Why doesn't Shinsekai yori get more love? It's a clear 10/10

Why doesn't Shinsekai yori get more love? It's a clear 10/10.

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What are you talking about? I thought it was worse than SAO

t. digibro brainlet

Insecure brainlets couldn't handle homoeroticism.

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couldnt get past 2 episodes
it was so boring

It's a slow-burn masterpiece.
I find Shinsekai yori a huge breath of fresh air compared to all of the fast-paced shitters flooding modern anime

I think a lot of people couldn't push past episode 8. I am a stickler for fan service and really think it tears down show, but this is the one I give it a pass, because all the sexual elements of the show are honest to god world building that is an important part of the show. You can't say that in many other shows that have a sexual element.

Haha y-yeah. Look at how p-pretty it is.

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Shinsekai Yori is one of those rare shows that really confuses me. It's a genuine 3/10 pile of trash by every metric and yet there are a surprising number of people who think it's not only good but great. I really don't understand that.

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>sex stuff done right
Not only that, but I feel it also bypasses most of the other annoying anime tropes and pitfalls
What about it warrants 3/10 for you?

-Thorough and elaborate world building
-Plenty of questions and mysteries to chew on through the series
-A great example of using the strengths of the animation medium to explore high contempt ideas through fantasy.
-Despite being fantasy it has lasting consequences and change for the actions of the main characters which takes 4x the amount of episode in comparable shows

Fuck off

Go to bed, digibro

SSY is shit, but I really really really like Log Horizon. Teehee~~

I watched and thought the world-building was incredible. But the most interesting character the bishounen mask boy was killed off. so i stopped watching it

It's got good ideas and a satisfying payoff but was a chore to watch at times.
Gonna be a 7/10 from me.

Squealer was the only interest character, everyone else was boring.

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Phenomenal start, went downhill very quickly after the introduction of the moles. 3/10

It was absolutely terrible at the start.
>a bunch of whiny little kids playing uninteresting games
>mascot infodumping a wall of text on the boat
>non existence white background that can give bleach a run for its money
>the good climax couldn't even cover up all the flaws that plague the series throughout its run
It is no surprise that both here and nips heavily panned the show.

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it's worse than sao

Why are there so many mindless digibro parrots here?

Christ this list is awful.

Fuck off, stop trying to force some e-celebs relevancy, faggot.

>using that list to defend any argument

I love it to pieces. I agree with the notion that it goes over alot of people's heads and does go into pretension a bit here and there. But that being said its probably one of the best scifi series out there. Certainly underrated.

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You really should stop outside your little bubble once in awhile its actually quite fun out here.

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It actually gets recommended alot, but it aired years ago. Most discussion about it is over.

Still in the Top 10 of this decade, easily. Feels like a 2004-2007 anime when sci-fi anime were at peak kino levels.

shit series, about degenerates pk users that deserve to go extinct, attracts degenerate posters. imagine my shock. tell me hows this batch of meow mix for my feline friends?

I thought it was excellent, but i´m not paid to advertise it.

I Swear the thumbnail looks like something from lion king

It jumps between being really good and mediocre, a lot of the stuff in the middle about the memory wipes is more like a run of the mill dystopian young adult novel than anything else.

This Squealer is anime Stalin and a best

That list is a monument to human stupidity and shitaste

There's people outsie, they may talk to me.

Because 90% of the anime fan base are normie manchildren who love shows about laughs, lolies and pantsushots, nah?
They are not interesting in any "adult" genre and the japanese TV companies are not interested in promoting something that shows suicide, philosophy and stuff like that?
Why do we need "serious" anime about adult people who deal with their problems and emotions when we call just make an isekai adaptation?
We need more miniskirts, more stockings, more D cup boobs, more lolies, more comedies about school and such.

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But memory wipes serves the important purpose of controlling the population, and youth especially, to keep everyone stable-minded enough to prevent fiends


Honestly? Because it's not enjoyable. It's dark, depressing, and there are no heroes or winners. It feels like a murder mystery where the protagonist discovers they are the murderer.

It also pretty much incorporates almost all the nastiness of society; Authoritarianism, social control, artificial selection, slavery, genocide, and torture. Then it shows it in a positive light as just being the way things have too be.

On top of that, nothing is truly explained and everything is just hinted at, which makes it less appealing for those who just want to veg out.

So, it may be good, but it's certainly not something that can be enjoyed.

Squealer Did Nothing Wrong

What makes SSY interesting is that it is a dystopia brought about by the rise of individual power rather than it´s suppression, and turns the idea of the government fearing it´s people into a nightmare.

So when you give the dystopia traditional methods of controlling people, the reader can´t wish for them to disappear like in say 1984 or brave new world...

I love shows where characters have fewer personality traits than eyeballs.

I kind of hate this series, but apparently some e-celeb does too and it became popular for retards to dislike it, which makes me feel unclean by association.

It's also annoying that many of the people defending it seem to fall back to this kind of non-argument that its detractors are just manchild philistines who can't appreciate quality, when SSY adapts what's just a mediocre sci-fi young adult novel, and there are much better literary adaptations out there, like Aoi Bungaku or Mouryou no Hako.