What the fuck is this frogspamming? Is it one of the fags from /r9k/ or /pol/?

What the fuck is this frogspamming? Is it one of the fags from /r9k/ or /pol/?

Attached: Frog-Microphone-6.jpg (1273x716, 127K)

Discord raid or one very drunk aussie.

Probably a discord raid

what's the difference at this point

Thats so sad, imagine actually using chinkscord, how pathetic

The merger of /r9k/ and /pol/ occurred during the 2016 campaign, when Shillary fucking Clinton herself stood in front of national cameras and said (intentionally lied): "This women-hating virgin frog is the face of white nationalism." From then on, redd!t flooded into the site. Every frogspamming pollock is literally 19 or under. They're all ironic racists from rebbit. Oldfags from /r9k/ and /pol/ are fucking GONE. This site is dying. Its heyday is long past

>why is my site for teenagers flooded with teenagers why have all the old posters found jobs and stopped posting?

We're drowning in frogs and the mods are doing fuck all.

It really is true what they've been saying. There is no cure for cancer.

>one very drunk aussie
more like a canadian or brazilian

Moot was so retarded not keeping /pol/ deleted

Truth hurts boys

Falseflag Discord raid
You should be aware of their tricks by now

Attached: 1300379087788.jpg (604x453, 93K)

I swear to god most of Discord users should be gassed

>Is it one of the fags from /r9k/ or /pol/?
It's some shipper from the BNHA thread that got butthurt.

You mean all, why would you ever use a chinese spying tool on purpose

/pol/ is (was) the essence of Yea Forums. There were several times where it was the cutting edge of meme culture, after Yea Forums started to die from newfags. /r9k/ I think will have held that crown the last, in the era before the death blow the 2016 election had on the site (by using it as a political lever to influence the youth). Now I suspect nothing truly funny or original will ever come out of Yea Forums again. "teenagers on the internet" in 2014 are NOT the same type of person that teenagers on the internet in 2004 were. It's literally the normans that have ruined internet culture. And now political NGOs and corporations are involved, so RIP fun on the internet.

No. There are no exception.

Go away

Surely you must mean all of them.

A good thing mods are useless, again.


Attached: combat frogs.jpg (800x599, 104K)

Wanna try and make me, baka?

Attached: 1449824963184.gif (500x375, 986K)

Axebro has the higher ground

>Yea Forums

I hope you're not posting that for no other reason than somebody having something remotely nonderogatory to say about /pol/

>tfw Discord user, thought it was just more deep state dipshittery and decided whatever
Can I, uh...get a small rundown here, I appear to be a megafaggot