Why is it less common for a MC to be mature aged?

Why is it less common for a MC to be mature aged?

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Because most mangas are read by children and teens. They can identify themselves with the MC, his struggle and emotions.

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Nobody likes to self insert to boomers. This might be a bit harsh, but it's the reality of this world.

fitgirl repack came out btw

going by that logic why does Yea Forumsidya have so many older MCs then?

>They can identify
>Nobody likes to self insert to

yep, this is it
this why 99% of the medium is fucking shit

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Because people only have about 10 good years in them, it's all downhill from there.

Well I don't want to self insert as a stupid teenager either!

Because you have to plan out what happened to the character prior to the story.
Young protagonists are largely molded as the story goes on and easily relatable to common reader demographics
Nobody wants some unremarkable boomer as a main character

Dante for instance was mid-late twenties in DMC1. His backstory being planned and fulfilled in DMC3, where he's early-mid 20s.
