This is not content for another board. This is absolutely anime. What does Yea Forums think about Vic

This is not content for another board. This is absolutely anime. What does Yea Forums think about Vic.

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Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子


He did nothing wrong.

Yea Forumsermins as usual will keep bumping this thread because they are fucking Yea Forumsermins


He doesn’t look like anime.

Ai Kayano falls in love with Yoshitsugu Matsuoka.

Unable to confess, she is gifted by a deus ex machina with the boy's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to the boy, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with her AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of VOICE ACTING.

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I think that dubfags belong on Yea Forums


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It is unacceptable that we live in a world where an accusation is enough to ruin a career.

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/jp/ has seiyuu thread though, but they don't accept non-Japanese VAs.

Who the fuck is that 3DPD.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Literally who

What about the Uchida kiyodai?

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>an accusation
That's like calling a hurricane "a drop of water"
Not that I disagree with what you said but this dude has been racking them up since he got started in the business

*blocks your path

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Keit-Ai has been made into:

>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film

Meme magic is amazing.

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I'm not a fan of dubs but this does affect the industry.

>affecting the anime industry in anyway

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Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.

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>affect the industry
I don't think so American brother

His body of work speaks for itself.

Unless the accusations are for serious crimes, that should be reason enough to use him for what he's best at.

Risa Taneda falls in love with a KENN.

Unable to confess, she is gifted by a deus ex machina with the boy's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to the boy, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with her AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of VOICE ACTING.

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did nothing wrong and hopefully his lawsuits results in the western VA industry to implode.

I hate dubs. There are a few decent ones but most are bad. These kids haven't all downloaded anime on IRC like us. It does matter. Why are you so upset and irrational about this?

It doesn't matter as american dubs are irrelevant to anime.

>I hate dubs
>except I don’t hate dubs at all and is just using that rhetoric to try to force a topic that doesn’t belong on Yea Forums

Exactly, television that airs in the west belongs on Yea Forums or Yea Forums

>Yea Forums claims to hates dubs
>there's literally a thread up on how awesome the Pokemon dub is and dub theme songs from their youth they're circle jerking over

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His dubs aren't as good as these though

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check my 32


The very fact that this thread exist proves that Yea Forums is not a monolith.
One bad thread doesn’t make the entirety of Yea Forums hypocritical.

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Check this dubs.

Victory is mine.


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Wtf so many big titty woman and I get flat chested bitch. Just my luck.
Rolling again.

Still not satisfied. Need bigger tits.

Yea Forums used to hate this guy for being a pedo until it became cool to defend him
there were threads and threads of content with caps and videos of this guy's behavior
these threads are newfag filter

I give up.

C'mon 56.

His innocence or guilt doesn't matter.
The fact that twitter mobs decide everything is inherently shit and shouldn't be a thing.

I just want a girl that can crush my head between her thighs.

Hmm sounds like a very anime problem. Check these.

>it became cool to defend him
Nah dubfaggotry is never cool on Yea Forums.

Is this peak autism?

never heard of him

I think this belongs on /cgl/ because con drama goes over there

Yeah, it is really strange how some people can say 1 thing then in the very next sentence say something contradictory and not realize it.


>Yea Forums used to hate this guy for being a pedo until it became cool to defend him
Its just the last remnants of the gamergate crowd trying (and failing) to turn this into the next epic shitstorm movement to stay relevant

All of them are ugly.

>burgers are so self-centered they ACTUALLY think what goes on with their literal who dub actors has any bearing on a Japanese industry

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He did literally absolutely fucking nothing wrong, and I hope he sues the shit out of Monica and Funimation. I can only imagine the SJW meltdown over him winning in the end.

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I was in the anime con scene ~10 years ago and he was well known for his lecherous behaviour back then - I'm not sure why anyone is feigning surprise at formal accusations being leveled.

Gimme 26. I don't like cow tits or pettanko, I want my tits to be just right.



What this from?

the libs are going to be so TRIGGERED it's going to be EPIC

I hope he wins his case mostly due to the fact that I want to see how much he destroys Funimation and if they can even recover from it.


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>This is not content for another board.
>>>/dub/ is that way, user

while im here

Funimation is gonna bite the dust.


Especially since the only "proof" they have is that he hugged and kissed at cons. I mean, really? That's something everyone does at cons. Hell, most of the fans directly ask for it.

It makes the "accusers" look like a bunch of vile hypocrites, which they are.

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Do you have an example of said behavior?

He probably did some annoying shit, but SJWs are bloating the charges and faking the context of photos and stories. Either way he's going to be done in the industry, there's no coming back when that many co-workers hate you.

Not sure about him but you should definitely kill yourself op

>I can only imagine the SJW meltdown
And there we have it folks. Le ebin e-drama. Kindly fuck off to Yea Forums and Yea Forums with this shit

I hope he sues the shit out of Funi but then goes on a real actual rape spree on all dub actors and then kills immigrants before killing himself and taking out some pigs.
This is what (a dubfag), other dubfags, and dub companies deserve. Complete and utter destruction.

Kill yourself OP

Imagine caring about this guy in any way and posting threads about him on Yea Forums. How fucking embarrassing.

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>Hugging someone is sexual harassment now.

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Alright, I'll bite. Let's see what I get

The only dubs here are MINE
Yoshi, ikuzo!

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Gib flat chest/smol chest girl



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fuck off

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I don't think he did anything wrong and I hope Funimation gets a good kick in the teeth and that Sean Basedmel continues to get blasted.

That said, I think that dubfags are blowing the whole thing out of proportion because they aren't used to controversies or scandals. I mean, all Vic has even been accused of is copping an unwanted feel now and then or trying to seduce some of his female co-workers (who probably are exaggerating his advances to make him look nefarious).

Compare this baby ass shit to some of the stuff that goes on in the Japanese side of the industry and it's kind of laughable.

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Yea Forums get back in your hole

i wish for the loli

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>janny deletes my on-topic yuri thread
>keeps this retarded eceleb shit thread up

I love Yea Forums bingo nights!

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>made a yuri thread
your worse

He definitely was a harasser. Funi was within every right to fire him, no matter if he did it or not. If you fuck up your entire company's brand just by your presence, you deserve to be fired

Gotta roll

Funi and ANN are up shit’s creek with no paddle; people are turning on them and they don’t even have lawyers.

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So, this is awkward Yea Forums. I don't know what to think and I was actually working with the guy on something recently. Nothing worth mentioning really but it kind of hurts to see something like this: If it's a lie, then that sucks but he has lawyers and from what I saw definitely wasn't an idiot. If it's true however that's pretty fucking horrific.

I didn't know him other than from his work (I watch both sub and dub depending on what suits me) and from meeting him. He seemed pretty cool and professional. Nothing seemed weird at the time to me personally and there were younger crew members working with us at the time. I mean he wasn't exactly cold or anything but nothing I saw was overbearing in particular. We hung out after which was neat and now I feel really weird about it but I don't want to think that's just confirmation bias after hearing the news. I'm not here to cast stones, I don't know more than I do which isn't that much but I hope no one innocent was hurt in any of this.

>tl;dr He didn't seem like a creep but evidence brought up kind of gives me chills. Then again I've been convinced before so who the fuck knows.

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please give me a thick demon

This has going on for 10+ years, it just got brought up more and more because of the Broly movie.
He has been banned from multiple cons and has admitted to sleeping with congoers. (Shouldn't matter, but doesn't help his case)
None of his peers defended him
Funimation did a private investigation

God I love Yea Forums someone makes this thread and it's instantly shit on.

Dubs are not anime


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mods pls
pls do your job

They are doing their job, Yea Forumstard

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Fuck Funimatiion and fuck dubniggers.

I want to fuck that black panther

please don't give me titty monsters

I know. Imagine if Toei just announced "hey no more Vegeta in Dragon Ball, his Italian VA died". That would be retarded.
>But muh western streaming services and fanbases
Yeah, because Japan never ever made anime before America caught on



>only one of them has a womb tattoo
I guess I'll just use a marker. Rolling.

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He is innocent and has handled this maturely. The people against him have been raging dicks throughout this and all act like typical feminist.


What is it that compels crossboarders to so desperately try to make off-topic bait threads like this on Yea Forums? Why is it so utterly important that you get to have a circlejerk thread about politics here instead of fucking off back to whatever normalfag board spawned you?

Dubs suck but also online hashtag witch hunts are retarded.

i swear to god they go out of their way to pick the most autistic people they can find

But still he did nothing wrong

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>hey if i put actually legitimate statements or arguments in a bingo that magically makes them not legitimate anymore
wow it's kinda as pathetic as making a political internet cartoon where you paint yourself as the reasonable party while the person that disagrees with you is presented as a raving lunatic

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>Mods straight up allowing Yea Forums image dumps
Hiro really has ruined this site.

>everyone who disagrees with my ideology is the same bogeyman!

>tfw Accelspammer will never save Yea Forums from shonenfags, dubfags, /pol/cucks, Yea Forumsfags, Yea Forumsermin, and all other newfags

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I'm waiting for it to all blow over. Last time I tried keeping up with a stupid scandal was 2014.

I'd rather not relive 2014

rolling for wife

my ideology is fuck dubs fuck cons fuck you go back to r*ddit, anime twitter, and crunchyroll

Who cares?

On Yea Forums that statement is more often correct than not

That's fair. Gomen.

Still, just thought I'd throw my share out there. I was contacted recently by someone that was in the same production whom I assume just wanted gossip or to hear if i'd been diddled kek. I was not. One of these reminded me of that lol.

He was a bit of a flirt to someone else we worked with but I mean- they weren't exactly on the young side of things. So a sleaze I could see maybe but anything else is only what Vic and the people involved know.

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No it's not. Don't be so transparent, fucknugget, or I'll give you a smooch on the lips and make fun of the fact that your shirt isn't tucked in.


Got a bingo answer for you
"h-hi guys i like totally went to a con 10 years ago and he was raping people"

>hey if i put actually legitimate statements or arguments in a bingo
Normally I'd agree but in this case there are no legitimate arguments being made here
>everyone who disagrees with my ideology
Ok I'll bite. Whats my "ideology" user?

Hope I get somebody good

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my ideology is fuck dubs, fuck lolcows and hashtag activism, go back to Twitter, ANN and anifem

Can someone explain the keit-ai meme to me? Kimi no Na wa. is unironically my favorite movie of all time, including western movies

You can tell which posters are roasties.

Honestly, it highlights just how ignorant dub fans are of what goes on in the anime world & industry. I don't think Vic did anything wrong, at least not anything that warrants the treatment he received from his former co-workers, employers & their defenders online. But a lot of dub dudes live in their own weird little world. You'll also notice that a lot of the youtubers who have been reporting on the controversy have been non-anime centric channels.

Pretty good, actually.

back to anime right twitter

back to sargon I'm sure he's talking about this, not that I would know. how about mtgheadquarters I'm sure you'd love to hear him btfo the social justice warriors through that wet hole in his hairy face

Innocent until proven guilty remains a good argument.
"Survivors" is plainly manipulative language. People can and do falsely accuse others of things.
"Why did it take 10 years to come forward?" is a valid question.
"I've met Vic and.." - people are literally using that argument against him and it's not a problem.
"Slurs" is basically poisoning the well, as is "doxes threatens survivors", considering that shit happens the other way around too.
Ruining his career is going too far, yes.

I met Monica Rial TODAY. And even thought I've lost alot of respect for her in the past few weeks, I still wanted to get some signatures on some of my BR/DVD covers. I didn't say much to her, not what I had planned before, just thanks for coming out to the con. It's difficult, I'm not sure if I'll think the same way about some of the shows she's in, knowing that she's kind of a terrible person. She was nice enough to con goers though. eh, I don't really know what to feel anymore.

Well that is because he is famous and accusations are free and effortless to use. It is only now with the MeToo shit that they have gained this power.

Tuck in that shirt. My lips are puckered and ready to smooch you for being such a silly nerd.

Don't you have to cry about some anime promoting Nazi values by painting reproduction as a positive thing or something?

gimmie a loli succ

Never meet your heroes, user. They will never be the idol you wanted them to be in your heart.

Fuck off and go back to whining about the SJEWs ruining your games Yea Forumsirgins

Why is the thread still up?

Should I watch the Pokemon Dub or Sub? I been debating it for a while now while catching up with Black Clover

janitors are people who apply

Can't eat hot pockets and delete threads at the same time, it's scientifically impossible

Sigh.. okay, I'm just going to say something that I've always been bothered by and irritated from...
I need to vent.


I HATE that LITERALLY nearly every single anime except for some old ones (and sometimes even at those) have these vulgar themes or "not supposed to be a vulgar themed" but has a trillion boob's and sexual moments at every damn scene..!!

Like a bunch of twelve-year-old girl faces on these "boobed out" PORNSTAR yes I said PORN-STAR bodies or having this sissy boy theme of some sort OR even having incest scenes like that anime "Bento" I mean for crying out loud on funimation channel there was that one trailer "Cat Planet Cuties" which is LITERALLY HENTI (which is yet ANOTHER HUGE thing that gives anime as a WHOLE a bad rep') or that FUCKING ANNOYING AS FUCK anime cliché of a character being OBSESSED and I mean O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D with another character that's just trying to exist and play their role ~AHEM~ Mikasa on EREN every 2.5 ~COUGH COUGH~ risking every fucking mission I mean fuuuckk.. Levi couldn't've said it better, "we all get that you love him, but try not to get us all fucking KILLED" LIFE FUCK ME DUDE LITERALLY annoying as SHIT and now the writers are making it so that apparently they get married???!!!!

Don't you have to go not watch any anime or read any manga and post pictures that somebody else made of characters you don't know the names of wearing maga hats on twitter to trigger the libs?

Roastie confirmed. Enjoy your arby's crotch.

I bet you're fuming. Not only is Darling in the FranXX a below mediocre show, it also promotes problematic values that can't be allowed in 2019!

Fuck off and kill yourself, retarded faggot.

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yet ANOTHER CASE of INCEST from these writers in Japan and their supporters (NOTE: I ducking realize they aren't blood but they grew up as kids together so it might as well fucking be since eren only wants to look at her as a sister but the writers INSIST of giving into this constant sickening pattern of bull fucking shit writing like why in the actual FUCK can't you just leave my man eren be??

why does he HAVE to marry his own fucking SISTER DUDE it ain't like they were both like twenty-one and their parents found each other and bada Bing bada boom NO..!THEY-GREW-UP-AS-CHILDREN-TOGETHER as brother and sister so get that through your fucking thick-ass SKULLS PEOPLE!!!

they want to make you seem like they were supposed to be mature enough at that age and that they knew what they were doing and are aware but nah.. nah these fucking writers of these sad excuses for anime arcs actually enjoy this fucking twisted as shit THEY WERE MADE TO BE BRO AND SIS so they can write this fuck-shit

once AGAIN PEOPLE LMFAO there's LITERALLY "ANIME" OUT THERE that don't shy away from this and are LITERALLY about the incest arcs like LITERALLY it's a "bro and sis" "ANIME" and the fact that mikasa and eren are even SUPPOSED to be brother and sister is just sickening and they honestly create that character like eren who is fine and is just being a clueless character doing his part in the stories and then this crazy fucking brother-dick hungry "tragic past" Mrs. "I have a reason for why I am doing this I can explain" bitch who won't leave him ALONE and risk everyone's life for him like they're boyfriend and girl friend but NAW they're also SUPPOSED to be siblings and it's ALRIGHT!! NO HARM DONE! until the writer finally stops teasing like they're going to finally let him be and ditch the incest/fanfic scene and move on.. but nope, they must get married now to complete the sadly common, twisted anime cycle..

hope she can kill me with her thighs

Kill yourself, dubfag.
Should also kill yourself for being a confag.

Who's this twat?

Sean Schemmel is such a dick. I asked him to sign over a Goku poster for my friend 5 years ago and he was like tell your friend to come here and refused.
Stupid fucker I told him it was supposed to be a present.

nah, there was another anime VA there who I was super excited to meet, who hasn't got caught up in this whole Vic mess, and she was great and sweet, and fun to talk to. Meeting your heroes is fine as long as you have realistic and practical expectations and keep it in your mind that they're just people too.

Yea Forums is not your hugbox, fag

Another element of this comes from the cancer of western anime fandom. Western anime fans typically expect anime to be nothing more than action shows and battle shonen. Romcoms, slice of life, and just about anything with cute or sexy girls gets them seriously pissed off, and they easily relate to SJW rants about otaku culture, anime and Japanese games.
Western fans of anime and Japanese games have this odd entitlement towards the mediums, and often act like otaku culture is screwing them out of the anime/games they want. What they fail to realize is this stuff was always aimed at the otaku audience to begin with, (yes, even "back in the day.") minus a very small handful of anime, manga, or games that test the waters of pandering to western or more mainstream audiences.

Websites like Kotaku, Anime News Network, and Japanator pump out clickbait that promotes and normalizes this attitude within fans of Japanese games and anime, and they have done so for years. This turned the majority of western fans into self-hating trainwrecks, censorship apologists, and bitter, angry fans that hardly enjoy their hobby anymore.

I GUARANTEE YOU there's a fanbase out there at work faithfully writing out twisted fanfics of all sorts fueling this incest hentai porno pervertedness I mean c'mon dude.. you're beating to a fictional character... a fucking animation you sick weird individual, aren't you tired of this programming shit already..? hug?) and EVEN bestiality with always constantly having some half cat half pornstar girl with a twelve-year-old girl's face on it

LITERALLY this stuff is in nearly every single fucking "anime" that has EVER been created like why when I want to look up a anime about cooking or about being a chef I have to sit through a whole bunch of boob porno schoolgirl chicks with these two-year-old faces like I'm supposed to be subliminally programmed with pedophilia tendencies or some twisted shit some fucking strange form of sexual programming

and let's talk about ALWAYS having that one skinny kid with glasses surrounded by these half cat half porno lady body with ten-year-old faces who're all trying to get at him but he's too submissive and WEAK (as the girl or creature who's supposed to be a overly sexualized female is more sexually dominate and just overall dominate over the men) to indulge in anything like it's some sort of manifestation of REAL-LIFE modern-day Japanese society

Because it is anime related and no other board fits this topic. It is a big event that a lot of people want to talk about. The ramification of this could have dramatic effects on dubbing.
My hopes is Funi dies out and we get some good dubbing companies from the ashes.

Yea Forums is not your anything because you just arrived.

Don't you have to write a whingy diatribe about how Goblin Slayer is the most disgusting thing and the author as well as the staff working on the adaptation should be imprisoned for creating something so vulgar?

(since there was a resent test did in Japan that there are less marriages happening in Japan now 'cause the men mostly feel like the women are too independent and don't need them and are better at getting jobs and making moola and overall apparently making them more dominate with that silly-ass logic and would dub marriage as folly and find it not needed like love apparently has no say in the matter and doesn't exist and that it is all about trying to function and trying to fit inside of society and what's the best way to do that instead of marrying for LOVE instead they'd rather marry for money and functioning in their cities/states/country and I know, not every fucking Japanese person is like this.. just a large sum.)

with all these overly dramatic sexual scenes aka "Up-Skirt/Down-Shirt" scenes always trying to depict some weak-ass forayed motherfucka 'round these thirteen-year-old faced boob women catering to these prepubescent boy's or perverted pedophile's corrupted sexually twisted fantasy

THIS FUCKING "Kawaii Desu Chan" flashy, weird, pedoish, pervertedish, overly sexual, dumbfounded "ANIME" is so fucking disgustingly overdid in the HIGHEST and most BRIGHTEST sense of the saying!

have you ever honestly EVER just stopped and thunk of what this would do to a child's BRAIN?! and even your OWN HEAD!?!

I mean people I wanna love anime too but come the actual FUCK ON!!!!!!! you honestly get so sucked into the bullshite that you stop fucking questioning why LITERALLY.. YOU JUST STOP and or asking for something fucking BETTER than what in the actual FUCK we are seeing and just accept the boobie, pedo, bestiality & incest bull fucking SHIT WE FUCKING SEE ALL THE BLASTED TIME!!!!!!!..

Yea Forums, I'm clearly a brainlet, tell me what I'm supposed to feel about these characters because I can't pinpoint it at all.

Was Ayano supposed to be likeable or hated? Her hatred was justified, but hate can never win of course, so she has to be the bad guy.

Nagisa was portrayed as the one you should root for from the very start with that scene when she's destroyed by Ayano in episode 1, but she's largely irrelevant for over half the show and it focused much more on Ayano's mental struggle. She's also some kind of super-hero who can beat Ayano with a busted knee, but it's ok because hard work wins over talent?

Are we supposed to hate or feel sorry for Connie? On one hand she claims that Ayano's efforts in becoming a part of the team is pointless because she isn't acknowledged by Mom and basically states that she wants to claim her for her own since Ayano can't be her true successor or some shit, but on the other hand she wants Ayano to be her "sister", only to get destroyed, never to be seen again.

Mom is a completely irredeemable piece of shit, but all is forgiven because Ayano actually loves badminton now after having some doubts. Am I getting this right?

Anne sighed as she sat in her room, staring at her wall. She just finished writing in her diary, and had nothing to do. Life was boring in the Secret Annex, but it was better than the alternative. It was alright talking to Peter and Margot, but they were both such quiet people, unlike the always active Anne. All of a sudden, a flash of light appeared in the room! Anne jumped back, stifling a scream. Before she could run out the closed door she noticed that the person who appeared in the flash was not a Nazi officer, but someone who she had never seen before! His clothes were very strange, and his hair was in a spiky style that was totally new to her. She stood against the wall, wary of the stranger, but he walked towards her and smiled, extending a hand. "My name is Goku." The mysterious stranger said. Anne nervously put her hand in his. He bent down and kissed it softly, then let go.

That's funny, coming from a tumblr refugee.

Thanks man. I will
>Darling in the FranXX
Well that's a non sequitur if I ever saw one

honestly, I wanna like Japan but.. to be completely bluntly honest/sincere with you... they're honestly having me questioning them like every fucking second now at what the fuck type of water these people are drinking or what type of drug these writers and art & design directors are on/taking 'cause.. that shit HAS to be the hardest fucking shit this reality has ever fucking known dude.., even in that wolf family anime movie the woman slept with some wolf creature and YET AGAIN Japan and it's many MANY PEOPLE (Including ALL who support this) CEASE TO AMAZE ME..!

Sleeping with this beast creature aka Wolf aka BESTIALITY creature and had these abominations of an offspring (and I GUARANTEE YOU NO-ONE will like this OR even show support for this 'cause everyone has seen it FOREVER and there has NEVER been anything any different!)

.. it's like even in video games of the anime sort OR just video games in GENERAL always tend to have that one picture that the devs use to promote their game.. have you ever seen those "Game Ads" on some sites that ALWAYS has like this pale-faced giant boob skimpy outfit eleven-year-old face woman just flashing at you telling you to.. "CLICK PLAY NOW" or "SIGN UP HERE" with some bullshit ass name now, granted, most of you out there are probably already aware (and if you aren't you are now..) that these ads carry malware and viruses that can permanently damage your computer and cause major problems for your PC consol to BEGIN WITH BUT even THEN there is bigger name games like TERA that have the EXACT-SAME-THING it's like.., if you want people to pick up your game... JUST MAKE YOUR GAME GOOD AND PUT IN WORK instead of making a VULGAR IMAGE catering to prepubescent little twink boys or perverts/pedophiles

They definitely didn’t die though. All the evidence points to them surviving at the very least that night that they went to sleep at the top of the city.
1. Grandpa told them to go up, not down. He was obviously a very well read man, and likely had some books on what had happened to the humans in the upper echelons of society, which is why he told them to go up. He knew what was at the top, or at least had some idea.
2. The girls’ health. When they fell asleep at the top of the city, the girls were definitely exhausted after their climb, but were definitely not close to death. They were well fed, hydrated, and had enough blanket and coats to keep them warm through the night. They had just eaten that day, the human body can go days if not weeks without food, so saying they starved is utter nonsense.
3. Placement of bags, helmets, and footprints. When they went to sleep, their helmets were placed on either side of them, and their bags were separated. In the final chapter of the manga, their helmets are stacked on top of each other, one bag is missing, and there are footprints leading around the other side of the “rock”.
4. The “rock”. On the last page of the manga, we see the rock they had found at the top of the city, and it has symbols and stuff like that which was found when they were on the elevator and when the robots were having a conversation in that factory with the fish. This “rock” is obviously a piece of advanced technology, possibly some kind of teleporter or transporter.
5. Authors Notes page. After the manga ends, on the authors notes page, we see the girls looking confused in a field of grain. Many believe this is them in the afterlife, but I believe it was somewhere they were physically transported to. This is the place their grandfather wished to send them, even if he wasn’t totally sure it was still possible to make it there. They are not wearing their helmets, since they left them at the top of the city. They lived.

I don't think you understand, user. I'm sure they were nice and great and sweet when you met her but they'll always find a way to do or say something to let you down outside of when they're being paid to be nice.

This is just the hard fact of life even if you temper it with realistic expectations and practicality.
Think about it, you can keep in your mind that they're "just people too" but who lets you down more than people?

Just know user. He'll find a way.

This is a good point. Honestly, even people that weren't involved with him much have caught heat being in his general vicinity. While I understand PR concerns and people wanting to distance themselves from him; I won't say my experiences in or out of work were bad.

Problem is that some of them seem legit and then suddenly a few months later there's a media shitstorm.

I understand the kneejerk reaction, we shouldn't fan the flames and it doesn't belong here. I'ma leave the thread but I'm not OP by a long shot.

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whatever language you want to use speds are welcomed in all the time

literally the
>look mom, I'm fitting in with Yea Forums!
-the post.

Anne blushed, feeling something she had never felt before go off inside of her. "My name is Anne..." she replied quietly. "I'm sorry for what just happened," Goku told her, "But I was caught in a time portal and deposited here! My power cells will recharge soon, but until then, I'm stuck here." Anne had no idea what the handsome visitor was talking about, but she played along. "Well, sir" she said. "You may stay in my room as long as you like!" Anne blushed again as she said this, and giggled slightly. Goku looked around, and then sat on the bed. "Thank you for the invitation. I'll be sure to repay you for it soon." Anne did not understand what he meant by that, however, when he spoke, she felt a warmth deep inside of her. She sat by him on the bed, staring at the man's beautiful eyes. Finally, she could stand it no longer.

I just wanna see him fuck over Funimation but from what a little bird told me the guy is such a massive cuck and will accept taking non legal action if Funi rehires him again.

What the fuck is this thread. It's not even the OP that's the issue, it's everything else.

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>What does Yea Forums think about Vic.

I don't.

I mean C'MON literally, anime could be such a good thing... it has potential to be brilliance in its finest form.... EVEN with different ethnicity's other than the same white-haired pale-faced characters we always have shoved in our faces and down our throats

Honestly?.. It's time to literally stop this grotesque cyclic pattern and just fucking REALIZE......You-Don't-Need-Vulgar-Sexuality-Boobs-Bestiality-Incest.. to fucking enjoy a FUCKING ANIMATED SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teaching women to read should be illegal desu.

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I love the irony in posts like this. I makes me thankful I'll never be as stupid as the people who make these posts.

First off, learn what the words you're use mean.
Secondly, when people mock you and tell you off for typing like a retard, it doesn't mean they're mad. It means they recognize you as the shit you are.
Lastly, that's what makes the irony great. You call people autistic, but autism is about misreading social cues, and you misread people as being mad constantly, because it's some sort of coping device for you.

Anne leaned over and kissed the stranger on the cheek, and then pulled back quickly, not sure of what she had done. "I'm sorry..." she said, as she stumbled to find the right words. The visitor smirked. "No, that's quite alright." He replied with a smile, putting one arm around her. "You know, you're a very beautiful girl, but I... well..." Anne looked at him, troubled. "What's the matter?" she said, with a sweet smile. Goku looked nervous. "I... I'm already married." he finally managed to choke out. Anne pulled away from him abruptly. "No!" she said loudly, almost in tears. "I'm sorry..." he replied. Anne was furious. "Nothing ever goes right!" she cried out. "I have to go now, my power cells have recharged." said Goku. Anne was in tears by now, staring at the wall so she wouldn't see Goku's face. He smiled a sad smile, and disappeared in another flash, out of Anne's life forever. Anne never forgot him, though... not until the end of time.

End of Prologue.

>this thread

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I feel like all of the Papikas were manifestations of possible relationships, and Cocona went through 1 by 1 turning them down because what she really wanted was what she already had with Papika. She didn't want a sexual relationship, didn't want to be swept away by a bad boy, or swooned by a prettyboy. She didn't want a friend who she could blow off steam with at the arcade, or gloomy friend she could do dorky stuff with, or an imouto who would make her meals and wash her back and want only for her love. She rejected each and all of it in turn because what she wanted was Papika.

All of the others looked like Papika but weren't. That was important. Despite looking like her physically, they were totally different personalities, and the authentic Papika personality is what she was searching for. Part of the point was that she wasn't looking for a superficial relationship. She didn't want someone that looked like Papika, and didn't want someone that just helped her meet one of her physical or emotional needs, like the boys being male company, or the slut being sexual gratification, or the imouto being a servile little teddybear. Her relationship to Papika goes beyond that, and the motions of this episode helped Cocona to realize that.

The real question I would ask you is why you feel so strongly about a dub voice actor? I understand respecting their work or just preferring not to read, but the way some of you guys talk, you'd think the eng. dub was the original voice track.

Whether Monica Rial is a "terrible person" or not has no bearing on Hiromi Tsuru or Aya Hisakawa's character, just like whether Vic Mignogna is guilty or not has no bearing on Romi Park or Bin Shimada. So why is it that Rial or Mignogna's character is such an issue that you feel so emotional about it? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I don't even think the dub communities in other countries that don't speak English are as religiously devoted to their dub actors as English ones are. I doubt this thing would be as big if it involved Broly's Spanish or German VA

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Until the End of Time - Chapter 1

One month. Well, it didn't feel like a month. To Anne Frank, a Jew in hiding from the Nazis, it seemed like a year. One month since the fateful encounter with the mysterious man from another world, who she only knew as 'Goku'. The handsome stranger had stepped through time and into her life, then disappeared without a trace. Anne was almost sure that they'd never meet again, even though not one day passed without her dreaming of him. Little did she know, however, that their lives were tied by the unbreakable red string of fate.

Yeah, he's pretty passive and despite this muh ebin "Vic's gonna take Funimation down" shit (it would be great, though), it's obvious he's not really going to do anything like that.
If anything, he's going to try the Kevin Spacey thing where he disappears for a while, comes back and proclaims to be a changed man.

Anne gets sexually raped. Shortly she changes her name to Nick. Nick was a closet faggot and loved to crossdress and waste gis time on Yea Forums.

It was another boring day in the Secret Annex. Anne sat on the bed of her room, writing in her diary. It never occurred to her, however, that this entry would be her last. As she wrote in the quiet attic, there was a loud noise from downstairs. Her heart jumped with both fear and excitement. Was it them? The Nazis? Or, could it be... him? She had no idea whether to run downstairs or to hide. That decision, however, was made for her. Her door flew open, and a tall soldier was visible in the doorway, glaring at her. The cries of her family members and friends were tuned out as Anne only thought of one thing. She stood up and followed the soldier out of her room, down the stairs, and into the back of a truck. "So this is it." She said quietly to herself. "I'll never see him, my one true love, ever again. And all those years of hiding... they were for naught." Then, Anne realized that she left her precious diary up in her room.

Holy shit cool it with the autism

The author really improved a lot with the Working we got first, and it's a shame that they're adapting this one so faithfully.

The main problem with with it is that the humor is based on "woman is horrible to guy, guy has to tolerate it". Which sure, could work in theory, but not when it's the crux of every single joke.

The characters are too defined by their flaws, to the point that you just don't like them or get invested in anyone, and it creates a negative atmosphere that breaks immersion, unlike the cozy atmosphere of the second series.

Surprised you didn't use "incel."
Have you already exhausted its use?

>Problem is that some of them seem legit and then suddenly a few months later there's a media shitstorm.

This is why you never meet your heroes. For all the legit-ness they exhibit, you always end up being turned away because they say or do something that conflicts with your own personal code.
I have a theory which is unfounded but I reckon the type of personality which thrives in acting borders on either sociopathic or just incredibly lacking in common sense.

Literally the
>I am a giant fag but still want to post on Yea Forums unhindered
-the post

She broke loose from the officer, and made a dash back into the shop, when he removed a gun from his holster and fired a shot in her direction. Anne fell to the floor.

Anne lay on the floor, feeling searing pain run through her leg, where the bullet had met its mark. The Gestapo officer menacingly moved towards her, grinning, when all of a sudden there was a blinding flash of light, causing the officer to shield his eyes. A huge cloud of smoke appeared next to Anne, blocking her from the soldier's vision. When the smoke cleared, he was in for quite a surprise. There was Goku, holding Anne in his arms, standing next to a huge metal capsule.

Part of it is people trying to derail it
Part is people talking about if it is anime or not
and the other part is actually talking about the topic.
It is pretty great

The fact that you're trying to drag this garbage into Yea Forums is what shouldn't be a thing, you massive faggot.
Why don't you protest the usage of mines in civilian areas by jumping on one?

Yea Forums will never join your "culture war" dumb niGGers

This but unironically. Shitposting would be much better if it was just dudes.


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"Goku!" cried Anne "You came back... for me!" Goku smiled. "Anything for you, my dear." He said. "Our love will never be lost... not until the end of time." The Gestapo officer turned tail and ran, but Goku was too quick for him. After laying Anne on the concrete, he dashed towards the Nazi and knocked him to the ground, unconscious, with only one blow. "Nazi scum." Muttered Goku as he spit on his enemy's limp body, then returned to Anne. "Here, I have something for you." Goku said, as he removed a small bean from his pocket. "What on earth is this?" asked Anne. Goku smiled, remember how ignorant she was to what was everyday life to him. "A senzu bean." He said. "Just eat it, and it will cure your leg." Anne followed his instructions and popped the bean into her mouth, as the wound on her calve magically healed. "Now come on." Commanded Goku. "We've got some Nazi ass to kick." Anne jumped on the mysterious Saiyan's back, as he launched off into the sky.

Because they contributed to something that I love. Being close to them, is being close to the thing I love. Honestly I'd feel the same way if I was close to the original VA's or artists. It doesn't really matter to me, I'm just a geek for voice acting in general really, whether it's for anime, western animation, ect.

He's not disappearing, he's suing his accusers for fucking with his job.

Kill yourself.

So these kickvic dudes whining about muh gamergate and the anime right cons
They're just baiting, right? It's so obvious that they're playing a role for cheap (You)s.

Women should just stay in the kitchen and let themselves get molested. They should be thankful that they have any rights at all.

After only a few moments, the two of them arrived in Berlin. Tanks were parading down the street, as Adolf Hitler himself stood on a platform overlooking it all. "Stay here." Goku said, dropping Anne in a shaded area under a tree. He then flew straight towards the parade of tanks, fist outstretched, screaming as loud as he could. The soldiers below scattered in terror, while the tanks tried to aim their cannons at him. He was too quick and nimble for them, however, and opened the hatch of a nearby Panzer, then headed inside. After dispatching of the soldiers in control of the war machine, he took the wheel. He fired round after round into the crowds of Nazi soldiers, occasionally firing at the other tanks. After only minutes, there was nothing but a cloud of dust and corpses. Goku emerged from the tank's hatch, smiling now that he had done his duty. When all of the dust cleared, there were only two people remaining on the parade ground: Goku, the Saiyan hero, and Adolf Hitler, the most evil man ever to walk the earth.

>and the other part is actually talking about the topic.
Those people must be banned.

innocent until proven guilty. Just basic human dignity really. Gotta hold up benefit of the doubt or we are just savages.

There are people that do indeed believe gamergate people still exist in some capacity and use it as a scapegoat to avoid having to answer actual questions about the situation.

Shut up, Tumblr refugee.

guy from here, It's not a culture war, I'm just calling out stupidity where I see it. Goodbye.

Anne watched from nearby fearfully as she saw the two men stare at each other for what seemed like hours. Her one true love, and her ultimate oppressor. It had come down to this. "So," Hitler said jovially "You took out all of my men. However, you aren't going to defeat me." Hitler then jumped down from his platform and down onto the street in front of Goku, pulling a chain gun from the ground nearby. Goku quickly jumped behind a ruined tank, as Adolf opened fire. The tank made decent cover, but it wasn't long until it would be torn apart by the hail of bullets. Goku had to act. He dashed out from the side of the tank, and flew as fast as he could toward Hitler, who had no time to react. He grabbed the chain gun out of his enemy's hands, and snapped it over his knee with ease. Hitler stumbled backwards, shocked at the turn of events. Goku smirked, then said "It's come down to this. You and me. Fighting like men. If you admit defeat now, I'll kill you rather painlessly."

This but unironically. We should take back their rights since they've obviously squandered them.

"b-but muh this is not a court of law and that makes this okay," or some shit like that

this but unironically

Gamergate is dead though. It has been dead for years now.

Goku had the definite advantage. Or so it seemed. Hitler burst into a laugh, as Goku looked on quizzically. The mustachioed man slowly rose into the air, as his brown hair and pencil moustache turned a blonde color, and his brown eyes turned blue. Goku reeled in horror. Hitler continued laughing, then finally said "Goku! You came here expecting to find a madman, but instead, you found a GOD!" Hitler had become a Super Saiyan.

Anne looked on in awe, not sure what was going on. At first, it seemed like her lover would win the battle, but now she was not so sure. Goku now seemed scared of his opponent, and it was for a good reason. Hitler continued to speak "Goku, can't you see? I've reached a power level 10 TIMES anything you've ever achieved! Your fate is sealed, weakling." Even though the battle seemed unwinnable, Goku charged in, screaming at the top of his lungs. Every blow he struck with was deflected off of Hitler's rock hard body. Hitler waited for Goku to tire himself out, then raised his fist and punched Goku. And one punch was enough. Goku was knocked across the street into a large propaganda poster of Hitler, thudding to the cold, hard ground. Hitler laughed, thinking that victory was in his hands at last.

Oh yeah, I know that much, but I'm fairly sure most of the people here crying about it are just playing a role.

Nah look at the name of people who involve. It’s just gamergate 2 anime edition.

Goku, however, was not ready to give up. Bruised and battered, he rose from the ground, limping in Hitler's direction. The Nazi leader laughed. "You still want to fight? Don't you know when to give up, boy? You can hardly walk. And you expect to beat ME? Conqueror of Europe?" Goku ignored Adolf's taunts as he continued to stumble his way forward. Finally, the two archrivals were standing face to face. Goku stared Hitler into the eye, then screamed "This... is for LOVE!"

Goku flew up into the sky, his hair turning blonde, his eyes blue, and an aura of power radiating from him. Hitler looked on in horror at Goku. He had made the ultimate achievement. He had become a Super Ultra Power Saiyan. Goku made a cup shape with his hands, aiming at Hitler, as he belted out the words "Kame... Hame... HAAAAA!" as a beam of pure energy shot at his enemy, disintegrating the Nazi leader's body.

I feel like at any second a sargon video could spontaneously start playing

There are people who think it's okay to bring this garbage into Yea Forums.
Just kidding, they aren't people at all. They are crossboarding retards who do not belong here.
Nice try gathering support fur your irrelevant twitter screeching match.

this, but I've never met a woman who could cook better than me.

Sounds about right.

Like who?

and the nazis haven't been around since 1945, don't mind my goosestepping and swastika armband

My ideology is lurk more you filthy newfag.

Goku then collapsed to the ground in a heap, exhausted from the fight. Two years later: Anne and Goku had finally reached the date of their wedding. After the battle, Anne and Goku destroyed the time machine and took a boat to Australia. They changed their names and lived new lives, ready to start over. The two young people looked into each others eyes as they kissed, as the reverend pronounced them man and wife. Finally, it seemed, Anne was at peace. And they would always be together, until the end of time.

The End.

Thread's on autosage, not going to post the rest

Women can't cook better than men. The best chefs in the world are male, we just used to tell housewives their food was amazing because when you come from a long day at work you can't really be fucked dealing with an argument when all you want to do is drink a beer and watch something.

You see, I can agree with people who say that.
But it's clear that you're not a neutral party. You don't want to keep this topic away from Yea Forums because you consider it unfitting, but because you want to keep deluding yourself into thinking everyone believes in your garbage.

there's more?

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>these kickvic dudes
>Literally the exact same GG figureheads on twitter pushing it
>Literally calling it animegate

>b-but duh nazis!!!
oh jesus christ is Yea Forums turning into tumblr 2.0 like Yea Forums?

Wow, user. You must be some super diplomat hyper spy-guy.
They way it isn't obvious at all what you're trying to do is very impressive.
Please go back to where you came from and kill yourself.

Start naming names, my dude. You're gonna need proof and shit before making accusations.

>these threads are officially allowed

what happened with the mods?

fuck off britfag. americans are talking about american concerns.

There's a chapter 2 about their honeymoon.

>Innocent until proven guilty
Only applies to court of law. Anyone can disassociate themselves from someone they believe is an asshole, whether rightly or wrongly. Including employers.
>People can and do falsely accuse others of things
They do, which is why we have "innocent until proven guilty" in court of law in the first place. However, regardless of the individual probability that an accusation is true or false, multiple accusations compound the probability of guilt. This isn't feelings, this is logical probability. So if one person accuses you of doing something? Maybe they're lying. If two people accuse you? Maybe they're both lying, but that is a lower probability than one person lying. Three people accuse you? Maybe all three are lying, but that is an even lower probability than two people, and so on.
>"Why did it take 10 years to come forward?" is a valid question.
It's only a valid question if you know literally nothing. Even in 2006 Yea Forums, the community knew that Vic was exceptionally handsy at cons. I'd call it an open secret, but that implies it was secret at all. So why did he keep getting invited to cons? Because he had clout. This latest round is simply the straw that broke the camel's back.
>"Ive met Vic and..." people are using that argument against him no problem
Because absence of evidence != evidence of absence. If some nigger robs your store, it doesn't matter how many friends he gathers to say "Well he never robbed *me*".
>Ruining his career is going too far, yes
Complaining about fans ruining Vic's career is like blaming the company secretary for ruining your job when you showed up for work drunk, high, and pissed on the boss' shoes.

Yeah, better leave and never come back, faggot.
How retarded do you have to be that your brain immediately shuts down and you start hallucinating just because you saw a word that triggered you? Filth.

I'll tell ya why. Sometimes a dub can be less annoying than the sub or vice versa. It's all about the studios choice.

Now, say I've seen a whole bunch of anime from different companies over the years and a prolific voice actor just happens to be scattered across them. I don't even have to realise that they're cast initially; a good voice actor is welcoming in a sense of familiarity akin to that of seeing a popular movie or rock star. You get attached in a way either as autistically as some of the fans or just as accepted background noise.

Fast forward some years and you're watching an old series for nostalgia sake or maybe as some inspiration for a project. Now, that same scene that was just really well done got a whole lot creepier or weirder.

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Don’t give a shit

keep going based saint patron dark knight guardian of this board, Im almost done edging

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If the thread was allowed it would have been given the full 500, instead they gave it a slow death.

>Only applies to court of law
You didn't even try.

Sure, that's why it's bumplocked and people are spamming DBZ fanfics.

How retarded do you have to be to think nazis are in any way relevant or a real problem today?
Protip: a bunch of LARPing fat dudes who wank it to traps are not relevant.

sorry but "gamergate isn't a thing anymore you're paranoid" is identical rhetoric to what neo-nazis say. "the nazis don't exist anymore dumb SJWs". as if that's the point. nobody cares whether you are "gamergate" or not. the problem is that you're behaving like gamergate.

You should try to stop being a faggot.

Give me the chocolate

The scary thing about that theory is that in a sense, it kind of works out just about right. I'm not saying all actors are sociopaths to the extreme level but lets not forget it's a hugely unstudied spectrum that we've blanketed with bias. Don't agree with any of that shit if it's true, I've got my morals either way but I'm not "normal" in the conventional sense either.

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You should start having some principles and not relying on "b-but technically"

Go back to Twitter please. Go be paranoid there with the rest of your circlejerk.