers= not an animation studio", which I ansered to here , that he obviously refuses to address because he doesn't have a counterpoint.

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All of those are good or at least decent, except for GoHands and their fetish for wasting their budget on stupid shit.

I nominate Hoods for not finishing Hadüki's story.

Truth hurts?

Wow, that is just sad.

what truth? i only see lies

It gets worse.

Attached: 1539624682941.png (1109x697, 722K)

Yet they were one of the few studios who'd do that trashy oppai-filled ecchi intellectuals like to watch. I can think of a couple of trashy manga that would make for a great adaptation by them, like Parallel World End Paradise Harem (or whatever that trash is called).

Do you know why Trigger only makes "original" anime?

Since no one approaches them with adaptations knowing it`ll be cheaper just to hire studios Trigger will outsource those projects too.

enigma just stop

>Liden is solid workers that are already at point they grew to competitors big old studios like JC Staff, A-1 etc.
Problem is, A-1 and JC are not exactly competent studios, so that's probably not a wise comparison.

>Do you know why Trigger only makes "original" anime?
Because that was their goal when they funded the studio. Imaishi literally never directed an adaption despite being a director for 15 years, an absolute outlier in this industry.

You should know the state of Trigger, when one of their key people who worked on Gridman, Ikuo Geso - quits anime industry and threatens suicide because he`s bullied in animator circles for being completely unable to deliver quality production at time


>one of their key people
Geso storyboarded one episode of Gridman, and he isn't a Trigger employee to begin with.
This is pathetic Enigma, just stop.

Attached: 1539620978953.png (1078x395, 46K)

>actual Trigger "goal"

Attached: trigger kyoani.jpg (1159x153, 23K)

>ITT:russian retard gets btfo'd by Yea Forumsnons

Trigger. Doesn't get much worse than that desu. just look at gridman and promare

Fuck off with your mal profile, triggernigger.

>an animator working on every key Trigger show (not that they have huge choice of the inhouse animators to begin with)
yeah, totally not one of them

oh no,enigma is mad,and he's samefagging at the same time!

I still have no idea where the giant skeletons made of skeletons came from. I sort of get what they were going for, especially given that it shows up in Ikabey, but having it in Dies, and especially in that scene with such horrible CG felt incredibly out of place.

>muh nonexistent boogeymen
>freelancers= not an animation studio
This is true though, even though most of the industry operates that way. This isn't directly comparable to actual employed animators.

Geso did one storyboard for Gridman and sparse key animation in other shows. That's nothing and doesn't make him one of their "key people" by any stretch of the imagination. He's also literally not part of Trigger, as he's the head of his own animation studio.
Again, this is pathetic, just stop.

Fuck off with your sockpuppet triggernigger.

sure enigma

>everyone who disagrees with me is this nonexistent bogeyman
are all triggerniggers this retarded?

Quality of "animation studio" is definded by their ability to create and animate anime. Trigger cannot create and animate the show.

Diamedea and A-1 are pretty much outsource factories, but they still have more own resources. You need to have a working pipeline for actual production.

Every small studio starts by making inbetweens and animating for others i.e. doing actual animation. Trigger though they can skip that - they were wrong and it hurts them now. their hope was to keep the Young Animator Project personell, but it failed.

Surprise. Trigger "key" people are only like 2, of which you probably know only two - Yoshinari and Imashi. Thats all there is. Everyone else is conveniently "not trigger" and thats why its not a real studio

the only show i watched by trigger was kill la kill, and i didnt even enjoy it that much,i just cant stand retards that defend shitty studios for no reason other than muh animation

okay, give me a minute to follow this whole reply chain back

>Everyone else is conveniently "not trigger"
Geso is literally not a member of Trigger, as I've already stated. Even among freelancers there are dozens that had more significant roles in Trigger production, starting with Hiroshi Kobayashi.
This damage control you're trying is even more pathetic than your laughable claims before.

You do realize, you are proving my point?

Do you think that I should cut you some slack just because you're an illiterate ESL who doesn't know what he is tipying? There is nothing "convenient" about Geso not being a Trigger employee as far as this discussion is concerned, it's simply a fact.
And you have no point, that's why you still refuse to address my post, because you have no counterpoints

So, you are finally willing to admit Trigger is not real anime studio since they cant produce own animation and quite litterally cant anime a single standart quality anime episode by themselves?

Okay, now that I have the time, I can stomp Enigma Godlike into the dirt.
See >>actual Trigger "goal"
Is making original anime, I've already stated. That quote means literally nothing by itself, do they want to publish LNs? Move to Kyoto or California? Don't make me laugh.
Why do keep refusing to address my post? >Currently they don't even get any work from Aniplexx
They just collaborated with Aniplex last year.
>Tsuburuya with Gridman and Promare with XFLAG
Collaborating with several publisher is generally a good idea. And without Tsuburuya, Amemiya wouldn't have been able to work on an IP he loved since he was a kid, so what was your argument again?
>both 3dcg heavy shows, where, surprise CG is not done by trigger
Obviously. That goes back to my point about only seeking the talent necessary for a project. Why would Trigger bother having a CGI department when they can go to CGI studio that have the specific skills needed for the work at hand?
It's not a case that they went to 2 different studios for Promare and Gridman. Imaishi has been collaborating with Sanzigen since he was at Gainax, and their CGI work is a perfect fit for the kind of seamless transition between CGI and handdrawn he wants and the camerawork that comes with it, while Amemiya went to Graphinica to replicate, among tokusatsu otakus, a specific feel that I couldn't nail with the handdrawn animation of the Animator Expo short.
This is an infinitely superior solution than having a mediocre CGI department, that wouldn't be as flexible, wouldn't be always necessary, and at best it would be used as a subpar crutch like Kyoani does, instead of to bring out the strength of the medium for results impossible otherwise.

Pretending to be retarded will bring you nowhere.
>And you have no point, that's why you still refuse to address my post, because you have no counterpoints

*he couldn't nail

So I assume that whenever they get a credit for inbetweening (say for example, on Mob Psycho or Made in Abyss), they're hiring freelancers to do their contract work, correct? Or is it like A-1 where all they got are some figureheads and a small inbetween animation team?

It seems you dont even have to pretend to be retarded, you can act out of genuine state of mind -since apparently you do not realize you prepared a logical trap for yourself and now dug deep in the hole confiring everything i said. Both with arguments about Trigger as whole, and your ignorant denial about Geso in particular. I wonder how long it`ll take you to feel embarassed.

>you prepared a logical trap for yourself and now dug deep in the hole confiring everything i said
You said that Geso is "one of their key people". He's neither "theirs" nor a key person, even among the friends and freelancers that show up in their works, as I've already stated.
>Both with arguments about Trigger as whole
Which you refuse to address, because you have no counterpoints .
>your ignorant denial about Geso in particular
Calling out your lies isn't "ignorant denial" by any stretch of the imagination.

>It's not a case that they went to 2 different studios for Promare and Gridman. Imaishi has been collaborating with Sanzigen since he was at Gainax, and their CGI work is a perfect fit for the kind of seamless transition between CGI and handdrawn he wants and the camerawork that comes with it, while Amemiya went to Graphinica to replicate, among tokusatsu otakus, a specific feel that I couldn't nail with the handdrawn animation of the Animator Expo short.
Imbecile. Sanzigen is pretty much who created USP along with Yamakan and gave Trigger a chance to exist. They and Liden Films are supporting this fake "studio" doing actual work - sangizen in 3d and liden in 2d department. Trigger is just a name.

Unable to actually animate, they now are relegated to the role of making still frames and marketing work for shows actually made by others - which is case with both Gridman and Promare. So much for "animation studio". Its ironic that you are not even denying it - you are trying to twist your ill mind to justify their degeneration to such status, similarly as how people defended poor state of animation in Gridman as "style", where in fact it was simple failure of production and lack of resources. Soon Aniplexx will stick Trigger label to some chinese maid 3d toon and you`ll eat this shit too.

>You said that Geso is "one of their key people". He's neither "theirs" nor a key person, even among the friends and freelancers that show up in their works, as I've already stated.
you keep saying that and thus digging your hole deeper and deeper. It is fun to wach.

My god, this is Famicom and his TMS ignorance on Yea Forums all over again.

enigma niggerlike,stop already,you reached autism levels that shouldnt even be possible
>being serious on a korean basket weaving forum

Refusing to address my points to just parrot your nonsense won't bring you anywhere. Now to this post , we have added all the details of the work of Sanzigen (that again, Imaishi worked with since the Gainax days) and Graphinica (again, corroborated by actual interviews of the staff and of Amemiya, not satisfied by handdrawn animation), the advantage of working with multiple publishers, and all the underlying philosophy of the advantage of flexibility that I've been discussing from the start. Will you ever address any of this or will you keep pussying out and blabbering nonsense in your pathetic broken english?
Your refusal to aknowledge you lies, since Geso is neither "theirs" nor a key person, even among the friends and freelancers that show up in their works, is hilarious.

so basically,enigma got BTFO'd

Honestly I wonder if he's serious or a troll. Defending Wizard Barristers requires either extreme retardation or true dedication to the art of shitposting.

I wonder if you even realize what you are actually stating, or your shallow mind does not let you check the logical chains leading to your own arguments, so that instead you are supporting the opponents one.

You just stated that Trigger is unable to make animation. That unsatisfied with that, they resort to 3d animation (which Trigger does not make nor have creative control of, since they have no competent in 3d people among them or own department), and that they lack any actual personal creative basis and are merely a lable to slap on top products they had limited if at all involvement with in actual creation of.

You also insult the Trigger "core" with your ignorance, by trying to cut a person that actually contributed to Trigger establishment in USP and wholeheartedly supported them from the very begining alone and with his crew - equating him with random hired freelancers. Truly, Trigger drones have no shame. Reminds of how quickly claims of Trigger Franxx involvement switched from hype to complete denial and blaming Nishigori and his crew who pretty much animated KLK, LWA

nah he's just some sad russian autist that lives in his mom's basement,not even his taste in anime is good,defending lidenfilms and taking jabs at trigger for no reason

he's right though isn't he? Island was worked on by gainax for example

>and at best it would be used as a subpar crutch like Kyoani does, instead of to bring out the strength of the medium for results impossible otherwise.
What are you saying? For Hibike, Hyouka and Evergarden Kyoani used cgi to allow their traditional animators time to do stuff that would otherwise be implausible. Like crafting all those detailed instruments.

I'm confused, don't trigger fans usually brag about the studio being a brand?

>taking jabs at trigger for no reason
not him, consider your hypocrisy

all this shit started because i posted thisand then he decided that he wants to defend lidenfilms,he then shoehorned in trigger for no reason,without me even mentioning it

>I wonder if you even realize what you are actually stating, or your shallow mind does not let you check the logical chains leading to your own arguments, so that instead you are supporting the opponents one.
The irony.
>You just stated that Trigger is unable to make animation. That unsatisfied with that, they resort to 3d animation
No, you're stated that. I referred, in order to demostrate the reason for Graphinica's work in Gridman, among the other things, to the specific case of Denkou Choujin Gridman: boys invent great hero. The short is competently animated by any means, but Amemiya stated that he felt not satisfied, since he didn't feel that the animation could replicate the feel of real tokusatsu. Here comes SSSS Gridman and Graphinica, hired specifically to give the fights that "toku feel" with their CGI, as stated in interviews. This is a case of both taking advantage of a tool such as CGI for its specific characteristics instead of just as a crutch, and of the advanges of the flexibility of not having an in house CGI detartment.
>(which Trigger does not make nor have creative control of, since they have no competent in 3d people among them or own department),
See above. Amemiya went to them for a specific reason with very specific requests. That's the directors job.
>and that they lack any actual personal creative basis and are merely a lable to slap on top products they had limited if at all involvement with in actual creation of.
Again, you stated this. Why do you keep treying to force your words in my mouth? It's pathetic. Read again.
>equating him with random hired freelancers
Why are tying to force your words in my mouth again? The freelancer I mentioned isn't random, and he obviously is a "key person" (not "theirs") much more than Geso ever was.
Is also baffling your dishonesty on this matter, as you first mentioned Geso in a shitpost about his incompetence, just to now take his side to corrobotrate your lies. Pathetic.

>tfw this thread right now
A-1 is the most shittiest studio

Attached: 1551521286864.png (548x517, 260K)

Please. There are plenty of worse studio who you've never even heard of.

>similarly as how people defended poor state of animation in Gridman as "style", where in fact it was simple failure of production and lack of resources
This. Gridman was disgusting. Studio cultists are the worst cancer.

they adapted space brothers so no

>didn't feel that the animation could replicate the feel of real tokusatsu
not him, this is bullshit and you are just hellbent on defending Trigger because you're a cultist. Of course that CGI garbage is used because they can't animate. It's needlessly used for backgrounds building and mechs and it's horrible. If he was really so concerned about the "the feel of real tokusatsu" then he should just make that shit instead of cg pseudoanime.

>one of the advantages of the flexibility of not having an in house CGI department
You are partly right about this. CGI is not necessary in anime production at all but after some studios have gotten these departments they feel compelled to use the garbage.

I'm not interested in discussing with someone who refers to his interlocutor as a "cultist" and considers an artistic tool inherently worthless. Nor do I want to keep this shit thread plagued by the presence of Enigma Godlike up.
sage, and I demand you to do the same in your eventual response, knowing full well that I won't reply anyway.

not him but enigma got BTFO'd in the end,sage

>I'm not interested in discussing with someone who refers to his interlocutor as a "cultist" and considers an artistic tool inherently worthless.
Who else would go to such extreme lengths to defend trigger, you're even doing it right now. You obviously can refute my points so you choose to deflect. I don't consider CGI to be "inherently worthless" but you and i both know that using it is in extremely poor taste considering the fact that anime is a traditionally 2d medium. You can easily find vastly better cg in videogames(inb4 "go back to Yea Forums", even-though I've never posted there) or Hollywood movies. At least if you're using 2d animation you have an edge over that stuff. We don't need more cg, we already have an endless amount of better cg. They're not doing anything noteworthy, they're not doing anything remarkable just taking the easy production method. There are better cg animators all over the world, there will always be good cg, we don't need this shit. I can't believe you have the gall to defend this cancer. We need more animators like Yohshinari or the aforementioned Yasuomi Umetsu. His work on Madoka was amazing, whereas Promare isn't even going to have sakuga. It's a joke.

>Silver Link

But Anne Happy was the best CGDCT anime since K-On!

Prisma Illya is terrible from a quality standpoint, but it has a lot of cute and funny moments.

>obviously can refute

Go Hands
Modern Sunrise

>all this SHAFT shittalking

they are literally the Kubrick of modern anime studios



Yea, they've been really shitty as of late.

No. They just can't afford a fucking background artist, have shit production values and have awful consistecy. Don't make me post fate extra.

Silver Link are great, only manimetards dislike it.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Unhappy - 01 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.42_[2016.04.12_21.45.57].png (1280x720, 1.26M)

Yea? i don't know what the fuck his problem is. Baka to Test was a masterpiece and Kokoro Connect was good too. They've done other decent stuff like Masamune-kun's Revenge and Rakudai also.

Are these the same guys who animated K: Return of Kings and that Murdock Scramble OVA Trilogy?

this but unironically. arms is the god of anime titties.

Attached: 2d776e6ed21c540e0a9c785870551d9c.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

freezing was a great anime considering the source material

Doesn't Freezing have a lot of lesbian rape and stuff? Or am I thinking of something else?

not enough sag.

What's 1st?

Seems like a very obvious falseflag. It's pretty fucking obvious.

not him, Kyoani obviously. Who else could be?

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liden made killing bites and special ops asuka this season which are pretty much more entertaining than any of the disappointments with trigger's name attached to them.

no rape just guro and utrabullying. freezing is basically a great adaptation of an awful series.

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Of course it is. Anyone can remame their mal profile in literally seconds. It's just the trigger cultist's sockpuppet.

I'll have to double check. I swear there was a scene where the girls in the shower abuse Bridget? And a scene with Rana doing the same?

I wanna say WIT after the Vinland Saga trailer.

>he's right though isn't he? Island was worked on by gainax for example
and? Island was worked on by a bunch of studios under feel.; including Actas, Gonzo, Nakamura Pro, 3hz, White Fox, Zexcs, 8bit, Anime R, JC Staff, Troyca and a bunch more. Gainax, who is basically only surviving on fumes rn, are just another piece in the cog. The fact he fails to realize that nearly all anime, especially nowadays, can farm to dozens of studios makes me think he knows nothing about how animation farming works.

He's only right in that klk used tons of contractors to get its inbetweening, paint and other aspects done. But that's a moot point when Liden and other production companies can exceed that.

Yes, same studio.

I'm not au fait with such matters. Why did he censor it anyway?


They did a couple of good anime originals but everything else they did was lackluster.

Honestly, I don't know. Maybe he irrationally dislikes Kyoani, mental illness isn't uncommon here. We as the consumer should care about the product being good. Studiofaggotry of any kind is cancer, that's why you see Kyoani and Trigger cultists routinely defending the studios bad decisions instead of caring about the quality of the product.

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Absolutely based.

What's wrong with Silver Link? They've put out many a good show!

Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku was horrific.

Low production values and consistently poor writing for starters.


They created Stella no Mahou.

jesus christ what the fuck were they thinking letting these bastards ruin it with 3dcg


Kyoani anime all suck

come on man

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Moeshit/CGDCT studios such as Anus, 3hz, & Kobo (you name it) are such a fraud.
They have little QUALITY since they are only animating simple design with simple movement

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Pierott, Trigger, ACGT, Geno.

I doubt most of you would even consider half of these trash to be actual anime studios but;
>Kamikuso Douga

These studios have nothing on the trash I just listed.

>posting good studios

Moe is the best though. We need lots more.

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Seethe more schizo. Moe FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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have some more

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Nu Sunrise and Hoods entertainment are really bad.

oh there was one more. I don't know if these scenes were in the manhwa or anime original but the studio deserves credit for know that naked girls make any scene 10x more interesting

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Silver Link only exists to sell light novels.

This include their/co/ work like Transformers, Star Wars and TRON?

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Bad bait

Go bait somewhere else faggot