What the fuck IS this shit?
Why Yea Forums baited me again. I watched this and that's shit, a shitty copy of Madoka but without the good plot and characters. A complete waste of time.
What the fuck IS this shit?
>Madoka but without the good plot and characters
So, Madoka.
Its Madoka but actually with a good plot and characters
>a shitty copy of Madoka but without the good plot and characters.
But that's Madoka.
Yuuki Yuuna is the opposite
>d-do I fit in yet?
trusting Yea Forums ever lmao
this board is garbage
>Actually watching garbage that wasn't even that popular on Yea Forums
God dammit! I only wanted to try. But it's so shit I feel unpure now.
>hur durr i hate stuff that's popular to seem cool
>im also retarded and eat feces
that's you
So this is the cancerous madoka fanbase. The only "character" in that series was homura. Yuuki Yuuna at least had characters with hobbies, and lives outside of just being a magical girl..
Please don't use Tonegawa for your brainlet shitposts. You clearly didn't watch Madoka or it all went over your empty head if you did. The "characters" in YuYuna are basically tropes and cliches that came to life. Nothing interesting or unique to them and their actions just didn't make sense in the last episodes, not to mention everything before it was a generic quite boring school sol.
>everything before it
You mean the first fifteen minutes of the show?
I mean the first 8 episodes where nothing happens.
Struck a nerve?
By your idiocy? No, not really.
I don't know, you look bothered by people having different opinions and having fun.
It's yet another Madoka clone.
She even looks like Madoka
For real, as evidenced by Yea Forums's hatred of Madoka
>that's shit, a shitty copy of Madoka but without the good plot and characters. A complete waste of time.
But we told you exactly that!
Madoka doesn't have pic related
I will marry this cute autist.
A few loud contrarians and trolls isn't all of Yea Forums.
Madoka herself btfos that stupit ho
if Yea Forums tells you to watch an anime with an all girl cast, just ignore them and don't watch it
Yuyuyu's fanbase are rabid and very defensive. The show is okay overall, but at least we got this.
And this.
This, too.
And this.
One of the shows where I thought S1 was pretty good, but didn't feel like watching S2 when it started.
Read NoWaYu brainlet.
Not even a good one at that.
Kill yourself already you nigger.
It's from the era where any anime got a free pass as long as it has gore and suffering
Actually we're still in that era given the amount of shitty anime out there where rape and mutilation are used as plot devices
Snorg is a dumb autist.