So if I get it right the meaning of this anime is to not trust anyone including yourself?

So if I get it right the meaning of this anime is to not trust anyone including yourself?

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Gambling is bad

Gambling is bad AND rich people will try to keep you down for their own benefit.

It's to not let others decide your fate.

no, it's to know when to fold

it's to know when to walk away

Taking a big risk could lead to a disaster, but sometimes the goddess of luck smiles upon you.

It's about how pursuing wealth controls lives but it's also inevitable to an extent. Kaiji doesn't really have examples of people living right but Zero part 2 is big on family values and just says that "avoiding the worst" is good enough.

It's that self discipline is vital and one needs to take control of one's own life to determine their own meaning and happiness.

Attached: kaiji.jpg (523x4409, 148K)

Mmm this manga sorta teaches you NOT to rely on luck.

Class struggle is the name of the game

Know when to run.

Attached: [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_08_[28493786].mkv_snapshot_20.09_[2016.09.15_17.56.07].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>what I want it to be about
No matter surroundings, no matter upbringing, socialization and everything else around, a quality person will find something to help him struggle and then become what he meant to be. This one is motivated to struggle by gambling. So while he is munching on his own flesh he'll use that impulse to escape his gutters because one just can't classify inspiration on the bad to good scale, it just works. (I take the manga parts into consideration here)
>what it actually is
old man rumblings about how current younguns are no good

So..... where is teaser on Kaiju s3 in Tonegawa's anime?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.18_[2019.03.10_11.13.39].jpg (1280x720, 128K)

The meaning is to watch Akagi

>the goddess of luck
Congratulation, you completely miss the point of the show.

The meaning is that Kaiji keeps being betrayed at every point in the show and manga but still believes in muh friendship. Kazuya was right. Kaiji is an idiot that could have been like Akagi in terms of achievements if he didn't fall for retarded shit.

Reality is unforgiving, it's a dog-eat-dog world, etc etc

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But broke people in the anime fucked with Kaiji just as much, if not more.
This is the correct answer.

But I don't know how to play mahjong.

it's not about mahjong anyway

I still don't know anything about mahjong but I couldn't stop watching

suifuel. it's over

It's okay

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