Answer the question Yea Forums

Answer the question Yea Forums

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To spite god.

I was blessed with a good mama who fed and raised me well.

another wannabe manga, yuck


It was a good series, eat a dick.

Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?

absolute randomness

Because I'm not dead

Because God is allowing me to live

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To be free

and also to suffer

to fuck traps and wait for truck-kun to lead me to a world better than this gay shithole

A drunken night at a college mixer? Pressure from the grandparents?

A better question is whether there is a linear relationship between pondering these questions and an individual's well-being

To write why I shouldn't be alive, and prove to others that they're making a terrible mistake.
Writing isekai is just one of those reasons.

Because I keep procrastinating when it comes to killing myself.

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Have you ever thought to question why there there even needs to be a why?

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To have fun but I'm not very good at it yet. Need some more money.

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Pay me and I'll tell you

To raise chickens

For big titties.

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Because I hate people too much to give them the satisfaction of my death.

Because I'm a man and I must keep fighting

To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

Make me.

I love this manga. Too bad the sequel is horrendous.

It's cruel absurdist joke by God. We should kill ourselves as soon as possible and don't reproduce to spare others this fate.

I wanted to like Border Road, but my god was it completely retarded after a couple chapters and just doubled down on itself towards the end.

I'm alive to figure out why I'm alive and drink myself into a stupor when the existential crisis over the possibility that there is no 'why' gets to be too much.

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Because in my past life I must have done some terrible, horrible, irredeemable shit so I was put in this world to suffer

i just got luckey.

i am a gift from the gods! bow down before me mere mortals!


>Fate GO exists
I'm obviously dead and in hell.


Who else is going to burn through all that money?

But user, you are god

Because I won't die until my waifu becomes real

I'm alive to read the future chapters of berserk. Nothing else.

to live and die in the name of the emperor and the Imperium

>user becomes an immortal

to die in VR and become a technoghost

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How does it stop him from living to spite himself?

That is one fuckable anchor woman

Because everything is just so mundane. If I had a good life, I'd know I wasn't.

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This manga was great.

bcuz my parents fucked and im too much of a coward to pull the trigger and kill myself

I won the sperm race

Who was in the wrong here?

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Afro of course

Jesus imagine being THIS lazy to just insert photos of backgrounds and humans.

Best game?
For me it's that tag match against Kyuuma.

Because reality probably encompasses everything that is possible, including my current existence.

Osmosis and the beauty pageant were the best games

God hates me.

born to meme

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Wait theres a sequel?

You first, user.

To live forever in my own universe/paradise.

Definitely Ronald McDonald

Both of them. Afro wanted to build a Utopia to give people hope but ended up creating a lie to do so that resulted in executions and ultimately drove him to sanity and assisted suicide that completely fucked Angi up. Angi was in the wrong for trying to use witch hunt game to drag everyone into what essentially amounted to mass suicide.

I am not alive. I am just dying slowly.

To struggle up until the end and on my death bed I can say"heh not bad"

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That was a good manga. I liked the mindfuck at the end with queen of hearts. Was nice to see the quality of drawing improve over time as well.

I'm alive because of a series of random events that all accumulated into the organism that is me.

Ha jokes on them.

Osmosis is the obvious pick. But the two of hearts is the one that sticks out the most after that. Very simple games but incredibly sadistic.

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I don't know why and I wish I wasn't. There's no point to life if you don't have a talent or passion for anything.

What would you do in this situation Yea Forums?
I would go all in and enter the first carriage without the mask

The only thing I liked about Border Road was that I read it first. Since it had such a bitter sweet ending it made me enjoy the first one's ending a lot more.
Also bowl cut bitch should have been the one to die. Survivor bro deserved to live and get some of that high school pussy

>would go all in and enter the first carriage without the mask
That was my conclusion as well. Take the 1/4 odds and hope for the best. It helps that the games are designed by people and this has Mina written all over it. But assuming I would think it's computer random, if the first room doesn't kill me I won't have anything else to worry about.

I'd do the same mainly because if I'm gonna die in the game I might as well get it over with quickly to avoid the risk of winding up at a point where I'm stuck knowing I'm going to die if I continue and dreading it.

Work on it or find something you like. But since you talk like a bitch who seems to feel sorry for himself you probably don't even want to try. Oh woe is me who is talentless and oh so depressed, better stay home and watch cartoons all day. It's fate's fault that I wasnt BORN talented and passionate. OH WELL, better luck when I reeincarnate in my isekai world teehee.
Man the fuck up you frivolous cunt.

I just figure that the first room wouldn't be poisoned since it would be expected to go in with a mask for that room. I'd bet it all on the 2nd room being poisoned.

Never said I was depressed, faggot. And you have no idea what it's like to be born apathetic towards everything, so don't write like you know anything about me.

I'm trying to outlive the only person I truly hate.

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Just to suffer?

Because if I were dead, the life insurance company wouldn't be such assholes when I call in every week trying to cash in.

To die

Because I'MA WARRIOR!!

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I'm going to die tonight in my sleep tho. So I don't feel it's necessary for me to answer this question.