How would you fix SHAFT?

Monogatari s3456789
Madoka s2345678
Fate extella s2345678

Attached: DcK3ZycVMAEfrq9.jpg (1024x768, 163K)

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By leaving Madoka where it ended in Rebellion and instead remaking Initial D

What's there to fix?

Make the Voynich Hotel anime

Shaft has to be the most creatively bankrup studio in all of Japan. They've been milking the same shows for almost a fucking decade now, holy shit.

>How would you fix SHAFT
Pakisan nuke Hyperabad

Attached: studio shaft 3.jpg (640x480, 57K)


I don't know why people pretend like they've milked Madoka a ton or something. They've made more of Sangatsu than they have of Madoka.

>trying to bring logic into a shitposting thread

Yes please.

Attached: DB1DBEC3A9054ABE85D26514321A2090.jpg (960x1350, 789K)

Attached: shaft.jpg (1280x1440, 451K)

This, and SZS' final season.
We need to get that animated.


shaft is run by the jews

Haha no not at all, they're just lazy and terrible at meeting deadlines

Just have them only do Monogatari once a year. It's not like they'll run out of works to animate since NisiO shits out books like candy.

I fucking love SHAFT

Attached: Nisekoi-bd-40.jpg (1876x522, 144K)

For ruining Nisekoi and Sangatsu adaptations?

If only, because unlike Kyoani, they haven't betrayed their fans.

Attached: shaft.jpg (1920x1080, 811K)

The 3gatsu adaptation is perfect though

What point are you trying to make?
AFAIK Tatsunoko and Shaft are not affiliated.


Shaft ver

Shaft cant even make better stuff than random kids

Attached: shaft.png (540x327, 16K)


That show was my jam. That OP is amazing. Best JAM Project song after Maxon

The point, that best Shinbo work is actually that animated by Kyoto Animation, something Shaft never was able to recreate in same quality - those episodes were done by Takemoto and animated by KyoAni

>Shaft can't even make better stuff than random kids
Truer words have never been spoken.

Attached: mekakucity.webm (1280x720, 732K)

I keep trying to watch it, but I feel so lost I just give up. Same issue with Extella

Soultaker makes very little sense at the start and Last Encore is a show that makes no sense as to why it exists.

>Best JAM Project song after Maxon
The best JAM Project song is Gong.

Animate the last season of SZS.

More Arakawa and SoreMachi.

I would say make more Hidamari, but there was already a drop in quality after second season, so maybe it's better they don't.

Gatarishit is garbage beyond redemption and I hope Shaft goes bankrupt before they ruin Madoka.

It is fate extra not fate extella.


What else can they do with Extra after royally fucking up the adaptation?

Last encore season 2 with Tamamo, fucking up a CCC adaptation, Extella bullshit.

Unexpected fpbp

Is it weird that I actually kind of prefer more down to Earth left, I don't think some of these scenes were supposed to be whimsical like it's a Spielberg movie

I just kept the TV rip because of this.

I agree. The last three images especially look much better without overdone post-effects.

No, it's not weird. The right looks like complete garbage, and I'm not even using a hyperbole here.

I got so bored I stopped watching then skipped to the nurse series then got bored again.

Wait, so BD is actually on the left?

Attached: bd1.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

left:Episode 1
Right:Episode 23

So it's good directing, not crazy BD changes.

Soultaker was fucking terrible. Boring and nonsensical story, poor and anticlimactic action (in a hero show), inconsistent visuals (goes from splendid to "can't see shit").
Only reasons to watch it would be the OP song and that episode directed by Nakamura (but then you'd better watch his series instead).

Compete reboot.

They should make more Arakawa and SZS

3gatsu is good and the Nisekoi source material was already shit, how could they possibly "ruin" it?

>3gatsu is good
Sorry, but Honey and Clover exists. Your argument is invalidated.

>Nisekoi source material was already shit,
>I dont like it so its ok to ruin it.
Pretty much like Shaft did with Negima and others had later to fix their mess.

Salami-san S2

Attached: [DmonHiro] Sasami-san@Ganbaranai - Episode 02 - In-House Security Guard (BD, 720p).mkv_snapshot_08.3 (704x633, 129K)

By firing their cgshit animator and hiring a background artist.

more umu
fate extra ccc anime
fate extella anime
fate extella link anime

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