Is this AOTS?

Is this AOTS?

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>Is this AOTS?
NO. is this AOTY? YES

>entire show is carried by some chuunibyou tier autist


Yes, and?

Not even close

Attached: hardcoded mob 101.webm (854x480, 2.27M)

Damn, Akira looks like THAT?

Yes i love her meme sharingan faces

yes no competition.

Manga of the year?
Anime of the season?
Not sure.

>s-so what if the show has an obvious major flaw in terms of character depth and storyline, it should still be the considered the best anime that is to be offered for the season because cute ribbon dance goofball girl >:((( *rewatches chika dance*

not when Mob exists

>every time I see 'AOTS' I think you guys are talking about 'attack of the show' from G4

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Chikafags are worse than Remfags. Kaguya and Prez's dynamic is what carries the story. Chika is barely ever funny.

eh... It could have been better. Last episode was splending, but lot before it were just meh both direction and production wise.

I`d nominate DomeCano, but its quality dropped even worse while it was good at begining production wise.

So Mob 100% is the winner. I love Kaguya, but anime is not better than manga and lacks in many areas.

Majority of lewd fanart on pixiv is exclusively Chika. Theres litterally almost no Kaguya/rest, only sporadic Hayasaki art.

Majority of japanese seem to be Chika fags.

Domekano is easily intro of the year however

Without Chika however this show wouldn't even have a quarter of its relevancy, it's just a copout t insert some generic cute moe and make her say some retarded lines and captivate normalfags

>s-st-st-st-stoooopp finding certain tropes fun! reeeeee nononoooooo!

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That's not Spec ops: The Magical Girl Asuka

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Mob, Shield Hero and Dororo have better production values. Also whoever chooses Kaguya's chapters to adapt screwed up royally in some cases. They sometimes focus on odd stuff.
Make no mistake, Kaguya is the anime I'm enjoying the most out of this season, but it has flaws in the chapter order, and every chapter being divided in parts hurts the flow.
It's by far the best romance anime of the season though. Probably of the year, since it's garnering so much attention with newbies. Unlike 5toubun, which owes its sales to the VAs.

Of course not.

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>unironically still watching kemurikuso
God, tatukifags are so retarded.

Maybe if you stopped being retarded?

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Boogiepop is a contender.


So far this season
Dropped everything else


>ow the edge: the anime


Reddit: In your head, rent free

you mean this
the manga is at least a good waste of time but ... stop hyping up this mediocre garbage

Attached: Kaguya.png (618x546, 242K)

Go back.


Go down your Reddit hole.

you mean techtv right?
damn g4, killing that channel

reminder that if you call her chika your opinion is completely irrelevant

ComedyOTS sure. AOTS goes to Mob Psycho in my book.

Sure, if you're 14 and reddit.

Best OP of season. Wouldn't say it's AOTS.

It's in reverse. BP isn't even in the competition.


damn you sure showed him

I think the rebrand to AotS was after G4 acquired them. It was Screen Savers during the TechTV days.

definitely the funniest show this season

>Shield Hero [has] better production values
Really? It's nothing impressive to look at and has a decent amount of shitty CGI.

No, Boogiepop is aots

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Yes. Second place is Mob. Everything else isn't close to being as good as these two.

I mean, it's not a bad show, but the whole premise is totally bananas.
>I totally wanna fuck him but can't do first move or I'll lose
>I totally wanna fuck her too, but can't because
Holy fucking shit. It's just annoying after an episode or two. Just fuck already.
>you can come into my bed
>but dont do the sex

Lol! Post it again dude

As of latest episodes, it's either Asuka or Manaria friends for me.

kaguya is good but boogiepop wa warawanai is probably my favorite

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Did Boogiepop get better after the first three episodes? 2 and 3 moved painfully slow even after 1 did everything in its power to misdirect my attention, so I'm not convinced that later arcs could be any better.

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don't post the actually good things in the shitposting thread

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>Did Boogiepop get better after the first three episodes?
Yes, even the animation got so much better

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So why did the maid literally tell the dude he's got three hours to sex her and nobody will ever know? Was that one of those bullshit tests, or did she really mean it?

it's brain dead humor

I've been reading Kaguya for years, and while this is a great adaption, it isn't AOTS. Not even close.
Mob Psycho II is AOTS.

I'm not sure yet, I've got a few shows I quite like this season but among those none really stands out significantly. This is definitely one of the best this season though.

She's sick of Kaguya's shit already and wants them to fuck asap.

Yes, a fun creative take on a done to death genre.

She always needs to do the most stupid shit to help Kaguya in her plans, so she wanted to cut it short and quicken things up.

>capeshit is AOTS.
hahaha, wait, let me just, HAHAHAHAHA

There is barely dynamic. It’s a bunch of idiots who think for hours on end and do nothing

This show is reddit incarnate. AOTY and therefore AOTS is based and rapepilled Shield Hero. That is Yea Forums approved.

Mob Psycho II has a more meaningful story and character development than any anime airing this season.

>based and rapepilled Shield Hero. That is Yea Forums approved.
animeonlyfag please consider to kill yourself to make this a better place.
This is Yea Forums approved

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For how much theanga is praised I expected the jokes to be good but apparently is just the Grand Blue of romcoms were the same overused joke, aka:the main characters monologue to themselves the entire show and the punchline is always the opposite of what they were monologuing

Not yet.

She probably expected he wouldn't have the guts, but at least she expected him to kiss her or to probe for her weaknesses.
She was still on standby in case of emergency though.

Only by default. This season's been a wasteland.

It really doesnt. Mob is as flat and simple as it gets. And it's ultimately flawed by the very fact that Mob is indeed a superhero, but he doesnt want to (wew, what a twist, then he proceeds to anyways). It's shit.

I just thought it was super out of place (anime only here) and uber creepy, to say the least..

The most meaningful stories mostly come from simple ideas. And its 'simple' message is much more entertaining than any currently airing show.
Mob Psycho 2 is my AOTS.

Only good things are Kemurikusa and Kotobuki.

It was briefly "good" for 4 or so episodes, then went straight back to being boring shit

Oh, come on. I want to be a better person, gotta improve myself stories are fucking lame as shit. And you fucking know it. And the autor fucking knows it too, otherwise he wouldn't have put the supernatural bullshit into this to entertain the kids, especially not because it exactly clashes so fucking hard with its simple idea.
>got the superpowers, but too afraid to use them
>gotta be something else other than superman
>muh sports
>a scratch that, we're back to superman
holy fuck

>s-so what if the show has an obvious major flaw in terms of character depth and storyline
It doesn't though?

Fucking this. Mob is nothing but a feel good story, and not even a good one, disguised as a shounen. The whole superpowers thing is just to distract people from what it is.

Episode 10 is best anime episode of the season

why this shit isn't considered Yea Forums?

Yea Forums being butthurt at fujiwara for bringing in new fans with her ending scene is hilarious. buch of hipsters.

like you fags ever paid a cent for a kaguya manga lel

You are talking abot Mob

It's not published in my country and I don't wanna pay for more than it is due fuck off.

Officially and objectively no.

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>obvious flaw in character depth and storyline
This is just plain wrong.

>Eromanga sensei as best anything
opinion discarded.

Close. I'm either gonna have this or Shield Hero as my AOTS, still up in the air who is gonna take it.

>Maid Dragon
>Eromanga Sensei
>Violet Evergarden
Kill yourself.

But VEG is AOTD, user.

Well, it's really not a good season. Might be personal. I don't know. I'm having most fun with Ueno. That's really just fun and a pleasure to watch.

>t. Kyoanusfag

top 3 at least, mob probably beats it though

>Kaguya is the anime I'm enjoying the most out of this season
so it's aots?

Anime Only for Tasteless Dicklickers?


Either this or Dororo for me. It'll probably come down to how good they do the fireworks chapters.

This seems to be the general consensus, yes.

>imagine thinking quirky romcom of the month is better than classic in the making MP 100.
Keep seething faggot. You might as well pick endro as your aots atleast you fit in on the rest of Yea Forums.

not him, I don't care about Kyoani but think Violet Evergarden is anime of the decade though.

I never implied Kaguya is AOTS, faggot. That would be Ueno. Today's episode was fantastic.

The general consensus seems divided between this and Mob to be honest, even thought there no fandom wars between the two (except for this guy that went and assumed without a logic reason that the post came from a Kaguya supporter).

>quirky romcom of the month
You know what I think? Depending on how they'll handle the last episode of Kaguya, there's a good chance it'll be remembered and talked about way more in years to come than Mob S2 will. You might laugh now, but just wait. I won't say it's for certain that they won't fuck it up.

I've only seen the dance webm and the ironic weebery that follows. It's obviously disqualified.


So a moeshitter like yourself hates Mob? Sasuga


Thats even worse you just played yourself moeshitter.

>Romance show
>Romance goes nowhere

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Unlike most rom""coms"", the romance isn't the focus, but the comedy. That's also the reason you won't enjoy it unless you like the humor.

I like kaguya but boogie is AOTS

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Yeah no chance unless bones fuck up the finale sakuga which below 5% unlikely, general concensus will always favour action oriented show.

The sorting in that chart is absolute cancer.
I literally got eye cancer just trying to figure out what the fuck i'm looking at.

The general consensus favours Kaguya.

I don't know what the general consensus is or where you're getting it from.

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If by general concensus you mean "leddit" and "mal", mob already got that covered safely. Even certain few eceleb shilling hard for mp100 for some reason.

quality bait

Overrated like Nozaki.


>Majority of lewd fanart on pixiv is exclusively Chika
What's your point? That doesn't change what that user posted.

Why doesn't anyone on this board understand what this word means?

this episode was as boring as the last one ...

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>not him

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_His_And_Her_Circumstances_Ep10_(86B86DE8).mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2016.07.27_20.54.09]. (640x480, 33K)

Why is she so based?

Not him, but it's a pun on "kuso", the Jap word for shit.
I thought it was kinda funny

That's her name

Would you prefer we use family name or honorifics?

I want to hang out with Fuuka

You know this really pisses me off because i'm actually not that guy. You deserve your post deleted for trolling and off topic shit.

Well I don't know shit about those places but it wouldn't surprise me considering Mob is aimed at a more immature teen demographic.