>10 frog threads in Yea Forums's catalog

I think we need to have a talk about this.

Attached: cirno.jpg (250x250, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off back to /bant/ subhuman

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Nooo don't give them attention

deport the frogniggers to /r9k/

It's time to remind these stupid frogposters of their rightful place in Yea Forums's pecking order!

Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 1).png (1319x4822, 1.45M)

I'm just here to say that Kurumi is /ourgirl/

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Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 2).png (1335x4973, 1.4M)

Report all threads.

Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 3).png (1321x4804, 1.29M)

/bant/niggers and frogshitters are the same shit, fuck off back to your respective containment boards faggots

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Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 4).png (1319x2061, 574K)

Fucking frogs get off MY MOTHERFUCKING BOARD!!!!!!!!!

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Attached: cirnofreezingfrog7.webm (320x180, 759K)

Fuck Off Frogniggers

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Nice falseflag faggot. You fuck off first.

No matter how many dumb threads these frogposters make, they will always be a bunch of stupid idiots!

Attached: cirno__9_wallpaper_collage_by_hazakimoonphase-d5o5ewg.jpg (900x720, 243K)

Cirnofags and frogposters are the same brand of cancer, sorry if the truth hurts

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it would be better if you fucktards stopped replying to every single thread he makes
this is like 3rd fastest board on the site, they would sink like rocks immediately

>3rd fastest site

Actually, it's the 7th

>Yea Forums is the fastest
>Yea Forums is FOURTH
>Yea Forums and /int/ are somehow faster than Yea Forums


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I thought Cirno defeated Kek once and for all?

cirno's a good girl
very cute
cute but dumb desu

Is it over yet?

No matter what we do, there is no cure for cancer.

She did. All that's left are their corpses.

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Can we just spam in every anime thread to bump them like the good old days?

We need to call in Yea Forums's superhero, the only poster that may save us all

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Literally me except I am not cute nor a girl desu.

Fuck off back to bumpcult.

Yea Forums didn't get slower, the rest just got overfilld with retards. All in all, a win for Yea Forums if you ask me.

/int/ is blue Yea Forums
Yea Forums is probably in shitposting overdrive because of Captain Marvel

Quick, post an anime

Wrong. Look at the stats. Yea Forums has been consistently faster than Yea Forums now since the start of 2019 with one small hiccup.

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>Yea Forums and /int/ are somehow faster than Yea Forums
game of thrones and avengers are nearby
every other board on that list was predictable except for /int/ idk why anyone actually uses that board I haven't touched it at all
maybe it's being used by softcore /pol/ refugees or something

People saying /int/ is Yea Forums are wrong. Threads get deleted there all the time while other threads that should get deleted stay for days. It's like some weird moderator hangout ground over there.

>Wrong. Look at the stats. Yea Forums has been consistently faster than Yea Forums now since the start of 2019
Yes, user Captain Marvel has been heavily advertised for months now and before that, there were Disney Star Wars movies and before that there was Black Panther and so on and so on

Yea Forums is a top 5 board for sure, only /pol/ Yea Forums /vg/ and /r9k/ I believe are ahead of it but Yea Forums is 6th place last I checked

Yesterday there were plenty of porn threads and the only thread that got deleted is the general that our favorite autist decided to shit up.
Imagine doing it for free.

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Yeah, it's clearly someone trying to drive a stake between Yea Forums and something.
It glows in the dark big time.

Newish fag here, I’m pretty ignorant towards board culture. Does /bant/ like to start shit between other boards or something?

nice try but normalcucks frogposters remain the strongest meme on Yea Forums, 4channel and internet as a whole

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Mods are cleaning up the frog threads.

My work here is done!

Attached: cirnoeyedunnolol.jpg (105x125, 10K)

Thanks, dummy.

Newishfags think cirno is a /bant/ meme. Fucking retards. She's Yea Forumss daughter, you faggots. How could you forget her?

Most cirnoposters are newfags though. Like frogshitters.
Kill yourself

Attached: cirnofrogbackto'pol'.png (378x343, 7K)

>Hurt feelings? Play the /pol/ card

This, Cirno is always welcome on Yea Forums

This picture that's over 10 years old proves it

Attached: 4chan'a'timecomparisons.png (1365x900, 132K)

You're probably right. But Cirno isn't a /bant/ thing. And posting cirno should never be hated here. You made a mistake, now apologize.

Better than hating a counter to frog scum

Cirno is the only one strong enough to neutralize their faggotry

Attached: cirnofreezingpepe4.jpg (1200x675, 345K)

What about /qa/? I know they love to post her

And don't forget about /jp/. They love her too!

You don't counter anything, retarded attention whore.
Nah, nu/jp/ is full of idolniggers nowadays and other kinds of normalfags.

I've seen quite a lot of Cirno posts in the Yea Forums waifu thread!

Yeah, Cirno is the most popular character in /2hug/ on /vg/!

frog genocide fucking when

Not to mention she's also the talk of the town in all of the Touhou threads on Yea Forums! They always start it with Reimu or Reisen, but Cirno ends up being the main discussion by the end!

>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums

Wow, Cirno is pretty popular!