2013 was 6 years ago.
2013 was 6 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
wow what an awful year
i've been here since 2006.
why live
My mind still thinks it's the 00s and anytime I talk about how long ago certain things happened I start counting back from sometime in the 00s.
Did Yea Forums get webm that year?
I don't remember very well
>That feel when you can track how long you've been here by the size of your Yea Forums picture folders which you organize by year
>Last three years have been less than a gig, most years are 1.5+ gigs
It's just not the same without moot.
Yeah I think so. moot was still here so it would have been that year.
Why was it 6 years ago though? Think about that, user.
I am here since 2007, agree. I will never be able to leave this shithole but damn I loved it so much back then. It will always be the only internet part I actively use to communicate but it got so much worse, especially Yea Forums.
Don't hit me with your philosophical questions, user
>Keit-ai was 7-8 years ago
Feels like yesterday.
Sometimes I feel like half of Yea Forums went to some social shitholes like discord considering how fucking lame Yea Forums became. The only fast threads are the generic shounen ones, almost everything else dies within an hour. Hell even many episode threads I visit die on the airing day of the respective anime.
Which one are you, Yea Forums?
>literally a late Oldfag (2006/07)
I will never forget the time when I looked up to the oldfags on this board. As something that I will never be and now I am exactly that.
2010 was 9 years ago. The Yea Forums now compared to the Yea Forums then are so vastly different you would think it was a different website. I honestly feel like 2011 was a sort of climax for the old Yea Forums.
Yeah same. 2011 was the last year that I felt was okay. The next years had a few series related highlights but that's it and with 2015 everything went to absolute shit and the Yea Forums of 2018+ isn't even Yea Forums anymore. The native culture doesn't exist anymore or only in the minds of the very few oldfags that are still active on here. The rest are phonefag kids and social fags that happen to watch some anime series from time to time.
We were never oldfags, the real oldfags were here long before us.
>can't even read the chart
>E-celeb and twitter threads get more replies than most anime discussions nowadays
sad desu
ah, you're right. I'm retarded.
I miss all our pre-2009 reaction images so much. Nobody uses them anymore and most anons would probably shit on you if you used them now and call you reddit even if you post Yea Forums OC stuff.
I am really cancer?
I'm just happy I'm not leddit
I even miss the games from the 00s and early 10s. Take me back anons, for my home lies in the past.
What is The Line? I think is the only thing in that pic I don't remember.
Midnight was four hours ago and I am still here.
It shows.
'09 newfag. I miss old Yea Forums.
I guess I'm an eternal newfag
2008 for me I originally came for the Negima chapter spoiler threads.
the nice """raids""" on tumblr brought me here
before that i was a sad faggot that struggled to find my anime.
cringe times
>started lurking Yea Forums when I was 12
>21 now and still on the site
I honestly cannot remember anymore.
Yea Forums feels like it took a massive nosedive in 2018 and I'm not even sure what or even how it happened.
Eternal cancer.
A certain other site decided to change some rules around anime character images and an exodus is slowly forming. The weakened state of Yea Forums is not helping.
Stella was a wild ride
If you go by /g/'s assertion, that makes sense. Smartphones entered the public consciousness earlier, but it took until 2012 or so for them to gain enough momentum to be a problem.
>certain other site
do you mean the blue one? exodus was back in december
You guys ever look at really old ass threads on the archives? I have recently been randomly browsing through threads from 2008 and it is weird as shit to see, really makes me miss those times.
It really is a mindfuck to see people posting their age back then and then realizing how old they are now. Like some guy saying he was 25 being fucking 36 now.
I noticed a severe increase in frogposts and the like around mid way last year. What the fuck happened? It's like we're being raided daily now.
Early cancer.
2007 was worse
You mean the Yea Forums/nel split? NeoFAG imploding?
2014 was worst.
Just report. Shounenfags are welcoming them with open arms and they're leaking
So WHAT brought you here?
For me it was early 2007 and I came because Melonpan mentioned 2ch and Yea Forums in one of his review shitposts so I just looked what that was and realised that it was much better than any of the shitty forums I was using.
reddit infestation 2.0?
meant to quote
YTMND died in 2006 so I migrated to Yea Forums and then Yea Forums shortly after
Where the hell are those people even coming from? Do they not have their own site to use? I don't understand.
I feel the same thing No fucking idea but probably what said. After 2016 every fucking normalshit knows Yea Forums. Before that even internet nerds barely knew the site, now even 800 year old politicans recognize that name. I hate it.
>/qa/shit spilling over into Yea Forums because frogfags are seething.
>janitors/moderators don't care to notice
pic related look at this shit, makes me incredibly sad
It is pretty funny how 80% of the threads from this period are about code geass. I can't remember the last time there was an anime that brought the whole board together like that
If I understand correctly, /r/ anime is mad about new image rules designed to make the site more user friendly and accessible (and monetizable).
>I can't remember the last time there was an anime that brought the whole board together like that
That's something I really fucking miss. This fun community stuff doesn't exist anymore. The last anime that only remotely did again that was KlK and that was fucking 2014.
Many of then are from Yea Forums
This combined with the gook allowing reddit to come here in droves and allowing cancer to fester killing off all the Yea Forums culture. Yea Forums is also hit pretty hard by the resurgance of anime in the mainstream with netflix and all the "memes" that are out today getting passed around by the normalfags.
Yea Forums is an extremely fragmented community where many of the its users post to only a single thread on the board. I still support the decision to ban generals.
FSN. I borrowed the DVDs from a friend and liked it (yes, DEEN) wanted more Fate, found the Velox comics that led me here.
>Actively waiting for the Beast Lair novel translations together
It was a different time.
Worse gateway anime than narushit
>tfw all those reaction images never to be used again.
Call it what you want, but it was good times for Yea Forums
>I can't remember the last time there was an anime that brought the whole board together like that
Livestreams don't happen anymore. I think the last big one was either UBW or maybe psychopass S2. There have been others like memeyoga but that was a vain attempt at trying to be Yea Forums.
Unironically an originalfag. I've spent half my lifetime on this fucking website. The fact that the vast majority of people here are now zoomers bothers me but it isn't like I can leave, this place is the life I chose
The Gorespam and Accelspam in 2011-12 wasn't much good either, but at least it would stop at certain times of the day.
We didn't deserve GJ-bu.
>I can't remember the last time there was an anime that brought the whole board together like that
> inb4 2 years before you post
Already did
Lurk more, fag.
Late cancer. Feels like I missed out on a lot of stuff and now I'm just here to stay until Yea Forums and or Yea Forums as a whole dies
Community became to large and anime is to easy to access. Back in the day we had to wait for sub groups to drop the subs which was a board wide event at the same time there was much more investment in watching shows you had to download it early and give it the 3 episode rule so you could participate in the threads with Yea Forums without getting spoiled out the ass. You would get run out on a post for even daring to stream here because the quality of screencaps were expected to be good. I feel that is another thing lost. No one communicates with images on the image board anymore its all essays about stupid ass shit.
I think the biggest lose of all though is the slang and lingo of Yea Forums. The language of Yea Forums is gone everyone here talks like a normalfag every post is the same normalfag garbage.
>I still support the decision to ban generals.
Me too. These people should move to discord shitholes where they belong.
Man, how many centuries did we have to wait for the Ataraxia translation? Holy shit. Bless Food or whatever his name was for spoiling everything for BL and trigger an ealier release date.
I am still waiting for a Baldr translation though, that's even worse and will probably never happen
It feels like we've gotten lazy. No one even makes MS paint comics anymore. I also miss playing games together like Pandemic, Pooh ball, RUA and Sengoku Rance. I also miss /rs/.
remember when this was banned?
>I think the biggest lose of all though is the slang and lingo of Yea Forums. The language of Yea Forums is gone everyone here talks like a normalfag every post is the same normalfag garbage.
Man THIS. Hell, today most on here even say "normie". That's what I meant. The Yea Forums or Yea Forums culture doesn't exist anymore, it's dead. Streams and dubs are okay and people attack you if you say you aren't interested in a social life or a partner because you prefer anime and are faithful to your waifu. Hell even people who don't have a waifu don't even pretend to have one nowadays. Today the only thing that makes us any different from Twitter is how this board works.
Man I remember how a drew that Gilgamesh version of that. I don't even have that image anymore.
I did so much OC and edited shit back then I miss those times, it was so fucking fun. But we don't have any iconic anime reaction pics anymore.
Another aspect lost was the "you had to be there" part. When there were no easy archives, you had to be in a thread that was "full of win" or at least read some of the screencaps later on (again in a thread that was rapidly falling off the server).
Just barely scrape into being an oldfag.
>You would get run out on a post
I miss when people actually attempted to make it clear to newfags that YOU the outsider needed to spend time acclimating to how the board is, instead of just showing up fresh and expecting everyone to put up with your shit.
That's what really did us in, one board after the other. The onslaught of newfags came too fast for each of them to be pushed to lurk, and they brought with them the terrible community-destroying sensibilities of the social media era.
Mid reddit.
Cringe question but when did shit like "ffffffffffffffffffff", ;_; or even newer shit like "animu" die? It feels like the last time I saw this was 50 years ago.
Anons barely even use -fag or faggot anymore. I am often the only one in a whole thread that does this.
>Gilgamesh version
>good times
if you say, summerfag
Around 2012 there was a huge grammar nazi push that came through here about the same time macros like pic related were getting shit on.
I miss visible saging and rickrolls and all that useless but fun bullshit.
The one I noticed recently that completely disappeared is "moe". I would not have guessed that that one would go completely extinct since it was so popular in the past.
Fuck now that you mention it. I barely see it anymore either. People only use "cute" and "comfy". Fuck man. We lost all of these Japano words that were so typical for this board.
I absolutely miss these too. You just can't post them anymore, people would only shit on you. Fuck all that shit.
2010 newfag
I was looking for links to livewatch HOTD and found an archived thread.
Shit like this ;_;7 got completely replaced by that shitty "Press F" CoD meme.
RIP in piece little crying salute face.
Capitalism, ho! ;_;
>half the things in this image would get you accused of being an underage newfag on new Yea Forums and even then they wouldn't call you that
Feels fucking bad man.
I just realized it's cancer instead of newfag, fuck me.
> language of Yea Forums
What are you guys on about? I see "moe", "-fag" etc. very often. Same with "normalfag". And people do get called out on saying "normie". I think it's a case of you just paying too much attention to the few instances where things go wrong instead of the many where everything is fine.
I do like how I can still call people 'nigger' for being complete fucking idiots. I still see people call each other faggots too.
Keith ai
Happens all the time to me and it seriously would have made me quit Yea Forums if there was any better place on the internet somewhere to be found, which isn't the case. People start shitting on you and call you edgy or something when you mention "3DPD". Hell I bet most who don't react don't even know what it means, Yea Forums is filled with schoolkids and socials fags these days.
>And people do get called out on saying "normie".
80% of these posts are probably made by me, considering how many of these I write every day. And I am often alone in a thread with maybe one or two others at the very best.
Those are a few holdovers we are referring to shit like GAR and the like there used to be an entire lexicon you had to learn to post here and it is gone adding fag or nigger to everything is basically all that is left of it.
When was the last time you actively browsed boards other than Yea Forums and anything similarly based on Japanese culture? Yea Forums is so politically driven now that it actually blows my mind, everything and anything is about Jews and blacks and whites and IQ and feminsts and masculinity and sissification and privilege and west and east and Marxism and capitalism holy fuck this entire site has become Stormfront 2.0 I want to get away from it all
Manami a shit. A SHIT.
What a shit tier collage.
Even Yea Forums puts in more effort.
>Moot would do fun stuff like make komm susser tod play for the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012
Feels like 2015 was the turning point. Or maybe when they literally killed Pepe in the comics just to spite people.
>anime that brought the whole board together like that
Nostalgia goggles, catalog didn't exist, bump limit was 200? 300? captcha and IP count didn't exist.
Many people here are teens/early20s who have spent their "political infancy" so to speak online - Gamergate/Donny campaign - where they have been "brought up" in a politically charged environment and continue to act like it.
>catalog didn't exist, bump limit was 200? 300? captcha and IP count didn't exist.
I've just accepted that I live in bizarro world. It's not just anime being mainstream, it's people being online or using computers all the time when I was treated like a freak for doing that 16 years ago.
> komm susser tod play for the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012
I wish it all ended then. I would've died as an angsty yet optimistic 16 year old
It's time to move on to the next non mainstream hobby, user.
We did die. This is hell.
I still see moe. It just usually has a -shit suffix.
God Hand edits are still my greatest weakness.
Pretty much this. All the Nazi and nigger shit 2008ish was more "for teh lulz", more shock value than actual ideology and activism. Then GG and etc. happened, and gradually faggots became interested in pushing their boring political shit on boards about manga and video games and hentai.
mainstream was a bad word to use. it was already mainstream, more like there weren't a huge population of posers who don't actually care. the same goes for memes. 12 years ago or so I'd spout memes at school, edgy old memes like babyfuck and people would just give me blank stares. once I saw a japanese kid in a shirt with the japanese character pedobear is based off of slashing ronald mcdonald with his claws and even he had no idea what if was. he just bought it randomly in japan. now they're everywhere especially in high school. makes me feel ahead of the curve in a weird way.
God I wish I could go back to that time. Even though I was an angsty, passive, lazy, arrogant, unsociable, humorless sperglord and there was so much to learn and fix about me, I still had so much fun here. I felt alive back then and I miss it so much. Even though I've grown up so much since then I feel dead inside, I've lost too many things and I just live each day like a worthless zombie
>When was the last time you actively browsed boards other than Yea Forums and anything similarly based on Japanese culture?
Right now, considering I go on /jp/ and live in Japan.
That was the last year Yea Forums was my home board.
2007 - 2013. Good times. Mostly.
Was it this?
What gets me is knowing that there no going back the the way things were now. The internet and how it is viewed/used has changed too much so that even if people tried they couldn't maintain it due to the inevitable influx of new users that would never even consider changing their ways. Fuck I won't even be able to escape everyday bullshit by running online and I don't know what I'm going to do.
Oldfag, was in highschool and watching Gundam Seed.
I might have to migrate back to usenet
I just miss when the internet was too weird and niche for most NORPs to venture that far in to.
I hope Zuckerburg and even Tom from myspace burn in hell for the work they did to undo that.
just let me die
Early Reddit and I don't regret any of it
Things no one posts anymore:
>Bawww threads
>Drinking games
>MS Paint comics
>Santa Archer for Christmas
We grew up too early, f am. If I was born just 5 years later I probably would have been able to fit in with society. It all was just not developed enough for a weird fuck like me to still connect with people in real life over the internet easily, and by the time that became a thing I was too far gone for it to matter.
Honestly I wasted my 14/15 years on Yea Forums anyway. I never was an Yea Forums regular during the supposed golden years and was on stupid shit like /ck/, /k/, /n//new//pol/, etc. I watched anime here and there, I mean I was into japanese culture, but I didn't delve as deep as I wish I would have.
I wish I could go back and be a better weeaboo. All I can do now is just try to make up for lost time.
>tfw I remembered babyfuck a few months ago and googled it for laughs and got some google warning about illegal content
>brother shows me Yea Forums during the start of Chanology
>lurk on Yea Forums until 2012
>start posting on Yea Forums the same year
You're all fucking faggots, but you'll always be my fucking faggots.
Ah 2013, the year of /q/ and endless reddit bitching that got sage made invisible. Back when Trigger actually got the board hyped.
There's no going back.
fuck off with that video shit literally makes me want to kill myself, I can't bear watching it
Cancer. I came in 2012 for /mlp/ and Yea Forums when I was still a westernfag
I remember when half the posts on this site were
When did it fall out of fashion?
All things considered I'd rather stay here in the present than go back and have to deal with ironic shitposting again.
yeah I know I shitposted a lot back then because I was a huge one piece follower and it was not popular here back then. some people knew about it but the threads were ruined by the wikispammer or SET FAIL FOR WAN PISS. I like that it's accepted now but it makes me feel a little sick discussing it with people who didn't care about it before. I opened up to that type of stuff more over time so I know what you mean. I didn't watch k-on or haruhi until a few years ago. it's funny because I know a ton of anime by name and the characters but have never watched them.
that just happens when they take down CP it's ok. I looked it right now and had a kind of hard time finding it actually. it's definitely not on knowyourmeme
It's been building for quite some time- it just finally managed to spill over into the little niche of oddballs who like those japanimation cartoons.
>implying was a 2011 thing, along with ISHYGDDT
I'd say it was dead by 2014
Smug anime girls are the evolved forms of Costanzaposting.
2014-15, for sure. The influx of newfags for GG and fappening caused a rift. I came in 2012 and >implying rip midsentence greentext was everywhere
I swear Yea Forums has the shittiest most unfunny memes.
is it even possible to recreate that feeling of being part of old Yea Forums?
>it's ok
it's awww-riteee, you mean lad
I get too nostalgic and depressed in threads like these, reminds me that this site had a way bigger impact on my life than I'd like to think it did. And fuck, I'm still here.
Probably not. It's better to try to think up something that's as good in its own way.
I'm so warped by this place that when people say retarded shit to me in real life, I make the costanza face and my brain thinks >implying.
No, the mods won't allow it
I think it was just the right people of the right agegroup at the right moment in their lives during the right sociopolitical moment. Not just Yea Forums, but all of Yea Forums during its best years was a rare jewel formed by just the right combination of ingredients.
I'm still here and I'm sure many others are, but I imagine most have moved on to other things. I wonder what they're all doing. Am I the one that made the mistake by sticking around? Where else am I going to go?
RIP R/a/dio. Also RIP Nina threads, but I think MiA might've accidentally been the cause of those disappearing entirely.
The forum I used died, it was one of those small comunities that you can't find anymore in the web 2.0
I agree. WE have horrendous memes.
But it's like an addiction.
>old Yea Forums
Did summer start early?
I hate these threads, they make me too depressed to want to watch anime.
>but I imagine most have moved on to other things
I can tell you're not from here.
Because you should know by now you're here forever.
I hate these threads because they're made by normalfaggots or newfags that don't actually lurk Yea Forums.
Radio is still around no? I swear I've seen it recently.
thanks chidori
>When did it fall out of fashion?
>New FMP we got after over 10 years of wait was 10 episodes, half of which were recaps
Nope, humanity has declined.
I will admit that 2013 was the last true year with less phone posters. OC declined significantly after that.
I couldn't stand using a phone to browse Yea Forums though.
guillotine gorilla live with Yea Forums was magical
those watamotefags were awful. and every fucking watamote thread was filled with /r9k/-tier blogposts
I found FMP as a kid by googling Sasuke's move from Naruto, no regrets
I found it through Code Geass because gg had big mouths basically. I didn't think much of it and forgot about it really until I saw this image posted in another MSN or Yahoo group I was using back then. Then I was here to stay.
Never thought I'd see that animated again at one point
I hate these threads because everyone focuses too much on the bad and fail to appreciate all the good we still have.
If there's one shining, silver lining is that we live in extremely interesting times and there's always going to be more new anime, manga, things to talk about and enjoy and argue about with Yea Forums. Also, it's fun seeing how general anime art styles change throughout the years. You can definitely tell a show was made in the 00s and you can tell when a show was made in the 10s based solely on the designs of the characters.
I'm also happy fujoshi didn't overrun the industry and that battle harem fucking died.
I swear Yea Forums got like a tsunami of newfags the last couple years.
That, shills and CIA niggers.
For real? I didn't watch it since I forgot it even existed due to zero discussion on Yea Forums past the first episode.
>Around 2012 there was a huge grammar nazi push
That started well before 2010.
Fucking newfags don't know fucking anything. This thread is rustling my jimmies.
2013 was a very special year for me
>first came to Yea Forums
>watched all the big shit (Eva, Madoka, etc)
>started watching seasonal shit
>started learning moon
>valvrave threads
>kill la kill threads
>madoka rebellion roadtrip
Kinda turned my life around from being a depressed fatass neet too, best year of my life.
Director said it was gonna continue from where TSR left off. Unfortunately he had himself forgotten where TSR left off.
Rebellion had come out. It was nice. I got to meet people in NYC and we all had fun watching that movie.
I wonder if any of those people still browse Yea Forums?
I got rid of my Yea Forums folder like 4 times since 2009.
and now Watamote's a yuri harem
funny how that works out
>Madoka airing threads
Those were fun.
You guys are literally doing the same shit our grandfathers did but with ww2 "glory days".I guess we will never change huh? Sorry but participating in ww2 >>>>> sitting on computer.
The phrase "why is Yea Forums so shit now" actually became a reality with all the porn spam.
>You guys are literally doing the same shit our grandfathers did but with ww2 "glory days"
oldfag threads have been on Yea Forums since I arrived here.
>I hate these threads because everyone focuses too much on the bad and fail to appreciate all the good we still have.
Honestly, Yea Forums between 2015-16 was cancer, then it improved.
But 2010 Yea Forums was the most cancerous.
The phrase "Yea Forums was always shit" will always be applicable. The same cannot be said for
>Milhouse is a meme
>Itty bitty baby itty bitty boat
>happy negro
>teh rei
>WT Snacks
>Jack Spicer
>Alice Margatroid
Late 2010 cancer. Got stuck here after you bastards leaked into Yea Forums and I still can’t find the exit. Send help
Yeah and the oldfags used to do this shit with the 03-06 shit in like 08. I'm still yet to see anyone nostalgiafap over anything past 2014. 14-16 were by far the worst years this board has ever had.
This edit in particular looks like it was made by a redditor
Oh yeah, I went autistic and made this in 2013.
I'd known about Yea Forums since 2008 but never really started using it until mid-2010
oldfag "discussions" is as old as when humans learned to talk.
I like how in the modern era, this theory has been debunked and that flat chests are actually flat, but the closer a chest is to the perfect 90 degree ratio is in equal measure proportional to how best that girl is. In fact, one could even argue the girl in pic related is nowhere near appropriately flat enough.
I've known about Yea Forums since Newfag, but only started browsing after Cancer
>Also, it's fun seeing how general anime art styles change throughout the years. You can definitely tell a show was made in the 00s and you can tell when a show was made in the 10s based solely on the designs of the characters.
I noticed this too. After k-on, the industry changed significantly.
Moe-blobs became a lot rarer, isekai started to emerge after Sword Art Online exploded. Madoka and Attack on Titan came and then a wave of much more creative, darker anime came. Then I think a whole wave of newfags came as western artists like that (I came here for things like Darker than Black, Black Lagoon, Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, etc - that's just what westerners are into)
2016/17 were rediculously good years of anime 2bh, it seemed to balance that with Japanese moe. You had stuff like Made in Abyss.
haha what a faggot
the 7 is supposed to be a salute?????
oh shit it makes sense now
2018 was 3 months ago
Yep. Yea Forums was always cancer.
It was a good episode.
>Nobody uses them anymore and most anons would probably shit on you if you used them now and call you reddit even if you post Yea Forums OC stuff.
I think going forward, we can expect more cute girls in uncute situations doing cute things, and the moe girls of the past are going to be just a bit more vulgar and honest than in the previous decade, given how popular girls like Takagi, Nagatoro, Tomoko, Ueno, etc. are.
I can't wait to see how perverted we can get as the Olympics loom overhead.
It's how you teach culture to newfags. A board needs culture as much as it needs challenges to the culture.
Too little communication of the culture happened in two periods:
First - the 2010-12 period.
Second - the 2016-18 period.
Both had inundations of newfags that really only understood the board after a few years.... even then barely.
I really like seeing how internet boards and forums change and develop. It's like watching a child grow into something.
Newfags these days just refuse to lurk. I lurked for 2 years before I started posting
moot largely gave up on the boards around the 2010-12 period, which didn't help.
Should have never let the links between Yea Forums and 2ch & 2chan erode the way they have. Newfags don't even know those sites exist.
I thought 2chan was dead these days?
Is this how it started?
2chan's really, really active given how fast and how many KF2 threads they have.
I prefer paper and pencil to take notes too, I had a laptop during school but I would just browse the net and not pay attention to the professors.
Ah, my time machine has taken me too far back. My time period isn't on this outdated list.
I'm from the Anime™ Era where all anime is on Netflix™, all hentai is on Nutflix and all doujins are Notflix™
I made this trip back in time to fap to the best the past has to offer. I expect handholding and hugs won't be in fashion yet but I believe my mind can handle it.
Shit I gotta get out of this thread. Just has me thinking of all the shit that is gone now, or is a shell of its former self.
>tfw oldfag
>tfw anyone else an oldfag is likely in their 30s
>I expect handholding
The future is a sick place. A sick, fucking disgusting place.
Cancer here, kind of hard to believe how long it's been.
Oldfag from 04, I'm 27 now. Lost all hope for OC back in 09.
You’re like an Yea Forums history professor with how you explained the culture
Thought of this when saw pic.
Which year did Lucky Star air again? It was around then.
It's a shell of it's former self. Anytime you browse Yea Forums without an ad blocker, you can see that for yourself.
I've never been so happy to be called newfag
Do you remember the Yea Forums, Mr. user? It'll be spring soon. And the anime will be in blossom. And the newfags will be told to lurkmoar. And they'll be sowing the summer memes in the lower board... and posting about their waifus. Do you remember the love of your waifu?
90% of the threads in 2013 Yea Forums would just get pruned or deleted if made in 2019 Yea Forums.
This is Yea Forums's no-fun-allowed board now.
The jpeg artefacts in most of them sealed their fate.
A lot more complicated than that photo.
>90% of the threads in 2013 Yea Forums would just get pruned or deleted if made in 2019 Yea Forums.
90% of threads in 2013 were cancerous as fuck. Mods got too lenient and rolled back since.
2010 used to get you like a month ban for something not Yea Forums related.
I'm saying we could potentially exploit the manami diode for future use in our technology.
Out of curiosity. Does anyone in this current thread understand this picture?
>>This is Yea Forums's no-fun-allowed board
You should see Yea Forums.
Didn't Sakurafish guy get hit by a car and that's why he stopped posting for a while?
Yep! People made the "joke" that Diaz had finally decided to assassinate SakuraFish.
That bastard nearly killed Yea Forums.
Almost 6 years since last update of Mr. Oral Hygiene Bro saga, arrasted or dead I guess.
Habbo raids around 2006, ended up staying because I got interested in anime.
I'm only 25
>rythmic slapping
Forgot about that meme.
I'm even younger
Been here 10 years
He's done so much to try and kill anime.
Don't trigger me.
Based pool closer user, there aren't many of us left I feel.
No that would be Yea Forums
I can hardly tell what is new or old anymore
Honestly Yea Forums's elitism has actually protected this board from the brunt of the shit that's gone down in the past few years on this site. It took a hit, sure, but I can name plenty of boards that are much, much worse.
>successful assassination of Ken-sama
I thought Ken-sama died saving his fellow nihonjin from Fukushima in 2011?
To be fair, that album is about fucking a holocaust victim.
Yeah, but it does it get into ruts occasionally.
On the one hand I want to say good riddance and things have only improved with time-distance from it. On the other hand, that was before the trump/incel complex took over the site from their /pol/ beachhead, so maybe I'd go back after all.
This, even though Yea Forums‘s gone downhill we’re still one of the best boards on the site by far. As long as most of the frogposters and political garbage stay out I’m happy
You can at least tell it's pre-2013 if it has been blued.
>On the one hand I want to say good riddance and things have only improved with time-distance from it. On the other hand, that was before the trump/incel complex took over the site from their /pol/ beachhead, so maybe I'd go back after all.
>whores were never shunned from Yea Forums in the past
Nice bait.
>muh /pol/
go back
That's what Daiz has led you to believe. Truthfully, it's probably Daiz that made m00t leave.
It's also the greatest album of all time.
I'd make transparent versions of all my Nichijou reaction images, but that's a lot of work and I'm lazy.
The irony is that that board's attitude derived from Yea Forums's original attitude.
>all these 10-13 year olds who were on Yea Forums 15 years ago
Thanks for proving my point, scum.
>It's also the greatest album of all time.
It's garbage. A meme album.
It was different then. It was just saying 3DPD. There was no vitrol hate nor did any Yea Forumsnons go to shoot up a school or mess with footballs.
Today I will remind them.
Started lurking on 2010 because I was underaged at the time Only started actively posting on 2012
>There was no vitrol hate
It was 10x more bitter than it is today. Most of the site were teens in angst having issues with girl attention.
Much of the political posts are a reaction to SJWs infesting western media. Merely look at the state of western comics, cartoons, games. It's constant pandering, virtue signaling, and shoving political ideologies.
>inb4 go back to /pol/
Just telling it how it is. Pre-2010 the scale of this happening was far, far less and thus people didn't discuss politics as much on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc.
Why does your website suck?
Yea Forums? I don't think so. As I said, there were no Yea Forumsnons who went to shoot up schools. Even /r9k/ was better back in the day. It wasn't an incel haven and while there was definitely bitter people, it was nothing like it is today. moot is entirely to blame for letting incels thrive on Yea Forums by splitting up /r9k/ into several boards and getting rid of the original robot.
To this day I've never watched a single show with Yea Forums.
Yea Forums split off from Yea Forums cause of the disgusting 3dpd.
>It was 10x more bitter than it is today
This, I have no clue where you got the idea that Yea Forums was more welcoming to 3D in the past.
>As I said, there were no Yea Forumsnons who went to shoot up schools.
How do you know? We're fucking anonymous.
I'll take being a total dick over "ironic" posting any day.
>copy + rename my old pictures so newfags can't steal the filenames
Feels good.
>Muh SJW Bogeyman: The Post
Go back to /pol/. Also,
>reaction to ... western media
Then it doesn't belong on this site about JAPANESE SHIT, now does it?
We've actually loosened up with that for too long now. Back in the day it was simply "Bitches and Whores".
I mean, where do people think /pol/ gets it from?
Why is Sayaka such a bitch? She ruined the whole episode.
Probably Vulvarape, or to a lesser extent SamFlam.
>SJW Bogeyman
>SJWs aren't a thing
bitches and whores is my favorite dead meme, I wish it would come back
>We're fucking anonymous.
>He thinks we're actually anonymous.
Really? Do you actually think that? Are behind at least 7 proxies?
We would have found out if any of these shooters was a Yea Forums user and possibly an Yea Forums user. We knew the Oregon college shooter was a /r9k/ user and so was "The Supreme Gentleman".
You know what's really dead?
Probably because some of the last vestiges of old Yea Forums were fucking murdered by dumbass mods ie. Sakurafish and Santa Yui.
hello kevin-kun lovelove
Yeah I agree, also notice how that dipshit's post is also about fucking video games.
Yea Forums got a taste of activism and politics with GG and it's been a never ending stream of twitter screencaps and e-celeb drama since then. Reap what you sow on your own board, faggots.
Oh me, oh my. Are you the real one?
>not a thing
>sony censoring weeb games due to western pressure after moving their hq to califagornia
This shit is slowly starting to spill over into weebshit whether you like it or not.
are lainchan or 8 any good?
That would be Yea Forums.
What's worse is those retards try to force them on every board.
I think we should if some faggot user is trying to pretend it never existed.
Slow, so very slow.
Probably a newfag. I lurked Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and porn a bit when I was underage but this place freaked me out and I avoided it for years. I got linked to a website that said it reported me to the fbi for downloading child pornography so I wrapped my Motorola in tin foil because I was a fucking twelve year old. Somehow I ended up with an SA account by 2007, but migrated here when that place started to suck.
You probably want to go to 7chan.
>We would have found out if any of these shooters was a Yea Forums user and possibly an Yea Forums user.
Yea Forums user, yes. Yea Forums users, unlikely, as they'd assume the other boards caused it.
Why are tripfaggots so cancerous?
And yet when you report actual cancer mods do nothing.
you're literally everything wrong with this site now
Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong board, the video game club's three blocks down.
How the fuck did it get out of my filter? Well whatever it's gone again now.
it is me i still read kevin-kun's posts occasionally because i bookmarked the archive search of the tripcode, how are you??
I got here seriously in fall 2010, after being a Yea Forums and Yea Forumstard since late 2008. 2009 I watched some anime, mainly Cardcaptor Sakura and Yu Yu Hakusho. By summer 2011 I was taking Japanese classes and Yea Forums was my homeboard (and yes I lurked until I had watched 2400 hours of anime).
I don't post on Yea Forums much anymore but I do lurk. Having a real job really sucks the life out of me and I mostly read books when I'm free and sober, and all other times I'm either sleeping, at work, or drinking to numb the pain of working with idiots all day. If I don't drink I wind up shitposting on other Yea Forums boards until way too late at night and then I'm all fucked up at work.
I still love you faggots though. 2013 was a great year. I was the one who first recognized the author of Log Horizon was in our thread and pointed it out.
Why are you fucking retarded? It's amazing to me that you would think Yea Forums produced school shooters like the other boards. Face it, Yea Forums was never about that incel bullshit because many of the users were happier without any woman.
>japanese video games made by and for japanese people for the japanese audience that were never intended to be sold anywhere other than japan censored by sony because they need to meet "global standards"
At this point, you're either willfully ignorant or being deceitful.
The real problem is that as bad as this place gets, everywhere else gets way worse at a much faster rate.
>mentions japanese shit
>bring up weeb games
>"i-it doesn't count!"
Don't worry. It will only get worse in the future as Japan continues to bend to western demands. They're trying to ban loli now.
I only came here because I saw a greentext on Insta yesterday
then I saw an anime page and wanted to talk about MHA
But after reading this I just have to say:
Don't you guys think that using words like fag and cancer is a tad little offensive and problematic?
I think it's done just to be edgy desu
Like desu i cba to report it cuz i don't know how but I'm defo gonna speak out.
So i don't care if you get banned or something
>not my problem biatch
>my face when lol
I remember completely losing it during that swimsuit meeting scene, but I probably wouldn't find it that funny these days.
Not sure if age or depression.
>Anytime you browse Yea Forums without an ad blocker
Well there's the first problem
I actually enjoyed the aneurism this post gave me, I'm just disappointed it didn't finish the job.
I checked on Yea Forums for the first time in a while yesterday.
>Yea Forumstards among us
This site is not a political forum for you to air your grievances with your non-Japanese corporate gatekeepers. Maybe you'd enjoy posting on reddit, or at the very least, go back to your containment board.
I'm well! I was wondering if you were still around since I haven't seen you post in a long time. I hope you're doing well.
I'm not saying you should, but if you do, you'll actually see the horrible changes that have happened to Yea Forums since moot left.
Oh nononono
Based and redpilled
Frogposting and wojakposting
>GuP ending
>Psycho PASS
>3D boats
What a top-tier year. They don't make them like they used to.
you forgot
and the newest one making the rounds
Except it IS affecting weebshit. Take weeb games for example, what's happening is that Sony is censoring many of them due to western demands which has riled up Japanese consumers. This cancer is beginning to spread to weeb stuff Yea Forumsnon.
meant for
I do kind of wonder what you people thought Yea Forums would be in 2019 10 years ago. You had to have known the jokes and the vernacular would change. I know that is cancer, but what else would have happened? Complete stagnation? Or are you dreaming of a world without crossboarders where Yea Forums magically continued developing it's own culture without any influence from the rest of the site or the internet as a whole?
The gaming industry is a wholly different beast compared to the anime and manga industries. You need to leave Yea Forumsaggot.
>netflix encroaching further and further into the industry with each season
>chinks becoming more and more appealing to pander to
If you seriously think that the anime industry is some sort of bastion free from outside influence, you're retarded.
Also Fantasista Doll and Retarded Dragon Girls.
10 years ago I thought everything would get much worse, because it was already getting really bad with the 10x the amount of newfags after OPSCI and phoneposting. My fears came true.
>8th god damn post about video games
I hope they censor your shit twice as hard, faggot. Fuck off back to Yea Forums and start a hashtag on twitter or whatever the fuck all of you activist drama queens do between bouts of bitching.
If you're really concerned about localization, learn nip for fucks sake.
Do you think that anime will be immune? Japanese-made games intended primarily for a Japanese audience are getting censored because of the west. You already have some politicians trying to ban stuff like loli in Japan. It's only time before it throughly infects anime as well.
It is. I don't think you understand how Japanese anime companies work.
Japanese anime is focused on the Japanese audiences unlike Japanese video game companies who need to take the West into consideration.
>If you're really concerned about localization, learn nip for fucks sake.
The censorship of weeb games by Sony is happening on a global scale. The Japanese versions with original text are also being censored. Do you not see the issue?
I sure as hell never thought that the politization of literally fucking everything would bring forth an era in which Yea Forums hates yuri, which is among the most innocuous and inoffensive shit on Earth.
I only hate /u/ and I don't care much for yuri. Fuck /u/.
>Japanese anime is focused on the Japanese audiences unlike Japanese video game companies who need to take the West into consideration.
This isn't even true anymore. Anime is being increasingly globalized. Studios are already trying to appeal to the west. Hell look at Netflix for example.
>post about a Yea Forums board during 2013 gets slowly taken over by politics
Pretty accurate depiction of that era, honestly.
Netflix isn't a studio.
No, it's not. Stop fucking talking. Netflix is trying to create west appealing anime. KyoAni on the other hand is not doing anything of the sort.
>which is among the most innocuous and inoffensive shit on Earth
I'm from Kei-tai
i've gone through interesting phases but i've really developed as a person i'm doing pretty good but am in a weird spot of transition in life i'm really glad i am talking to you right now though kevin-kun.
it's okay kevin-kun sometimes i have to save the thumbnail to post within Yea Forums's filesize limits.
I never said they were. Studios are parterning with Netflix to help market their shows to the west. You cannot deny that there are multiple studios who are also focused on the west when creating their shows.
>muh kyoanus is safe and pure
>Studios are parterning with Netflix to help market their shows to the west.
Nigger, you do not know how the anime industry works at all. The studio makes the anime, they don't decide where it gets aired at.
2013 was the Year when Love Live, Idolm@ster and Aikatsu joined forces to save anime through Idol Anime.
Honestly I thought it would grow slightly more similar to Yea Forums. I never thought streaming would take off the way it did, bringing in so much casual scum.
Sorry you find girls holding hands and blushing threatening user, but that doesn't mean buttfury is a reasonable response to the content.
I only used KyoAni as an example. The majority of Japanese studios are going to continue to pander to their main audience. That's not going to change because unless you have Netflix footing the bill for an anime, it's financial suicide to produce an anime for the western market instead of your own market.
I'm glad that at least you're doing well. I'm in a similar position, but the only thing we can be is positive right? There's plenty of things to look forward to. Like new Madoka stuff and to find out who wins in Toubun.
2008, newfag....
and for once, newfag is not so derogatory....
Except Netflix is helping to produce multiple series. Stop pretending every animation studio is focussed on a Japanese audience as well. This is objectively false.
I feel almost nothing for the nostalgia for early 2010's and before and I think I'm glad since I don't have to feel sad. Just came here turn of the year 2017.
solely on a japanese audience*
Yes it is.
Don't worry, you'll make up for it by feeling sad later. It comes to us all.
Who the fuck cares if they produce a couple of series? It doesn't fuck change anything. It's not changing the market. Anime and video games are not the same. There is no Sony of Anime. I am not forced to watch anime off of one service. They can't censor all anime.
2005 oldfag
Thank you for your service
>Face it, Yea Forums was never about that incel bullshit
10 minutes on archive to find this thread, it's way more woman hating and "incel" than anything I have seen on Yea Forums in years. If the posts in this link were made today they would get flooded with replies of "yikes" "cringe" "oof" and other shitposts.
>not changing the market
You do know that in 2016, the two most active revenue streams for anime is video distribution and chinks right? Netflix was even mentioned by name in the latest industry report.
>multiple tripfags
Oh man those were the days. I'm surprised Janced Lack wasn't there.
Dragonball Super. I looked forward to the weekly threads more than the actual show. It was a glorious trainwreck and the shit posting was top tier.
No, that thread was different. Sure, you had some people whine about women, like you will probably get today, but there was something different. It devolved into tripfags shitposting. Truly, it was the golden age of tripfags. Thanks for taking more than 10 minutes (probably) of your life to find one thread out of hundreds of thousands of posts to cherry pick one example.
Anime is made by the Japanese to sell more expensive shit. Streaming services in the west are a new revenue stream, but you have to face the fact that anime are usually just long commercials for Light Novels, Merch, Manga, and other shit like that.
you've never left my mind lovelove i meant to be a bit more positive in my post though, i am doing well, i am happy you were wondering about me and hoping i was well wow i knew you would kevin-kun.
>Anime is made by the Japanese to sell more expensive shit. Streaming services in the west are a new revenue stream, but you have to face the fact that anime are usually just long commercials for Light Novels, Merch, Manga, and other shit like that.
I don't watch shitty anime.
Kemono Friends, especially by the end of the season.
>to find one thread out of hundreds of thousands of posts
literally set it to 2010 and looked through like 4 pages, also notice how the OP of that thread is complaining about Yea Forums hating women, meaning it isn't just in that thread you fucking dope.
Case in point, when the last episode aired it had 1553 posts and 253 images omitted.
Blessed image.
So what are you watching then? Only original content, right?
I never said they didn't complain about 3DPD, but it's nothing like /r9k/ no matter how much you think that one troll on Yea Forums 9 years decided to post about. Why don't you make a thread like that today and see if you get the same answers?
I have a very bad memory. I do remember you mentioned healthy problems some time ago. I do hope everything with that had gone well too.
Sounds like a normal symphogear thread.
>Anime is made by the Japanese to sell more expensive shit. Streaming services in the west are a new revenue stream, but you have to face the fact that anime are usually just long commercials for Light Novels, Merch, Manga, and other shit like that.
Not when the china market is their new cash cow
>Why don't you make a thread like that today and see if you get the same answers?
I already said that that type of thread would get shitposted to death today you retard. Proving the point that Yea Forums was more woman hating in the past.
Nigger, 500 posts in 30 minutes and every post was either
It was glorious.
SamFlam and KLK were nuts
>So what are you watching then? Only original content, right?
Not shitty commercials that's for sure. sorry I don't have a shitty taste as you. The fact of the matter is, Netflix and Amazon prime video are now a force in anime. It's only a matter of time until one of them are able to monopolize streaming rights.
>Anime film
Bro, China is the new cash cow to anyone who makes a movie. There are a lot of Hollywood movies that make more in China than the US.
That post got shitposted to death too?
Good answer, faggot. You didn't give one anime because you don't actually watch anime.
Yep, it's a good time.
I take it you haven't been a part of many big livewatch threads. It's a shame they're pretty much dead.
I don't really think kemono friends or most of the shows mentioned so far even come close to Geass hype. I mean the entire board was CG for days at a time back then. Even though there have been big shows on Yea Forums semi-recently none reached that level. Like user said earlier the closest was probably KlK and even that was tame by comparison.
I think the biggest reason is cancerous moderation. They are so fucking anal with the "1 thread per show" rule these days that the communities have no choice but to become splintered enclaves in the form of general threads.
Nigga stole my bike
That's because we were watching fewer shows back then.
Madoka and Vulvarape are the only thing that have come close since. Kill la Kill honestly felt like mostly tourists from other boards, so the spirit wasn't quite there.
fucking bizarre I barely remember valvrave, but multiple people ITT have said it was a big show. I do remember Madoka hype though. It might be because I spent a lot more time on /k/ back in those days.
>would probably shit on you if you used them now
Insecurity/the need to normie LARP that comes with said insecurity caused by "cringe culture" ruined this site along with bringing politics into fucking everything, prove me wrong.
wow you remembered you're the best kevin-kun! i had a brain tumor 5 years ago but it became benign, i am occasionally without food and will see my ribs or spine in the mirror because i have really bad food allergies and eating disorders to where i mostly try to eat meats and cheeses and other things that do not inflict pain on me but i'm improving that and will have a fix to my situation soon probably thanks for asking
It's not necessarily the mods' fault but the users that agree with them. Shitstorms or crazy fun stuff like that don't happen anymore simply because the users don't want them, most anons today think of that sort of thing as cancer/shitposting/whatever and will keep blaming it on other boards or reddit if they happen. It's sad but I guess times have changed.
Are you still enjoying yourself?
That sounds really hard. I really hope things do get better and that you're able to fix your situation. I can imagine that being rough on anyone. I'm assuming you're doing that to avoid eating carbs?
The best things Yea Forums had were the tripfags and the associated drama, the singalongs, the different radio/stream, live watching, and stuff like that.
The "Oh nonono" cemented it for me. This site has become a stranded wasteland as far as OC is concerned to the point where people began quoting an outdated, Twitter normalfag meme video.
What ruined this site is /jp/ memes spreading to the rest of the site but missing the irony.
/jp/ joked about "shitposting", moot said "ironic shitposting is still shitposting" one day, then suddenly everything people don't like gets labeled shitposting, which sadly encompasses a lot of old Yea Forums culture.
/jp/ joked about "crossboarders", which was acknowledged as a ridiculous idea mind you, but flash forward a couple years and suddenly browsing more than one board makes you cancer, even though we used to have regular cultural exchanges with fucking Yea Forums of all things.
So on and so forth.
Newfag sadly.
>anal with the "1 thread per show" rule
Moderation doesn't enforce such rule. It's the discord generation of newfags that are intent on keeping a single general artificially afloat so they can circlejerk in it.
it's less diet stuff like carbs and more allergies to a lot of stuff like gluten and and gluten alternatives and some fruits and stuff, watching anti-carb diet stuff makes me feel better about my situation though, i am blessed though with food and probably good health now
2011 was the last good year. It was a steady decline until 2014 then moot went crazy and left so the bottom fell out.
Hopefully it only gets better and better for you. Dietary restrictions are always tough especially when it's out of your control.
"Shitposting" was a catchphrase originally among the mods. It's so old that it predates janitors being a thing. Ages ago it used to telegraph that you were either talking to a mod that was user posting or some irc orbiter thereof.
That's cool, but there was a time when you could make a joke or post a negative opinion without being told to "go away shitposter stop shitting up our precious comfy thread aaaaaaaaa everybody ignore him and report"
I am cancer
Shit never mind I'm a fucking redditor
This. Look how many shitty jojo and other shonen threads we get.
It's a shame that if we were to get shitstorms nowadays it will be filled with Yea Forumstier garbage.
Oldfag. I can't even remember when I got here. But I'm pretty sure it was somewhere between 2006-2008.
I don't mean "that's cool" sarcastically by the way, those really are cool facts I didn't know about. I feel like I have to point that out.
I used to learn a lot of stuff on this site, now that I think about it. When I was new I'd feel like I was surrounded by people who knew what they were doing and really knew how to squeeze the internet for all its worth. There was a lot to learn from them. Even on Yea Forums, of all places. Nowadays I feel like I'm surrounded by paranoiacs, who do or say nothing interesting or out of the ordinary, out of fear of becoming the boogeyman.
Oh I see what you did there, unless you're serious.
actually met the man once and asked if these claims were true, he denied
I'm pretty sure it was around when Code Geass and Gundam 00 started airing, so I guess that makes me an oldfag.
I honestly can't remember though, because I spent my first years lurking like a good fegget
Not bad
It's not just Yea Forums. Back then we lived in the golden age of internet, where it was a wild west and people could do anything. We attracted a different type of crowd, but people themselves where a lot different aswell. These days people on the internet are sheep and our little wild west has been paved over by social media and stuff.
It's sad really
The internet was already shit back then, Yea Forums was the one place to escape from all that shit and hang out with fucked up interesting people with an actual sense of humor. Now that the internet and the world at large have become even shittier we need a place like Yea Forums more than ever, but where is it?
Sometime between 09 and 11, I think I started browsing Yea Forums in 09 and made moved to Yea Forums by 11.
>tfw right now you're trying to escape Yea Forums because of how shit it has become
>all smaller boards are dead
That's not fair.
I miss screencaps like this
They aren't dead, you've gotten too used to modern Yea Forums's insane traffic. Boards are slow, so was Yea Forums when it was good.
This thread would get buried in posts by people calling roleplaying shitposting or avatarfagging, and of course the ever present "cringe" posters
Anyone have the compilations for 2012, 11 and 10 etc. I never bothered saving them at the time.
2011 cancer
>implying I
All this oldfag butthurt in here
>"my" website on the world wide web that can be accessed by anyone isn't a secret club anymore (and never was)
Get with the times degenerates. Stop living in the past, you only keep getting cucked by the present. Sadly most of you will only realize that when it's already too late. Might as well just drop dead, you only live to relive a short period of your life, ever failing. Life is change, and you're just fucking anti-spirals, not only holding back your own potential, but also that of the rest.
Y'all a bunch of liars, those of you crying that you want the old Yea Forums back, when you really don't. If all threads that were up on Yea Forums exactly 10 years ago were transplanted here right this instant through magic, you'd shout CANCER, cry for mods and blame current social trends.
I dunno, Tohno-chan seems pretty dead.
go back nigger
It was only five years ago.
fucking this so hard
i've tried looking at other alternatives and every single one is caustic hemorrhoids.
it's like no matter how shit this place gets it will never be as shit as other places, no matter how much time passes
They only see what was better, never what was worse. At least considereing the last few years I'm happy the years of secret clubbing and fun is not allowed are over and comfy shitposting can be enjoyed again.
2013 Yea Forums would have hated 2008 Yea Forums, too.
"Reddit" years although I hate the place and haven't seriously used it ever.
It wasn't worth it I would take the actual spambots and tripfags over the stagnant normalfag shit we have now. OC is dead, shitposting is soulless, Yea Forums's light is gone but we still post.
2012, got here right after TWGOK's ending. Missed the shitstorm. That's more than enough to make me a newfag.
i honestly feel that the KLK/samflam combo was truly the last time Yea Forums got together as a whole board
>tfw mogra and r/a/dio inspired me to pick up DJing
>buy equipment conroller, speakers, etc.
>get pretty decent at it
>r/a/dio gets blacklisted by Yea Forums and only comes once a year for the holidays
>tfw will probably never get to DJ for Yea Forums during the holidays on r/a/dio
shit sucks man.
at the very least i can still work towards my dream of DJing for a mogra event
I remember tuning in regularly few years back and everything, but in reality, it was losing interest on Yea Forums before it even got banned
i feel like the loss of interest is due the fact that don't really do much outside of just playlisting,the DJs don't mix or do much for their sets besides press play and let the song play out. when a radio station puts on a DJ either for a event/weekend night/the DJ being the event itself differentiating itself from regular airtime of just songs being playlisted. after the novelty of Yea Forums having it's own radio staton wore off people started losing interest because r/adio stopped feeling like an event and just a bot. it's the reason so many people are excited for mogra because it's an event that brings something different musically everytime for sets
Anons were right about death of Yea Forums in 2019. After New Year I visit Yea Forums less and less. It is abysmal now. To be honest I find Yea Forums more fun than Yea Forums despite all this shitposting. But still there is sometimes good threads in Yea Forums like TF.
2007 when there were Lucky Star threads
no one post Frodo anymore
DiTF was supposed to be that trainwreck that would've united Yea Forums. Unfortunately, "us vs them" and general thread culture made it impossible to have a good board-wide laugh.
>us vs them
He was so fucking wrong.
>Yea Forums is Yea Forums light now
i feel the same way about DiTF i was hoping to just have a good fucking laugh at how dumb franxx continued to get it just more retarded each week, really would have been a great trainwreck but retards ruined it
All that garbage did was pump more normalfags into Yea Forums
Do these things even exist now? We barely even have subcultures anymore because everything gets raided by normalfags and discussed by the mainstream as soon as it exists.
Networks were a fucking mistake. I want the fragmented internet from the early 00s back when people actually had to search to find things or even needed a link to access a certain website because search engines would list half of the things in existence and google was still young and shitty.
your kind is reason why Yea Forums is garbage
Yes, thanks.
The founder of 9gag
Because whenever show gets popular with normalfags they will instinctively go to Yea Forums not their own forums.
Also Yea Forums was already filled with outsiders who didn't know better. Shitty dabbing edits are the proof of that.
I miss the why.jpg
Threads like these make me feel kind of sad, I stopped browsing boards less and less past 2014 (have been here since 2009). Makes you wonder what all caused it or homogenized everything, I blame social media and more people in general using it daily.
>We barely even have subcultures anymore
What? Every thread is reddit vs MAL vs twitter console war. Plus "ironic weeb" froced memes from Yea Forums. Fanbase/subcultures wars pealed in modern Yea Forums. Right now if you dislike something you can call it reddit and that's it.
It's never coming back. You don't hear about movies, books, comics, etc. with the same reach as those series because the mediums are more established and spread out. We'll probably never experience something like the western anime fandom or the early video game community ever again, at least until some new medium is invented.
This. Most user nowadays admit that they have a partner or want one. Hell most people call me crazy for saying that I am not interested in 3DPD because I am faithful to my 2D crush since 2013. Yeah maybe it's crazy but that's not the point. This is Yea Forums. Yea Forums was supposed to be crazy and now it's just normalfag town 2.0.
Same here. I tried every website I could find, even those I hated to begin with but I gave everything a change in case that I might be wrong.
And for cases I couldn't even bother to read the replies to my first post. I just can't bring myself to use these shitholes again. There are a few I used a bit more often but the more time passed the more I hated them and their community. People always say "move on", but there is no place to move to. The internet is absolute shit and no matter how shitty Yea Forums is, it's still the least shittiest place out there to talk about what you love.
I love watching dumbshit with Yea Forums. For example I thought Valvrave was absolute garbage and a trainwreck. But it was also an enjoyable wild ride watching it with Yea Forums. I watched FranXX weekly and the threads were noticeably low quality. Memes and buzzwords that weren't used in Yea Forums were thrown around regularly and I dropped Franxx after watching 2/3 of it because there was no wild ride to enjoy.
A very early newfag from 2007.
I think I have a different definition of what a subculture is. PS fans or Xbox fans are nothing I would ever categorize as a culture, let alone a subculture. Subcultures are something that is meant to be some sikrit club tier thing to some degree, every retarded kid in existence owns consoles nowadays and participates in console wars and they miss everything that makes a culture a culture, like specific symbols, words, clothing style, lifestyle and so on. The lifestyle of a PS fag isn't much different from the lifestyle of a PC gamer fag.
Every popular show goes viral in Yea Forums. Everything touched by Yea Forums is doomed. I always blame Yea Forums. It's not boogeyman at all. It's real. Worst Yea Forums shitpsotes are always someone who watch anime. Always.
At this point I'd take anything over retards who bring crossboarding cancer here and reply with "where do you think you are?" when called out on it.
Not on Yea Forums or Yea Forums, you daft cunts.
Newfag when I started browsing Yea Forums, Cancer when came to Yea Forums.
At least back in 2012 I still received newfag treatment and was scared to post anything for like a year.
This was 2013, wow time does fly
Lots of samefagging went on
it is
it just takes place on a smaller imageboard except for a the Holidays
I just replaced every instance of OPM with Kaguya in my head and it made me sad.
Earliest I can remember posting is 2013, but since you have to lurk 2 years before posting and I obviously followed that rule, I guess I'm cancer.
Kaguya threads have a lot of anons watching the anime live and commenting as they go.
>/l/ is gone
I've been mad since I was 12 and what is this.
I can't believe I'm going to be 30 this year
I love Ayappi
2013 is the year I came here
Oh look, another metashit thread
Check em
Well I remember posting Blue Drop in /u/ around 2007-2008.
The last best year before it went to shit.
I had a friend in middle school, and we'd talk about edgy shit all the time for fun. Neither of us gave a fuck. In high school, we went our separate ways and never really hung out after that. One of the last conversations we had in freshman year, he recommended this place called "fortune" he thought I'd be into.
That was nearly 10 years ago. What a ride.
r9k might not have been the incel shithole it is today but the reason it was broken up was worse than incel shit, it was normalfaggotry. Rate me threads, normalfag advice threads and meetup threads suffocated that board.
r9k was always shit outside of like the first months.
What's the Yea Forums replacement site where I don't have to interact with shounenspics, normalfags, and ironic weebs?
8 is glacial, all the other boards like doushio and fufufu are dead, the liveboards like guca are total shit. I don't want a circlejerk with the same 30 IPs, I want genuine anime discussion with high power level easy going anime fans.
>inb4 learn nip and go to 2ch
2018 was the year that Yea Forums died, but the signs were already there in 2016 from the overmoderation
8 but it's slow. However it's still has "imagebaord" spirit. And
>ironic weebs?
user pls
2011 so a newfag it seems. Better than a plebbit fag
I still make them blue because it has a nostalgic feel to it.
>Dan Kim
Remind the name of second guy who draw with Doomfest. He's painter. His nick is started from D
You're all just like women. You have this thread every month remenicing about the past.
What does it matter there's no saving this place and no going back even mootykins got tierd of you all.
>pc gaming does not exist
Boy did that go right out. Also that splitting Yea Forums thing sounds more like an actual improvement these days.
But getting sad makes me happy.
normalfaggotry was always better than incel bullshit.
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
Cancer according to you, but awesome according to me!
8 Yea Forums was at its best from 2015-2017 unlike this place its just sort of stagnated and I think most posters spend more time here anyway.
You lot are the most pathetic bunch I've ever seen. Imagine taking pride in spending a decade on this shitty forum. Fuck off and die.
Shut up and go to your irl friends to talk about the weather, faggot.
>most pathetic bunch I've ever seen
Imagine being proud of being this new.
Neck yourself you candy-ass phaggot.
Fuck off, who the fuck cares about videogames
Shit i forgot when i came on Yea Forums
It was somewhere 09/10 back then i was still pure
>just eat shit like me
>you'll be happier
Secret club is a moot sanctioned straw man. Nothing's more quintessentially anti poster besides maybe the flailing rage the word "culture" will put team4chan into.
I remember what was worse and repelling non-seasonal posters was not a bug. It was a feature.
There are at least 5 normalfag chatrooms running ad nauseum on Yea Forums. That's what kills boards friend. I was on Yea Forums in 09-11. I saw what happened to it.
moot had his goodbye shitposts on Yea Forums for a reason.
Unfortunately he did an awful lot to undermine why Yea Forums was by far the best fast moving board when he left in 2014.
If there's anyone that was around Yea Forums and one of the other big boy boards like /pol/ or Yea Forums or Yea Forums and you thought Yea Forums was "just like" one or any of them: you are the worst sort of poster.
Moot fucked up kinomod tho and his ID garbage for mods
Hiro and Abib killed modcat