don't get too mad when ichika wins, okay?
Don't get too mad when ichika wins, okay?
Ichika a best. A BEST.
Based Snekbros
Itsuki already won. I've been going all Misery on Negi-san. If Itsuki doesn't win he dies. Checkmate.
Too late
I'm ok with anyone winning as long as it isn't this evil snake whore.
Keep seething, Ninofag
How mad are you going to be when negi keeps it vague until the end?
Snake is the villain now so she's 100% losing.
Not a Ninofag, just hate slippery snakes crawling around in the grass after telling best girl that you will support them all the way.
>Ichika: wants F all to herself
>Nino: wants to make F love her
>Miko: wants to be someone F will love
>Yotsuba: wants F to be happy
>Itsuki: TBA
As they are right now, none of the quints deserve Fuutarou because their love for him isn't true love, their feelings have only one aspect of it each. Which means either a harem ending where everyone's love, divided in 5, becomes whole, or a Spartan-tier character development for one of the quints who will learn to develop all of the aspects of true love and be the sole quint who deserves Fuuts.
No need to screencap this, you know I'm right.
That's probably exactly what he's going to do. I don't think he has the balls to pull a huge twist and reveal that this is actually the bride
I hope he goes the SZS route for the end.
I don't get mad over impossibilities.
She will be redeemed like Takeda and become even better than the best girl she is right now.
Itsuki doesn't even want the F which will make it even more annoying when she wins by default.
>Keep seething, Snakefag
>Yotsuba: wants F to be happy
My heart hurts every time I read this. I want her to be happy bros.
I don't know how it happened, but somewhere along the way I went from liking all the quints equally to just really hating the idea of Miku winning. Which sucks, because now my focus is less on enjoying how Futarou's relationship with the quints develops and more on being aggravated at hints of Miku's romance taking the lead.
The problem with this damn series is that when Negi makes 5 girls best girl the law of averages inevitably plays out and the least controversial character becomes the most popular.
Bros, it's going to be Itsuki. We all know it. We all hate it.
When Itsuki wins, I will drive my car straight into the harbor and drown.
She'll be happy when she wins.
That's a good thing.
Fatty is the best and should win.
If Itsuki didn’t exist I might think Nino wins. As it is, I can see Nino as having the 4th or 3rd best chance to win. I feel like Ichika is very unlikely but who knows.
>We all hate it.
All of you on Reddit you mean.
Itsuki is the cutest, so I'll allow it
This is getting out of hand. Please stop.
I know there's a 3rd one too
Nino a shit
She never told Yotsuba she'd support her. Face it, Ichika did the right thing and you 23fags would be bending over backwards if 2 or 3 did the same thing.
>She never told Yotsuba she'd support her.
I think the user means Miku.
Stealth thread?
Was it ever explained why he had a nosebleed when they were preparing for the first exam?
>thinking Miku is best girl
Must be and anime only. She is a creepy stalker and borderline yandere.
I think it was from eating too much sugar from Miku's chocolates
Like that's a bad thing...
No reason to get mad since she's not winning anything without a harem end.
>inb4 next chapter confirms both Nino and Ichika removed from bowl with the flash forward
yotsuba is the true winner!
When is the next Nino chapter, I wanna see some shitpost
Fuck off
implying every chapter isn't a Nino chapter
God she's so ugly.
You meant perfect
I won't get mad no matter the result. I just need Negi to make it satisfying and not forced as fuck. With that said, I really want Ichika to win.
So long as the winner isn't one of the other 2 then I'm fine.
>3Toubun no Hanayome.jpeg
say something nice about my wife
She looks cute with her hair cut
girls with short hair and big jugs are the best
Yeah, long hair is great.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it's Itsuki. She's hasn't developed any feelings for Fuuts yet as far as we know and she's the last to do so. And the first girl trope and all.
But Nino is first girl
Fatty's sisters are too loose and easy. Fuutarou deserves someone uptight like her.