Alright, what am I in for Yea Forums?

Alright, what am I in for Yea Forums?
I'm not into anime myself but my sister keeps nagging me requesting i watch this with her

Attached: 233670-aliya06.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

Post your sister's feet and armpits

That's my fetish OP.

10 episodes of worst girls, then 2 episodes of best girl

Attached: 1551590879318.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

fuck, please don't tell me it's some romance anime
I agreed to watch black lagoon with her and now she's trying to turn me into a weab

I think your sister wants to fuck

Ahahaha very funny, user. Very funny.

post pics of your imouto, and we'll see accordingly what our plan of action is

10 episodes of moderately boring slice of life, then 2 episodes of great.

But since this is a meme post, you already knew that. Good meme though.

Assuming this is serious, just go watch it with her with an open mind.

Then post results.


Attached: doit.jpg (476x550, 97K)

I know this is a meme, but a part of me really hopes OP and his sister are now having a really difficult and awkward conversation right now.

Fucking your sister isn't fun.

a vagina is a vagina, user

this is your sister.

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hu, picked the wrong pic

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Stop fucking teasing us you piece of crap

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So close to perfection, yet so far.

Attached: [ANE] Yosuga no Sora - Insert Song [BDRip 1080p x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2018.03.06_03.19.27]. (1920x1080, 165K)

If your sister's ugly, I understand. If she's even half as cute and lovable as Sora, wife her

Fuck your sister m8

What made Sora attractive was her obsessive adoration and lust for her brother. Insert fuel and all. But in real terms, she is not a cute or sweet person. She certainly was an ugly, mean bitch in several scenes.