Works where actual best girl wins the cock
Works where actual best girl wins the cock
Dumb etofag
>that fridge waist
smart and shrewd etobro
why is the art all over the place?
Who's this cutie? I know it's an edit but I can't name that face.
It's an edit of Tokyo Ghoul.
It's an edit TG who's art is all over the place cluster fuck.
edit + niggastream scan
So ugly, I prefer the OP.
We all know that Eto as an endgame could have made the story objectively superior
Best girl won so much cock they cancelled the series.
>it's been almost 2 years and etofags are still seething
based ishida, btfo fujos and waifufags
That was never gonna happen. There's a better chance he be with Nagachika then Eto.
>2 years
Holy shit
Hello OP.
Maybe part 1 Kaneki could've gone for that, because he wasn't such a two-dimensional goodie two shoes like he became later in re.
But that's all I can say, really.
No thanks. Feels good that best girl wasn't soiled by Kaneki.
Etoo was a piece of shit and her dying like a rat on the street was exactly what she deseved. The fact that Kaneki was confirmed for not feeling anything at all for the murderous bitch was just the cherry on top.
Still best girl, and it's good that Kaneki didn't get to touch her.
Indeed. For her to not be a piece of shit, she'd have to have run a ghoul restaurant first where they make shows of a scrapper ripping humans apart before the ghoul audience devours the peices.
Or, of course, she could've tried to eat Kaneki and his friend.
Or let him go home with a crazed, ravenous ghoul, fully knowing that under normal circumstances, he would never return and no one would probably ever find his remains.
Or for years, she could've played a maternal figure to appeal to his mother complex while he was an amnesiac with throbbing headaches.
It's best girl.
Known for being the best girl, followed by second best girl, Hinami.
Eto's timeline
>does literally nothing for the first half of part 1
>shows up as sen and talks with the CCG
>is irrelevant for the rest of part 1 and only shows up at the end of final arc to collect her dad
>re starts
>again irrelevant until rose arc
>jobs to kekneki and gives him a free kagune powerup, because he is the chosen one
>backstory shows her daddy issues
>hands herself in and ultimately gets offscreened
>her hope she put so much trust into, turns out to be such a disappointment
shitty character honestly, no real development
Sounds good.
Nobody said Eto was flawless. In this case, her only flaw was not being aware of how hard Ishida had butchered Kaneki and turned him from somebody who could sometimes get things done to somebody who was an all-around incompetent loser.
Being serious for a moment, I have to chime in on this. Is there actually any Etofag who is unironically upset that Kaneki didn't end up with her?
Because I sure as hell am not. Just the idea of having him sniffle and cry on top of her while he tries to put it in makes me wince.
She was an incompetent loser herself. That was the real problem.
Honestly, I agree with you here. He could've shown us her relationship with Noro back in the 24th ward or her personality when she was around with the members of Aogiri tree. Or even better, show us her relationship with Arima. There was so much more potential, but she ultimately ended up being a one-dimensional plot device to me.
I'd say she did pretty well until she decided to let Aogiri burn and opted to spend her time in prison just so she could ask Kaneki to do a simple job.
He didn't sniffle and cry when he fucked Talker, but then again I'm not reading this shit again so I could be mistaken. A lot of this Etoofag attitude is clear sour grapes though. Most of you would exchange her atrocious treatment with Touka's ending in a heartbeat, with all that not dying like a dog accomplishing nothing and all that.
He did actually cry when he fucked Talker.
And no, exchanging one shitty treatment for another isn't preferable.
You haven't unveiled some great truth there.
Just because any Etofag wanted her story to have a halfway decent conclusion (she at least deserved it over Madam A, objectively) doesn't mean we want her to be with Kaneki.
Why can't you put this garbage series to rest. Let the r/ tg redditors and Ishida dickriders fawn over it for the next few years and let it go into complete obscurity.
>based ishida, btfo fujos and waifufags
The people who like the ending are the waifufags, everyone else already moved on and cringe at the sight of this series.
>He didn't sniffle and cry when he fucked Talker
Pic related. After going through the Yamori torture, after being Haise, after being Potterneki. Zero, absolutely zero character development. He reverted back to his beta personality and never became a man throughout the entire serialization. Ishida is a joke of a writer.
I wanted her to fuck Kaneki to give birth to some next level oeg hybrids
2 years and still seething
Yeah but are you an Etofag or do you just want her to give birth to a ghoul more powerful than either of them and she is the best female for the job because she's also a powerful half-ghoul with a kakuja?
It's not fun when you have to pretend everybody who disagrees with you is upset or seething.
That got old long ago.
I am so fucking happy
Your first post does sound very upset to me, user
2 years and this is your only cope
Congratulations, user.
That post isn't mine, to be fair. But the user does bring up a few good points, and for you to essentially go "HAHA LE EBIN SEETHING FUJOSHIT/WAIFUFAG," is clichéd at this point.
Not sure what part of his response in particular you took exception to, but if you don't think Tokyo Ghoul re is a clear downgrade from the original, you're probably delusional.
Why does everyone have to be a waifufag in your mind? I just was interested in that 2 oeg getting a kid type of shit, nothing more
That's why I'm asking, because the post you replied to was talking about Etofags and the fact that most (if not all) of them probably didn't want her to end up with Kaneki.
Just cope already
>Why can't you put this garbage series to rest. Let the r/ tg redditors and Ishida dickriders fawn over it for the next few years and let it go into complete obscurity
If that's not seething, then I don't know user.
Romance should've never been part of the series. It should have always been Kaneki x death.
>she is the best female for the job because she's also a powerful half-ghoul with a kakuja?
The ONLY natural born half-ghoul in the entire series, who helped created other artificial half-ghouls for no apparent reason. The entire owl experimentation was rendered null and tossed aside as a subplot. Eto giving Kaneki her "fruit" was tossed aside a subplot. Everything past the rose arc makes no sense.
Well, maybe he's seething because a series he liked went to shit and now he just wants to see it fade away.
I guess.
>Romance should've never been part of the series.
Unironically true. It felt superfluous at best and detracted at worst.
Tokyo Ghoul is still the best if you pretend it ended with part 1.
Off the top of my head?
All the Bokuben doujin featuring Sensei.
And hopefully Bokuben itself.
The funny thing is, Toukafags have moved on long time ago. There is literally nothing to cope over, it's waifu/etofags who always bring that shit up. Now, cope faggot.
narusaku btfo
Because you are giving exposure and attention to a series with an author who gives no shit. He made enough money. And yes, I am angry that a series I followed for more than five years ended with 120 chapters of trash and a salt in the wounds ending.
>Toukafags have moved on long time ago
>it's waifu/etofags who always bring that shit up. Now, cope faggot.
You never moved on, the fact you're dedicating time to artificially make someone angry over your flavor of the month #345345 character is evidence of you being upset. Grow up, faggot.
Funny, because every time rightfully calls the series bad or says it declined, some guy like you goes on to cry about either muh seething fujos or btfo waifufags.
Personally speaking, I won't follow Ishida to any new manga he might make, considering he's shown that given the circumstances, he might just drop all pretenses of writing a good story.
I get that he was under a lot of pressure, but try to negotiate taking a break instead of just giving up altogether.
I feel absolutely the same, I don't know why people were hyped about him potentially releasing a new series.
I guess they thought re was good.
Look anons, there's more to a series than only caring about waifushits or who will win the MCbowl etc. I liked the entirety of Part 1, RE started well with some minor flaws here and there mainly during cochlea and rushima and it's true that the quality has been declining ever since. But does that mean all of TG was shit? Obviously no, and while the last parts of it and especially the ending were rushed af, it still had some great moments like the early dragon chapters, rize's and kaneki's last conservation or the final fight between Kaneki and Furuta which was really well choreographed. I was never a toukafag or waifufag and I would never start a thread similar to OP's, I just think that the series gets too much shit on.
Hype is maybe the wrong board but I would definitely give it a try
Re was bad
Not all of it
Enough of it to sour the overall state of the manga. You don't call a manga good just because it very occasionally doesn't totally suck
You are in the minority then
If he did a one off and didn't try to milk it, it could be great. TG stands apart as well conceived, planned, and well written. While RE: was an attempt to fly by on the success of TG, which is most likely why it was such a cluster fuck and never should have existed. Hell if you look at both of them separately you wouldn't even think it was the same person that made it.
I'm still trying to find the scriptwriter who obviously handed Ishida the part 1 story.
>tfw someone saved my edit
Jeebus christ, that's pathetic. Be that as it may, many of these Etoofag replies including yours still reek of sour grapes. Also, I completely disagree on Kaneki not developing through the series just because he didn't become some stoic badass. I don't particularly like the guy he became, but he did clearly change.
I'm fine with that. If thinking that a generally shit narrative with a shit destination and a shitty road isn't suddenly not shit just because a few singular chapters were okay is rare, then so be it.
>Look anons, there's more to a series than only caring about waifushits or who will win the MCbowl etc.
Literally nobody is talking about this. The main controversy is the abandonment of the series' subplots and changing complete direction of the original plot.
>But does that mean all of TG was shit?
Around 120 of the last chapters of :re was complete shit, yes. It retconned the original manga and the first quarter of :re. It completely deviated into parody levels.
>it still had some great moments like the early dragon chapters
Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you mean nugget? The meeting of Kanekis and the "like a centipede" femtoneki moment? That was pretty great. Unfortunately, this little corn of gold in this massive turd became irrelevant because Kaneki still reverted back to his beta personality and lost all coherence of character progression.
>rize's and kaneki's last conservation or the final fight between Kaneki and Furuta which was really well choreographed.
Sorry, user. You completely lost me on this one. The Kaneki and Furuta fight was so horrible, I cringed and winced throughout the entire thing. Kaneki having magical cross swords and yelling "I will protect everyone" with Furuta's shocked face is something I can't describe how alien it felt to me as a reader, It was the accumulation of all the horrible moments past the rose arc in a single page.
>rize's and kaneki's last conservation
You do remember Rize getting off-screened right? The final enemy got OFF-SCREENED.
I still believe he had had a ghostwriter, I respect part 1 that hard.
He just had time to plan a solid framework, that's all you need since you basically can weave plot threads/character motives from those basic conflicts. RE: started way too soon after the end of TG, Ishida should've taken years off (god knows how long he was toying with ideas for TG before it actually became serialized.)
You can stop with the "sour grape" bullshit and just go "seething Etofag xdddd" like you and I both know you want to.
> nobody's posted this yet
> girl gets the MC who has balls so fucking massive he kisses her while she's in her eldritch form where she could easily lose control and rip him to shreds
I believe there's not a single long-running manga out there that doesn't have weak parts or a rushed ending. Your expectations obviously weren't satisfied but TG had objectively more good moments than bad ones.
>You do remember Rize getting off-screened right? The final enemy got OFF-SCREENED.
Something something brilliant deconstruction and brainlet battle shonen fags just don't understand it.
Objectively wrong. More of TG Re was shit than good.
At least TG threads did not have shipfaggotry discussion
She won so hard they made a dedicated movie chronicaling the moment she won and then followed it with a full blown on-going series following her kids with the main character. Sometimes the best girl wins, and sometimes that best girl achieves total fucking victory.
So who's paying for you to still shill tgre? Or is this stockholm syndrome
Tg threads? No. Tgre threads? Definitely did. But not as normalised as with SnK threads
Why do redditors defend corporatism and rich hack writers. I really don't get it.
TG re threads had more shitpost and waifufagging than shipfaggotry.
o yea
>andonment of the series' subplots and changing complete direction of the original plot
That is?
>Around 120 of the last chapters of :re was complete shit, yes.
Subjective and I disagree.
>It retconned the original manga and the first quarter of :re. It completely deviated into parody levels.
Such as?
>Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you mean nugget? The meeting of Kanekis and the "like a centipede" femtoneki moment? That was pretty great.
Yes that and basically the chapters following that with the dragon going on a rampage
>Unfortunately, this little corn of gold in this massive turd became irrelevant because Kaneki still reverted back to his beta personality and lost all coherence of character progression.
Why do you think so?
>Sorry, user. You completely lost me on this one. The Kaneki and Furuta fight was so horrible, I cringed and winced throughout the entire thing. Kaneki having magical cross swords and yelling "I will protect everyone" with Furuta's shocked face is something I can't describe how alien it felt to me as a reader, It was the accumulation of all the horrible moments past the rose arc in a single page.
Seems like a you problem to me, this has always been the main theme of kaneki's character at some certain point in :RE. But this time, it wasn't an act of selfish desires, he thought about the future of his family and loved ones. That was a key moment for his character.
>You do remember Rize getting off-screened right? The final enemy got OFF-SCREENED.
Final enemy says who? Furuta was always set up as the endgame villain, not Rize.
SnK threads are fine
stop being a tsuns for ishida, you faggot
I was talking about TG as a whole user
What? In just two days manga discussion dissappears. Those threads are shit.
wake me up when the author has the balls to kill off zeke
The only good parts from Re were all the plot threads that TG left hanging .Every single one original from Re were shit.
20th ward raid arc was basically a rehashed 11th ward raid, and the yamori torture scene can be replaced by arima curbstomping kaneki. wow part 1 truly had a better plot structure and was innovative, i'm glad that :re focused less on kaneki and put more emphasis on other characters.
>Why do you think so?
...I literally told you, it is because Kaneki never grew from it. He was a nancy boy before, and he still remained a beta. This time with LONGER HAIR.
>Seems like a you problem to me
It's not a me problem, what choreography did you see? It was black ink splattered all over a page incoherently, and in the end Kaneki was facetanking the entire thing and came on top off with a victory. Not to mention Furuta's kakuja being pulled out of his ass(which didn't even look good). The prospect of kakuja being unique was already gone, but this was just embarrassing at this point.
>Seems like a you problem to me
She was the final enemy, because she was the last one standing AND she was the giant monster infesting Tokyo.
I didn't like the way manga ended up becoming, you retard. I'm just pointing out your point about Kaneki not changing at all just because his development doesn'tis match your headcanon is complete bullshit. What counts as development to you then? I bet you wouldn't be crying this much bitch tears if Kaneki ended up exactly as he did if he got together with Etool instead of Touma. You waifufags are all the same.
I just realized I can't even remember the bitch's last name. She was lame but so was Etoo, you have nothing to recriminate them for.
We have to agree that best couple was Ayahina
>...I literally told you, it is because Kaneki never grew from it. He was a nancy boy before, and he still remained a beta. This time with LONGER HAIR.
Jesus user, can you talk without resorting to buzzwords for once? What exactly didn't you like of his character after Dragon? Because that arc alone was mainly focused on Ghouls and Humans working together and less on Kaneki, he only was relevant agaim after he got pushed out of Dragon to find and confront Furuta. Before that, he talked to Hide and his other friends, sorting things out. But I would say his character peaked during his conversation with Rize, when he finally came to realize how much he fucked up and now has to shoulder his sins. That was a good conclusion to his character and the final monologur was just the cherry on the top.
Imagine being this mad.
Re had a lot of shipping shitposting early on but everyone with a brain knew Touka was going to win since the original manga. Re threads were mostly PARTY posting and Vancouverfags towards the end.
>It's not a me problem, what choreography did you see? It was black ink splattered all over a page incoherently, and in the end Kaneki was facetanking the entire thing and came on top off with a victory.
I was talking about the part before both reveal their kakujas, basically the whole sword fight. But I agree here, the conclusion to that fight felt unsatisfying.
>Not to mention Furuta's kakuja being pulled out of his ass(which didn't even look good). The prospect of kakuja being unique was already gone, but this was just embarrassing at this point.
How was that an asspull though? Furuta has Rizes kakuho who was a washuu, and washus were strong kakujas from birth.
>>Seems like a you problem to me
>She was the final enemy, because she was the last one standing AND she was the giant monster infesting Tokyo.
The main issue here is that we don't even know what she was or if he was the real rize, because it was implied that she had died before.
>Jesus user, can you talk without resorting to buzzwords for once?
Fuck off dumbass, how specific do you want someone to be. After nugget, he showed the first resemblance of masculinity like he did in part 1 and Potterneki, he was no longer afraid and became determined. What came afterwards? He saw a group of ghouls and was told to flee and he did a "My friends are in danger and I'm tired of being useless" cliche trope and saved Urie with Saiko. Like what the fuck? Then continued being effeminate till the very end.
>I bet you wouldn't be crying this much bitch tears if Kaneki ended up exactly as he did if he got together with Etool instead of Touma. You waifufags are all the same.
I DON'T want romance in the series, romance should have never been in the series. It should have ended Kaneki x death as was intended, and in regards to Eto - I just wanted her to fulfill her original antagonist role which we will never know because the series changed direction.
:re touka isn't even the same character as the original touka
>What came afterwards? He saw a group of ghouls and was told to flee and he did a "My friends are in danger and I'm tired of being useless" cliche trope and saved Urie with Saiko. Like what the fuck? Then continued being effeminate till the very end.
And what's the problem here? Did you want him to be an edgefag like he waa during rose arc? Fuck off, you are literally whining because Ishida didnt pander to your headcanon.
No, I wanted him to be masculine. How many hundreds of chapters did we need to go through to see him toughen up and no longer be afraid? Why did we get the "my friends are in danger and I'm tired of being useless" IN THE VERY END OF THE SERIES, after we went through this at least three times already.
Being masculine doesn't mean being edgy. Look at every other protagonist, they grow up and become men. Kaneki never became a man. He was an effeminate character before Yamori, then he became confident, then went Haise which was a combination of the two but was very confident and even a father figure to others. Potterneki was a deviation into the radical edgy side with effeminate emotional attributes, then oekneki went back into his part 1 effeminate personality, and the final Kaneki was a bizarr, soulless, and confused shounen protagonist with no personality, doing "i'm so weak" tropes at the very end of his series. My headcannon? You fucking wish. Even Nardo as a character makes Kaneki look like he was written on a postage stamp.
Also keep in mind Kaneki was reaching his LATE 20s in the end of the manga. He still looked like a junior and acted like one.
Literally it can not be more obvious that Eren is the father
First, define "masculine". Dude was still in his early 20s there and went through lots of shit, especially at that time, when he had to face the truth that he killed tons of humans. Dude must have felt depressed and crumbled after all of this shit and now finally, he wants to help his friends without having these selfish desires of being loved by someone. The conversation with tulpa Rize inside dragon was the final cause of thought.
That was literally the final chapter though, after a timeskip. We didn't see much of him there
>character development in the regard that MC actually drops the bitchy main interest for the fun, caring, and outgoing support character
This is what real happiness feels like
>still thinks Rize was a tulpa
Wait, TG is over? I stopped reading about time Sharkbro died, and people were telling me not to bother to continue anyway. So how did it end?
Sadly no sex, but you just know they'll fuck like rabbits
V were revealed to just be a family of ghouls(Washuu) and hear of the CCG, and not a global mafia made up by ghouls and humans as in part 1. Apparently, Furuta was one of them. The contradictory part is that in the manga, Furuta was taunted by being told his father doesn't know who he is, only to be revealed in the end his father loved him the most.
It ended with Kaneki having children Touka, which contradicted part 1 saying ghoul women can't conceive half-breeds. Rize being the final villain and off-screened defeated, like Eto was around 130 chapters ago by Furuta because he had rize's kagune because it was revealed it was super special, which in turn made Kaneki's achievements not impressive anymore.
head of the CCG*
Also forgot to mention that after the defeat of V, Tsukiyama - serial murderer, human trafficker and runner of a ghoul restaurant BECAME CHIEF OF THE CCG.
>stopped reading about time Sharkbro died
>people were telling me not to bother to continue anyway
JUST... don't.
Can you explain this picture to someone not indulged in it?
A shitstorm basically. TG :re after the Tsukiyama arc in a nutshell. It got so shitty that people had to somehow aliviate the bad aftertaste after each read.
Can you compare it to something else how bad it became?
As is the case with most manga, the author pretty much ran out of ideas and got tired of his work, and so decided to wrap it up as fast as he could. The story is kicked into high gear after the Tsukiyama Arc and it gets even worse after chapter 99-100. It just turned into pure cringe towards the end, despite having some good looking art here and there.
It was super inevitable though
>Highly intelligent
>Hot, nice body
>Still Cute
>Isn't afraid to show her sexuality
>Caring, playful
truly the Tokyo GOD
I cringe everytime I see someone post this picture because I know for a fact this was made when the threads were still fucking dead and some autist wanted to make his own le epic Yea Forums screencap with all his clown memes from reddit when it's not even warranted. It's like making a screencap of all the reactions of people reacting to Emma saying she wants to not kill the demons or even fucking the retarded nen shit in Souma. Nobody should give a shit enough for it to be warranted but the redditors had to get their fill.
They were literal redditors that people were too tired to tell to fuck off. Literally the same people who thought posting a webm of a retarded tumblrite dancing was the peak of thread comedy
Best girl of the year all years.
Best girl from the very start
We all deserve an Eto tulpa
Kaneki does change, but that doesn't mean he develops. Rather, he regresses from an interesting (if a bit edgy) character with his own moral compass, a hypocrite who realizes at a certain point that is indeed such, but accepts that he is that way. He gets shit done here and there, and struggles against his inevitable fate, but "dies" regardless, realizing in his supposed last moments his own flaws and mistakes.
From that, he becomes a two-dimensional shonen savior who barely tries to do anything, fails, but then succeeds because the plot ultimately needs him to. He feels like he's set up to be the grand savior because everybody needs to manipulate him for their personal plans, but you never quite get why people are as interested in him as they are, considering that in his time as "One-Eyed King," all he essentially did was sit around because "oh no people might think I'm a hypocrite if I try to advance any ghoul cause or even feed myself." In the end, he still has the same "I am going to mamoru the sekai" complex that ended up getting him killed in part 1 and was supposed to be a lesson for him.
They need to make a movie chronicalling process of creation of said kids, I bet it'll be a smashing hit.
I wouldn't nessescarily say regressed, because he did indeed show some development here and there during :RE. For me, the main issue has always been the fact that there was basically no real reason for his character to exist in :RE. We were shown his early struggles during TG, him meeting new friends who he wanted to protect, which then was later revealed as a cope mechanism to be loved by someone because he felt so lonely. So it was for a purely selfish desire, then he meets Touka again during the anteiku raid where he he gets confronted with said truth and is told how he really thinks as a person. This ultimately leads us to his heroic feat wanting to save the anteiku, which really resembled an act of suicide more than anything, and after he "died" at the hands of Arima, his character arc finally reached its conclusion which was essentially his salvation. Not looking at the story as a whole, but rather at Kaneki's character, this entire journey felt like a perfect ending for his character
Then :RE starts and throws everything into the trash by giving it a hard-reset. ~60 Chapters of Kaneki not being his true self, then 10 chapters of him regaining all of his memories and being full suicidal again. We then get the Arima rematch which basically helped him to find purpose in life. So this entire first half, doesn't really tell us something new about Kaneki, it was more of a recap of things we already knew. Even the whole stuff with his mom, was heavily implied several times during Part 1. Now the real issue begins. Kaneki gets handed the crown of the King even though he obviously wasn't fit for the role. After that it was just him being a passive character for the second half of the story who only reacts when the other side makes his move, so he was never really starting to take actions of his own accord. Even though you'd think that he learned from his mistakes, he does the same bullshit again where he gets trapped by Furuta's master plan.