What are some animes about mentally ill tranny leftists who watch degenerate foreign cartoons?
What are some animes about mentally ill tranny leftists who watch degenerate foreign cartoons?
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One piece
Based frogposter
Look mom! I posted the frog!
I love that shit lol
Imagine reposting the same thread again and again for no gain, frogposters truly do it for free
looks more like a some kind of bird dude
Any Ikuhara show
You guys prefer Wojaks, right?
The Goose.
I have the unsatiable urge to lynch the frogggers and the wojokers even more than the niggers.
I think I lost it and no one could blame me anymore.
western civilization is finished
white people's only hope is to immigrate to japan and make honorary aryan hapa babies
those are shit too
who is behind this (((post)))?
found the cut cock
Why the fuck would nips want white immigrants? I know they have a birthrate problem, but if they're so autistic they don't let third generation Korean immigrants assimilate, why would they let in some fatass Americans and Eurofags who won't spend any time or energy trying to fit in?
Anime is 100 times less degenerate than fucking western cartoons. Although that's changing as Jews and Netflix get increasing control over it.
>immigrate to japan and make honorary aryan hapa babies
Don't do this. Please don't do this. Don't fall for the "race-mixing produces intelligent children" trap. Everyone will hate you and especially your child.
umad :)
and god bless them for that
dumb frogposter
kek wills it
go bacl to /pol/ retard
gee I don't know, could it be that white men are untermensch?
Don't forget Yea Forums mods, those all deserve to be tortured to death
fuck I meant ubermensch
get lost kike
whites are subhumans by nature
you sure about that?
Based pepe dabbing on jannies and trannies
Contrary to /pol/tard beliefs we are mostly normal guys
Goddammit /pol/. If you're going to be a retard, at least do it properly.
I'm white and I'll NEVER reproduce, white race BTFO
/pol/ is just projecting
dumb frogposter
Your parents probably had you when they were 35 anyway, so you're all fucked up
t. mentally ill faggot who got tricked by similar mentally ill faggots into thinking that he's normal
Shouldn't you be trying to defend pol from the yanggang?
GTFO you flaming faggot
iToddler BTFO
why are you so scared of BWC? there's nothing funnier than a sexually intimidated gook """man"""
Its just a hobby. Sure its a little weird, but so is posting about the jews on an anime website 24/7.
I want frogshitters to leave
Yea Forums IS /yangang/
comfy NEETbux for life
I don't think this is /pol/, probably a third-rate troll who comes here because of the many retards that keep giving him (you)s.
Only Todd Bodd's here faggot
the drumpf shill boomers are literally seething
I don't understand who even though of this as a good "meme" to spam everywhere they go. The picture look horrendous.
The head is the same width as the body (Big head=Sub zero IQ i guess), the lips look no different from those black stereotypes in racist films back in the days, the eyes are half a step removed, and worst of all, the tux doesn't make any damn sense because frog breathes though their skins.
How the Fuck is this even a thing? It's erritating to look at even to actual waycist and the movement behind it got meme to Death already.
How old even are these kekshitters?
>Only $1k
>Not $2k
imagine being a MIGApede that sends his wagiebux to fund Israel's wall while he gets none
YANG 2020
It's a strange hobby you have, just wear normal clothes, damn. I don't see any pleasure in wearing wigs. It's ugly and isn't even funny.
Shut up nigger
Like why would you work again if you could get $1k doing nothing?
now we wait for a higher bidder
MIGA shills on suicide watch
I'm too hairy to ever even attempt that shit
>Free shit
While I understand why neets support this guy, I don't see how it wouldn't ruin the economy, since no one in poor class would go yo work
>implying $12k a year is enough to live off of
Are you under the age of 18?
shut the fuck up retarded boomer
Atleast you understand that it's ugly as sin to do so. I think you can get out of that hole
Sorry faggot, only Todd Bros here.
i really don't
Based, fuck trannies
Yea Forums is yang gang turf
Hahaha, basement seething neet commie with zero experience or understand ing of economics
space force
the study has been done in Finland, it doesn't increase or decrease employment, but it does increase the happiness of population, which is good.
the thing is that some people can't live without working. us two are rare exceptions who enjoy hermit lifestyle.
I don't think a feminist would post loli
38 billion for israel and no wall
yikes kys cringe boomer
Reminder that the scorpion did objectively nothing wrong.
Okay amigos please stop stop andale andale
>38 billion for israel and no $1000
its all the same shit
>muh basic economics
Why is Arby's so based?
Based thread god bless fuck anime fuck Yea Forums fuck imageboards
did I get linked to Yea Forums ?
t.seething migapede
The $38 billion given to Israel was signed by Obama in September 2016, not by Trump.
Finland isn't USA at all. They have a low population and almost no refugees. That can work with several thousands neets cannot go well with millions and millions of neets, ghetto niggas, rednecks, etc.
What's going on friends?
Shonentards, jojofags, narutofags, hetshitters, feetfags, isekaifags, VEGfags, deconstructionfags, Miyazakifags, they all need to be gassed
>Muh free 1000 $
reminder to you are legally ethically allowed to hanged all miganiggers
Make India Great Again?
based pepe triggering Yea Forums, where incels begin their travel towards becoming trannies
we also have might more advanced automation rolling out soon in USA which will displace millions of jobs.
it's actually in the best interest of CORPORATIONS that more people have money to spend.
Sorry chump, this is Todd Turf now
When exactly India was great?
Wanna watch too?
Doremi's a very heart-warming show i would recommend to anyone, confident they'll enjoy themslelves.
If you wud liek 2 learn moar about da show b4 goign in deres a nice articlel regardign id here:
Follow pic-related 4 moar information on the show but also 2 figure out what order 2 watch everything in. it's bury important u follow this guide.
-what u'll need-
For watching: mpc-hc.org
(You'll need a MKV-compatiblel media player for season 1. MPC's good for it and rly lite-weight too)
-where 2 download-
There's torrents but also just a MEGA with all of the episodes upload'd exclusively 4 [s4s]
ALL OB DA EPISOEDS (includes a hi-qualelty [s4s] release ob mo~tto):
OJAMAJO ADVENTURE: NAISHO NO MAHOU (a visulel noblel, as ob now ids stlell untranslaet'd):
ur gonna wanna place dis intto da main folder tto fix both da missign CD error n incompatiblelity wid newer bersions ob windows:
OJAMAJO PACMAN (a fangame by yuiposter, deres loleso a code u cam put in ffor a secret charactrr!):
And he still kept it in place, along with finally changing the embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as Israel's capital, dont forget about refusing to withdraw troops in order to protect Israel
when will miga niggers learn?
the god's chosen people
I used to, had a couple and realised it's mostly the same thing over and over and i rather spend that time for myself besides i don't like formal relationships, the formal stuff tend to break things, you don't need put a name on our relationship, if we fuck we fuck, if we kissu we kissu, formal stuff carries obligations that tend to bring monotony and ruin things in the long run, besides when you grow older you start to have a more complex filter so you don't get up having a relationship with whoever you come across.
Dumb fogposter
How does Yea Forums do it?
The Ford economic system has it's limits, because now Ford doesn't have the monopoly of car industry, unlike a century ago.
thats not the real todd
Mom, Dad, you might want to sit down for this.
Ok. First off, I want to say thanks for putting some time aside for this, it really means a lot to me. I also want to say that no matter how you take this, I'm still your son, you're still my parents, and nothing will ever change that. I know that this has probably been on your minds for some time now, and you probably already know, but I want to just officially come out and say it. So, here goes nothing.
No, NO Dad! I do. I do have to do this. Please, sit down. Mom, stop crying! It's ok. It's fine. Everything's going to be fine.
does anyone have a modified version of the myaa-nee sex gif? looks like the original is banned
1200-1400 ish
they would have been better off if mudslimes from the north hadn't burned their centuries old libraries and stuff and set them back irrecoverably
Yea Forumsnon's room
just say spics and seaniggers and we got it
>And he still kept it in place
Please tell me how he was suppose to revert a foreign aid policy that was already in works?
>dont forget about refusing to withdraw troops in order to protect Israel
You mean assist the Kurds in coordinated cleanup of ISIS in Northern Syria. He's leaving 400 soldiers left and they aren't there for combat duty.
A mi no me gusta el shonen la concha de tu madre
Can we have some good anime memes bros amma share a few
Todd is a friend of yours Todd. With $2k, NEETs can buy not just Fallout 76, but all future installments and the dlc and paidmods that come with it.
Yeah, that's sad. Muslim librarys also got destroyed, only by mongols, who torched Bagdad
We know you're jealous Pedro it's okay.
Viola gang
Jared Kushner, his son in law is a kike zionist
You too, Mentally ill tranny.
I think I hate seaniggers more than spics or niggers at this point, they shit up every anime community, never spend money because they're poor as shit, think they're native English because they speak broken unga bunga English in their countries and shit up everything with their horrid, retarded broken English
seaniggers are the biggest plague on the anime community
Are there any anime series about frog posters brutally killing themselves in painful ways?
You act as if this is somehow news. Everyone knew this since Trump announced he was running back in mid-2015.
imagine writing something so cringe with a straight face. did that faggot think he was in an anime or something.
Which one are you? Isekaifag? uh let me guess, VEGfag maybe? Kill yourself
I guess its sunday for jannies too.
I made some irl weeb friends and goddamn their facebook posts make me want to die
>Isekaifag? uh let me guess, VEGfag
Not all of them
>Kill yourself
Do it first in favor of this world.
Yeah kinda, like MC has a backstory where one rainy day he founds a cute loli in the street and decided to take care of her and inspired on how sad her story was he decided to open an orphanage for lolis and he and his now fully recovered loli would go to the street and rescue more lolis from harsh and sad situations (1 Episode aprox each loli) and help them recover from drugs, abuse and stuff, all the lolis sleep together in a room and also go to school, the first loli helps the others lolis to integrate and make friends, some of the rescued lolis are agressive but with time and love from MC their attitude is changed and the climax of the show are the last 2 episodes where some social agent shit from goverment tries to close MC orphanage but with the power of love everything works out.
13 Episodes 12+1 OVA where MC takes them to the beach.
frogposting should be along the same lines as mlp posting
I'd cry too if my son had this level of shit taste.
We need to make a plan for purging the seaniggers from our communities
calculate the fluid dynamics of a cunny
How come neet parasites love to live in darkness? It's almost like a cave at this point
A gun for me, A Bullet for Thee
Anyone here who's parents have seen their loli doujin collection? How'd it go?
>1 hour ago
What the actual fuck
Wew lads
spics have great memes you would know this if you have passed your spanish classes
Fuck jannies
and fuck animes
truly the /lastsonofthewest/