Spoilers when?
Spoilers when?
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Reposting from other thread. It begins.
>Coronzon is inside the demon zoo now
It's fucking over for Touma
>>Coronzon is inside the demon zoo now
>It's fucking over for Touma
Nigga what?
You didn't actually think that Kamachi would kill off Coronzon this quickly, did you?
>Kanzaki knocked out Hamazura
For all that people have called her, her first victory in a long time was against the end of the century emperor himself. Sasuga Kanzaki
>silly dualism
What did she mean? Looks like Touma is Shugal theories were correct, or it seems like "IT" was shugal
>It wasnt Mikoto that shook the planet, but Accelerator with a fucking drop kick
But is this confirmed?
If touma has this fucking bitch inside him now i just have no fucking idea what will happen lmao
I bet she will become another member of the harem.
I'd find that easier to believe.
I mean its the fag who slowed the fucking earth rotation.
Hamazura is playing 5D chess and they're playing into his hands
dumb demon outsmarted by fucking hamazura
She means how she always did good and bad deeds in equal measure to hide that the Archbishop was an evil demon.
There will be big reveals this volumes. Secrets that js06 is holding from us
So did Othinus apply a whole phase when she revived Kagun or are they just bluffing?
Othinus never revived kagun, he was just a puppet
Scared Mikoto is cute
I guess this is why Mikoto was so happy around with Aleister
So the einherjar is now just a special kind of dead like in the myth instead of the partial resurrection the text implied. Gotcha.
Text didnt really imply he was revived though. Pretty much every scene kagun was in after that reminded you it was just his body. Eigerjar are basically just dead soldiers, they're zombies its not really a ressurection so much as reanimation
Avoid the spoilers.
So really though, why did she jump touma weaponless