Layton Mystery Tanteisha Katri no Nazotoki File

It's the best time of the week. A new Layton episode.

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Yeah I can't believe it's been almost a year since the show started.

Oh no, did she finally start paying people for anal?

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I would put it in her butt for free. Just saying.

Reminder that Katry loves anal.

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What the fuck did he see.

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By the way, this episode is part one of this particular plot line. It ends in a cliff hanger and will be continued next week.

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He found Katri's nude pics.

How is Professor Layton going to react to Ernest pursuing his daughterfu?

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>Ernest has been helping these multimillionaires just so he can dig dirt on them and use it in his master plan
>was probably seething the entire time

Is he going to go nuclear at the end of part 2?

>professor layton brutally stabs an innocent man

He was surprisingly smarter this episode than usual.

He doesn't seem very happy about it.

Subs quickly this time I hope, since it's a actual story episode this time. If I have to wait a week though, that's fine.

>finding nudes of your crush in some other guy's basement
I wouldn't be happy either.

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>using a dependent clause as a full sentence
I finally found improper English in the show.

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>Ernest why are you so tired
>Oh I was studying for exams all night

Yes studying how best to kill his enemies by trapping them in a puzzle mansion

Have an angry Katrielle

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Will Kat head pat Ernest when he cries and begs for forgiveness at the end of part 2?

RIP Noah

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He deserves it.

If it wasn't for Noah you wouldn't have this.

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If he just got the hint (coin)

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How would Professor Layton react to know his daughter has been dressing like that and was threatened to dress up like a bunny girl in a scummy casino?

She's a big girl, I'm sure he'd support her chosen lifestyle so long as she promises to be safe.

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>actually thinking he could outsmart a Layton and bankrupt London by removing all of it's upper class
It's still funny

Being a slut is never okay though.

You know would be a good twist?
Ernest doesn't redeem himself after his ploy and joins forces with the new main villain

Where the FUCK is my girl Flora

Hostess/Bunny girls are not sluts you dingus.

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If Flora showed up in the anime she would completely upstage Kat because she's a better girl. So she can't appear.


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How the hell is this not simulcasted?

Are Level 5 being douches?

I wonder how well Kats game did in the west. We didn't even get the Switch port.

hell yeah finally

I think it did average, but nothing all that much different from other Layton games. Shame though, the series really is pretty fun, as for the port, they might not bother since we did get the 3DS port.

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Is the loli cute?
Thinking of picking this up.

Actual spoilers for the game: he set the whole thing up and is leading the millionaires to admit a crime he thinks they committed.