What are some animes about mentally ill tranny leftists who watch degenerate foreign cartoons?

What are some animes about mentally ill tranny leftists who watch degenerate foreign cartoons?

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Kill yourself, kekshitters

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but anime is based and redpilled

OP's a Faggot

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ah, a /pol/ack frogposter, classical case of paranoid schizophrenia - calling someone mentally ill but refusing to acknowledge his own grave illness

he cute

dumb frogposter

>Yea Forums

Nigga this is basically NSDAP with anime girls

Unironically Fire Punch

Attached: FA_FP_48_09.jpg (827x1300, 210K)

Based cunny poster

Anime fucking when?

hello Yea Forums


>letting Hollyjew lecture you when you could be watching schoolgirls sniff eachother's armpits
Cringe and Bluepilled

Attached: Olivia_Clapping.webm (324x474, 15K)


haha funni frog
epic memed my friend

I want to stuff my nose in a prepubescent girls armpit and die.


Dumb frogposter

Attached: dumb frogposter.gif (487x560, 778K)

Can Frog girls wear a bikini? Moeshit Protagonists cannot wear a bikini at all and wears an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead. But Miss martian and starfire can wear a bikini.

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Did I miss something? What's with all the shitpost threads?

Can frog girls wear a bikini? No Weebshit Protagonists can wear a bikini at all and wears an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead.

Before 2016 /pol/ and /r9k/ were cleanly distinct entities. Everyone who fits both definitions is 17 or under almost guaranteed. But the typical mental illness canard is exhausted, and a worse breed of cancer than even the underaged newfags.

Janny died. What killed him?

It was Donald. No doubt about it

Can't you do better /pol/? Accel is crying in his grave with how pitiful this shit is.


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Nannies are usually slow on Sunday mornings. There's usually floods of cuck porn threads on /pol/ around this time.

Steven Universe?


routine Yea Forums raid

Yea Forums mods are useless niggers, when do we finally hang them all?

Yea Forums has no coordination

>shitpost making fun of trannies
>pol are therefore underage newfag wizards

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