Yuru camp

Which of the campers do you think has the smelliest feet?

Personally I have to go with Chiaki

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>yuru camzzzzzzz



im gonna bump ur thread frend

the alcoholic bitch

Aki is the obvious choice, I bet its Ena though

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Nadeshiko. Clumsy so she doesn't wear fat cozy socks. Instead she wears the thin ones which are smelly as fuck after 2 hours, not to mention whole day.
Rin is smarter and more pragmatic. Nevertheless her inclination for traveling alone is very interesting...

does look like the face of a girl with smelly feet

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Nobody thought of Aoi?

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Foot professional here: the old adage holds true in my field of expertise - appearances can be deceiving. The frumpy girl does not always have the smelliest feet. Indeed, they're rather clean and fragrant.

Hey. My girl smells like heaven.

So, when will you go camping or at least go to the places in Yuru Camp?

during may, twice, and later during july

bet her feet don't even have any toejam or earl

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she rarely ever leaves her bed I bet her feet stink

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Tfw no small gf like Rin. How short is she again??

>Rin gets a character development
>also gets an abomination of a bike


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its probably a nadeshiko fantasy

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LOL Nope

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She's even more perfect with short hair. I want to kiss the back of her neck.

Fuck you, Rin without her hair ball is not Rin all

You can shave Rin bald, but you can't shave away her comfy.

Nade because is running around and eating all day long

>smelly underboobs

less than 1.50 m according that pic with the car as scale
can't upload pic

I bet Ena has spicy armpits

She's no Olivia.

That's a trike

God I want to lick her underboobs so bad

How does one marry a yuru?

first you have to hunt one in the woods
chiakis are the easiest ones
nadeshikos the most lively
rins and seyanas the most rare ones

Yuru Camp vs. Non Non Biyori in a comfiness showdown. Who wins?

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bought the bottom right, can confirm comfy

my heart

The viewer

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My god. Such clairvoyance.

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do you have scans like these for the other girls?

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please do not make posts about my wife's feet

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did she let you cum in her little feet

how do you cum in feet?

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Boy look at those delicious bare feet

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So, Rin is shorter than the car without the balls

What's with the Japanese and making high school girls unrealistically short? I get the appeal of having a loli, but Rin is barely 1,40m. I was taller than that when I was 9

Nadeshiko's sister.
She spends most of her time working or driving around, imagine how spicy her feet and boobs must be

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I want to go on a road trip with Kiwi onee-san

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Nuke this thread

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None of them, they're not americans.

Motherfucker don't talk shit about kakkoi JD Rin I'll cut you like batonny chop chop.