What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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She realized she's getting old and wrinkly and needs to settle down

She's shallow and was only attracted to him once he was famous and respected by a large number of other people, even though she found him disgusting when he was not famous or powerful even though is appearance and personality was the same. Similar to how she was only attracted to Sasuke because he was the most popular guy in her grade. That's why she's the worst girl and Hinata was the only girl good enough for his legendary demi-god cock

>She's shallow and was only attracted to him once he was famous and respected by a large number of other people
So like most women?

Yeah but Hinata was pure and had true love unlike that thot Sakura

I agree, Hinata deserves her happiness being with Naruto over Sakura.

Did you even read the manga? She never falls for Naruto. She confesses because she thought it would stop Naruto from changing Sasuke since she thought the promise he made to her played a huge part in him backing Sauce back.

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yes, it's natural selection at its best

because love isn't pure and is nothing but your genitals reminding you that you need to have kids and you should aim for the top unless you're low self-esteem in which case you end up choosing the one you have a chance to fuck

nice shop

I wish Sasuke and Karin got together and that Sakura kidnapped their child was canon.

As much as I hate Sakura, she gets too much shit for this seen. This is like the only time in the entire series she actually goes out on a limb emotionally for someone that isn't Sasuke. Sure she was a retard about it, but she was trying to save Naruto's life here.

What is more worse than a Sakura apologist.

You won't get me in the divorce courts, bitch!

Oh and she was just suddenly decided to do that right after he became the hero of the leaf? Bullshit.

I'm a manipulative cunt

Just like when she drugged all the people that came with her explicitly to help her kill Sasuke, right

We can all admit that, objectively speaking, Sakura was a villain, Right?

Only to Naruto's heart user. Women can be fucking cunts.

Naruto straightup calling her on her shit in the very next panel was his greatest feat in the whole series

It’s almost like the last his own childhood infatuatiin for her died due to her blatant lie. Not enough people give him cred for how mature that was. He realized that only Sasuke could be autistic enough to wife that

This. Should have stopped being friends with the bitch there and then.


wow why does he hate women so much? is it the money he was gonna get for a soulless spin off sequel to write this crap? he's an actual whore.

What was her plan if Naruto accepted? Would she have been in a loveless marriage or would she break up with him later? This scene just made Sakura look worse than she already did.

Nigger they are explicit about her motives in that scene.

All girls are shallow.
hinata is pathetic and has no appeal. Sakura is better in everyway.

I wonder if she was actually willing to go far enough to fuck him once just to sell the bullshit

Hinata was never attracted to Sasuke. Instantly better


Yeah but she is a disgrace to the hyuga clan and she is too soft (her personality).

Light novel confirmed she’d been training hard to git gud off-screen and actually managed to beat Hanabi

but what if she started worshipping the naru dick from that moment on

God I wish Sakura would lie to me like that too

Read the actual manga, you fucking idiot. If Sakura truly fell for Naruto then we would have gotten shitty Narusaku. Why the fuck do you think Naruto tells her "I hate people that lie to themselves"? He knows that her confession isn't genuine.

>So you gonna let me smash
is how naruto should have responded.

>read boruto
Oh sorry i though i was talking to an intelligent person.
Unlocking 64 palms in the last battle compared to the chunin exams like neji.
Training hard after that point makes no difference. Whatever happens in boruto is irrelevant.

The Naruto Shinden novels were written as epilogue vignette extensions of the main series and not specifically Boruto, but whatever

>was only attracted to him
She was never attracted to him

It's not like there was shit they could actually do to Sasuke at that point, she probably saved their lives from his DARKNESS

The 9 tails would've made him know Sakura was lying

Actually, they just so happened to go after Sasuke right after he went through the kage+Danzo gauntlet and was damn near dead. If he had fought anybody at that point that had actually been willing to kill him (unlike Sakura), they probably could have done it

>mfw Sakura cucked a genuine attempt of Kakashi and Naruto to beat and tie up Sasuke back to Konoha.


>reminding people of facts now make you a fedora tipper
tell me all about your pure love for your waifu my brother