Cute girl asks if you watch anime

>cute girl asks if you watch anime

How do you reply?

Attached: rumia.png (583x624, 854K)

>cute girls
>ever approaching me within 10 meters
>opening a conversation instead of playing dead so I don't notice them

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Say "I've seen a few, What's your favorite?" This immediately shows her you're into it (and doesn't tell her that you watch tons of it and post on anime image boards) as well as shifts the focus to her so she can talk about herself, which all girls love.

Get game Yea Forums

>actually had this happen
>turns out she was massive weeb
>only liked mecha and BL anime
>hated anohana
What a cruel life.

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your loss for having shit taste

i would probably say "yeah a little" and end it there because im autistic and would never reveal anything more about my power level
is good though

Pull out my wallet and show her pictures of my waifu

Fuck off and die.

This, but instead of asking for favorites I ask what she's watching this season as a filter, because I don't talk to casuals.


>cute girls who watch anime
do they even exist in the first place?

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Ignore her because she's probably some SJWeeb slut that just wants to gush about Attack on Titan and Banana Fish.

This is basically how I talk to anyone whenever anime is brought up. It lets me adjust my response based on how much of a pleb they are.

>cute girl

Attached: 1539628336738.jpg (348x342, 34K)

She is now confused and asks what you mean. "W-well you see anime air in Japan throughout the season. Some are one cour some are two cour.... Lots of manga adaptations lately h-heh" you mutter, as the look on her face turns to confusion and disgust.

met a few
chill folks

>questioning the rationality of incels

There are a lot of cute girls into anime in Japan who aren't disgusting fujoshi. A lot of them happen to like Love Live and often times I was the only guy browsing that section whilst surrounded by girls

weeb girls are batshit crazy. every one of them I've interacted with was absolutely insufferable

I see one in the mirror everyday.

>. A lot of them happen to like Love Live
How does that even work?

Wearing a skirt doesn't count.

I guess cute girls enjoy anime about cute girls?

I was really confused cause I thought this was Illya at first through the thumbnail. It only conveys that this is Rumia though her hair thingy.
Also saged, girls are cringe and people who haven't watched Yamato shouldn't talk about anime.

Doesn't idolshit only attract males?


From my personal experience visiting multiple Animates across Japan, the Love Live section usually has more girls than guys browsing. But then again I was a tourist so most of my visits were during work hours were adult males have to be at work. However there are much more girls near the fujoshi titles


I saw a lot of girls when I went to the Sunshine movie in japan

Everyone likes cute girls, that's why girls are way more gay than boys.

Reading this made me kind of flustered.

tfw no Yea Forumsnon bf to watch anime with

not with that attitude


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>cute girls
>not just girls
I don’t think I’ve ever had one talk to me


Girls approach me all the time. It's annoying, I just want to be left alone. I don't even get why when I'm ugly and have a deathstare.

it'll be like that
sometimes tho

Intuition immediately tells me to be suspicious, and that she could representing her cohort in assessing what type of individual I am so that they can make fun of me behind my back. However, because I am a helpless beta autist, I realize that lying is futile and admit that it is one of my hobbies anyway.

Cashiers ask me if I need a bag all the time.
