>be gigguk
>be asian
>watch anime
>watch degenerate anime
>having a cutie pie blonde anime watching gf
Tell me how user
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself retard
>ugly rental girlfriend
also kys
Being an eceleb
He has an actual life, career and personality outside of making gook-toon videos for you vapid weebs.
He takes the time to be social rather than stewing alone while shitposting on Yea Forums all the time. GigKEK can get the vagina because he has put to practice the methods required.
money from youtube views
Get your eyes checked
Gigguk isn't even bad looking
You should instead ask yourself how this manchild retard managed to get a girlfiend
fuck right off
What the hell is up with all these normalfag threads?
It's only been 5 minutes and everything went to shit.
Is this guy a seamonkey? He looks like a seamonkey. I'm Asian and will never understand why Asian guys go for white girls. We literally have the cutest girls in the world
Rent free
He's Flip iirc
Gigguk? More like gicuck ha hah
I love brown okinawan
Rolla rolla
The average gook is ugly enough to make a freight train take a dirt road.
Having shekels and some kind of fame