User I have a problem

user I have a problem
4 years ago I would watch 8 to 10 shows per season but now it's 8 to 10 shows in the whole year and sometimes I skip an entire season (this season it's absolute zero)
wtf happened?

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You're growing up

Stop being such a whiny little bitch

Come on no need for that language, be kind

You got fed up with the medium. I've watched ~2500 in like 4 years and I got where you are as well. I dont watch seasonal at all anymore and I have a hard time finding anything that is even worth my time at this point. Most works are too banal, too repetitive, too uncreative. And even if something manages to catch your interest, you'll likely find something to dislike anyway. Distancing yourself from anime won't change much. You simply have to accept that it's time for a new hobby and only watch anime on the side from now on. That's what normal people do anyway. Move from hobby to hobby, unless what you're doing is related to practial skills. Not even analyzing anime gets you very far. The amount of shows that really deserve thorough anlysis is ~3%, if even.

I fall in and out of love with anime pretty regularly. Most of my interests are related to Otaku culture but sometimes other interests or obligations consume all my time and I forget to watch seasonal anime. I usually just pick out whatever shows I think seem nice in a season. Youtube is great for previewing currently airing anime so I guess all those normalfaggot fortnite kids uploading anime clips to Youtube have been useful to me in some way. You don't have to force yourself to watch currently airing anime.

That's fine. I'm at this stage even though I've watched only ~200 anime. In fact, I stopped watching a lot of it when I reached half that number. That's because entertainment sucks. In general, that is. Most of anything ever made is shit.That applies to films, games, books, you name it. And anime is fairly niche so the volume of work that's being created is much smaller than say, novels, which makes the problem even worse. You could probably get by reading 40 novels every 3 months or so because you'd never run out of genuinely good stuff to read just because of how much stuff there is. But that's not the case with anime. Just watch as much as you want and keep hoping that you'll find something to fill the gaping void in your heart. I know I will.

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Lurk for two years before posting.

Most seasonal garbage isn't worth watching anyway. I usually drop pretty much everything and only complete like 1 show per season.

>~2500 in like 4 years
>average 1 cour series takes 5 hours to watch
>12500 hours over 4 years
>over 8 hours of anime every single day in a row for 4 years
>not even accounting for 2 cour or more shows
Yeah, you're a fucking liar.

I didn't expect you to be smart enough to realize how many standalone anime movies there are. Merely half of what I've seen are TV shows, probably even less. And of those, 70% weren't worth my time. Typical Yea Forums. They think the only thing that qualifies as animation are worthless seaonal shows.

Yea Forums isn't a hugbox for you to share your grievences and expecting warm hugs and pats on the back here is equally dumb.
If the most basic of human psychology is something too out of reach for you, i suggest you strap on a diaper, helmet and plunge yourself dick first into a hot-topic thread, ranging from child abuses to fascism.
Yea Forums has plenty to choose from, and if you're still looking for answers, find the Right board to ask.
Can't choose which one? Ask

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>OP says "shows"
>respond that you've seen 2500
>"durr I also meant movies"

There aren't even 100 worthwhile anime films, much less 1000. You got called out.

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He's clearly referring to anime. The reason he says shows is because he's as retarded as you are and watches nothing but seasonal shit. Besides, watching something still leaves open the room for dropping it. You didn't suddenly not watch something simply because you didn't finish it. You're simply too retarded to account for multiple variables, that's really all there is to it. To you, anime = tv shows, watched = completed and average time investment = 12 episodes, which doesn't even make sense since 12 episodes is usually the least so the average is higher by proxy.
There certainly are more worthwhile anime films than there are TV shows, that's for sure.

>You didn't suddenly not watch something simply because you didn't finish it.
This takes the "most retarded sentence I've read today" award.
>average time investment = 12 episodes, which doesn't even make sense since 12 episodes is usually the least so the average is higher by proxy.
Congratulations, you've just confirmed you didn't even read my post where I said "not even accounting for 2 or more cour shows". Fucking kek.

>you didn't watch it unless you've finished it
Kek indeed.

One thing about Yea Forums that I dislike is how there is "pressure" (as much as that can exist in an anonymous environment) to look like some mythical oldfag that has been here since the website has gone up. It would've been fine if he said 1000, or even 500, but no, everyone here has watched +3000 anime, is fluent in Japanese and can probably trace their lineage to Osamu Tezuka.

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Nigga, it's the internet. One-upmanship is how the internet rolls. It's not even an Yea Forums thing.

What you're accusing me of makes no sense. I literally said that I've been watching anime for 4 years. What part of that post implies that I am an "oldfag"? I wouldn't even want to associate with individuals who label themselves as such since they tend to be worse than the people they attack as newfags.

4channel was a mistake

10 entire animes? Holy shit dude, are you an anime pro? Are there even that many animes in a season??

There are barely 4 worthwhile anime every year.
Most shit is forgettable.
You could probably name all the "must watch" anime from the past decade on 1 hand.

Same thing happened to me. Anime isn't diverse enough to hold the attention of a fully functional adult indefinitely like music or literature. You'll need breaks or you'll need to limit yourself to only the best shows instead of watching everything every season. I pretty much stopped and my friend just tells me the best shows to watch. Last year he pretty much demanded I watch Gridman, Violet Evergarden, and a Tokusatsu that I can't recall the name of. I enjoyed them. But yeah don't fell bad about it op. Despite what you once held as a belief fundamental to your human experience and character, there's more to life than anime

I could never follow that many shows in a season, but I definitely feel like I've sucked the Classics well pretty dry, and it's disappointing. I just switched to live action and reading though, and it's opened up a new world to delve into