ITT: Non-sexualized characters you jacked off to

ITT: Non-sexualized characters you jacked off to.

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what are you talking about?
she was sexualized as fuck

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I might need some canon evidence for that.

Non-sexualized within the show or just the moment you jacked off to?
Because I once jacked off to a scene of Miyu walking up stairs.

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I fapped to math the most out of all Monogatari girls even with no doujin or fanservice (of the superior version).

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Still sexualized flat or not.I can literally see her breasts.

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That scene was very much not sexual, with her describing how her mother slowly killed herself in front of her while she was a little girl.

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>CV: Marina Inoue
It must have been that.

That's fanart and not sexual.

I like her hat.I wish more anime girls have hats.

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That's actually sickening user. Altair is NOT for lewd

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I see, I can understand that.. however! Why not choosing the superior sister?

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Are they related by any chance?

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>ITT: Non-sexualized
Such characters don't exist user.

>that hat

Miyu is an inherently sexual creature, she doesn't count for this thread.

Of course everything can sexualized outside of canon material but for Altair she didn't even get a beach/onsen episode.Plus most villainesses are sluts to make up for it like Quinella/Esdeath for example.

That only makes me harder. SEXUAL/10

She was too busy plotting the end of the world while the rest of the cast did their onsen scene

Attached: {0A8A3AD5-2DC1-4F9F-B257-9A7801A785C8}.png (673x949, 1.08M)

Also would be nice if someone would scanlate pic related...

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And they got rekt afterwards.

You mean character is so shit with almost 0 porns.

given that I fapped to a crossdressing h doujin of him, but hey

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I did it a few of times. It's a shame there isn't more vanilla stuff with her. It's all either yuri or some mind-break stuff that I don't want to use with one of my favourite characters.

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Kissing is VERY sexual

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>no fight between the military and Altair’s group

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Altair was a wasted potential. Actually the anime is a wasted potential as a whole.

One day I will make a game about her.

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>female character
Unless they're ugly that's not gonna happen. I'll jack to all of them.