I think she needs the toilet
Buyfag thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Poorfags and spics can fuck off!
read the guide
You guys are insufferable.
Isn't that redundant?
Going back and having some fun with figures I purchased before I could take a half decent picture
>Bringing shit from past threads
Are you mentally retarded?
Looks great!
I never got into Touhou but these figs look really damn good. Feels bad being a Fatefag where they give us half the quality for twice the price knowing we will buy them like the suckers we are.
In the buyfag guide, all the daki pillows are from japanese companies. Are there any on amazon that you guy's have bought that are good quality? I refuse to believe Americans can't even make a decent inner pillow.
snugglepedic or royal pillow
It's a nontraditional style for dakis, but my favorite pillow is the chopped memory foam with bamboo cover on Amazon. Its heavy, way overstuffed, hypoallergenic and doesn't absorb smells, and the comfiest thing year round. Currently marketed as Coop Home Goods
I have Marisa, and I can say that this line is very nicely sculpted and painted, but also quite small.
It's worth the price to proxy buy a dhr7000.
It's also way too short.
I use a 150cm cover and the pillow fills it entirely. It would be a no-go for a 160 though.
Excellent taste in witches
>after much consideration decided to finally order a lewd figure
>only the more expensive exclusive preorder version is still open on amiami
>hobbysearch still open preorders
Is hobbysearch going to fuck me somehow
What is the general consensus for bootlegs?
Did you masturbate before you hit buy?
Know that you're getting a strictly inferior product made by slave labor, and know that it'll probably end poorly. If you're fine with that or are using them for spare parts/custom jobs then whatever. Just don't post them and act like they're worth having.
The idea that buying bootlegs forces Chinese people to work as slaves has piqued my interest. Sounds like a market worth supporting.
I've been considering it for a few weeks now and I'm pretty damn sure I want it regardless at this point. It looks great.
w-what is this from?
My camera.
which show please tell me
I honestly don't know or care.
You guys really don't know Koneko Toujo?
highschool dxd
>like it a lot
>still not getting it
>colors hard to fix on this one
I'm not super into bunnies, but I think she looks good.
Hobby Search is legit, you're fine.
I looked up reviews for a few hours and just decided to get a proxy to buy dhr6000. Already gave a deposit to shopping mall japan.
>should be sleeping
Why? 7000 is much better.
I see conflicting reviews that say that 6000 is better and that 7000 is less firm but retains it's shape better. Apparently quality control can make one better or worse than the other.
For a >60% increase in price, there better be definite and concrete advantages.
delicious tony slut that is also a bote
>A weld
>On a figure like that
For what possible fucking purpose
Just how bad is this figure in person? I have $135 monopoly bucks on TOM and can basically get her for free
That's one ugly weld seam.
I mean, is there anyway to avoid a weld on tits being squished like that?
The complaints seem to focus on her looking pretty simple for the cost ("like a prize figure") and her face is kinda derpy, which is what stopped me from getting her. I got Saber Cuirasser instead which I think looks a lot more interesting.
I always wondered does anyone have an Aqua figure? How does it look under the skirt? Does she have panties?
What do you feel when you look at the figure of a dead character?
no, no one has an aqua figure and there is no place to check that exist currently
Tzeentch? The fuck you doing here? The fuck outta Yea Forums with you
Someone is selling a pretty rare figure for 40 euros (44USD, 5k jpy) when the pre-owned price is like 15k, the announce is on MFC and it's one of my dream figure, asked some question to the owner they said the box is missing and extra face is missing as well but the figure is neat, do i fall for the bait or wait a bit to figure out if it's a scam or the owner just doesn't have any common sense on the actual pricing?
Pic related
I want my Toobie already.
Why the hell did they delay it so much?
Is this the one with an ass flatter than a loli's chest?
I wouldn't do it.
Even if it's on an actual transaction platform?
Ask for pics
Its probably a real one but no box is kinda annoying
I did, they said they're selling for a friend (sounds a bit fishy imo, why they can't sell it by themselves?), and the fig hasn't arrived to their house yet so I'd have to wait for wednesday
>no box
I actually don't mind that if it means saving 80 euros...but the owner previously said there was no box, then told me the box is arriving wednesday? Tbh I'm a bit confused as well
Remi looks really nice
Are these custom bodies/headswaps?
Found no fig of Mari like that for example.
fuck off faggot
No-one actually hates sluts.
why do people ruin their figures applying this trashy crap?
>not improve
any kind of tatoo is shit
Man that paintjob looks terrible.
It's a Griffon figure so the quality can only improve no matter what you do to it.
And that where you are wrong.
Slutty tattoos as sign is submission are hot!
Don't talk, spic.
Like one or two can be hot, but this is just overkill.
There's nothing wrong with tattoos
Womb tattoos are the sign of a top class semen demon
Eye tattoos are idiotic,applying a decal over other decal ffs can you even remove them?
are Bandai figures any good?
have been poor forever and never been a buyfag before
Come back after you read this:
thank you user
Depends which figure, most myth clothes have decent/good quality but they're also more expensive, figuarts zero scales are below mediocre, dbz action figures have acceptable quality.
This isn't the hobby for you if you're poor
Also bandai recently acquired banpresto, now it's Bandai-Banpresto
Some poor spic got offended and reported it.
Not if he buys other merchandise like keychains and mugs. But it depends on how poor he is.
The mods are poor spics.
Is buying plush dakimakura a good idea?
I already have two 2WT and I like to try something new, but I'm also too poor to risk buying something just to check it out.
anime undergarment; yes or no?
Best to check with your mom.
She might not be comfortable washing those for you and you may end up doing your own laundry in the end.
hai domo
user I do all my laundry
the only females that would see them are probably my tinder dates
didn't ask
>grindr autocorrected to tinder
That's cute.
I'm gonna say no, since what are you gonna do, frame your underwear? It doesn't seem like an optimal way of enjoying the character art.
A couple is fine but the bastard used the entire page.
I was finally able to get the poster from one of my favorite H-anime
Sorry for the "steam." Please understand
Hobbysearch has better service than amiami. The only reason people suck amiami's dick is because about 10 years ago, amiami had the better prices. Now the tables have turned but people are so used to shopping at amiami they don't want to go back to using the other stores.
Why is this only 1 episode..
Where do you buy hentai posters from?
>Hobbysearch has better service than amiami
Literally how? I have 40+ orders on both and the only actual difference was you can add PayPal so they automatically bill you on HobbySearch instead of having to wait for a request.
Nice desu.
But muh postcards
Depends on if you've had to contact them for a lost package or missing item. Hobbysearch will help you out. Amiami will leave you out to dry like a filthy gaijin.
Honestly curious now. Got any examples? I've never lost anything from either but I know what amiami's is like.
the prices are the same
Yeah, Amiami is very nice to the point they went ahead and helped me get a replacement for a base for a 3dglass which was limited production.
>tinder girl calls my figures dolls
umm no sweetie
>b-better service
>b-better prices
>literally 0 evidence posted
Fuck off, retard.
Better vtuber coming thru
I snagged this of Amazon and it was totally worth it.
I bought the adjustable body pillow from royal pillow and I cant reccomend it, it clumps way to easily and it's nowhere near as comfy
Its gives some characters figures they wouldn't have aside from a funko pop
Some can look good others not so much
As for knockoffs, avoid like the plague
Have you tried the 9000? How well does it compare to that one and how does it feel to live in Australia?
Do you like kamen rider? If not then dont bother
pls respond
thanc u
Why does best girl sit like that?
Can you take a picture of it laying on a flat surface? There was review that the 9900LS wasn't too fluffed up, lacked stuffing. Maybe that was just a bad QC.
Based on the way her pony tail is raised, I'm guessing she just plopped down.
I'm disappointed they decided to lower the amount of points you get from purchases.
It's not hard to search for the same product on both stores. They are at least the same price and sometimes up to 1k yen lower.
There was a time when we used to complain about amiami's shipping costs being higher than their competitors but you've probably been indoctrinated to not even notice anymore.
It really depend of the product honestly, hobbysearch reduction usually last longer though
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
Il take a picture when I get home, thing was an absolute unit though after I unpacked it, its insanely puffed up
What's a plush dakimakura?
Well, the price thing at least is fairly obvious. Between the places where I do the preponderance of my jp shopping, HLJ, 1999, and AmiAmi, pricing is all over the place between them, but it isn't uncommon for me to find something cheaper than on amiami. Of course AmiAmi also deals in more types of goods and often has preorder knick-knacks.
I also need some pillows in 100x30 but nothing like that is readily available. The royal and snuggle pages say they can do custom pillow sizes so I wonder if that's an option.
>1 example
Lolicons can have a pillow modified to be smaller by anyone with a sewing machine, and you can fine tune the amount of stuffing
Isn't that kind of like fleece or maybe like the microfiberish material used in those character plushies you find in crane games? Honestly it kind of looks bad and I don't personally like the texture of either of the things I mentioned. I guess the upside might be cost and possibly it feeling much warmer.
I'd thought about that and I could(?) make multiple pillows from one, but the last time I used my sewing machine it was white and now it's a nice bromine yellow. I guess that's as good a reason as any to use it barring irrevocably fucking up the seam.
Do you guys do anything to protect cloth tapestries from stuff? I used to have a Gunslinger Girl cloth that came with the DVD hanging on my wall that ended up with some small brown spots after a few years, which I assume is from bugs landing on it and shitting on it or something. I have a long cloth banner that I would like to hang up, but I don't want it to get dirty. I was thinking of getting some sheer curtains or something to hang over it for protection. Would that work? Would the banner be visible enough underneath? Or would it just look like shit if I did that?
Depending on the size you could always frame it with something like plexiglass and unless you live in a very tropical place you can also reduce the amount of bugs by vacuuming and dusting more often.
It's about 10ft long, so I think framing is out of the question.
I told you how to find more. Don't expect me to spoonfeed you for the rest of your life.
Here, I've given you a nice variety from different manufacturers. If you're not a shill, there's no reason to pay the higher price if you can get the exact same product elsewhere. But go ahead and tell me it's more convenient to have all your orders in one place like an apple/steam/consolefag.
Guess i'll remember to check hobbysearch next time. What about shipping prices ?
Not them but picking only expensive figures seems unfair to comapre
Fucking retard I gave you several examples,stop being in denial.
Take a look at their nendos if you want. It's only a few yen cheaper but cheaper is still cheaper.
They all use the same shipping rates. Amiami has thicker boxes and more packing paper so it gives the impression of being more expensive. Here's an example, the Kirie Kagarino figure which has a huge box, I ordered her off amiami, shipping via EMS was 6740yen. Same figure with EMS from hobbysearch is 5900yen. The boxes they have available to ship it in would also affect price too of course.
Woah, calm down bro
Don't get mad if you're being called out for literally cherry picking
Then why don't you show some examples where he's wrong?
>cherry picking
>tells you to check the prices online for yourself
>goes out of his way to give you different figures from different manufacturers
I use CDJapan because AmiAmi is too addictive, I ended up adding shit I didn't really want that much to my monthly order
400 to 600 yen isnt a huge difference
Technically cheaper, but if you're scrounging multiple for 5 bucks savings idk what to tell you user
what's wrong with you?
If you order more than a few figures a year, it adds up.
Besides its basic economics. If you can get a burger at one store, and the exact same burger at another store with no difference in quality, service or taste, for a few cents cheaper, logic dictates you should get the cheaper burger since there is no downside. Yeah it's a few cents, but why would you pay a few cents more for the same burger?
And we still haven't seen a single example from the Amiami shills showing their products are cheaper.
it's 10k for nearly 20 figures a year that would mean an extra "free" figure
All I said was that all the examples you chose were expensive
If you look at cheaper stuff it's barely any difference or none at all
No reason to get so pissy about it you faggot
He is still right
Fuck off Pablo, go back to school to get a better job and stop reporting shit that offends you.
If you have orders every month, its crucial to get everything from the same store when possible so you can combine shipping, and so your planned combinations don't go completely off the rails when one item is delayed. Doesn't matter what store it is as long as they have everything you want.
Calm down buddy, it's just plastic butts.
>haha plastic butts amiright fellow weebs
Shut up already.
If you consider saving 500 yen worthwhile because it can add up to a figure over a year, then you have to concede that not shipping a small item by itself for 2000 yen every other month would be crucial to the same strategy.
Assuming one store isn't too far from the other. But that's a moot point when talking about online stores.
some funko pops aren't that bad, a coworker gave me pic related as a birthday present
To expand on that, I wish AmiAmi would partner with a manga seller to combine orders for a nominal fee. They ship out a lot of very light and bulky boxes each day that could be ballasted down with doujin manga, tanks, and magazines and it would be mutually beneficial. That would really make them a one stop shop.
>its basic economics
You clearly know jack shit about economics, there are shitloads of theories that go over cases just like this involving price and are taught on literally any economics course.
You used the wrong numbers.
I think you were aiming for .
It's understandable that you might get excited at having such a swift and intelligent response.
that figure looks like a fucking prize
I would assume plush is more likely to have pilling (the little lint balls) in the long run. It would also sleep hotter than 2WT and probably absorb more sweat/moisture so IMO not a good idea.
No they didn't.
>haha guyz, i made a double off topic shitpost, im so funny
Everything retards don't like they label it as a "prize figure".
no, it unironically has prize figure quality
sure, it'd be on the better end of prize figures, but nowhere near worth the price
Not disagreeing but he made it sound like it was a big difference
Good to always price check for sure, its just not a huge difference either way shipping is usually the big difference
I stuck with ami, because last time I checked HLJ didn't offer airmail.
Head and air are fine but both body and swimsuit need shading,also the swimsuit is poorly sculpted
>head and hair
Yea Forums somehow became more rigid than I remember Sunday school being.
Fuck you.
Maybe her butt hurts
Tattoos are just aesthetically ugly. A little womb tattoo is fine but the shit that goes up people's entire arm or their whole body makes me want to vomit.
she's half demon so it isn't wrong.
That's also, as far as I'm aware, not a POP!. Funko manufactures different lines of figures and the POP! is that beady eyed statue with a big head. My guess is that is a Funko Rock Candy. Calling it a "pop" is somewhat like calling all anime posable figures Figmas or all chibi/SD figs Nendos.
but figma is the japasese word for figure
Why is FOTS the only one making figures that I would actually care about buying?
Of course I'm not buying this but I still hate how they keep blueballing me.
because they know what people want and they're willing to buy. So as long as they make the characters people want, theywon't care about the quality
There's never going to be a quality sailor mars scale is there?
It's agoddamndorable.
Not being into fate is a huge money saver.
The slightly derpy face is actually really cute and I want to pat her head.
That's like, just your opinion man.
not him but kys
What said.
Fuck off.
I'm sure Narutards will still buy it.
>cute lolis
>barbie doll bits
>alter prices
>break in transit
How can they keep cock teasing with this bullshit and get away with jt
I think staying Boat free for so long will end with this.
Pretty sure the Japanese word for figure is フィギュア (figyua) or フィギア (figia) and searching フィグマ on JP wikipedia points out it's specifically a GSC brand. Unless you have a dictionary with evidence indicating otherwise I'm gonna have to call you out as being wrong.
That or you're just having a giggle and the joke went over my head. You still look silly.
thankfully she already has a good one coming out
Looking forward to this cutie!
And then there's the bust, which is huge.
>That or you're just having a giggle and the joke went over my head.
It's a meme my man, I figured the "japasese" would have given it away
I never thought someone could be that dense.
This hurts a lot, mine didn't break and looks fine to me but I wished the quality was upgraded specially since the designs are done by my favorite artist.
She looks older in this new sculpt. I don't like that.
there it goes...my entire wallet
Gaze upon the horror.
Admittedly bad picture.
Still no enterprise.
Can't wait for her to be out.
At least they have different bodies, unlike a certain other manufacturer's bunnies.
You can one-click price check using buyfriend.moe
The body seems like a copy/paste with just different color, almost no effort on the legs and overall look like a prize figure.
>pits with absolutely no detail
>legs are fucked up
Please tell me this is not going to be the only Hazime figure.
It's my first time posting on Yea Forums(nel) after like a 5 month hiatus. I'm rusty.
Pray not user.
I also hope another company picks up Capriccio's work.
What's the matter user? Don't like sluts?
Nobody sleeps with a leg up like that
Plenty of people do, actually.
I'm going to delete her save data.
Let's keep it that way.
What the hell, never knew about this tool. Or rather I never paid attention to the link being posted until now. I wish it had Nippon Yasan with the comparisons since their preorder prices have gotten quite competitive, I recently discovered they're the cheapest now. Gonna email admin about it.
And yeah I agree on the topic. Amiami is now almost never the cheapest option, they're only consistently better than HLJ who's always had the worst discounts anyway. Ami's earned so many loyal customers from back when they were the cheapest years ago. As someone who's never gotten box damage I don't need ami's autistic packaging combined with reduced discounts so I swapped my main to be HS, then TOM, now I'm considering NY.
I do when I'm playing games and fall sleep, it hurts like a bitch when I wake up.
Fuck you
How do I protect my nesoberi? I can't put them in detolfs cause I'd need like 3 detolfs
I like this character too much to not purchase it, but the temari from this set looked way better and had tons more details/articulation.
Plus even though this orange onepiece is canon to the credits scene, I still would have appreciated a more slutty outfit that revealed more of her tight, sexy body. Same applies to Tsunade but she has even bigger cans and at least her shade of purple really compliments her skin way more than this shade of orange.
Unfortunately, Nippon Yasan doesn't support search using JAN item code so it can't be added unless I figure out another way to search for exact items because every store names the same damn item differently.
this isnt up for PO yet is it? cant find it if so
Check Aliexpress.
Okay, this is epic
No and kill yourself.
get back to redd..it asshat
Puffy vulva.
Do you guys nut on hentai figures or something?
If I had one I wouldn't
Sure why not
only 1-3% do that, most SoF videos and Photos out there are made by the same very few guys.
I don't want to ruin my expensive figures and I honestly don't see the appeal.
They still are just figures, they aren't even big enough
I ordered my first one yesterday and no way would I actually cum all over something I paid $150 for. Honestly I'm a bit worried I'd break something just taking her clothes off.
No way is the percentage of buyers that low
160 IPs*0.03==4.8
roughly 5, semen on figures is less common that you think, I know you're going to quote me the survey but I wouldn't trust it.
You know come to think but ive never seen a black guy nutting on figures.
Its always white dudes and japs.
check xvideos/xhamster, I've seen at least one
Then you haven't watched enough. I've seen a bunch.
Why the fuck is shipping jumbo plushes from Sahra so expensive? I ordered from others stores before and it was like a third of what they're asking
Well I dont go looking for cum videos.
What do guys even search for?
Black guy cumming on figures?
I did, for a senran figure
Its gross
>Well I dont go looking for cum videos.
Then you shouldn't talk like you knew anything of it. They just come up if you're looking for hot gluing content in general.
I saw this on the sof website days ago
meh its all watery
thick cum is best
As someone else said those videos are usually labeled as SoF, might add semen or bukkake for better results.
>monopoly bucks
>They just come up if you're looking for hot gluing content in general.
Or sex dolls related videos
Sadly this is probably all yun and hajime will get.
True, but if the quality is shit, then it doesn't matter how different the pose is.
they lie
its all white guys
>At least they have different bodies, unlike a certain other manufacturer's bunnies.
just wait until they have enough body types.
Hmm interesting site.
Maybe they'll get more FOTS figures in their regular outfits if you buy the rabbits. Or if you're lucky those figures might be made by Pulchra instead.
>no trail of piss and poo coming out of her.
I hate it....
Everyone must shoulder that burden user
What color temperature LEDs should I get for my display?
CRI is more important than temperature, but go for 5500k
Do they even make figures with the latter
What is CRI?
Who's that?
Color rendering index, a measure of how close colors are under it as compared to under natural light (more accurately, a blackbox of the same color temperature)
What is a good CRI?
100 is the best, so 90 and over would probably be "good enough"
do you guys let your collection lights all day on or just whenever you're next to your figures.
My lights are only on when I'm taking pictures for /buyfag/ because I'm paranoid that my soldering job was bad and that I'll burn my figurines down
Do you leave the lights on when you're not in the room?
Makes sense, I'd do the same.
ugh those seam lines, the figure itself seems to be made of coldcast/instead of PVC
If the product doesn't list CRI, is it safe to assume it's shit?
I hate T2 but that hair looks great
which seiba is this?
The same one in that chain
I think there was one I saw from this past WonFes, actually.
t-they bothered to model her pantsu?
You must be new. Any half decent figure will be fully sculpted. Left is a force cast off. They sculpted her bra and pantsu when it's not even visible.
Even cheap trading figures have panties.
i feel you man i would've bought all 4 of the girls if they were good figures but theyre all just terrible
>Nenecchi still hasn't been ruined by FOTS
being unpopular in Japan has its upsides I suppose
>PayPal: You submitted an order amounting to (...)
>Your account will be charged when 株式会社グッドスマイルカンパニー processes your payment.
Does this mean Goodsmile won't charge me until it's ready to ship, or will they do it immediately during their business hours?
Read their FAQ.
What do you guys think of real action heroes?
They're shit.
Sculpt is pretty simple and the face is love-it-or-hate-it.
But she's EXTREMELY cute regardless.
Thank you, unironically
>face is love-it-or-hate-it
Pretty sure it just depends on the angle
Is that the official buyfag discord?
Can you really call it official if you get banned for posting invites to it?
It's the official blog discord
Anything for my king! even a benis sucky
I still haven't even unboxed the Stars bless you figure.
ok she looks really cute from this angle. I don't mind the slight derpiness because it is honestly kind of cute
Is Amazon (JP) Prime any good for overseas shipping or does it make no difference? Was thinking of starting a trail and getting some books and manga.
I had to get a nendo for the 20% off coupon at TOM when ordering all the other kizuna figures so here she is while I wait for the big items. My first nendo, but probably won't get any others, they just seem a bit meh although still pretty cute.
they use DHL for USA shipping... pretty fast by the way...
One of the best things about nendos, is swapping parts among them. Which you can't really do until you get several of them.
No, I fap before getting the figure, mainly to avoid dick buys if they aren't good enough.
>more horror
Since I haven't put it into that database yet.
>waiting on info so I know when I can buy this
cute goober!
The nendo is no pan.
Didn't see much for the nendoroid dolls.
These exist though.
Beautiful ranran.
Very interested in the bunny suits.
Yeah goodsmile's site doesn't have any ifo about a Mashu nendo doll or the Fou onesie
That looks incredible. Unknown manufacturer though.
You and me both.
They never post things until it's going up for preorder.
These are HQ bootlegs, each cost 75 bucks
they look like the average quality of figures ten years ago.
She's got these for neighbors.
Cute Kitsune poches
Also these in the works.
>oshigoto modo
>work mode
>bunny suit
interesting line of work to start with
those horrible legs
They use the base to make it hard to upskirt.
>kinda boring
I have this, and it's cute, but what a fucking jip for that price.
It's gyp. Comes from the old term for being taken by Gypsy tricks.
Holy shit, are these real? Are they making the entire Meshi group?
Early RAHs were shit. Then they got a deal with Max Factory sculptors and basically became 12 inch figmas. They also have some tokusatsu actors. If there's a character you love that only has a RAH and no other fig, or if you want to dress up the character but not get an actual doll, go for it. Otherwise actual action figs, dolls, and scales of the character are better.
So given Phat and Solaris Japan's notoriety on here and on the guide, I found out the latter is selling this figure on their website. I've seen mixed responses for Solaris, with some saying their items arrived just fine, and others saying packages tend to arrive damaged. Do the cons outweigh the pros?
>$273 at that place
Just go with Nippon Yasan. 27500 yen ($247) there. All western dollar sites should be disregarded unless they've having a good sale.
Dolls scare me but I want a large poseable with actual clothes so I think RAH is the right choice for me. Thank you for the info.
fuck you
Dolls are cute!
where do I buy this shit?
no thanks retard, I can't afford custom heads.
Can I stick my din-din into her though?
Save your money/normal heads are good too
It's a lifesize one. I saw it in Japan for 13k yen but I didn't know how to bring it back with me. Extra luggage fee for my airliner was $200USD
This one looks good but most seem really dopey and dead to me.
>Saber Cuirasser
Good choice
I don't love her face here. Her ufotable face is so much nicer and the Cuirassier figure doens't capture it right
I took matters into my own hands and stuffed my own pillow.
Now I have a fluffy, squishy memory foam daki.
Enjoy your inferior pillow.
Have you guys seen this video
No I haven't.
I have some ideas I'm going to try improving on with the next, but this one is amazing to hug.
For how much I paid in materials - it's a hell of a lot better than what you could just buy in the same price range.
Blessed phrase
Looks good or nah?
A lot of details, pretty cool
Will tears stain my daki? I don't want to remember these kinds of stains.
Not really, unless you cry into it everyday and never wash it
Yes it looks good. But I'm not going to buy it
Too much, way too much.
I'm really starting to like that double bun hairstyle on lolis.
thig :DD
Its nice if you want to pay Alter tax
Goddammit alter
>love to jannu alter faded away
time to cancel her overpriced fig
Amico will b& your ass.
can't wait
You will regret it
Gachatards' affections are so fickle...
You never truly loved her. Still as hyped as I was back in August.
Does anyone know where to buy Inari torii for a decent price?
just resell it for twice the price or give up your order to someone
I've purchased a lot from Solaris (mainly items I can't find elsewhere) and the only issue I've had with them is their pricing. Packages arrive fine (EMS) and they wrap the boxes with bubble wrap when packing.
There is a ton of 1/6 clothes (lewd and otherwise) which are relatively cheap and most of the blank 1/6 doll bodies are compatible with RAH to some extent.
The chinks love 1/6th too, so it's easy to find 1/6th clothes on aliexpress
They're Volks (non scale, probably kits) and tiny, but just those two so far.
Ordered my very first daki.
I'll take it. Thank you for the info!
She cost more than Yuri and Repede
4 months later
I look forward to seeing your sale next year
I've got another picture of them together of them together with some info.
I'll post it later if I remember.
Don't do that.
I want your Kurumi.
>V4x miku
Good taste
I need that Sakura.
I will soon order my first as well
>not even unboxed
Good luck with your clearance sale.
>4 months later
>not even unpacked
definitely burnout in the making
Sell me your Sakura and I want at a discount too because you don't respect her
no, fuck off yourself, newfag
Cute. she came out better than I expected
>Good taste
Kill yourself.
SHFSS Faiz when?.
I'm going to be moving and I can put all my figs back snugly in their original boxes.
It's going to be 15+ boxes of figures, anything I should know for transporting them?(even if it's common sense)
>put all my figs back snugly in their original boxes
You should be good
Hey mods it's about time to ban this general from Yea Forums too. These are not anime or manga, but merchandise. Banish this to jp
whats this
I dont get why people get mad about other thread on their board, dont they have anything better to worry about ?
no they dont
Only shounen should be allowed on Yea Forums. Good family friendly fun, not this icky pedo shit.
Has anyone pre ordered her?
I like the sculpt, but Chara-ani seems to have fucked up the colour on their recent figs.
She looks nice in this video
Post her butt
>tfw can't get this in canuckistan
That pole is so jarring
Even if it wad clear i think id still pass on this, hard to ignore it
I preordered her and Reg, but mostly because I love MiA and I don't think we'll get new figures of them anytime soon.
Agreed. The pole is just too distracting for me
Get the djt treatment faggot
>attempting to stir up drama to keep the thread alive
Honestly I agree, I'm very much at the point where I just don't give a fuck about Yea Forums, burn it all down everything else I liked on this board has already been banned.
Call me impatient but 3 weeks for a small package is starting to give me anxiety
1/2 of my SAL packages finally arrived. I ordered back in mid January. What are you using?
They finally arrived. Now I own every Haruhi figure I wanted to own. Let's see if that makes me stop.
Hobbylink japan. My mind's only goin crazy because I happened to see the mailman last week with a pack that looked like it was mine but it was delivered to a different house.
Do you have tracking?
Finally arrived. I still cannot believe how much I spent on this. It is only one song but damn is it good.
Forgot pic
H-How much did you spend?
This looks so bootleg it isn't even funny.
I don't which is why I'm a bit anxious but hey, if you ordered back in january and just got it, then maybe I can hold out for a little longer.
$50. The only way you could get this was by preordering a $200 set of all 20 games of the series. I;m just lucky enough someone decided to sell theirs on yahoo. Looks cheap but it has the song I want so i'm happy with it.
Mine had tracking but never updated for the longest time (to be expected since it's SAL) till it got processed in Canada. Just be patient, if 2 more weeks pass with no package then I'd suggest contacting Hobbylink.
It feels like it's been four or five months since TOM had a sale that took off the total price, rather than just offered a bonus glut of TOM meme points. Is there going to be one in the near future, or is it all up to chance?
Will they ever have a conventional sale again?
Figure out getting a cabinet before buying more
They have them all the time.
That one was just 30% off and 30x points back happening at the same time.
Clear Card Arc.
Damn, I must have misunderstood it. I thought it was just for bonus points and not an actual discount on the goods. Guess I'll wait some more
I know that. This is an updated sculpt.
They've been doing coupons lately. There was a 10% off in February, a 20% off Nendoroid+other stuff coupon a little while ago as well, and a 20% off anything coupon as compensation for accidentally sending out a misleading message to those with premium.
post the song
>realized I haven't posted many GKs
A girl from a game and series that wasn't NTR but had a lot of it before the ending.
Anyone have this botebitch? Why is Phat a meme?
Do we hate pochacos face or body?
holy shit
both, sonico is better
Haha wow. Look at the titties on that guy.
Oh wow so djt gets nuked while butfags get a pass. Nigger mods
Darjeeling Thread?
So I finally pulled the trigger and bought this pair for 31k.
Phat is a meme because they're aggressively mediocre. They have some okay sculpts but the paintjobs on the finals products are usually hot garbage.
>Always fap first to avoid sex-driven purchases.
Really good advice. I've never even played Blazblue, I just really like underboob.
Oh you remembered! Thank you so much! Hopefully more info soon and the rest of the party as well
The underboob does look nice. Shame about Bellfine though.
The headphones.
Bitch gets married with headphones on.
sonico or bust
more like "sonico bust"
Giraffe neck. When will they stop making disfigured figures?
You cray.
Her body is disgusting
We think her boobs and ass are way too big
Yeah but she's not gay.
I have about 5 figures unboxed.
I did preorder her and her nendo but no Reg. I think he'll bin and then I'll get him for cheaper on the aftermarket.
I got kizuna ai nendo also. Nendos are kinda annoying to put together. Too many little parts. I prefer a scale that I can just unbox and put on display.
Same, I wish we had their updated versions someday with short hair, Prushka and meynia. Or ashended Reg (Bondrewd fight edition). That would be nice. Probably never though.
I've got about 40 on display and at least 60 in boxes.
Sounds like compulsive hoarding.
I found Rei's headphones today at a local anime shop.
>astolfo prize 35 dollars
why do shops do this
even amazon is selling it for 22 dollars
I don't think impulse buyers research prices. And 35 bucks is a small enough sum that you can still easily impulse buy it.
Gay people are pretty stupid and gullible.
why are big boobs so popular?
yes they are too big
Right is my friend's waifu. Part of me wants to surprise him for Christmas with one but I don't know which would be good.
Wait, they got a gyaru?!
bag over head
pochaco was only made for mating press
literal cock sleeve
Alter is a safe bet unless he's got that one already.
I thought she was made to please fat fuckers just like that morbidly obese Taroku.
That's the thing, I don't know how bit his collection is, if I wanted to surprise him with one I would have to travel across the country to sneak into his house.
Next time you chat about merch, ask if he has an MFC account
You could get him to show you a picture of all of them. Something like
"Cute wife, you got any figs of her?
Oh cool, 5? I'd like to see, mind showing me? Yeah they're neat, I'm interested in getting into collection too, thanks for sharing bro"
Can they hurry the fuck up?
Excellent taste.
Just ask him what figs he has of her. There's enough time between now and christmas that he will forget you even asked. But there's always the possibility of him buying one before christmas.
Is there anyway to use Yahoo Auctions without a Japanese bank account?
I have a tenso address in Japan, which is basically a PO box. But I don't see how you pay for bids and items on Yahoo.
uhhh...post more pictures of the one on the right....for research purposes....
>Shame about Bellfine though.
What about them? If that's the actual figure I still think it looks pretty nice.
Zenmarket, Buyee
got these two in the mail today
Ha-ha take that, my wallet! Just imagine..
Well yeah, obviously you can use a proxy service. That's a given. I wanted avoid that, because it'd be cheaper to just have it mailed to my Japanese PO box. Rather than having to pay the proxy's charge and "handling" fee.
>shit quality pic
>one piss
I love them :)
>Love a piece of plastic
Too much buyfagging has made you lost your mind.
all that matters is that you enjoy them (and that you did proper research on prices)
why does porkchop even wear headphones?
so she doesn't have to listen to you
wow thats rude!
not that I would have given her a chance anyways.
shes a fatty!
At least it's not 6 million by 6 million pixels
who the fuck is saki....
The blond one, can't you read?
I hope pork joins her youtube channel someday
I don't know about him, but I'm having trouble drawing my eyes away from a specific part of that image,
Pretty sure that's your only option unless you somehow have access to Japanese banking.
How dare Sonico cheat on pork!
it looks fucking amazing, just a little expensive for a 1/8 scale
doesn't look good
Has Sonico always had an ass that big?
does this bitch have an MFC link, cant find a page for her, or does she not have any stuff
is it possible to buy too fast, if you're suddenly rich
imbecile twitter.com
...not what i asked i found that, i was looking if she had any goods/figure
It's an unknown virtual youtuber.
Is that a new Marvel Bishoujo? Because it seems lacking
Wasn't Saki the disgraced Virtual Youtuber whose company deleted all of her videos? Because I tried to hunt her down (Since V-youtubers are a great source of hearing common Japanese language) but couldn't find anything.
yeah sucks....all my fetishes in one
too perfect, feelsbad
no clue but
Oh that's a different channel than her old one.
Neat though
She's good at kicking.
I didn't know about this Gyaru V-Tuber, but I like her
Thanks for sharing
I hope she gets popular enough to get a nendo
pochaco was first she NEEDS a nendo
Pochaco a shit
To be honest I actually liked this.