Is supposed to be plain and maybe towards ''ugly'' side girl

>Is supposed to be plain and maybe towards ''ugly'' side girl
>Is in fact really pretty
Not really a pet peeve but rather a ehh type of deal. I sometimes don't get authors.

Attached: Manana pajamas.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's 2D what did you expect? Ugly female characters?


>Manana thread

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.00_[2018.09.02_00.15.16].jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

Not to mention Chio-chan has severe case of uncalled

Attached: 1534068602797.jpg (1689x950, 723K)

This is because you judge japanese girls by white roastie standards. A plain japanese girl is a 10/10, while a pure 10 white roastie is a 4 or 5 by japanese standards. Sometimes not even that, it depends on her gimmick (tats, piercings, nigs and so forth).

>A plain japanese girl is a 10/10
Fuck off with 3DPD.
I saw three buses choke full of jks tourists in my city. They're ugly as a brick.

>reddit spacing


How gay is Manana?

For manga readers, remember those clothes she wore when coming to Chio's house and corrupting that chocomaniacgirl for some juicy videogames. Manana stole the chapters by doing nothing than wearing those SASSY SAAAASSY CLOTHES!!!!

God damn I love manananana

Attached: MANANA.png (1035x699, 459K)

What's wrong with her nose though?

Attached: 1533944516590.webm (1280x720, 574K)

Nothing is wrong with it.

Attached: 1515268143133.jpg (460x488, 110K)

>actually finding asian mongoloids attractive

Love that voice.

Well, she's right.

She's a lovely goose.

Attached: 116737.jpg (225x350, 41K)

She can have a taste of my Man-nana if you know what I mean.


I want Chio to pee on me.

why does she look so awful

she's a big girl

I think you mean beautiful.

Attached: Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru - c035-042 (v05) [dig] [JManga]_0001.jpg (1109x1600, 240K)

are ugly girls not possible in anime? I remember one girl from boku no hero during a scene that was ugly as shit. she had some big potato nose, like the artist went out of their way to make her look unattractive.

i'm sure maybe there's one from hinamatsuri, but can't think of any at the moment.

Attached: 88346547.png (900x503, 385K)

>from hinamatsu
Hina is ugly alright

I'd rather have manana spit on me desu

Yeah it's called plain girl moe, newfag.

>Hina is ugly alright
user, I mean ugly. not "she's not my type" ugly, but actual ugly.

pic related doesn't count because she's a) not young, and b) drawn this way for obvious shock value and comedic purpose. I'd like to see a non joke character that's not drawn ugly on purpose, but just happens to look ugly(e.g. that chick from apex)

Attached: 890-.png (213x317, 123K)

Ugly yes, "plain" can be relatively challenging.

Why does Chio always show her panties?


Attached: 1541060106556.jpg (1676x943, 596K)

Peak delusional weeb

I've been to Japan and Japanese girls are very cute but then again I like Asian girls because I'm a chink

Attached: file.png (1310x1920, 1.5M)

I see chink students around where I live. Their girls are cute. Maybe those 3 buses of jks were from the most ugly prefecture in whole glorious Japan.

#2 isn't glowy enough

Who raped their ancestors?

Hokkaido a best. I miss Sapporo

This image is outdated
They deadass just go out in regular fucking skirts now
It could be negative 10 in Hokkaido and the girls will still be wearing short skirts, no stockings, while I'm about two seconds away from hypothermia of the nut under like four layers

I went to Hokkaido for a week 2 months ago and I saw lots of girls dressed in that.

Chink and Nip girls are both cute. I don't find Korean girls cute though

I love Hokkaido too

Mentally ill Yea Forums yellow fever fag

>Mananachio thread

Attached: mananachio.png (1000x945, 176K)

She's pretty but not beautiful.

Isn't that all women? I've been out in the small hours with negative degree weather and the city streets are still chock full of 20 something chicks hanging arounds clubs wearing almost nothing, you've got to have some respect for their dedication towards slutting around

osaka-chan is love. I bet she's the type to go with you to the arcade after school and play shmups until dinner time.

She's kind of greasy and gross looking.

I want to sniff her hair as we cuddle on the sofa.

Anyone here have a megane girl JAV DVD? I need it for research

This. Japanese girls can't be judged by physical attributes alone. Even one with a plain face is going to have a 7 or 8 body at a minimum, by virtue of not being obese like most roasties.

Chio's kinda ugly. More than Hina.

>what is aku no hana

I think you mean dead


Ugly is doable, but plain is just kind of hard. Plain in anime just means "8/10 or better in IRL terms."

why is her nose area permanently red?

Try the JAV threads on /jp/

that just means you like plain ugly girls

Attached: plain jane 220 min.png (446x353, 98K)

irish ancestry

Attached: 1550210290978.png (450x253, 137K)

Look at this canon-ugly specimen. Who would ever marry her?

Attached: 1536183443714.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

On Manana, never got the whole red nose thing. Chio even talks about her 'eternal red nose.' That a thing?
Also one manga trope I hate seeing:
>Sister is a model
>All the other characters are 11/10 bangin' but aren't, and can't become models.

Especially the tomboy.

Attached: 1536012843069.jpg (1677x943, 628K)

>are ugly girls not possible in anime?
Almost all the time they draw a girl that's supposed to be ugly, she's either morbidly obese or looks like a man.

Attached: 19a.png (1233x684, 669K)


Maybe her face hurts

From what?

Attached: 1547580163932.jpg (310x310, 18K)

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Eh. But she is ugly

I wish I was that ugly.

Attached: 1529366686537.jpg (1689x950, 663K)

Attached: 1536943059868.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

This is considered as plain ugly.

Attached: 1536941082457.png (1275x716, 897K)

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I love manana's greasy hair. she probably spends days without washing it.

Have sex.

Incredibly based.

So this is the anime equivalent of tumblr nose.

I want to man Mananas ananas

user Manana is NOT pretty. Neither is Chio.


Manga is escapist. Should've listened to Miyazaki.

>I remember one girl from boku no hero during a scene that was ugly as shit. she had some big potato nose, like the artist went out of their way to make her look unattractive.


Could you provide some details as to the scene? There are background characters who may not be at their best, but I can't recall anyone who got significant screen time who wasn't attractive.

Although Bibimi Kenranzaki does nothing for me.

Could you not space like a spaz?

Remember this hideous monster?

Attached: 67442588_p0.jpg (960x1358, 860K)

Literally my IRL little sister.

Sometimes it's true

Attached: 241461.jpg (225x350, 38K)

>facewide mouth slit

Attached: 1551149098538.gif (640x480, 730K)

Sorry I triggered your autism, user.

Don't be, just kindly slit your throat you reddit trash.

Attached: 1527924189633.jpg (1676x943, 518K)

And deprive you of the pleasure of my presence and instruction?

I cannot be that cruel, user.


Attached: 1485838539543.gif (466x350, 356K)

You are the aids equivalent of a human

Post pics